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The Chronicles of the Early Families of Nederland,
Texas Volume 3
This is a copy of a manuscript which was
written in 1991 but never published. W. T. made copies and distributed them to
several local libraries. I was able to locate the original computer files that
made up the text of the document, but not all the original photographs.
If the original photographs were not available, I scanned the images from the
library's photocopied images which were extremely low quality and then performed
some image enhancements to improve them a small amount.
Also, I added an extensive index to allow researchers to easily identify the
people that are mentioned in the book.
--W. T. Block III, son of the
Link to Book on Amazon
This is the third volume of
a series of five books. In this volume, the following family histories are
Table of Contents
Prologue: The History of
the First United Methodist Church of Nederland 4
Ministers of the Church 4
The Church's History, 1900-1957 5
Addendum, Part II: Nederland First United Methodist Church History,
1957-1995 9
Part A: A History of the William Doornbos Family 15
Part B: A History of the John Wesley Sanderson Family 18
Part C: The Taped Memoirs of Adam Davis Winters, Jr. 22
Part D: A History of the Samuel Thompson Family 26
The Memoirs of Mrs. Alice Gentry. 27
Additions and Corrections to Thompson History 31
Questions To Ask Mrs. Gentry: 36
Gentry-Second Visit-Reverse Side Of Tape. 37
Part E: A History of the George Vanderweg, Sr. Family 44
Part F: A History of the Cornelus "Cale" Doornbos, Jr. Family 47
Part G: A History of the Rufus Dalton Tyer Family 50
Part H: A History of the Arnold Pelloat and Hypolete P. Pelloat Families 51
Part I: A History of the Clyde McKinley Sanderson Family 53
Part J: A History of the Henry Ben Kieschnick Family 56
Part K: A History of the Charles Eugene Hayslette, Sr. and Charles Eugene
Hayslette, Jr. Families 58
Part L: A History of the Morris F. Green Family 60
Part M: A History of the Kelly Whitley Family 61
Part N: A History of the Louis Andrew Spencer and Elmer H. Spencer Families
Part O: A History of the Allen Monroe Fletcher and Charles Ray Fletcher
Families 67
Part P: A History of the E. H. Spencer (Edith Cooke) Viterbo and Jules R.
Viterbo Families 70
Part Q: A History of the Robert Bodemuller, Sr. Family 74
Part R: A History of the James (Jim) Burnfin Family 77
Part S: The Memoirs of Mrs. Annie Marie (Peterson, Watts) McLain 84
Part T: A History of the Ellen Sweeney Family 88
Part U: A History of the Lowell O'Neal Morgan Family 93
Part V: A History of the Alex C. "Frog" Handley Family 95
Part W: The Memoirs of William O'Kelly Haizlip, Sr. 96
Part X: The Memoirs of Carrie Belle Jones (Mrs. Jim) Goodwin 109
Part Y: A History of the Joseph W. Hise Family 113
Part Z: A History of the Bevis O. Newton Family 114
Epilog: Nederland as I Remember It, 1935-1960 116
Photographs Collection 145
Index 179
Adams, Elisha H. 63
Adams, Eliza Jane Clayton 63
Adams, Lovina Jane 63
Alegre, C. J. 135
Allen, Capt. W. P. 88, 101
Allen, Dr. Charles 12
Anderson, B. C. 4, 5, 6
Anderson, George D. 89
Anderson, Mrs. Bertha 37
Anderson, Mrs. C. E. 10
Andrus, Melina 72
Anthony, St. 72
Appleby, Mr. 41
Archer, Rev. Ken 13
Arldt, Bertha Kieschnick 56
Arldt, Mathilda Kieschnick 56
Arnold, Martha Ann 67
Austin, Stephen F. 52, 94
Avery, Harriet Viterbo 72
Baird, C. O. 102
Ballast, Dirk 101
Ballast, Sr., Dirk 98
Barclay, James A. 66
Barnes, J. C. 128, 137
Barnett, Donelly M. 20
Barr, Alvin 101, 132
Barr, J. W. 22
Barr, J. William 101, 114
Barras, Norine Martin 101
Barron, Edna 109
Bartels, Chester 133
Barton, K. P. 5
Basco, Irby 130
Bass, Jimmie 65
Beard, Carrie 84
Beckom, Blake E. 61
Beckom, Lisa Hooks 61
Behrend, Louise Kieschnick 56
Bell, B. 41
Bell, Bradley 41, 101, 102, 107, 118
Bell, Emily Jane 74
Biermortt, Adam 101
Biggers, Miss 23
Black, J. L. 12
Black, W. T. 11
Block, Abbie Albert C. 97
Block, Albert 68
Block, Alta Grey 68
Block, Dora Koelemay 125
Block, Farris 132
Block, George Frederick 68
Block, Jane 91, 92
Block, Joe 129
Block, L. Otis 92, 117, 134
Block, M. G. 123
Block, Mrs. Martin 88
Block, Sr., Will 68, 91
Block, W. T. 1, 15, 20, 23, 44, 51, 67, 70, 74, 77, 85, 86, 88, 91, 92, 93,
97, 109, 116
Block, Will 68, 91
Bodemuller, Alice Ruth 80
Bodemuller, Boots 75
Bodemuller, Herman 74
Bodemuller, Herman Karl Henry 74
Bodemuller, Hilda 75, 76
Bodemuller, John Evans 75
Bodemuller, Jr., Robert 75
Bodemuller, Jr., Robert Boots 75
Bodemuller, Karl Herman 74
Bodemuller, Lois 75, 76
Bodemuller, Robert 2, 74, 75
Bodemuller, Rudolph 75
Bodemuller, Sr., Robert 2, 74, 75
Bosse, C. F. 87
Bouwman, Stientje Derks 15
Bridgeman, Mrs. F. W. 128
Brock, George 51
Brookner, N. 127
Brooks, Rev. Troy 67
Broussard, Emilie 72
Broussard, Fleto 65
Broussard, Hypolete 51
Broussard, Joachsin 51
Brown, M. L. 107
Bruinsma, Effie 53
Bryan, R. S. 53
Burnfin, Alice 75, 77, 78, 80
Burnfin, Alta 80
Burnfin, Bertha 79
Burnfin, Gardette 109
Burnfin, James 77, 78
Burnfin, James Gardette 78
Burnfin, James Gardette Chip 80
Burnfin, James Jim 2, 77
Burnfin, Jim 77, 79
Burnfin, John 79
Burnfin, Lloyd 79, 104
Burnfin, Mae 80
Burnfin, Michael 80
Burnfin, Mrs. 104
Burnfin, Myrtle 80
Burnfin, Thomas 77
Burns, Jim 37
Burns, Mrs. Beth 53
Burson, Alanson 15, 139
Burson, Mrs. Emma 15, 40
Butler, F. A. 35
Butler, Frank 35, 104
Butlers, Frank 35
Cain, Teresa 57
Caldwell, Jr., J. W. 140
Caldwell, Sr., Mrs. 140
Caldwell, Sr., Mrs. J. W. 140
Callihan, Mrs. A. H. 127
Campbell, Archie Dean 25
Carlin, J. A. 7
Carlin, Rev. James 12
Carriker, Guy 132, 143
Carrington, W. N. 107, 119
Carroll, Barbara 51
Carter, S. R. 112, 123
Castain, Joseph A. 74
Castain, Lillie Mary 74
Cessac, Oliver 120
Chamberlain, Charlie 122
Cherie, Rachael 57
Chester, D. 87
Clark, Sarah Frances 57
Cleave, Cornelia Van 44, 46
Cleave, Guy Van 44, 46
Cleave, Hendrick Van 44
Cleave, Jr., Guy Van 46
Cleave, Kay Van 46
Cleave, Sr., Guy Van 46
Cleave, Wilhelmina Van 44, 46
Clement, Callie Louise 47
Clement, Louise 47
Clement, Rubena Robertson 47
Clement, William 47
Clotiaux, Fred L. 57
Cobb, L. B. 24, 61, 137
Coffey, Gayle 68
Connell, Ethel 79
Cook, Mrs. Shirley 113
Cook, Mrs. Shirley Gibson Hise 113
Cook, R. X. 38, 64
Cooke Sr., Mr. 41
Cooke, Berthold 108
Cooke, Edith 64, 65
Cooke, Harold 13
Cooke, J. B. 7, 9, 11, 24, 119, 129
Cooke, Jr., J. B. 119
Cooke, Jr., J. Berthold 128
Cooke, Margaret 110
Cooke, Mr. J. Berthold 30
Cooke, Mr. John Bunyan 12, 30
Cooke, Mr. Spencer 30
Cooke, Mrs. E. H. Spencer Edith 9
Cooke, Sr., J. B. 7
Cooley, Anna 40
Cooley, Anna Koelemay 39
Cowart, Gerald 61
Craven, W. A. 4, 6
Creswell, Augusta 59
Creswell, Elmore 127
Creswell, Francis Douglas 59
Creswell, Marian Frances 59
Cruse, W. W. 127
Cryer, Elizabeth 67
Daigle, Mary 94
David, St. 56
Davis, Altha Lee 53
Davis, Digger 141
Davis, J. W. 53
Davis, Mattie Josephine 19
Davis, W. F. 6
Davis, Weldon 86, 101, 129, 141
Dawson, Pete 79
Deese, Mrs. E. G. 137
Dejean, Mary Pamela 75
DeJean, William 75
Delong, E. P. 24, 125
Delong, Mr. E. P. 41
Depwe, Clara Ivy 53
Depwe, Mamie Dunn 53
Detrich, E. 46
Detrich, Wilhelmina Van Cleave 44
Detrick, Mrs. Ethel 46
Devries, Percy 67
Dishman, Jeana Anne 15
Dohmann, Mrs. 38
Doornbos III, Cornelus 47
Doornbos, Bill 17, 99
Doornbos, Billy W. 47
Doornbos, Billy Wayne 47
Doornbos, C. 15, 16, 17, 70, 144
Doornbos, Cale 47
Doornbos, Cornelius 144
Doornbos, Cornelus 15, 47, 107
Doornbos, Cornelus Cale 2, 47
Doornbos, Donna Webb 47
Doornbos, Gretchen Leigh 47
Doornbos, Heather Jo 47
Doornbos, Heino Harmanus 15
Doornbos, Helena 75
Doornbos, Jake 44, 123
Doornbos, Jr., Cornelus Cale 2, 47
Doornbos, Louise 47, 48, 49
Doornbos, Mae Newman 40
Doornbos, May Newman 15, 47
Doornbos, Mr. Cornelius 7
Doornbos, Opal 15, 16, 17
Doornbos, Pete 123
Doornbos, Sr., Cornelus 15, 47
Doornbos, William 2, 15, 16, 17, 24
Doornbos, William Bill 17
Doornbos, Williams 17
Dubose, James J. 65
Dubose, Maudie B. Peveto 65
Dunk, Charles 56
Dunk, Martha Evelyn 56
DuPuis, Dianne 50
Duran, Don W. 7
Duran, Rev. Don 12
Duson, W. W. 74
Dykes, Darrin 61
Eagleson, Tom 56
Eastis, Gordon 126, 143
Eastis, Inez 143
Eastis, Inez Freeman 126
Edling, Christina 56
Edward, St. 72
Edwards, T. W. 117, 126
Elliott, J. R. 12
Ellis, Mrs. Oma 65
Elzadie, Emma 93
Epperson, B. B. 134
Eugene, Percy 19, 53, 55
Evans, Hilda 75
Evans, John S. 75
Evans, William S. 75
Fleming, Greg 140
Fleming, Jack 12
Fleming, Marie 39
Fleming, Mark Daniel 13
Fleming, Mrs. Jack 13
Fleming, Mrs. Marie Rienstra 1
Fleming, Rev. 13
Fleming, Rev. Archie 13
Fletcher, A. M. 67
Fletcher, Albert Riley 67
Fletcher, Allen 67
Fletcher, Allen M. 67
Fletcher, Allen Monroe 2, 67, 68
Fletcher, Alta 68, 92
Fletcher, Alta Block 68
Fletcher, Bertie 67
Fletcher, Bertie Mae 67
Fletcher, C. R. 67, 68
Fletcher, Charles 68
Fletcher, Charles R. 67, 92
Fletcher, Charles Ray 2, 67
Fletcher, Dusty Ray 68
Fletcher, Glen Eugene 67
Fletcher, Guy Maurice 67
Fletcher, Joanna Meryl 68
Fletcher, Melissa Ann 68
Fletcher, Patrick H. 67
Fletcher, Rex 68
Fletcher, Rex Alan 68
Fletcher, Rhonda Rhea 68
Fletcher, Richard A. 67
Fletcher, Rusty Clay 68
Fontenot, Randy 55
Ford, Denise 65
Ford, T. 24
Fortenberry, Jack 119, 128, 140
Foust, C. L. 120
Fox, Mrs. 5, 9
Fox, Mrs. S. R. 5
Frazier, Jack 6, 9, 13, 104
Frazier, Mhyrl 54
Frazier, Ricky 54
Freeman, C. L. 104
Freeman, Coryell 104, 107
Freeman, L. 104
Freeman, Morris 104
Freeman, Mr. 28, 39, 104, 107
Freeman, Pat 65
Freeman, Willie Lee 38
Furby, Jack 120
Galloway, Paul 13
Garcia, Rudy 51
Gardner, Mattie 51
Gardner, Mrs. Mattie 127
Gauthier, Alice 72
Gentry, Mrs. 2, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42
Gentry, Mrs. Alice 2, 26, 27
Gerbens, Robert 44
Getty, Mr. 64
Gibson, C. E. 9, 28, 32, 35
Gibson, Miss Verna 32
Gibson, Mrs. F. E. Keeney Floy 9
Gibson, Mrs. J. C. Kelly Verna 9
Gibson, S. 32
Gibson, Verna 33, 41
Gibson, W. S. 11
Gibson, Will 9
Gibsons, C. E. 32, 35
Giebelstein, Caroline 87
Gleason, J. R. 71
Gloede, Herman 96
Godbold, Rev. Earl 13
Godwin, Virginia 46
Goodwin, Audrey 111
Goodwin, Bob 110
Goodwin, Carrie Belle Jones Mrs. Jim 2, 109
Goodwin, Dr. C. R. 143
Goodwin, Jim 109
Goodwin, John 110
Goodwin, Margaret 110
Goodwin, Mr. James H. 110
Goodwin, Mrs. 6, 9, 11, 12, 13
Goodwin, Mrs. Carrie 109, 111
Goodwin, Mrs. Margaret 4, 5, 30
Goodwin, Mrs. R. A. Margaret Cooke 9
Goodwin, Rev. William 13
Goodwin, Robert 7
Goodwin, Will 111
Gouge, Alice 78
Gray, Fred 58
Gray, Joe Wallace 58
Green, Barney 60
Green, Barney Lee 60
Green, Joe 60
Green, M. F. 60
Green, Morris F. 2, 60
Green, Mrs. Joe 60
Green, Myrtle 60
Green, Peggy Jean 60
Green, Raymond Morris 60
Green, Ruby Joyce 60
Greer, Charles Carlton 58
Greer, Marguerite 58
Griffin, Frank 7
Griffin, Goodie 128
Griffin, Goodwin 117, 126
Grimes, Mrs. Verble 128
Guilbeaux, Dewey 120
Gunn, Annie Lee 19
Gunn, J. S. 53
Gunn, Minnie 19
Guy, John Taylor 73
Guy, Ruby Mae 72
Guzardo, Tony 125
Haizlip, Bill 98, 107, 111, 125, 128, 139
Haizlip, Dr. 42, 90, 101, 104, 107, 108, 111
Haizlip, Dr. J. H. 11, 41, 85, 89, 119, 125
Haizlip, Dr. John 143
Haizlip, Dr. John H. 98
Haizlip, J. H. 143
Haizlip, John 128
Haizlip, O. Bill 42
Haizlip, Sr., William O'Kelly 2, 96
Haizlip, W. O. Bill 86
Haizlip, William O. 12
Hall, Bertie Mae 113
Hall, Dr. B. H. 85, 128, 142
Hall, Drs. B. H. 143
Haltom, David Lee 50
Haltom, Guy 143
Haltom, Jo Ann Tyer 50
Haltom, Mrs. Jo Ann 50
Handley, A. C. 95
Handley, A. C. Frog 95
Handley, Alex C. 95
Handley, Alex C. Frog 2, 95
Handley, Alex Frog 95
Handley, Frog 95
Handley, Holyn 95
Handley, Jeanne Duplan 95
Handley, Jr., A. C. 95
Handley, Phil W. 95
Hardy, Fred 84
Hardy, Stan 23
Harris, Margie 54
Harvill, Maurice 128
Hassler, W. E. 6
Hastings, Mary Beth Mrs. Leon 26
Hawthorne, W. W. 7
Haynes, Astie Burella 75
Hayslett, Charles C. 58
Hayslett, Charles Craighill 58
Hayslette, Cheryl 59
Hayslette, Fred 59
Hayslette, Fred Greer 58, 59
Hayslette, Fred Miller 58
Hayslette, Jr., Charles Eugene 2, 58, 59
Hayslette, Marguerite 58
Hayslette, Marian Creswell 58
Hayslette, Rose Mary 58
Hayslette, Sr., Charles Eugene 2, 58, 59
Heartfield, Ann 57
Hebert, Emilie Catherine 72
Hebert, J. Martin 73
Hebert, Joseph 72
Hebert, Joseph A. 72
Hebert, Joseph Martin 72
Hebert, Jules 72, 73
Hebert, Louis 72
Hebert, Martin 71
Hemmingway, Smoky 121
Henderson, John 124, 132, 134
Herald, Arthur 63, 70, 71, 107
Herrin, Mike 144
Hickok, Bill 121
Hickok, Sarah Jane 88
Hillebrand, Christian 72
Hils, Helena A. 74
Hines, Dr. J. C. 85, 117, 128, 143
Hise III, J. W. 113
Hise, Jane Elizabeth 113
Hise, Joseph W. 2, 113
Hise, Jr., J. W. 113
Hise, Jr., Joseph W. 113
Hise, Leo 113
Hise, Mr. 113
Hise, Shirley Gibson 113
Hise, Sr., Joseph W. 113
Hixon, David 76
Hixon, Dr. William 76
Holliday, Susan Louisa 67
Hooks, H. A. 118, 131
Hooks, Hugh 118
Hooks, Tommy 61
Hopkins, John 107
Horne, Uncle Jimmy 104
Houck, J. D. F. 6
Housenfluck, Martha 12
Housenfluck, Mrs. Martha 4, 9
Housenfluck, Sr., Tom 22
Houston, Sam 94
Hughes, Ed 133
Humphries, Alta 80
Humphries, Charles 80
Iiams, E. S. 85
Ingwersen, L. 125
Ingwersen, Ludolph 127
Ingwersen, Mooch 123
Irby, Emma Eugenia 19, 53
Jackson, E. W. 86
Jackson, Margaret Dean 66
Jackson, Mr. E. W. 22
James, Cheryl Frances Hayslette 59
James, Grady 59
James, Jamie Amanda 59
James, Jennifer Leigh 59
James, Jr., Grady Wilson 59
Jeffcoat, M. B. 127
Jefferson, Thomas 47, 93
Jimmie, Uncle 37
John, St. 56
Johnson, Andrew 24, 88, 101, 117
Johnson, C. X. 42, 97, 99, 120, 125
Johnson, Elizabeth 65
Johnson, Fannie P. 42
Johnson, Hardy 24
Johnson, Lloyd 96, 111
Johnson, Lyndon 132
Johnson, Mrs. C. X. 42
Johnson, Mrs. O. S. 126
Jones, Carrie Belle 2, 109
Jones, G. A. 109
Jones, J. Coleman 109
Jones, J. I. 109
Jones, Joel Edward 57
Jones, Marion E. 57
Jones, Phillip Wayne 57
Jones, Russell Marion 57
Kaper, Capt. John 88
Kaper, Captain John 101, 114
Kaper, Crissy 114
Kaper, Minnie 114
Kaper, Mr. John 110
Kaspar, Mary 56
Kelly, Annie Mary 84
Kelly, J. C. 33, 122
Kelly, Mrs. Verna 31, 32
Kelly, Verna Gibson 41
Kelly, W. L. 130
Kennedy, Myrtle 60
Kenney, Floyd 41
Kenney, M. L. 41
Kenney, Velva 41
Kieschnick, Alice Marie 57
Kieschnick, Ben 56, 57
Kieschnick, Edward 56
Kieschnick, Elmer Earl 57
Kieschnick, Franklin Ben 57
Kieschnick, Henry Ben 2, 56, 57
Kieschnick, Johann 56
Kieschnick, Jr., Henry Ben 56
Kieschnick, Martha 57
Kieschnick, Martha Ann 57
Kieschnick, Mary Helen 57
Kieschnick, Nellie Bernice 57
Kieschnick, Sam 56
Kieschnick, Samuel Friedrich William 56
Kieschnick, Stuart Ben 57
Kieschnick, Thad Franklin 57
Kieschnick, Todd Clark 57
Kieschnick, Wade Eric 57
Kilian, Johan 56
Kitchen, Celeste 39
Kitchen, Earl 127, 131
Kitchen, Mrs. Anna 38
Koelemay, Dora 91, 125
Koelemay, James 129
Koelemay, John 70, 101, 123, 124, 134
Koelemay, L. 130
Koelemay, Lawrence 39, 112, 125, 129, 130
Koelemay, Martin 123, 125, 130
Koelemay, Mrs. Lawrence 39
Koelemay, Myra 39
Koelemay, Myra Cooke 13
Koelemay, Rev. John Bunyan 13
Konecny, Johnny 114
Konecny, Mary Frances 114
Krueger, Patricia Dean 25
Ladner, Laure Ann 94
Ladner, Macy Morgan 94
LaGrone, H. C. 32
Laird, Sarah Elizabeth 93
Langham, Virgil 96
Lauback, Dr. Frank 12
Leblanc, Cropo 142
Lee, Henry 53
Lee, Lizie Bell 51
Lee, Percy 53, 54
Lee, Skeeter 137
Lee, Sr., Tom 137
Lewis, S. E. 130
Linson, Mrs. Cora 23, 32
Littell, Bessie 64
Lockhart, J. R. 7
Loden, G. R. 7
Loden, Rev. Ray 12
Long, Edna 53
Long, Eliza Edna 18
Long, W. H. 6
Lovell, Willard 71
Lucke, M. L. C. 140
Lucke, Mrs. M. L. C. 54
Lumpkin, Mary Penelope 75
Maas, Gerald Ray 55
Macha, Charlie 104
Maness, E. A. 7
Marriot, Carrie 113
Martin, George Redditt 19
Martin, Jack 61
Martin, Paul E. 12
Martin, St. 56
Martin, Winnie 19, 53
Mary, St. 16
Mathers, George E. 40
Mathers, Mrs. Florence 40
Mathews, C. A. 12
Matthews, Mrs. 40
Mauldin, Delmar 127
May, Edward Essadore 93
May, Hazel 93
May, Hazel Essie 93
May, John M. 93
May, John Madison 93
Mayer, Gaston 128
Mayne, Rev. Elmer 13
McCauley, W. K. 130
McCloud, Jim D. 66
McElveen, Mary Elizabeth 67
McFadden, Alice Bates 66
McGee, Fibber 141
McIlhenny, Miss Lois 86
McInnis, John 142
McKenzie, E. H. 7
McKenzie, Rev. E. H. 13
McKenzie, Rev. Emmet 42
McKinley, Clyde 2, 53, 54
McLain, Annie Marie 84
McLain, Mrs. 86
McLaughlin, David 73
McLaughlin, Gregory 73
McLemore, A. C. 127
McMorries, Anne Elyse 75
McMorries, Dr. Kim 75
McNeill Jr., James 128
McNeill Sr., J. H. 86
McNeill, Bill 86, 99
McNeill, Frances Frankie 108
McNeill, J. H. 85, 86, 101, 102, 117, 128, 129, 141
McNeill, Jr., J. H. 128, 129
McNeill, Sr., J. H. 101, 128, 141
McNeill, W. T. 23, 99
McNeill, W. T. Bill 86
Meinke, Wilhelmina 23
Meredith, Lee 42
Meredith, Mr. Lee 9
Merrell, Sr., Russell A. 51
Miller, B. C. 133
Miller, Rose Virginia 58
Milton, P. I. 4, 6, 111
Minchew, C. M. 117, 127
Mize, John 107
Montgomery, C. D. 6
Montgomery, Rev. George C. 10
Mooch, Arthur 127
Moore, Carmen 53
Moore, Dr. Robert 128
Moore, Drs. R. E. 143
Moore, Glenn 55
Moore, Nat 101
Moorer, Mr. J. C. 53
Moreau, Albert K. 72
Moreau, Mrs. Albert K. 73
Moreau, Mrs. Ruby 73
Moreau, Patricia Ann 72
Moreau, Victor Ovide 72
Morgan, Allison Elaine 93
Morgan, Alvin 93
Morgan, Alvin Marshel 93
Morgan, Edward 94
Morgan, Edward A. 94
Morgan, Edward Alvin 93, 94
Morgan, Hazel 93, 94
Morgan, Kate Elizabeth 93
Morgan, Lance 54
Morgan, Lance Edward 93
Morgan, Linda 94
Morgan, Linda Elizabeth 93
Morgan, Lowell 93, 94, 128
Morgan, Lowell O. 133
Morgan, Lowell O'Neal 2, 93
Morgan, Margaret Loyola 58
Morgan, Neal 93
Morgan, Robert Allen 93, 94
Morgan, Robert Allen Bobby 94
Morgan, Sean O'Neal 94
Morgan, Sr., Lowell 94
Morgan, Sr., Lowell Burr 94
Morrison, H. O. 24
Morrison, Henry O. 142
Morrison, William Christopher 15
Moses, Walter 67
Moye, Donald 24, 117
Moye, Eustace D. 93
Moyers, Adah Marilyn 93
Murphy, John Harry 57
Murphy, Staci Ann 57
Murry, Mittie Belle 67
Murry, Zack C. 67
Nagel, Alice Ruth 75
Nagel, Jacob 80
Nagel, Myrtle 75, 80
Nagle, Sluggie 121
Nauta, B. J. 44
Neel, Rena Laura 94
Neely, J. D. 84
Neild, Miss 40
Nelson, Lula 110
Nelson, Rosa 64
Nevis, Ben 56
Newman, May 15, 47
Newton, Bevis 114
Newton, Bevis O. 2, 114
Newton, Crissy 114
Newton, Crissy Mrs. B. O. 110
Newton, Emma 114
Newton, Harry 114
Newton, Harry H. 114
Newton, John Wade 114
Newton, Jr., Bevis O. 114
Newton, Mrs. Crissy 114
Newton, Mrs. Wade 114
Newton, Sr., Bevis 114
Nicholson, L. B. 130, 132
Niewoehner, Mrs. Pearl 95
Niewohner, Mrs. Pearl 128
Niklas, Thornton 130
Nordin, Mary Ellen 50
Norwood, Jimmy 61
Oakley, M. W. 40, 139
Oakley, Mr. M. W. 87
Oakley, R. 139
O'Dell, Digger 141
Oosterhuid, Dutch John Van 101
Oostrom, Johanna Van 44
Oostrom, Theodora Cornelia Van 44
Osborne, Carl R. 50
Osborne, Mary Elizabeth 50
Pelloat, Arnold 2, 51
Pelloat, Cathy 51
Pelloat, Christie 52
Pelloat, Delphine 51
Pelloat, Eula 51
Pelloat, Hypolete P. 2, 51
Pelloat, Hypolete Paul 51
Pelloat, Irena Rene 51
Pelloat, Jack 51
Pelloat, Jack E. 51
Pelloat, Josephine 51
Pelloat, Lizzie Belle 51
Pelloat, Rene 51
Pelloat, Sheila 51
Pelloat, Vicki 51
Peterson, E. A. 7
Peterson, J. H. 24
Peterson, Jens H. 84, 86
Peterson, Mike 85
Peterson, Mrs. Annie Marie 2, 84
Peterson, Sr., Jens H. 84
Peveto, Mrs. F. A. 87
Pietzsch, Mr. L. R. 23
Pitre, J. E. 46, 123, 137
Plane, Charles Alphus 50
Plane, Nina Ellen 50
Poage, Katherine 110
Poage, Miss Alberta 86
Poage, Miss Margaret 86
Porter, Gary 68
Porter, Hannah McKenzie 68
Porter, Joanna 68
Posey, Amanda Leigh 68
Posey, Gary Lynn 68
Posey, Rhonda 68
Poss, William E. 61
Prater, Diana James 59
Price, Billy Jo 59
Price, Effie Emma 22
Price, Gilbert 22
Price, Hazel 84
Price, T. M. 7
Pullin, Earl 20
Quibideaux, Theodora Elizabeth 46
Quick, W. D. 1, 22, 84
Rackley, Mrs. R. A. 140
Raily, R. O. 6
Redd, J. L. 6
Redd, Jr., J. L. 11
Redd, Rev. J. L. 11
Reed, Gracie Maybelle 19
Reed, Herbert A. 53
Reed, Rev. Eldon 13
Reeves, Bicy 61
Reeves, Lenora 61
Reeves, Liza 72
Reeves, William 72
Resch, Walter 126
Richardson, O. J. 143
Richey, Luther 126
Ricketts, W. F. 130
Rienstra, A. H. 12
Rienstra, Albert 102, 117, 118, 126, 131, 141
Rienstra, Anna 102
Rienstra, D. X. 40, 127
Rienstra, Dan 102, 104, 134
Rienstra, Dick 87, 107, 118, 119, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132, 135, 137, 139,
Rienstra, Dorothy Davis 6
Rienstra, Mrs. Dan J. 13
Riley, Pat 135, 142
Riley's, Pat 135
Risinger, Betty Jo 66
Ritchie, Spencer 131
Ritter, B. A. 130
Ritter, Tex 9
Roach, Drs. Fred 143
Roach, F. A. 107, 126, 137
Roach, Fred 127
Roach, Jr., Dr. Fred 127
Roach, Mr. F. A. 85
Roach, Mrs. 117
Roberts, Martha Drusilla 19
Robin, Adam 51
Robin, Josephine 51
Robin, Robert 51
Robinson, Rev. Robert 13
Rodnick, Jodi 57
Roesener, F. G. 56
Romaine, Chester St. 143
Ross, Frances 75
Ross, J. L. 6
Ross, Miss Jessie Lee 6
Rouse, Amy 19
Russell, Jr., Rev. Jeremiah 88
Russell, Margaret Peggy 88
Russell, Sr., Jeremiah 88
Ruysenaars, Jr., Nick 46
Ruysenaars, Nick 46
Ruysenaars, Nike 134
Ryder, Dan 133
Sammons, Mrs. William C. 26
Sanderson, Asa 18, 53
Sanderson, Claude M. 19
Sanderson, Clyde 20, 54
Sanderson, Clyde McKinley 2, 53, 54
Sanderson, Dorothy Jewell 20
Sanderson, Doug 20
Sanderson, Eliza 18
Sanderson, Elmer Wayne 20
Sanderson, Eloise 19
Sanderson, Elsie Ruth 20
Sanderson, Emma 53
Sanderson, Emma Irby 55
Sanderson, Fred 19
Sanderson, Howard Douglas 19
Sanderson, Ivy 53, 54
Sanderson, Ivy Depwe 54
Sanderson, J. W. 117
Sanderson, Jessie Edward 19
Sanderson, John 19, 20
Sanderson, John Chester 19
Sanderson, John W. 18, 19, 20
Sanderson, John Wesley 2, 18, 19
Sanderson, Margie 55
Sanderson, Mary Alice 20
Sanderson, Nancy 19, 53
Sanderson, Oscar P. 18
Sanderson, Oscar Percy 18, 53
Sanderson, Percy Eugene 19, 53
Sanderson, Percy Fred 19
Sanderson, William O. 19
Sanderson, Winnie 19, 20
Sanderson, Winnie Inez Martin 19
Sanderson, Winnie Marguerite 20
Savigne, Melba 75
Schaal, Renata Kieschnick 56
Schmidt, Ursula 68
Seamons, Dr. R. J. 127
Setzer, H. W. 125, 130
Sheehan, Etta Alice Mrs. Charles 26
Sheffield, Kenneth 126
Sheffield, Ruby 65
Sherrell, W. M. 6
Shoemaker, Mrs. Jeannine K. West 18
Shultz, Bruno 59
Singleton, Dillard 97
Singleton, E. N. 96
Smiley, Houston 94
Smith, Duncan 88
Smith, Elmyra Jane 93
Smith, Emmett 123, 134
Smith, Emmett A. 124
Smith, Emory A. Bud 124
Smith, Ida 15
Smith, Lou Ellen 68
Smith, Margaret 88
Smith, Mildred Hatcher 54
Smith, Opal Vivian 15
Smith, Paul 54
Smith, Sheila Lorraine 54
Smith, Snuffy 96
Smith, Suzanne 54
Smith, Virgil 89
Smith, Wanda 54
Smith, Wanda Sanderson 53
Smith, William H. 22
Snellgrove, Ruby 24
Soape, A. P. 135
Soper, Donald 12
Sory, Bill 55
Spencer, Albert Clyde 63, 65
Spencer, Asa 65, 121
Spencer, Asa Leroy 65
Spencer, Brenda Gail 66
Spencer, Earl 41, 107
Spencer, Earl Henry 65
Spencer, Earnest Ira 65
Spencer, Edith 37, 65, 66
Spencer, Edith Lee 65
Spencer, Elmer 40, 63, 64, 65
Spencer, Elmer H. 2, 63, 65
Spencer, Elmer Henry 64, 65
Spencer, Ethel 66
Spencer, Gary Earl 66
Spencer, Gerald Winston 66
Spencer, Glen 66
Spencer, Glen Alford 66
Spencer, Glen Daniel 66
Spencer, Glenn 109
Spencer, Harold Orren 66
Spencer, James Berthold 66
Spencer, James J. 65
Spencer, Joyce Ann 65
Spencer, Jr., Asa Leroy 65
Spencer, Kenneth Earl 65
Spencer, L. A. 84, 107
Spencer, Louis 65
Spencer, Louis A. 64
Spencer, Louis Andrew 2, 63, 64
Spencer, Louis Robert 65
Spencer, Lydia 66
Spencer, Mary Jane Harris 63
Spencer, Maudie 65
Spencer, Mr. 30, 38, 63, 64, 66
Spencer, Mrs. 38, 63, 65
Spencer, Mrs. L. A. 40
Spencer, Orren 64
Spencer, Orren Grafton 64
Spencer, Rosie 38
Spencer, Sharon Jane 66
Spencer, Sr., Asa Leroy 65
Spencer, Thomas G. 63
Spencer, William 64
Spencer, William Andrew 64
Speriky, Mrs. Polly 128
Spiers, Joe 135
Spittler, Marvin 120
Spurlock, Henry 123
Staffen, Everett 92, 126, 138
Staffen, Everett Albert 90
Staffen, J. M. 136
Staffen, Jane 91
Staffen, Johan Mikiel 90
Staffen, John 129, 130
Staffen, Mrs. Jane 23
Staffen, Robert 90
Staffen, Robert L. 90
Stehle, Pete 86
Stephens, Beverly Jean 58
Stephens, Clifford Ellery 58
Stevenson, Adlai 132
Stewart, J. C. 4, 6
Stoeltje, Dr. Joe 143
Streetman, Curtis 134, 135
Streetman, Ed 134
Stroud, Hiram 102
Summerlin, Nancy 18
Summerlin, Nancy Sumberlin 53
Sweeney, Andrew 90, 92
Sweeney, Austin 90, 92
Sweeney, Edward 89
Sweeney, Ella 90, 92
Sweeney, Ellen 2, 88, 89, 90, 92
Sweeney, Elton 90
Sweeney, Elton N. 90
Sweeney, H. W. 90, 92, 134
Sweeney, Hugh William Bump 90
Sweeney, James H. 89
Sweeney, James Hill 68, 88
Sweeney, John W. 89
Sweeney, Lawrence 90
Sweeney, Leslie 90
Sweeney, Leslie L. 90
Sweeney, Lou Ellen 88
Sweeney, Martha 88
Sweeney, Mildred 90, 92
Sweeney, Sarah Jane 68, 90
Sweeney, Sr., John William 88
Sweeney, Virginia Jennie 89
Taylor, Mary Alice 79
Terrell, Charles Roy 57
Terrell, Mrs. Mary Helen 56
Terrell, Tamara Deanne 57
Terrell, Timothy Charles 57
Terry, Eli 53
Terry, R. L. 7
Terry, Rev. R. C. 9
Terwey, Gerret 134, 135
Terwey, Wilma 53
Theriot, L. 132
Theriot, Lovelace 128
Thibodeaux, Darlene 68
Thomas, Amanda Louise 47
Thomas, Ashley Calton 47
Thomas, Kirk Christopher 47
Thomas, Mrs. Peggy Jo 47
Thomas, Peggy Doornbos 47
Thomas, Peggy Jo Doornbos 47
Thomas, Robert Wiley 47
Thompson, Bruce 133
Thompson, Cora 31
Thompson, Elizabeth 140
Thompson, Lou Lula 38
Thompson, Mary 26
Thompson, Miss Alice 27
Thompson, Miss Susan 26, 27
Thompson, Mr. Samuel S. 31
Thompson, Mrs. Samuel S. 26
Thompson, Sam 41
Thompson, Samuel 2, 26
Thompson, Samuel S. 26, 31
Threadgill, James 133
Tibbetts, E. Victor 50
Tollefsen, Wayne 61
Trahan, Effie Gaye Winters 25
Trahan, Saul 117, 134
Tribble, Dr. R. J. 144
Truett, Ada 72
Truman, Harry 94
Tyer, Hubert Dalton 50
Tyer, Joseph Johnston 50
Tyer, Joyce Elaine 50
Tyer, Mary Elizabeth 50
Tyer, Mary Lou 80
Tyer, Molly Johnson 50
Tyer, Nina 50
Tyer, Rufus 50
Tyer, Rufus D. 50
Tyer, Rufus Dalton 2, 50
Tynan, Pat 119
Tyne, Jan Van 101
Vance, Rev. Nolan R. 12
Vanderweg, Babe 46, 123, 133, 134
Vanderweg, Elizabeth 46
Vanderweg, George 2, 44, 89
Vanderweg, Joe Warren 46
Vanderweg, Jr., George 44
Vanderweg, Jr., George Babe 46
Vanderweg, Mrs. Virginia 46
Vanderweg, Sr., George 2, 44
Vaughan, George C. 130
Vaughan, Vaughn George C. 41
Veach, Dorothy 19
Veach, Ed 20
Vernor, Mr. R. L. 85
Vierbo, Jacques 72
Vincent, J. N. 6
Vinson, Tommy 120
Viterbo, Catherine 73
Viterbo, Doris 72
Viterbo, E. H. Spencer Edith Cooke 2, 70
Viterbo, Edward 73
Viterbo, Elizabeth 73
Viterbo, Emilie 72
Viterbo, Emilie Hebert 73
Viterbo, Gracia 71
Viterbo, Inez 72
Viterbo, J. R. 72, 73
Viterbo, Jacques 71, 73
Viterbo, Jr., Verne D. 72
Viterbo, Jules R. 2, 70, 72
Viterbo, Leon 70, 71
Viterbo, Liza 72
Viterbo, Mr. 72, 73
Viterbo, Patricia Moreau 73
Viterbo, Ralph J. 72
Viterbo, Verne 72
Viterbo, Verne D. 72
Wagner, Conrad 64
Wagner, D. 11
Wagner, Ella 126
Wagner, Martin 117
Wagner, Mrs. M. 41
Wagner, Paul 41, 117
Wagnon, A. A. 5
Wagnon, Rev. W. A. 9
Waite, Madge 65
Walker, Miss Della 32
Walker, Sean 61
Walker, Shari Martin 61
Walker, William T. 99
Wallace, Archie 94
Wallace, Dewey 120
Wallace, James David 94
Wallace, Robert William 94
Walling, Mr. 136
Walling, Mrs. Selma 136
Walling, S. E. 136
Walters, Dellann Elizabeth 15
Walters, Dr. 15
Walters, Dr. Felix 15, 125
Walters, Drs. F. A. 143
Ware, Johnny 122, 125
Ware, Mrs. John 125
Wares, John 111
Warfield, Barbara Jane 66
Waterston, Miss Lizzie 40
Watts, Jack 85
Weeren, Jimmie Lou 80
Weisbach, Dr. Philip 127
Welch, Lucy Anna 73
Wells, M. F. 6
Wendling, Frederika 23
Wesley, John 2, 18, 19, 20, 53
West, Jim 20
West, Johnnie Mae Sanderson 20
Westerterp, Elizabeth 44
Whatley, E. C. 121
Whitley, Bicy 61
Whitley, Harriet 61
Whitley, Holyn Eloise 95
Whitley, Janet 61
Whitley, Kelly 2, 61, 137
Whitley, Lydia Janet 65
Wiess, Belle 90
Wiess, Doris 90
Wiess, Floyd 90
Wiess, Richard 90
Williams, Caroline 57
Williams, Minnie 90
Williams, Miss Bertha 10
Williams, Nancy 90
Williams, Rev. Gail 13
Williamson, J. Earnest 80
Williamson, Mae 80
Williford, Jimmy 132
Willis, Cora Mrs. George 26, 27
Willis, David 26, 132
Willis, Mrs. George 31
Willson, J. W. 127
Wilmore, Emory W. 66
Wilson, C. O. 23, 24, 93, 124
Wilson, Gordon 90
Wilson, Mrs. Elma 53
Winters, A. D. 22, 24, 25
Winters, Jr., Adam Davis 2, 22
Winters, Sr., A. D. 22
Winters, Sr., Adam D. 22
Winters, Sr., Mrs. 22
Wippenitz, Augusta 68
Witchett, Uncle Jim 102
Woodyard, Grace 139
Wright, Oscar 99
Wrinkle, Mrs. Rube 85
Wukasch, Alma Kieschnick 56
Wunderlich, F. 56
Yentzen, George 86, 107, 119
Yentzen, Norman 24
Youmans, H. P. 123, 132
Youmans, Mae 87
