| Broomtail: I Remember My Brother Broomtail |
 | Will Block, Sr. my father |
 | Sarah Jane Block my mother |
 | Lucky Stiffs: I Remember “The Lucky Stiffs” |
 | Ruhr Area |
 | Bootlegging: Area’s history of bootlegging soared during
Prohibition |
 | Suckersville: My dad and I once got stuck in Suckersville |
 | Simmerath: Christmas week In Simmerath--the baptism of fire of
the 309th Infantry Regiment. |
 | Gambling: Foxy advice on gambling serves well |
 | Sarge: Sorry, Sarge, youll have to take my heart |
 | Big Tooth: Demise of Reptilian Big Tooth drew crowds |
 | Needy: Bringing joy to the needy in Depression was fulfilling |
 | Cemetery: Broomtail and I Met the Ku Klux Klan |
 | River Rat Boys: A factual occurrence about Will Block Sr.,
embellished with poetic license, as seen through the eyes of his eleven-year-old son W. T.
Block, Jr. |
 | Skunk: No man is an island unless hunted skunk
launches scent |
 | Depression was depressing, except brother's paddling |
 | Bootlegging brothers' joy short-lived |
 | Pranks rule 'olden days' celebrations of Halloween |
 | Spooky legend lives on |