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The Chronicles of the Early Families of Nederland, Texas Volume 1
This is a copy of a manuscript that was written
in 1991 but never published. W. T. made copies and distributed them to several
local libraries. Half of the original files were not available, so this book is
an Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
of one of the library's copies I was able to locate. When available, the
original files and images were used instead of the photocopied images. If the
original photographs were not available, I scanned the images from the library's
photocopied images which were extremely low quality and then performed some
image enhancements to improve them a small amount.
My initial instinct was not to publish this book since some of the original
computer files were lost. After seeing the amount of work W. T. and these
families invested in preserving this history, their descendants deserved to have
access to the information even if it was not the most sophisticated format.
--W. T. Block III, son of the
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This is the first volume of a series of five
books. In this volume, the following family histories are included:
Table of Contents
The Prologue 4
Part A: A History Of The Gerrit Terwey Family 8
Part B: The Martin and Conrad Wagner Families 11
Wagner Family Necrology 15
Part C: The Jacob (Jake) Doornbos Family 16
Jacob Doornbos Necrology 18
Part D: The van Heiningen Families 19
Part E: The Koelemay Families 21
Koelemay Family Necrology 34
Part F: The Watson Louis Freeman Family 35
Nederland about 1900. 35
Freeman Necrology 36
Part G: The Hugh D. Kitchen Family 37
Part H: The Rene Bourque Family 44
Part I: The Lee Meredith and Melvin Williams Families 51
Meredith and Williams Necrology 53
Part J: A History of the John Kaper, Sr. Family 54
Part K: The Histories of the E. Hayes, U. B. Morgan, Horace Boudreaux, and
Lloyd Derouen Families 57
Part L: A History of the Dr. Robert Emmett and Jean Yarbrough Moore Family
Part Ma: The James Hector McNeill Family 61
Part Mb: The C. Bruinsma and William Devries Families 64
Part N: A History of the Fred Alton, Sr. and Dr. Fred Alton Roach, Jr.
Families 66
Part O: The Thomas Edwin Lee, Sr. Family 68
Part P: History of the Thomas E. Lee, Jr. Family 70
Part Q: A History of The Peter Terwey Family 72
Part R: A History of the Martin George Block Family 74
Part S: A History of the Elmer Henry Spencer Family 78
Part T: A History of the Christiaan Marie Willem Rauwerda Family 80
Part U: A History of the Clyde Edward Gibson Family 82
Part V: A History of the Emory Asa "Bud" Smith and Emmett Theodore Smith,
Sr. Families 83
Part W: A History of the Bauke Westerterp Family 86
Part X: Memoirs of My Life with Dr. Burnette Hall 96
Part Y: Taped Memoirs of Elizabeth Brock (Mrs. Clyde Edward) Gibson
Transcribed to Paper 103
Part Z: A History of the John Bunyan Cooke, Sr., Family 109
Index 112
Alton, Sr., Fred 66
Anderson, Bertha 52
Anderson, Bertha Meredith 53
Anderson, C. E. 52
Anderson, Mrs. 53
Anderson, Mrs. Bertha 51
Annema, Elizabeth Lefferts 86
Anthony, St. 5
Arnold, G. B. 53
Arsement, Evelyn Mrs. Lionel 15
Arsement, Lionel 15
Arthur, Caroline 83
Arthur, Caroline Milberry 83
Ballast, D. 64
Ballast, Mrs. Dirk 19
Barr, J. Alvin 55
Barr, J. W. 55, 62
Baucum, Verble 52
Beadle, Caroline Matilda 74, 83
Beagle, Sr., Victor 77
Beard, Harry 36
Bell, Bradley 62, 107
Bell, Bradley W. 61
Berlin, C. C. 77
Berlin, William 77
Beukers, Willem 19, 86
Block, Abbie 74, 75
Block, Albert 74, 75
Block, Albert Asa 32
Block, Albert J. B. 74
Block, Augusta Wippenitz 74
Block, Clara 11, 15, 32
Block, Dora Koelemay 31
Block, Earnest 74
Block, Farris 77
Block, G. F. 75
Block, George Frederick 74, 75
Block, M. G. 75, 76, 77
Block, Martin 74, 75, 76, 77
Block, Martin G. 74
Block, Martin George 74
Block, Martin George Frederick 74
Block, Sally 75, 77
Block, Ursula 11, 74
Block, W. T. 1, 4, 21, 35, 53, 59, 78, 83, 84, 86, 91, 109
Block, Will 21, 31, 32, 34, 74, 75, 76
Bodemuller, Cornelia 17
Bodemuller, Helena Doornbos 17
Boudreaux, Cerelia M. 69
Boudreaux, Gladys 57
Boudreaux, Jr., Horace 57
Boudreaux, Sr., Horace 57
Bourque, Anite 44
Bourque, Clarence 44
Bourque, Claude 44
Bourque, Irene 44
Bourque, Johnnie 44
Bourque, Laura 44
Bourque, Mrs. Claude 44
Bourque, Mrs. Rene 44
Bourque, Rene 44
Bourque, Scootie 44
Bradley, Josiah 68
Brock, Elizabeth 82, 103
Broussard, Irene Bourque 44
Broussard, Mrs. Irene 44
Broussard, Sidney L. 107
Bruinsma, C. 64
Bruinsma, Miss Anka 72
Bruinsma, Mrs. Carolus 64
Bryant, Minnie 51
Bumfin, Mrs. J. C. 66
Bunyan, John 32, 109
Buskirk, Van 36
Butler, Frank 105, 106
Butler, Roy 106
Butler, Vernon 106
Butlers, Frank 105
Calhoun, Sarah 75
Callon, Dorothy 86
Callon, Dorothy Mrs. Gerald 92
Campbell, Mrs. Ollie 51
Caraway, Hiram 107
Carter, S. R. 32
Carter, Sebe Richard 21, 32, 34
Caswell, George 74
Catherine, Anna 80
Cessac, Dr. Fred 57
Cessac, Oliver 51
Cessac, Preston 81
Christiaan, James 80
Collum, Essie 104
Cook, Mrs. Shirley 82
Cooke, Berthold 61, 62
Cooke, Bunyan 109
Cooke, Edith 78, 110
Cooke, Harold 111
Cooke, J. B. 37, 78, 109, 110, 111
Cooke, John Bunyan 109
Cooke, Jr., J. B. 110
Cooke, Louise 109
Cooke, Mrs. 109, 110, 111
Cooke, Mrs. Edith Spencer Mrs. 104
Cooke, Mrs. J. B. 104
Cooke, Myra 32, 34
Cooke, Sr., J. B. 37, 109
Cooke, Sr., John B. 111
Cooke, Sr., John Bunyan 109
Cooley, Anna 32
Cooley, Mrs. Anna 32
Crain, Elias 75
Crain, Martin A. 75
Crain, Sarah Ellen Sally 75
Crampton, Mrs. Claude 55
Crenshaw, Rosa Dieu Block 32
Cuniff, Faye 77
D'Abade, Anna Dora Mrs. J. C. 91
Daigle, Roberta Mrs. B. A. 91
Daniel, Mrs. Sammie Jo 51
Davis, Weldon 62
Decuir, Lula 91
Decuir, Mrs. Henry 103
Decuir, Ollie 92
Delcambre, Curley 57
Delong, E. P. 51
Derouen Sr., Lloyd 57
Derouen, Christine 57
Derouen, Eloise 57
Derouen, Gladys Hayes 57
Derouen, Jr., Lloyd 57
Derouen, Lloyd 57
Derouen, Norman 57
Derouen, Sr., Lloyd 57
Devries, Mr. William 64
Devries, William 64, 65
Dianne, Rachel 60
Dolman, Isaac W. 35
Doornbos, C. 44
Doornbos, Heino Harmanus 16
Doornbos, J. 17
Doornbos, Jacob 16, 17, 18, 20
Doornbos, Jacob Jake 16
Doornbos, Jake 17, 108
Doornbos, Mr. C. 107
Doornbos, Mrs. Jacob 19
Doornbos, Mrs. Jake 17
Doornbos, Pete M. H. 17, 18
Doornbos, Stientje Derks Bouwman 16
Doty, Alexander 60
Doty, Edward 59
Drake, Annie Jean 36
Ebanks, Jerry Keith 70
Elizabeth, Annie 60
Elizabeth, Villa 81
Ellis, Billy 81
Ellis, Mrs. Oma 79
Ellis, Mrs. Pat 80
Ellis, Pat 81
Emmett, Dr. Robert 59
Emmett, Jr., Theo 85
Farris, Adele 77
Fisher, Mary Ann 35
Flanagan, Earnest 53
Fleming, Marie 104, 106
Fleming, Mrs. Marie Rienstra 1, 4
Floy, Verna Gibson}} 108
Foster, Faye 44
Fowler, Nellie Rauwerda 80
Fowler, William Rayford 80
Franke, Leona 111
Freeman, C. L. 35
Freeman, Coryell L. 35
Freeman, Coryell Louis Bud 36
Freeman, Isaac Ike 36
Freeman, Louis 35, 36
Freeman, Mabel 36
Freeman, Martha Pattie 36
Freeman, Oma 36
Freeman, Pattie 36
Freeman, Thomas 35
Freeman, W. L. 35, 36
Freeman, Willie Lee 36
Furby, A. K. 15, 51
Gardner, Mattie 11, 13
Gardner, Mrs. Mattie 106
Garrett, Loretta 36
Gerbens, Robert 91
Gibson, C. E. 52, 82
Gibson, Charles Wellington 108
Gibson, Clyde 82
Gibson, Clyde E. 103
Gibson, Clyde Edward 82
Gibson, Elizabeth Brock Mrs. Clyde Edward 103
Gibson, Henry H. 82
Gibson, Mrs. C. E. 82
Gibson, Mrs. Elizabeth 103
Gibson, Ruth Tootsie 82
Gillispie, Marguerite 85
Gilmore, Ethel Mrs. Emory 79, 110
Girouard, Beulah M. 68
Gober, Nettye Maye 62
Gonzales, Henry 77
Goodrich, B. F. 91
Goodwin, John R. 110
Goodwin, Mrs. Bob 52
Goodwin, R. A. 110
Goodwin, Reverend William J. 110
Goodwin, Robert A. 110
Goolsbee, Katie Block 32
Goudkade, Helena 18, 19
Gray, James P. 70
Gray, Lacy Lou Clark 70
Gray, Mrs. Lacy 70
Greenberg, Robert N. 77
Greer, Hal W. 20
Griffin, Earnest Kent 70
Griffin, Mrs. Frank 107
Griffin, W. H. 84
Grotto, Cashan 92
Groves, Asa E. 109
Groves, Young Miss Louise 109
Guilbeau, Dewey 107
Hagens, Geraldine 80
Haizlip, Dr. 4, 5, 61, 106
Haizlip, Dr. J. H. 4
Haizlip, Dr. John H. 61
Hall, Dorothy Katherine Haltom 96
Hall, Dorothy Mrs. B. H. 96
Hall, Dr. 96
Hall, Dr. Burnette 96
Hall, Dr. Burnette H. 96
Hall, Eric Scott 96
Hall, Henry Stevenson 96
Hall, Mary 96
Haltom, David Lee 96
Haltom, Edward 96
Haltom, Guy Trevanian 96
Haltom, Jr., Dr. Guy Trevanian 96
Haltom, Kado 96
Haog, Wilma Jane 70
Hartwig, Mrs. Lewis 110
Harvey, Mrs. Jean 92
Hawkins, C. C. 42
Haydel, Annie Caroline 60
Hayes, Eraste 57
Hayes, Gladys 57
Hebert, Jerry 60
Hebert, Jerry Dean 60
Hector, James 61, 62
Heiningen, Van 20
Helen, St. 59
Henderson, Mrs. John 85
Hering, Minnie 54
Hill, Rocky 61
Hines, Dr. J. C. 59, 96
Hise, Jr., J. W. 82
Hodges, Mrs. J. P. 55
Hodges, Rob 55
Hogg, Louise 67
Holcombe, Mrs. Annie Bruinsma 64
Holman, James 35
Holman, James S. 35
Holman, Martha Pattie Wilson 35
Hooks, Bert 77
Hooks, Dr. Murray 77
Hooks, Wintress 77
Houston, Sam 35
Hudson, Irma 105
Hudson, Ray 105
Hyde, James 61, 62
Ingwersen, Mrs. C. T. 52
Irvin, Gina 57
Jackson, Andrew 83
Jackson, E. W. 17
James, William 62
Janelle, Betty 111
Jensenius, Donna Kay 60
Johnson, C. X. 42, 74, 107
Johnson, Charlie X. 66
Johnson, Jr., Mrs. O. S. 36
Johnson, Martha 68
Johnson, Martha Ann 68
Johnson, Mrs. Sherrill 35
Johnson, Robert 68
Johnson's, Mrs. Andrew 104
Jones, J. Coleman 103
Jones, James W. 103
Joyce, Whitney 60
Kaper III, John 55
Kaper Sr., John 55
Kaper, Angelina 54
Kaper, Captain John 62
Kaper, John 54, 55
Kaper, Jr., John 55
Kaper, Minnie 55, 66
Kaper, Miss Angelina 66
Kaper, Pieter 54
Kaper, Sr., John 54, 55
Katherine, Marjorie 67
Keeney, Floyd 108
Keith, Florence 107
Keith, George 107
Keith, Gerald 70
Kellner, Bill 51
Kellner, Earnest 51
Kelly's, Claude 108
Kennedy, Mrs. Roland 107
Kilsdonk, Mr. G. W. J. 19
Kirk, Goodwin 70
Kitchen, Anna 41, 42, 43
Kitchen, Celeste 37, 41, 42
Kitchen, Earl 43
Kitchen, Hugh 37, 41, 42, 110
Kitchen, Hugh D. 37
Kitchen, Margaret 41
Knight, Anna Block 32
Koekoek, Antje Willems 86
Koelemay, Anna 33
Koelemay, Carl John 32
Koelemay, Dieuwertje Dora 21, 32
Koelemay, Dora 31
Koelemay, James 110
Koelemay, John 21, 31, 34, 91
Koelemay, Jr., Martin 31
Koelemay, K. 32
Koelemay, Klaas 32, 34
Koelemay, Klaasje Clara 21, 32
Koelemay, Lawrence 32, 34, 110
Koelemay, M. 91
Koelemay, Marlin 91
Koelemay, Martin 31, 32, 33, 34, 91
Koelemay, Mrs. Nancy 31
Koelemay, Myra 32
Koelemay, Nelly 32
Koelemay, Pete 19
Koelemay, Piet 21, 91
Koelemay, Pieter 21, 34
Koelemay, Rev. Ralph 33, 86, 91
Koelemay, Reverend John Bunyan 110
Koelemay, Sr., Maarten 21, 33, 34
Koelemay, Tryntjc Kate 21
Koelemay, Tryntje Kate 32
Kruger, Stephanas Johannes Paulus 9
Kuipers, Albert 6
Langham, Bluitt 76
Langham, Emily 52
Langham, Mr. Biuitt 52
Larkin, Emily 67
Latimer, Emy 80
Latimer, James L. 80
LeBlanc, Croppo 105
Ledet, Lucille 80
Lee, Arthur E. 68
Lee, Beulah Girouard 68, 70
Lee, Bulinda Ann 70
Lee, Deborah J. 70
Lee, Edith 53
Lee, Edwin 68
Lee, Foster M. Skeeter 68
Lee, Gerrit 80
Lee, James F. 68
Lee, James Frederick 68
Lee, James Gray 70
Lee, Jane 68
Lee, Jane Poole 68
Lee, Joyce Marie 68
Lee, Jr., Thomas E. 68, 70
Lee, Jr., Thomas Edwin 70
Lee, Jr., Tom 69, 70
Lee, Nell Gray 70
Lee, Neva Ann 68
Lee, Skeeter 68
Lee, Sr., Thomas E. 68, 70
Lee, Sr., Thomas Edwin 68, 70
Lee, Sr., Tom 68, 69
Lee, Tom 68, 69, 70
Leffingwell, Helena Mrs. S. D. 91
Lejeune, Dave 44
Lester, Edna 31
Lewellen, Marilyn 72
Lewellen, Mrs. Emma 65, 72
Lucke, M. L. 105
Macomber, Mrs. E. 52
Maria, Miss Cornelia 16
Marie, Miss Cornelia 19
Marie, Nicole 57
Mary, St. 59, 85
Mary's, St. 59, 85
McCuller, Mrs. Winnie Belle 51
McDonald Jr., Otis 66
McDonald, Dr. Otis Henry 66
McDonald, John 66
McDonald, Majorie 66
McDonald, Mrs. O. H. 55
McDonald, Susie Lee Stewart 66
McElheny, Lois 62
McFarland, Dr. H. O. 67
McFarland, Mrs. H. O. 55
McFarland, Theresa Kaper 54
McMinn, Peggy Elizabeth 60
McNeill, Alan 62
McNeill, Dr. Jack Gober 62
McNeill, Frances 110
McNeill, J. H. 110
McNeill, James 62
McNeill, James H. 62
McNeill, James Hector 61, 62
McNeill, John Paul 62
McNeill, Minnie 61, 62
McNeill, Mr. 62
McNeill, Mrs. 61, 62
McNeill, Robert Clinton 62
McNeill, Sr., James 62
McNeill, Sr., James Hector 61
McNeill, W. T. 62
Meaux, John Baptiste 84
Meaux, Johnny 84
Meaux, Willie Mae 83, 84
Meredith, Iverson 53
Meredith, Lee 51, 52, 53
Meredith, Lee D. 52
Meredith, Neal 51
Milam, Ben 35
Miller, Calise 77
Miller, Margaret 42
Miller, Mrs. Conrad 41, 42
Milligan, Hall 96
Mizell, L. 44
Montgomery, George C. 52
Moore, D. E. 59
Moore, Daniel E. 59
Moore, Daniel Emmet 59
Moore, Don Edward 60
Moore, Donna 60
Moore, Dr. 59, 60
Moore, Dr. Robert Emmet 59
Moore, Gary Emmet 60
Moore, Grace Annette Doty 59
Moore, Grace Doty 59
Moore, Jean 59, 60
Moore, Jean Yarbrough 59
Moore, Mary Ann 60
Moore, Peggy 60
Moore, Robert Emmet 59
Moorer, Mrs. J. C. 65
Moorer, Mrs. Wilma 72
Morgan, Gladys 57
Morgan, Mollie 57
Morgan, U. B. 57
Morgan, Urshel Billy 57
Mudd, Mrs. Rainey 65
Murray, Margaret Burnham 92
Murray, Oliver 107
Nelson, Harry 36
Newton, John Wade 55
Newton, Mrs. B. O. 55
Nijdam, Willem Sietzes 86
Patridge, Cyrus 74
Paul, John 61, 62
Payne, Louis 36
Pemberton, Charles 91
Pemberton, Cleve 91, 92
Pemberton, James 91
Pemberton, Lena 91, 92
Pemberton, Rev. Cecil 91
Peveto, Jr., Michael 83
Peveto, Laura 83
Peveto, Michael 83
Peveto, Sr., Michael 83
Peveto, Tassie 84
Phillips, Clara Block 32
Picklaps, Sophia Pavell 74
Picton, D. M. 55
Poage, Katherine Mrs. J. K. 110
Poole, Jane 68
Prejean, Mrs. Betty 65
Premeaux, Mrs. Laura 44
Premeaux, Presley 44
Price, Gladys 15
Price, Gladys Mrs. Walter 15
Propes, Horace 104
Propst, Maurice E. 104
Quick, W. D. 1, 4, 35
Rauwerda, Chris 81
Rauwerda, Christiaan M. W. 81
Rauwerda, Christiaan Marie Willem 80
Rauwerda, Christian 10, 80
Rauwerda, Christian Marie Willem 80
Rauwerda, Gerrit 80
Rauwerda, Gerrit Dutch 80
Rauwerda, Immetje Emy 80
Rauwerda, Jurjentje 80
Rauwerda, Petronella Elizabeth Nellie 80
Rauwerda, Willem 80, 81
Rauwerda, William 80
Redd, Jr., J. L. 106
Redd, Rev. J. L. 106
Reed, Will 51, 53
Rhode, Annie Mae 59
Richardson, Dr. O. J. 59
Rickmers, Ellen 86
Rien, Jurjentje 80
Rienstra II, Jan G. 33
Rienstra, Anna Antje 32
Rienstra, D. J. 107
Rienstra, D. X. 43
Rienstra, Dan 75
Rienstra, Dan J. 75
Rienstra, Dr. R. B. 59
Rienstra, George 32
Rienstra, Jan Gatze 32
Rienstra, M. Sandy 32
Rienstra, Martin Sandy 32
Rienstra, Neltje Nelly 32
Rienstra, Sandy 32
Rienstra, Sr., Gatze Jan George 21
Rienstra, Tante Tryn Tryntje Koelemay 5
Ritter, Woodard Tex 41
Roach III, Frederick Alton Rickie 67
Roach, Christine 67
Roach, Dr. F. A. 106
Roach, F. A. 15, 66, 68
Roach, Fred 66, 67
Roach, Ida Hall 66
Roach, John Brown 66
Roach, Jr., Dr. Fred Alton 66
Roach, Jr., Fred 66, 67
Roach, Louise 67
Roach, Marjorie 66
Roach, Mrs. 66
Roach, Mrs. Louise 66
Roach, Sr., Fred 66
Roach, Sr., Fred Alton 66
Roach, Sr., Mrs. Fred 66
Roberts, Mrs. Frankie 52
Robinson, Cornelius MacDonald 92
Robinson, Nell 92
Rodgers, Charles J. 36
Rose, Mrs. James 65
Rosenberger, Petronella Elisabeth 80
Ruff, Marjorie 77
Russell, Bertie 108
Ruth, Mrs. Bessie 51
Ryder's, Nellie Belle 104
Sanderson, Mrs. Fred 64
Scarborough, Mrs. Mary Frances 51
Schmidt, Frederick 74, 83
Schmidt, Frederick George 83
Schmidt, Ursula Smith 74
Scott, Jerad 70
Scott, Michele Renee 60
Sillimon, Nettie 82
Singleton, Mrs. E. A. 52
Singleton, Nellie Block 32
Smith, A. I. 107
Smith, Bud 84
Smith, Caroline Matilda Beadle 74
Smith, Emmett 85, 107
Smith, Emory A. Bud 84
Smith, Emory A. Uncle Bud 84
Smith, Emory Asa Bud 83
Smith, Frederick Schmidt 74
Smith, Gus 84
Smith, James Emory 83
Smith, James Emory Dago 85
Smith, John Sterling Bud 84, 85
Smith, Jr., Emmett Theodore 83
Smith, Laura 83, 84
Smith, Laura Peveto 83
Smith, Lillian 44
Smith, Margret 75
Smith, Mary Ann 75
Smith, Matilda Beadle 83
Smith, Mrs. Katie 32
Smith, Roberta Floy 83
Smith, Roberta Tom 85
Smith, Sr., Emmett 85
Smith, Sr., Emmett Theodore 83
Smith, Sr., Mrs. Emmett 84
Smith, Uncle Bud 83
Smith, Will L. 44
Smith, Willie Mae 84
Spencer, Asa 110
Spencer, Asa L. 78
Spencer, Earl 78, 110
Spencer, Elmer 79
Spencer, Elmer H. 79
Spencer, Elmer Henry 78
Spencer, Glen 110
Spencer, Glen A. 78
Spencer, Harold 78, 110
Spencer, Louis R. 36
Spencer, Mr. 78, 79
Spencer, Mr. Earl 78, 109
Spencer, Mrs. 104, 110
Spurlock, Henry 75
Staffen, Henry 5
Staffen, Robert 4
Stappers, Mrs. Christina 16, 19
Stelling, Neltje 31
Stephen, Michael 70
Stephens, Mrs. Lucy 65, 72
Steppers, Mrs. Christina Doornbos 16
Stilwell, Arthur 109
Stoelje, Dr. Joe 106
Stover, Mrs. Joe 52
Strawbridge, Mrs. George 52
Strickland, Vernon 57
Sumerow, Mildred 85
Sweeney, Jane 4
Sweeney, Lawrence 51, 53
Terway, Anna Catherina 81
Terway, Dr. Kenneth 65
Terwey, Anka 73
Terwey, Anna Catherina 80
Terwey, Dr. Kenneth Lee 72
Terwey, Dr. Pete 65
Terwey, Gerard 65, 72
Terwey, Gerrit 8, 10, 64
Terwey, H. Martha 10
Terwey, Immetje 72
Terwey, Immetje DeRitter 80
Terwey, Jong 10
Terwey, Jr., Dr. Peter 72
Terwey, Martha 10
Terwey, Mr. 10
Terwey, Mrs. Peter 64
Terwey, Peter 72, 73, 80
Terwey, Sr., Peter 73
Thomas, William 61, 62
Thompson, Lula 36
Trahan, Celeste 68
Trahan, Saul 5
Tullos, Mary Lou Block 32
Verret, Rebecca Galye 70
Viator, Anile 44
Viator, Anite 44
Viator, Mrs. 44
Viator, Mrs. Theogene 44
Victor, Anna 37
Victor, Leeman 37, 41, 43
Victor, Mrs. Anna Lullau 37
Wagner, C. D. 37
Wagner, Clara 15
Wagner, Clara Block 15
Wagner, Conrad 11, 15, 78
Wagner, Conrad Daniel 11
Wagner, Ella 66
Wagner, Francis 15
Wagner, Francis N. 11, 15
Wagner, Jr., Martin 13, 15
Wagner, Kathrena 11, 15
Wagner, Paul 11
Wagner, Sr., Martin 11, 15
Wagner, Wagner Mrs. Kathrena 106
Walker, William Thomas 61
Ware, George 52
Weeks, Mr. 13
Welch, Martha Lelia 84
Wells, Mrs. Estella 82
Westerterp, Anna 33, 34, 86, 91, 92
Westerterp, Bauke 86, 91
Westerterp, Bauke Uiltje 86
Westerterp, Ben A. 92
Westerterp, Dickie M. Lee 92
Westerterp, Hantje 92
Westerterp, Jack 92
Westerterp, Jr., Uiltje Bauke 91
Westerterp, Julius Ben 92
Westerterp, Lena 91
Westerterp, Nick 92
Westerterp, Nickolas Ralph 92
Westerterp, Pietje 92
Westerterp, Sjoerdtje Willems 86
Westerterp, Uiltje Baukes 86
Westerterp, Willem 92
Will, Minnie Mae 92
Willem III, King 80
Willems, Sjoerdtje 86
William, Willem 86
Williams, Bryan 51
Williams, Melvin 51, 53
Williams, Melvin Madge 51
Williams, Minnie 51, 53
Williams, Ralph 51
Wilson, C. O. 83
Wilson, Marie Rienstra 32
Wilson, Woodrow 32
Winberg, Willie Mae Block 32
Woodworth, H. 11
Wormack, Katheryn Tinky 85
Worsley, Viola 62
Wright, Martha 44
Wrinkle, Jennie 51
Yarbrough, Elma Jean 59
Yarbrough, Elmer Edward 59
Yarbrough, James Edward 60
Yentzen, George 68
