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The Chronicles of the Early Families of Nederland, Texas Volume 5
This is a copy of a manuscript that was written
in 1991 but never published. W. T. made copies and distributed them to several
local libraries. Most of the original files were not available, so this book is
an OCR of one of the library's copies I was able to locate. When available, the
original files and images were used instead of the photocopied files/images. If
the original photographs were not available, I scanned the images from the
library's photocopied images which were extremely low quality and then performed
some image enhancements to improve them a small amount.
My initial instinct was not to publish this book since many of the original
computer files were lost. After seeing the amount of work W. T. and these
families invested in preserving this history, their descendants deserved to have
access to the information even if it was not the most sophisticated format.
--W. T. Block III, son of the
Link to Book on Amazon
This is the fifth volume of a series of five
books. In this volume, the following family histories are included:
Table of Contents
Prologue: A Brief History of Saint Charles
Borromeo Catholic Church of Nederland 4
The Pre-History of St. Charles Church 4
The Organization of the Mission Church 7
Father Hardy as a Humanitarian 11
A New Church and Subsequent Disaster 15
The 'Phoenix' Rises Again 25
St. Charles School and the Dominican Sisters 27
The Pastorate of Father William Brooks 30
The Pastorates of Fathers Pucar and Mazzu 38
The Pastorate of Father Joseph Daleo 43
Summary and Conclusions 46
A Special Tribute 47
Endnotes 49
Part A: A History of the William Sanford Gibson Family 65
Part B: A History of the Hugh Alexander Hooks, Sr. Family 68
Part C: A History of the John Franklin Kelly, the John Claude Kelly, and Lee
A. Kelly Families of Early Nederland 71
Part D: A History of the Tony Guzardo Family 78
Part E: A History of the Rayford Guzardo Family 80
Part F: A History of the Matthew A. Furth Family 82
Part G: Langham School–When I Was a Child 89
Farming 90
Entertainment At Home 91
Church 92
Part H: A History of Dan J. and Johanna Rienstra Family 93
Part 1: My Father, Dan J. (Douwe Jans) Rienstra 93
Part 2: Johanna Egberdina Ballast, Wife of Dan J. Rienstra, Sr. 100
Part I: A Biography of Commander Dan J. Rienstra, Jr., U. S. N., Retired 103
Part J: A Biography of John D. Rienstra, Sr. 107
Part K: A Biography of Anna Mary Rienstra 112
Part L: A History of the Dick X. Rienstra Family 119
Part M: The Memoirs Christina Doornbos (Mrs. M. J.) Staffers 125
My Van Heiningen Grandparents And Uncles 129
Part N: The Memoirs of Helena Doornbos Bodemuller 131
School In Nederland 134
Part O: A History of the John B. Paulus Family and the 'Old Paulus Home' 137
Part P: A History of the Wesley E. Paulus Family 139
Part Q: A History of the Oliver Cessac, Albert Cessac, Joe Cessac, Albon
Cessac, and Dupre Cessac Families 140
Part R: A History of the Tony Minaldi, Tom Minaldi, and Joe Minaldi Families
Part S: A History of The W. T. Block, Jr. Family 145
Part T: A History Jack M. Fleming Family 158
Part U: A History of the Howard Dewey Quick and William Defore Quick
Families of Nederland 168
Epilogue: From the 'Netherlands' in Europe to 'Nederland' in Texas 172
Index 214
Abel, Bill 30
Abel, Donald David 75
Abel, Joe Curtis 75
Abel, Malcolm D. 75
Abel, Verna May 67
Adams, A. B. 34
Adams, Alexine 49
Adams, Judy 40
Adams, Mrs. Judy 43
Adams, Mrs. Martha Jane 68
Adamson, Basil 168
Adamson, Dr. 168, 169
Adamson, Dr. O. D. 168
Adamson, Grace Arnette 168
Adamson, Grace Chapman 169
Adamson, John Baldwin 168
Adamson, Jr., O. D. 168
Adamson, W. C. 168
Aguirre, Eva 40
Allen, Benjamin 68
Allen, Captain W. P. 101, 142
Allums, Mrs. Fannie 68
Alvarez, Joe 80
Andres, Ruby 143
Andrus, Walter 187
Anne, St. 30, 32
Anthony, Saint 26
Anthony, St. 4, 5, 49
Apperson, T. J. 80
Arana, Juan 15, 16
Arsement, Carolyn Pearl 75
Arthur, Pon 143
Austin, Stephen F. 164
Auwerter, Kitty 75
Baird, C. O. 8
Ballast, Dirk 95, 100, 101
Ballast, Johanna 103, 107, 119, 158, 177, 178, 179
Ballast, Johanna Egberdina 2, 95, 100
Ballast, Maria Roggenberg 100
Ballast, Mrs. D. 177
Ballast, Mrs. Dirk 103
Ballast, Olinda Mr. 177
Ballast, Sr., Dirk 100
Ballast, Ypkje 101
Banner, Mary Alice 163
Banner, Rebecca 164
Baron, Shirley Ann 25
Barr, John W. Barr Alvin 66
Barras, Dan 15, 50
Barrett, Jr., Mike 34
Bartels, Chester 50
Bartels, Elijah 8, 50
Baucom, Nanette Cessac 141
Baxter, Gordon 30
Beadle, Caroline Matilda 146
Beauregard, Hilda 141
Beck, Patick 41
Beenen, Molly 162
Begnaud, James 43
Begnaud, Jim 41
Bell, Bradley W. 95, 101
Bellew, Ignatius 27
Benedetto, John 182
Benignus, Mary 28
Beniot, Mayna 40
Benke, Constance 9
Berly, Charlsie E. 155
Bernard, C. C. 18, 50
Bernard, Evelyn 39
Bernard, Linda 25
Bernard, Mrs. T. J. 28
Bernard, S. E. 50
Bernard, T. J. 18, 50
Beukers, Willem 129
Bihm, Don 44
Bingman, Mr. C. W. 194
Bingman, Mrs. C. W. 196
Blanchette, Eurasie 4
Block III, W. T. Billy 155
Block IV, W. T. Ted 156
Block, Albert 145, 154
Block, Barry 156
Block, Barry Wayne 155
Block, Betty 155
Block, Bobby 156
Block, Bobby Glenn 155, 156
Block, Dieu Dora 189
Block, Dora 147
Block, George F. 146
Block, George Frederick 145
Block, Jr., W. T. 3, 145
Block, Jr., W. T. William Theodore 145
Block, Katie 189
Block, L. O. 80
Block, L. Otis 147
Block, Maria Elisabeth 156
Block, Martin 91, 95, 146, 147, 196
Block, Sr., Albert 145
Block, Sr., W. T. Will 145
Block, Sr., Will 145, 147
Block, Uncle Will 189
Block, W. T. 1, 3, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 65, 66, 68, 71, 74, 82, 129, 140,
145, 147, 154, 155, 171, 172, 176
Block, Will 145, 146, 147, 178
Bodemuller, Cornelia Helen 128
Bodemuller, Helena 162
Bodemuller, Helena Doornbos 2, 128, 131
Bodemuller, Pamela Marie 128, 133
Bonnette, Bethel 141
Bonsall, D. 50
Bonsall, Gilbert 50
Booth, Charles D. 36
Bordages, Raphael 27, 53
Bordonaro, George 34, 143
Bordonaro, Kenneth 143
Bordonaro, Scott 143
Borel, Irma Ann 78
Borel, Lloyd 78
Borromeo, Charles 8
Borromeo, Saint Charles 2, 4, 8, 50, 78
Borromeo, St. Charles 4, 6, 27, 32, 53, 54
Boudreaux, Reverend Warren 41
Boudreaux, Walter 34
Bourg, Miss Eunice 6
Bourg, Ms. Eunice 50
Bourque, Rene 50
Boutte, Mary Virginia Bootsie 81
Boutte, Virginia 78
Boyd, Shawn L. Minaldi 143
Boyt, Pat 194
Boyt, Uncle Capt. 181
Brackin, Lillian Gardner 121
Brewer, Anna 150
Brewer, Caroline Hillebrandt 4
Bridges, C. C. 18
Bristol, George 184
Brooks, Fr. William 32
Brooks, Rev. Fr. William 26, 30, 36
Brooks, William 2, 25, 30, 34
Broussard, Brenda 140
Broussard, Eddie 50
Broussard, Ezora 123, 124
Broussard, Henry 16
Broussard, Louis 50
Broussard, Louis A. 50
Broussard, Moise 5
Broussard, Mrs. Eddie 17
Broussard, Mrs. L. A. 18
Bruinsma, Anna 126
Bruinsma, Carolus 101
Bruinsma, Mrs. Carolus 95
Bruinsma, Willemke Van Randen 101
Buzzell, Adele 168
Byrne, C. E. 6, 8, 12, 13, 30
Byrne, Rev. C. E. 15, 16
Cantrell, Gwen 75
Carter, S. R. 80
Carter, Sebe R. 147
Castille, Louis 15
Catherine, Saint 8, 11, 43
Cessac, Adolph 140
Cessac, Adoph 140
Cessac, Albert 3, 50, 140
Cessac, Albert J. 140
Cessac, Albon 3, 50, 140
Cessac, Albon W. 140
Cessac, Alphe 50
Cessac, Alphe A. 140
Cessac, Anita 141
Cessac, Azetele Hebert 140
Cessac, Bethel 141
Cessac, Carl Dane 141
Cessac, Christopher Michael 141
Cessac, Cora 140
Cessac, Davey Ray 141
Cessac, Dupre 3, 50, 140
Cessac, Dupre Dupe 141
Cessac, Dupre J. 140, 141
Cessac, Dwayne 141
Cessac, Eunice 140
Cessac, Freddy Ray 141
Cessac, Horace P. 50, 140
Cessac, Irene 140
Cessac, Joe 3, 18, 50, 140
Cessac, Joe W. 140
Cessac, Joseph W. 140
Cessac, Jr., Albert J. 140
Cessac, Jr., Preston Buzz 140
Cessac, Karl Dane 141
Cessac, Kimberley 141
Cessac, Lily Mae 140
Cessac, Louise 140
Cessac, Mines J. 140
Cessac, Molly 141
Cessac, Mrs. Elia 50
Cessac, Oliver 3, 50, 140
Cessac, Preston 34, 50, 140
Cessac, Preston A. 140
Cessac, Willie A. 140
Champagne, A. 50
Champagne, Fred 5, 50
Champagne, Louise Zerengue 78
Champagne, Otto 50
Champagne, Rene 50
Champagne, Willie 50, 78
Chapman, Grace Truman 168
Chappelle, Anna B. 8
Charles II, King 68
Charles, Saint 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 52, 53,
54, 78, 81, 82, 144
Chiasson, Maguire 4
Clotiaux, Ozee 50
Cloutman, M. A. 18, 50
Cody, Fr. J. 49
Cody, John 49
Coleman, Florence 136
Collings, Robert 122
Collins, Bettie 72
Collins, Mike 33
Collins, Sam 71, 72
Comeaux, Cleasme 44
Concienne, Anthony 34, 50
Concienne, Joe 17, 18, 34, 50
Concienne, Jr., Joe 17, 34
Concienne, Knight Anthony 34
Concienne, Sr., Joe 18, 34
Cone, Leon C. 75
Cone, Leon Charles 72
Cook, Mrs. R. X. 38
Cook, R. X. 34, 50
Cooke, J. B. 8, 66, 176
Cooke, Myra 191
Cooke, Rev. Harold 72
Cooley, Adrian 198, 199
Cooley, Anna Antje Koelemay Mrs. A. B. 172
Cooley, Charles 198
Cooley, Mrs. Adrian 201
Cormier, Johnny 17
Cormier, Leroy 17
Cousins, Becky 40, 54
Cousins, Mrs. Beckie 4
Cousins, Mrs. Becky 40
Craig, U. S. S. 104
Crane, James 44, 54
Crane, Lois Marie 75
Crane, Ruth 162
Crawford, Mamie 67
Crenshaw, Clarence 74
Crenshaw, Rosa Dieu 181
Cruse, W. W. 120, 143
Cuccia, Mrs. Nick 28
Cuccia, Nick 18, 34, 50
Cunningham, Betsie Grimes 156
Daleo, Fr. J. 54
Daleo, Joseph 2, 4, 41, 43, 45
Daleo, Rev. Fr. Joseph 42
Darius, James 68
Davis, Arthur 98
Davis, Arthur J. 73, 74
Davis, Walter Buddy 25
Decuir, Henry 50
Decuir, Paul 33
DeForest, Lee 83
Delahoussaye, Stan 50
Delaney, Mrs. George 16
DeLord, Jr., J. R. 35
Dempsey, Fr. J. 53
Dempsey, James 4, 31, 35
Dempsey, Rev. Fr. James 32
Dennis, Allison Newberry 70
Dennis, Christian 70
Derouen, Eloise 5
Derouen, Ferdinand 50
Derouen, Lloyd 4, 5, 10, 11, 50, 51
Devillier, A. 50
Devillier, Jo Ann 33
DeVillier, Russell 35
Devries, Percy O. 80
Dickinson, Joe 18, 50
Dies Sr., Martin 104
Dijksma, B. J. 93
Dishman, Frances Viola 75
DiStefano, Richard 41
Dixon, Mrs. Enslo 136
D'Lilsle, Charles Hardy 8
Domec, Fermin 50
Domec, Mrs. F. 28
Domingue, Marcelle 34
Donaldson, Mary A. Fiorenza 143
Doornbos, C. 25
Doornbos, Christina Helena 127
Doornbos, Heino 131
Doornbos, Helena Gertrude 125, 127
Doornbos, J. 126, 127, 129
Doornbos, Jake 120, 131
Doornbos, Mr. C. 191
Doornbos, Mr. Jacob 125
Doornbos, Mr. Jake 134
Doornbos, Mrs. Cornelia Maria Van Heiningen 125
Doornbos, Mrs. J. 129
Doornbos, Pete 80, 89, 126
Doornbos, Pete M. H. 125, 127, 128
Dorman, Kate 171
Doucet, Elridge 82
Doucet, Raymond 25
Dowden, Ralph 25
Dowling, Dick 170
Doyle, Libby Hardy Mrs. J. B. 11
Drummond, Rev. Mr. Vernon 43
Dubose, Deborah 40
Dubose, Knighton 50
Duplant, R. E. 18, 50
Duran, Rev. Don 102
Earle, Miss Frances 116
Edgar, Charles 139
Edgar, Joel 139
Edwards, Rose Marie 33
Elizabeth, Saint 7, 8, 9, 13, 16, 26, 28, 36, 41, 49
Elizabeth, St. 6, 7, 26, 31, 38
Elizondo, Carolyn 155
Ellings, Mr. A. J. 177
Emfinger, Violet Ann 75
Enderle, Monsignor 31
Enderle, Monsignor N. 31
Enderle, Nestor 31
Esmond, Loretta 40
Esperson, Nellie 68
Esperson, Nils 68
Farinella, Justin 29, 43, 53, 54
Farinella, St. Justin 53
Ferguson, Jim 191
Fiorenza, A. J. 143
Fiorenza, Shawn Rene 143
Fishers, Joe 84
Flanagan, Christy 12
Fleming, Jack 99, 159
Fleming, Jack M. 3, 97, 158
Fleming, Jack Milton 159
Fleming, Marie 178
Fleming, Marie Mrs. Jack M. 123
Fleming, Marie R. 116
Fleming, Marie Rienstra 93, 100, 103, 107, 112, 119, 158, 188
Fleming, Mrs. Marie Rienstra 1
Fleming, Reverend Archie 123
Fleming, Reverend Mark 124
Fleming, Stephen Grady Steve 163
Fleming, Virginia Lea Pinson 159
Fletcher, Alta Grey Block 147
Fletcher, Everise 50
Fontenot, John 50
Fontenot, Larry 50
Forey, James 34, 44, 50, 54
Fox, Mabel 69
Franklin, John 2, 71, 72, 75
Fraser, U. S. S. 104
Frazier, Eugene 75
Frazier, Frank Eugene Butch 75
Frederick, Sheila Fay 75
Frederick, Wilson 34, 50
Frees, John Friez 80
Fruge, A. L. 17, 25, 50
Fruge, Donna 25
Fruge, Eldora 25
Fruge, Joe 50
Furth, Dolores 82
Furth, M. A. 50
Furth, Matt 82, 83, 84, 148
Furth, Matthew A. 2, 82
Furth, Patricia 82
Furth, Rose 83
Gallier, Rufus 74
Gallier, Tom 50
Galow, Bonnie 40
Ganter, Rev. Bernard 39, 44
Gard, Dwight 50
Gard, J. 54
Gard, James 33, 34, 53
Gard, Jimmy 4, 31, 32, 36, 38
Gard, Mrs. Jimmy 38
Garner, Miss Lillian 121
Gebauer, Fred 50
Gebauer, Mrs. Fred 28, 30
Gentry, Mrs. Alice 66
Genuardi, Sam 35, 50
Gerbens, Elizabeth 100
Ghoretti, Maria 33
Giblin, Kathy 141
Gibson, C. E. 159
Gibson, Elizabeth Brock 49
Gibson, Floy 67
Gibson, Mrs. F. E. Keeney Floy 66
Gibson, Mrs. J. C. Kelly Verna 66
Gibson, Nancy 67, 72
Gibson, Nancy Welker 65, 66
Gibson, Noah 65
Gibson, Noah Woster 65
Gibson, Ross 65, 67
Gibson, Shirley 159
Gibson, Verna 66
Gibson, Verna May 67, 72, 74
Gibson, W. S. 65, 66
Gibson, Will 66
Gibson, William Earl 67
Gibson, William Sanford 2, 65
Gillespie, Annette 68
Gillespie, John Thomas 69
Gladden, Edna Marie 41
Gober, Dr. Jim 182
Godby, Dr. 181
Goodwin, Mrs. R. A. 92
Gore, Charles 147
Gosney, DeAnna 75
Gougenheim, Ronald 35
Gray, John 195
Gregor, Mary 8
Gregor, Mary Daniel 7, 27, 52
Gregory, Stephen 164
Grimes, Michel Lyn 156
Grimes, Rebecca 156
Grimes, Rebecca Ruth Block 155
Gruntorad, Carlene 143
Guidry, Patricia Ann 25
Guidry, Ray 34
Guilbeaux, Henry 50
Guillot, Gus 50
Gullahorn, Laura 137
Guzardo, Billy 78
Guzardo, Brenda Ann 81
Guzardo, Debbie Ray 81
Guzardo, Dovie Mae 78
Guzardo, Irma Ann 78
Guzardo, Louise 78
Guzardo, Louise Champagne 80
Guzardo, Mark Rayford 81
Guzardo, Rayford 2, 16, 50, 78, 80, 81
Guzardo, Simon 78
Guzardo, Tony 2, 50, 78, 79, 80, 142, 194
Guzardo, Virginia 78
Guzardo, Virginia Brousard 78
Guzardo, W. D. Billy 78
Hackett, S. 50
Hackett, Sheila 27, 29, 49, 52
Hagen, Cathy 75
Haizlip, Bill 151
Haizlip, Dr. J. H. 95, 158
Haizlip, J. H. 95
Haizlip, Mrs. Gene 16
Haltom, Guy 50
Hanchett, L. 50
Hanchett, R. 50
Handley, Mr. A. C. Frog 135
Hanks, Beverly 30, 53
Hanks, Jerry 34, 38
Hanks, Judith Ann 28
Hanks, Mrs. Edolia 38
Hanks, W. 50
Hansbro, Miss Ruth 116
Hardy, Charles T. 11
Hardy, Fr. Fred 51
Hardy, Fred 7, 8, 16, 26, 49, 50, 51, 52
Hardy, Fred B. 6, 26, 30
Hardy, Harry 11
Hardy, Jr., L. J. 34
Hardy, Libby Elizabeth Ann 11
Hardy, Major Fred P. 11
Hardy, Rev. Fred 52
Harkins, D. P. 50
Harkins, Dan 13
Harris, Rev. Vincent 25, 35, 43
Hartner, Faye 30
Hassler, Rev. W. E. 123
Hayes, Mrs. R. 28
Hayes, Mrs. Sam 16
Hayes, Sam 13, 50
Hayslette, Sr., C. E. 50
Hebert, Ed 13, 50
Hebert, Joseph M. 4
Hebert, Loveless 50
Hebert, Mrs. Ed 12, 15
Heinigen, Van 177
Heiningen, Cornelia Maria Van 129
Heiningen, Dirk Van 129
Heiningen, Helena Goudkade Van 129
Heiningen, J. C. Van 129
Heiningen, Jacob C. Van 129
Heiningen, Mr. P. M. Van 129
Heiningen, Mr. Van 129
Heiningen, Mrs. P. M. Van 129
Heiningen, P. J. Van 129
Heiningen, P. M. Van 129
Heiningen, Van 2, 125, 129, 132
Heiningens, Van 132
Hickey, Rev. Fr. J. P. 26
Hickok, Sarah Jane 147
Hicks, Karen Fiorenza 143
Hildebrand, Dean Ira P. 108
Hilley, Mrs. Lewis 17
Hines, Mary 44
Hitt, Guy 74
Holmes, Esther 128
Hooks, Alexander Buchanan Buck 68
Hooks, Annette 69, 70
Hooks, Ben 68
Hooks, Ben A. 68
Hooks, Benjamin A. 68
Hooks, Buck 68
Hooks, Fannie 68
Hooks, H. A. 69
Hooks, Hugh 68, 69, 70
Hooks, Hugh A. 68, 69
Hooks, Hugh Alexander 2, 68
Hooks, Jr., Hugh 70
Hooks, Martha Ma Collier 68
Hooks, Mr. 70
Hooks, Sr., Hugh Alexander 2, 68
Hooks, Thomas A. 70
Hooks, Tommy 70
Hooks, William 68
Hooks, William Pap 68
Horton, Mathilda 123
Horton, Mathilda Mrs. J. H. 123
Houseman, Fannie 190
Houseman, Henry 190
Houseman, Mr. Herman 180
Housenfluck, Tommy 148
Houston, Sam 154, 170
Hubert, Erno 50
Hubert, Pat 50
Huddleston, Jarret L. 151
Humphreys, Albert 67, 68, 73
Hunter, Dr. T. H. 195
Hunter, Dr. T. M. 201
Hunter's, Dr. 201
Hutchison, Micajah 75
Inez, Marie 158
Ingwersen, Mooch 131
Ingwersen, Mrs. C. T. 113
Ippolito, Knight Anthony 34
Jackson, Darlene Cudd 67
Jackson, E. W. 126
Jacob, Henry 128, 136
Jacob, William 156
Jamail, Fr. Michael 53
Jamail, Michael 31
Jamail, Rev. Michael 34
James, Saint 35, 36, 42, 43
Jameson, Miss Lucy 134
John, St. 132, 183
Johnson, A. J. 101
Johnson, Benjamin 171
Johnson, Lyndon 114
Johnson, Mike 50
Jones, Cornelia H. Bodemuller 133
Jones, Don 136
Jones, Don R. 128
Jones, Henry Jacob 136
Joseph, Saint 42
Kaper, Captain John 113
Kavanaugh, Bob 16
Kavanaugh, J. 50
Kearney, J. J. 18
Keeney, Floyd 67
Keeney, Floyd E. 67
Keith, Howard Harvey 75
Keith, Jr., Howard Harvey 75
Keith, Lee Albert 75
Kelly, Albert Lee 75
Kelly, Cammie Lynn 75
Kelly, Claude 72, 73
Kelly, Edith 75
Kelly, Elizabeth 71
Kelly, Hevelina 71
Kelly, J. C. 51, 65, 67, 71, 73, 74, 75
Kelly, James L. 71
Kelly, Jennie Lois 75
Kelly, Jessie Ray 71, 72
Kelly, John C. 72, 75
Kelly, John Claude 2, 67, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Kelly, John Claudius 71, 72
Kelly, John F. 71, 72
Kelly, John Franklin 2, 71, 72, 75
Kelly, Joseph 71
Kelly, Joseph Edward 67, 73, 74
Kelly, Jr., J. C. 51, 65, 71, 73, 74, 75
Kelly, Jr., John Claude 73, 75
Kelly, Lee 72, 75
Kelly, Lee A. 2, 71, 72, 75
Kelly, Lewis S. 75
Kelly, Lois 75
Kelly, Mary B. 71, 72, 75
Kelly, Mary Elene 75
Kelly, Minnie Pearl 71, 72, 75
Kelly, Monsignor 38, 43
Kelly, Nellie Jean 75
Kelly, Pearl 75
Kelly, Sanford Franklin 73
Kelly, Sanford L. 74
Kelly, Sr., John Claude 74
Kelly, Troy Wade 75
Kelly, Verna 75
Kelly, Verna May 72, 75
Kelly, Vivian Fay 75
Kennedy, John F. 136
King, Steve M. 108
Kirwin, Jim 16
Kirwin, Monsignor 16
Kirwin, Rev. Monsignor James 15, 16, 26
Kitchen, Earl 80, 120
Kitchen, Hugh 195
Koedel, Rev. Fr. Joseph 26
Koeken, Olie 178
Koelemaij, Maarten Koelemay 172
Koelemay, Anna 201
Koelemay, Antje 181
Koelemay, Dieu 178
Koelemay, Dieuwertje 176
Koelemay, Dora 146
Koelemay, John 80, 182
Koelemay, John Bunyan 191
Koelemay, K. 182
Koelemay, Kate Tryntje 179
Koelemay, Klaas 151, 172, 176
Koelemay, Lawrence 78
Koelemay, Nellie Rienstra 98
Koelemay, Piet 177, 184
Koelemay, Pieter 172
Koelemay, Tante Jo Mrs. John 182
Koelemay, Uncle John 178, 180, 192
Koelemay, Uncle Piet 193
Koelemay, Uncle Piet Pieter 200
Koorman, Klaasje 172
Kothe, Georg 149
Kothe, Maria Elisabeth Betty 149
Kothe, Mr. 149
Kress, S. H. 159, 190
Laborde, Joyce 140
Lacour, Cora 140
Lacour, P. M. 4
Lambert, Miss Olga Mae 16
Lambert, Mrs. John 16
Landry, Eunice 49
Landry, Eunice Mrs. H. P. 7
Langham, Bluitt 91, 197
Langham, J. B. 137
Langham, Kenneth 75
Laperruque, Ed 18, 50
Larkin, Irene 27
Latta, Mary Elene 75
LeBlanc, Anita Palermo 143
Leblanc, Carl Croppo 50
LeBlanc, Carl 'Croppo' 34
Leblanc, Fred 50
LeBlanc, Fred 34
LeBlanc, Thelma 140
LeBleu, J. R. 34
Lee Sr., Tom 50
Lee, Beverly A. 143
Lee, Jr., Tom 4, 12, 16, 17, 34, 50
Lee, Lynn Ann 25
Lee, Sr., Tom 34
Leger, Steven 43, 44
Lindbergh, Charles 132
Linson, Mrs. Cora B. 67
Luke, St. 106
Luquette, Eunice 140
Luther, Martin 75
Madden, Edna Marie 29, 38
Madding, Lauren 143
Madding, Lindsey 143
Madding, Robb 143
Maguire, Mrs. Hazel 50
Mangan, Louis 27
Manvel, Jackie 143
Marceaux, Monsignor Sidney 42
Marceaux, Sidney 42
Marconi, Guglielmo 83
Margaret, St. 30
Marion, Van 113
Martens, Mrs. Henry 168
Martin, J. B. 34
Martinez, E. P. 34
Mary, Saint 8, 26, 30, 42, 43
Mary, St. 4, 5, 16, 30, 38, 49, 102
Matherne, J. J. 50
Matte, Burnest 51
Matte, Joe 51
Matte, Zanet 16
Maxwell, Clarence 34
Maxwell, Eulys 51
Maxwell, Louis 51
Mayer, Edgar 51
Mazzagati, Pasquale 51
Mazzagati, Roy 51
Mazzu, Edward 41, 42
McBurnett, Cheri Cessac 140
McCauley, Pat 147
McFarland, Novella 65
McGill, Sheila Lynn 75
McGivney, Michael 33
McLean, Mrs. Annie Marie 51
McNeill, J. H. 8, 101
McNeill, Sr., J. H. 101
Meeks, Delphyn 43
Menard, Evita 140
Menchaca, Sr., R. 34
Merrell, R. A. 51
Merrell, Sandra 33
Metcalf, Margaret 39
Metreyeon, A. 51
Metreyeon, Dudley 51
Metreyeon, Rene 51
Metreyeon, W. 51
Miia, Henry 51
Miller, Francis L. 143
Miller, Verda Mae Curl 143
Miller, Willie E. 143
Minaldi Sr., Tom 142
Minaldi, Andrea 143
Minaldi, Anthony 51
Minaldi, Antonino 142, 143
Minaldi, Antonino Tony 142, 143
Minaldi, Betsy 143, 144
Minaldi, Bobby 143
Minaldi, Chris 143
Minaldi, Cory 143
Minaldi, David 143
Minaldi, Eyre Neely 142
Minaldi, Frances 143
Minaldi, Gary 143
Minaldi, Grace 143
Minaldi, J. 54
Minaldi, Joe 3, 4, 9, 12, 15, 18, 25, 26, 30, 34, 41, 51, 52, 142, 143
Minaldi, Joe A. 143
Minaldi, Jr., Antonino 142
Minaldi, Jr., Antonino Tony 142
Minaldi, Jr., Ronald J. 143
Minaldi, Jr., Thomas 143
Minaldi, Larry 25
Minaldi, Larry J. 143
Minaldi, Margaret 143
Minaldi, Mary Tortorice 142
Minaldi, Randy 143
Minaldi, Rose 143
Minaldi, Roxie 143
Minaldi, Sr., Antonino Tony 142
Minaldi, Thomas Tom 142
Minaldi, Tom 3, 51, 142, 143
Minaldi, Tony 3, 142
Minaldi, Troy 143
Montondon, Rev. 54
Montondon, Walter 35
Moor, T. E. 108
Moore, Mary Elizabeth 8
Moore, Thomas 18, 51
Morgan, James Jeffrey 163
Morgan, James Michael Mike 163
Morgan, Theda Dell 141
Morris, Tammy Palermo 143
Morrow, Roxanne Newberry 70
Moss, Jr., J. W. 34
Moss, Wallace 34
Mouton, Joe 51
Mouton, L. A. 51
Munlin, Dovie Mae 78
Munlin, Wayne 78
Munson, Marya Koekkoek 74
Naizer, Mrs. William 28
Naizer, William 51
Nathan, J. J. 197
Neely, Ben 143
Neely, Eyre 142
Neely, Susan Hutto 143
Neiss, Beth Paulus 139
Nelson, Kathleen 186, 200, 201
Neraz, J. C. 4
Nesom, Mrs. E. P. 28
Newberry, Mrs. Barbara 68, 70
Niewoehner, H. F. 82
Norris, U. S. S. 104
Northcut, Opal 75
Norvell, Clarissa 124
Notzan, J. M. 16
Oakley, M. W. 123
O'Brien, Ann L. 74
Odenwalder, Katherine F. 170
O'Kane, Angela 27
Olinda, S. S. 93
Olivier, G. R. 34
Owens, Regina 28
Owens, Rita Marie 29, 43
Paduch, Frank 43, 44
Palermo Jr., Anthony 143
Palermo, Alishia 143
Palermo, Angela 143
Palermo, Anthony 143
Palermo, Frances 143
Palermo, Joe 143
Palermo, Joe Carol 143
Palermo, Joseph R. 143
Palermo, Mary Ann 143
Palermo, Michael 143
Palermo, Myron 143
Palermo, Rene 143
Papania, Sam 51
Parisot, Fr. P. F. 4
Parisot, P. F. 49
Parker, Thelma 187
Parsons, Robert 34
Patin, Melba 28
Patin, W. P. 18
Paulus, Darren 139
Paulus, Fern Mrs. Wesley 137
Paulus, John B. 3, 137
Paulus, Louise 137, 139
Paulus, Mrs. W. E. 139
Paulus, Wesley 139
Paulus, Wesley E. 3, 139
Pedigo, Maurine 104
Pedigo, Mrs. A. E. 105
Pelloat, Arnold 51
Pelloat, H. P. 51
Perkins, Carol Jean 140
Perryman, W. D. 51
Perryman, Walter 140
Pershing, John J. 168
Peter, Saint 41, 42
Peterson, Clarence 16
Peterson, J. H. 49
Peterson, Jens H. 5, 51
Phelan, Mrs. J. H. 15
Phillips, M. D. 51
Phillips, Mrs. M. D. 28
Pichoff, J. 51
Pietzsch, Mr. L. R. 185
Pipkin, Floyd 188
Pipkin, Mr. Steve 190
Placette, Dennis 38, 41
Placette, Fr. Dennis 54
Pompom, U. S. S. 104
Porter, Mary Jane 75
Pouson, Warden Burton 34
Pousson, Dennis 18, 34, 51
Pousson, I. J. 51
Pousson, W. C. 34
Powers, Bruce Stephen 163
Powers, James Ryan 163
Powers, Jason Michael 163
Powers, Matthew Christopher 163
Powers, Scott Daniel 163
Powers, Stephen Taylor 163
Powers, Tara Katherine 163
Prejean, Allison 75
Prejean, E. J. 51
Prejean, Ovey 51
Prejean, Rudolph 51
Premeaux, P. A. 51
Price, Eugene 51
Price, Gilbert 51
Pucar, Rev. A. W. 54
Quibideaux, Leatrice 30
Quick, Bill 169, 170, 171
Quick, Captain Howard 169
Quick, Grace 169
Quick, Howard 168, 169, 170
Quick, Howard D. 168
Quick, Howard Dewey 3, 168
Quick, Joyce 170
Quick, Mrs. 169
Quick, W. D. 1, 49
Quick, W. D. Bill 156
Quick, William Berian 168
Quick, William Defore 3, 168
Quick, William DeFore 169
Quinn, Vickie 143
Quinon, Rev. Fr. Vitalus 4
Quinon, Rev. Vitalus 49
Ragan, Sarah Melvina 71
Randen, Gerka Van 194
Randen, Ypkje Van 100, 101
Rees, Mrs. Harry 51
Reeves, Brenda 140
Reeves, James 140
Rehn, Rev. Heinrich 149
Reinke, Capt. Helmut 150
Richard, A. 51
Richard, Ivey 51
Richard, Joe 51
Richards, Dr. 178
Richards, Winifred Charlotte 75
Richardson, W. W. 11
Richter, Rose Marie 82
Rickmers, Ellen 178
Rienstra, Albert 123
Rienstra, Albert H. 116
Rienstra, Anna 89, 101, 123, 193, 197
Rienstra, Anna Mary 2, 112, 116
Rienstra, Anna Rusticus 112
Rienstra, Constance Joan 108
Rienstra, D. X. 99, 120, 121, 123, 125
Rienstra, Dale 123, 124
Rienstra, Dan 80, 90, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 105, 178
Rienstra, Dan I. 116
Rienstra, Dan J. 2, 97, 98, 100, 103, 106, 107, 123
Rienstra, Dan J. Douwe Jans 2, 93
Rienstra, Dick 95, 119, 120, 144
Rienstra, Dick X. 2, 119, 120, 123
Rienstra, Dr. Joseph Douwe 105
Rienstra, Ezora 123, 124, 162
Rienstra, Ezora Broussard 124
Rienstra, Fannie Feikje 179
Rienstra, Gatze Jan 178
Rienstra, Gatze Jan George 147
Rienstra, George 93, 178
Rienstra, Jan Rients 93
Rienstra, Jay Gordon 105
Rienstra, Johanna 2, 93, 97, 112
Rienstra, Johanna Ballast 103, 107, 119, 158
Rienstra, John 107, 108
Rienstra, John D. 2, 95, 107, 108
Rienstra, Joyce 123, 124
Rienstra, Jr., Dan 105
Rienstra, Jr., Dan J. 2, 97, 103
Rienstra, Jr., J. 103
Rienstra, Jr., John D. 108
Rienstra, Marie 93, 100, 103, 107, 112, 119, 158, 159, 188
Rienstra, Marie Inez 158
Rienstra, Marion 90, 123
Rienstra, Marion J. 101, 116
Rienstra, Matthew Lyle 105
Rienstra, Miss Anna 89, 116
Rienstra, Miss Anna' 115
Rienstra, Neelkje 172, 179
Rienstra, Nellie 98, 180
Rienstra, Richard Wiley 108
Rienstra, Sandy 91
Rienstra, Sr., Dan 96
Rienstra, Sr., Dan J. 2, 98, 100
Rienstra, Sr., Dan J. Douwe 103
Rienstra, Sr., John 108
Rienstra, Sr., John D. 2, 107
Rienstra, Stephen Marion 108
Rienstra, Uncle George 178, 179, 180, 188, 191
Rienstra, William Walter 108
Riley, Pat 124
Ripley, L. 65
Risinger, Mrs. Emma 116
Ritter, Dainy Price 196
Ritter, Tex 128, 171, 196
Robbins, Charles 81
Robbins, Rev. Frank 183
Robin, Henry 51
Robin, Lee 51
Robin, Phyllis Ann 25
Robin, Pierre 51
Robinson, Martha Dell 143
Rockhill, Edward 66
Rogers, Becky 143
Rogers, James 33
Romano, Betsy 143
Ross, Rev. J. L. 11
Russell, Margaret 147
Russell, Sr., Jeremiah 147
Russo, Mary 142
Rusticus, Anna Gatzes 93
Ruysenaar, Uncle Albert 194
Ruysenaars, Albert 188
Sattler, A. W. 17
Sattler, Austin 34, 51
Sawyer, Tommy 34
Schexnaider, Jr., C. J. 34
Schneider, Joseph 17, 25
Seale, William 13, 15
Seals, Cynthia 140
Sealy, John 168
Sehon, Dewey 51
Semons, Bob 25
Sheppeard, S. J. 50
Sherman, L. E. 18, 51
Shofner, Floyd 72, 75
Shofner, Floyd Kelly 75
Shofner, Jack 75
Shofner, James Franklin 75
Shofner, Matilda Collins 75
Simoneaux, Joe 51
Simoneaux, Pat 51
Slaughter, Elsie 198, 199
Smith, Carol Hooks 70
Smith, Carrie 195
Smith, Duncan 147
Smith, Frederick Schmidt 146
Smith, Jerry 30
Smith, Lou Ellen 147
Smith, Miss 195, 196
Smith, Ursula 145
Smythe, George W. 187
Sousa, Philip 186
Spence, James 34, 35
Spence, Knight James 35
Staals, Van Der 187
Staffen, Flora 73
Staffen, Mrs. Flora 73
Staffen, Robert 147
Staffen, Sarah Jane 147
Staffers, Christina Doornbos Mrs. M. J. 2, 125
Stanley, Catherine Jane Bonnie 170
Stanley, Joyce 170
Stanley, Katherine Joyce 170
Stanley, Spencer A. 170
Stappers, Christina D. 133
Stappers, Christina Doornbos 128
Stappers, J. 127, 128
Stappers, John 127
Stark, J. D. 18, 51
Stark, James 33
Steele, Captain 12
Stehle, H. 51
Stehle, Mrs. Agnes 51
Steinman, D. E. 25
Steinman, Jr., Douglas 13, 25
Stelling, Jeltje 178
Stephens, Beverly 30
Stephens, C. E. 51
Sterling, Roy 74
Stewart, Mary Jean 75
Stewart, Richard 70
Streetman, F. A. 80
Sudela, Mary 39
Sullivan, Charles 25
Sutton, W. A. 50
Sweeney, Ella 147
Sweeney, Geneva 140
Sweeney, H. W. 80
Sweeney, James Hill 147
Sweeney, John W. 147
Sweeney, Major Edward 147
Sweeney, Martha 147
Sweeney, Noel 51
Sweeney, Sarah Jane 145, 146, 147
Talley, Marian 186
Talley, Miss 186
Taylor, Gaylynn Walker 143
Terracina, Joe 51
Terracina, Mrs. Tony 18
Terracina, Sam 51
Terracina, Tony 51
Terwey's, Mrs. Gerrit 92
Theriot, G. A. 51
Theriot, Hubert 16
Theriot, Jamie Ryan 140
Theriot, Jimmy 140
Theriot, Loveless 34, 51
Theriot, Mrs. A. T. 18
Theriot, Randy 140
Thibodeaux, Emma 78
Thibodeaux, Roger 41
Thomas, Edna 201
Thomas, John 69, 72
Thomas, Lois 72
Thomas, Lois Jane 72
Thomas, Lois Stoddard 72
Thomas, Saint 42, 43
Thompson, Alice 66
Thorp, F. M. 6, 51
Thorp, Gladys 39, 54
Thorp, Joe 16, 18, 34, 51
Thorp, Mrs. 40
Thorp, Mrs. Gladys 4, 39
Tilley, John 51
Tillie, John 17, 26, 34
Tillie, Sandra 33
Tomlinson, Claudia Jane 75
Trahan, Julian 51
Trahan, Saul 13, 51, 80
Trahan, Theo 82
Trotter, George P. 82
Tucker, John 108
Turner, Jo 195
Tyer, Jerry Lee 75
Tyer, Preston Lamar 140
Tyer, Victor L. 140
Tynan, Pat 34
Tynan, Pat C. 13, 51
Vandenberg, John 129
Vanderholt, Fr. James 11
Vanderholt, J. 49, 51, 53, 54
Vanderholt, James 4, 36, 42, 43
Vanderholt, Rev. Fr. James 10
Vanderholt, Rev. J. 52
Vanderholt, Rev. James 8
Vegt, Ed Van Der 180
Vegt, Uncle Ed Vander 200
Vernor, Mr. R. L. 89
Viator, Mrs. Paul 18
Vice, Mrs. J. 28
Villa, Pancho 168
Vincent, Saint 44
Vincent, St. 31
Vulpen, Mr. Van 190
Wagner, Mrs. Kathrena 5, 51
Walker, Wayne 143
Wallace, Mathilda 124
Walling, S. E. 80
Walters, Irene 198, 200
Washington, George 104
Waterman, Diewertje 172
Webb, Jean 74
Weinbach, Elizabeth 28
Weissmuller, Johnny 128
Welker, Miss Della 67
Welker, Nancy Jane 65
Wielicka, E. J. 34
Wiess, Simon 71
Wiley, Mary Lucille 108
Wilhoite, U. S. S. 104
Wilson, Mr. C. O. 134, 135
Wingate, G. 49
Wippenitz, Augusta 145
Wistner, O. F. 51
Withers, M. M. 49
Woodrome, Woody 162
Wooten, Tom 18, 51
Worcester, U. S. S. 104
Wortham, Bob 81
Wright, Walter 113
Wrogg, Lillian Ruth 127
Wynn, Dow 51
Wynn, Rev. Mr. Dow 43, 44, 54
Yentzen, George 5, 49, 51, 120, 123
Yentzen, Norman 51
Ynez, Maria 158
Youmans, H. P. 169
