Sample Print Out from Data Studio

Screen Shot of the PlotX File

A PlotX file is a proprietary file format I created around the year 2000 that has several advantages over PDF:

bulletit can rotate the continuous output to horizontal
bulletit can print to our continuous plotters. PDF does not understand the business logic of squeezing horizontally to fit the paper width without also squeezing vertically. This is necessary because a plot has a legally binding scale requirement required by our customers.
bulletit is faster than PDF
bulletit is smaller than PDF

PDF Output

One of the standard deliverables to our customers is a fan folded continuous plot, but this has slowly moved to the PDF file format that every platform supports.

Here are a couple of PDFs of the sample output. Notice how sensitive customer data has been redacted out--the VDM data dictionary component reports this information to graphical and data components when the information is generated and if the application sets the redact property to true, the sensitive information is automatically redacted. This applies to both graphical output (screen, printer, PDF, CGM, TIFF, etc.) and data deliverables like DLIS, LAS, and ASC files.



horizontal rule

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