By W. T. Block

- It was a night the Druids crave,
- When hellish legions flee the grave
- And head for Bristol's keep,
- When murderers escape their lairs,
- Their hangman ropes enlaced with hairs,
- Entwined like snakes asleep

- Down poured the rain on Bristol's quays,
- Where ships of every nation raise
- Their masts in trim salute.
- And in the slums along the shore
- The sailors swill and then explore
- Abodes of grim repute.

- Amid the gloom of shanty town
- A tiny mission did abound
- With gospel, grub and tune.
- And sailors stopped between their rum
- As others did throughout the slum
- To hear old Tom McCune.

- There on All Hallows Eve at night
- Old Tom stood by the mission site
- And watched the pounding rain.
- When from the shadows three men raced
- Into the mission door and placed
- A drunk in grievous pain.

- His breath reeked high of rum and rye,
- And bloody threads adorned his eye.
- A fever wracked his brain.
- Old Tom bent low and felt his head,
- Then tucked the sot away in bed
- In clothing dry of rain.

- His quivering lips bespoke of ships,
- Of years and years on ocean trips,
- Of wine and women too.
- And underneath his dimpled chin
- Were swollen knots upon the skin
- Of deadly purple hue.

- "Rum, rum, I need!" the drunk did plead
- And from his nose began to bleed.
- "I'll pay you!" he did state.
- And lo! Within his bony grasp,
- He held a coin so tightly clasped,
- A shining piece of eight.

- "I have no rum," the chaplain said
- As close beside the drunkard's bed
- He placed a bowl of broth.
- Tom's youngster fed him through a straw
- As Tom massaged the drunkard's brow
- With a dampened cotton cloth.

- "My ship, my ship, where is my ship?"
- The sailor gasped with whispered lip.
- "I see my captain now."
- Then with a jerk he sat upright.
- Beyond the room with glassy sight
- He saw a spectral prow.

- "Come now, my Sire, we must away
- Unto the land of living day
- Where icy jaws impale.
- Tomorrow's dawn is twenty years
- Since last you played at chess with peers
- And luck on you befell."

- "Ah, come, my helmsman, point the bow
- Unto the southern icy flow,"
- The spectral captain said.
- "And there I'll meet the other two.
- Such peers at chess I never knew -
- Elect among the dead."

- "How long, my Sire, beneath the stars
- Since first we lashed our sails to spars?"
- He asked upon the deck.
- The helmsman like, beneath his chin
- The buboes bulged the purple skin
- Upon the specter's neck.

- "Of years, eight score or likely more
- Ago, from Thames' beloved shore.
- It seems not such a while.
- With rogues insane and thieves in chain,
- A hundred weary souls in pain,
- We sailed for Norfolk Isle."

- "But never Norfolk Isle we find.
- The winds around that isle of pine
- Lash out before the mast.
- And though my ghoulish crew may strain
- To reach that isle of prison chain,
- We fail before the blast."

- The phantom hellship sped on down.
- In twenty hours she came aground
- Within Antarctic's jaws.
- Beside her stood a spectral bark,
- A slave ship filled with pagans dark,
- Engulfed in icy claws.

- A stub-nosed whaler yawed her sails
- Nearby in Neptune's wintry gales
- And stood ensnared to port.
- Her handsome skipper, Captain Rye,
- A pock-faced corpse a fathom high,
- Seemed such a cheery sort.

- These phantom skippers were no less
- Than first to play the game of chess
- Upon this frigid strand.
- These demons three of bastard birth
- Are verily of proven worth -
- Elect among the Damned.

- For forty days two demons first
- Moved out their men and loudly cursed
- While Rye stood by and viewed.
- Then one of them, the helmsman's sire,
- To win again he did aspire,
- And was with luck imbued.

- The slaver spook moved back a breadth,
- His skull as white as choleric death,
- And cursed a vicious oath.
- Then Rye sat down to try his hand.
- At last, the helmsman's sire began
- "Ah ha! I've beat you both!"

- Nearby across the glassy ice
- The first mates tossed the ivory dice.
- One shrieked in mirthful tone.
- He gathered in the guineas gild,
- Pieces of eight, and gold until
- He picked up bone with bone.

- A hoary rat exhaled his breath,
- The one that brought the kiss of death,
- Sat on the specter's head.
- When all the chessmen back were stored
- Upon the devil's fleet aboard,
- The purple specter said.

- "Where go you now, O Slaver Ghost
- With all of your devilish pagan host
- Till twenty years have ceased?'
- "To Falkland's Isles where winds are fierce.
- For twenty more I'll try to pierce
- The passage to the east."

- "For twenty more I will explore
- To sail through Norfolk's tempest roar,
- And on its shore I'll bask.
- And you, O Rye, where go you then
- Till time for us to meet again?"
- The purple specter asked

- "Two decades round this icy mound
- I'll sail till next we come aground."
- So spoke the pock-faced spook.
- "The first of us to roll eleven
- Will first in nineteen ninety-seven
- Move king or queen or rook."

- And on the decks of Satan's fleet
- Rattled the chains on shackled feet
- As bony dancers danced.
- The pagan slaves wailed tones of woe
- Like all the hellish hosts below
- As scores of skeletons pranced.

- But hold! My story's not yet told.
- The sun released the talons cold
- That gripped the specter ships.
- The Devil's saints came on the decks,
- Hung sail upon their derelicts
- And sped them on their trips.

- At last the sailor's voice grew hoarse.
- The Devil's saint had run his course.
- He fell back down again.
- His breathing stopped upon the bed.
- His eyeballs sunk into his head.
- The coin fell from his hand.

- "Put down your straw of soup, my son.
- At last, the Devil's work is done."
- Tom spoke his shrill command.
- "Pick up the bowl of broth, the coin.
- Methinks he now has gone to join
- The Elect among the Damned!"