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East Texas Mill Towns & Ghost Towns Volume 1
Volume 1 includes Angelina, Chambers,
Jefferson, Nacogdoches, Newton, Orange, Polk and Tyler counties.
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Table of Contents
The table of contents below
includes the page numbers from the printed books.
Table of Figures 8
Foreword 9
Introduction 10
Endnotes–Introduction 23
Chapter 1–Angelina County 25
The Geographic and
Topographic Description 26
Angelina County's Early
Trams and Railroads 28
The Earliest Steam
Sawmills 30
The Wandering Boynton
and Jeans Brothers 33
The Sawmill at Michelli
The Early Sawmill at
Keltys 41
The Earliest Years of
the Keltys Sawmill 44
The Keltys Sawmill
Equipment 47
The Social Life in the
Mill Town of Keltys 50
Sawmilling at Baber,
Zavalla, Retrieve, Huntington 52
Early Sawmilling at
Lufkin 56
Other Sawmilling and
Lumbering Centers 63
Sawmilling at Clawson
and Pollok 67
Sawmilling at Emporia
and Ewing 73
The Organizers of Carter
- Kelley Lumber Company 77
Manning, Texas the Early
Days 79
The Manning Sawmill and
Equipment 81
Manning Business
District and Mill Town 83
The Early Days of
Diboll, Texas 85
Logging the Diboll
Sawmill 90
The Diboll Sawmill of
1940` 93
Diboll from Village to
Mill City 96
A Summary of Angelina
County Sawmilling 99
Endnotes – Angelina
County 100
Chapter 2–Chambers County 109
The Early and Smaller
Sawmills 110
The Cummings Brothers'
First Large Mill 116
The Cummings Sawmill at
Wallisville 119
The Cummings Mill
Operation and Machinery 121
Logging the Cummings
Mill 123
Cummings Mill Life at
Wallisville 125
The Later Mills 127
A Summary of Chambers
County Sawmilling 129
Endnotes – Chambers
County 130
Chapter 3–Jefferson County 133
The Geological Outlook 134
Sawmill at Sabine Pass
The Sawmill at Port
Neches 137
Early Sawmilling in
Beaumont 138
The Long and Company Saw
and Shingle Mill 140
The Reliance Lumber
Company Sawmill 144
Olive and Sternenberg's
Centennial Sawmill 148
The Adams and Milmo
Sawmill 151
The Independent Planing
Mills 153
The Beaumont Lumber
Company Sawmill 155
The Eagle Mill 159
The Texas Tram and
Lumber Company Sawmill 162
The Miller - Vidor
Lumber Company Sawmill 164
The Decline of
Sawmilling in Jefferson County 166
Sawmills That Built
Their Own Coffins 169
The Writer's Conclusions
Endnotes – Jefferson
County 173
Chapter 4–Nacogdoches County 179
The Geographic and
Topographic Description 180
The Early Railroads and
Logging Tram Roads 182
Nacogdoches County's
Antebellum Sawmills 184
Nacogdoches County Mills
from 1880 to 1900 187
The Sawmills at
Clevenger and Tubbe 190
The Founders of the
Hayward Lumber Company 193
Operating and Logging
the Hayward Sawmill 196
Hayward Mill Under Frost
- Johnson 199
The Sawmills of Caro,
Texas 201
The W. G. Harrington
Sawmill 206
Other City of
Nacogdoches Lumber Mills 208
The J. P. Carter Lumber
Company Mills 210
The Sawmills at Sacul,
Texas 212
The Sawmills at Cushing
and Trawick, Texas 214
Sawmilling at Garrison
and Appleby 218
Other Nacogdoches County
Mill Sites 221
A Summary of Nacogdoches
County Sawmilling 225
Endnotes – Nacogdoches,
County 227
Chapter 5–Newton County 233
The Geographic Background
The Newton County
Railroads 235
Newton County's Early
Water - Powered Mills 236
The Early Independent
Logging Contractors 240
The Cow Creek Tram
Company 244
The Cow Creek Sawmill at
Call 247
"Mill G," Kirby Lumber
Company's Call Sawmill 249
The Newton County Tram
Company and the Trotti or Klondike Logging Camp 255
Other Newton County
Mills, Sawmill Towns, and Logging Camps 257
The Beginnings of Wier
Long Leaf Lumber Company 265
Wiergate, the Big Mill
and Town 268
The General Mill
Operations at Wiergate 270
The Closing Days of the
Wiergate Mill 275
The Social Environment
at Wiergate. 278
Wiergate the Ghost Town
A History of the Sabine
Tram Company 283
The Sabine Tram Sawmill
at Deweyville 289
The Peavy - Moore
Sawmill at Deweyville 293
Sawmilling at Newton,
Texas 297
A Summary of Newton
County Sawmilling 300
Endnotes – Newton County
Chapter 6–Orange County 308
The Antebellum Sawmills 309
The Alexander Gilmer
Lumber Mills 314
The D. R. Wingate Lumber
Company 320
The A. K. Norris Sawmill
The Lutcher and Moore
Lumber Company 325
The Russell and Son
Shingle Mill 331
The Josiah Jordan
Shingle Mill 334
The Thomas Bancroft and
Sons Mills 335
Kirby Lumber Company's
'Mill D' at Orange 339
The Leopold Miller
Lumber Interests 341
The Miller - Link Lumber
Company 343
The Orange Lumber
Company 346
Sawmills and Logging
Elsewhere in Orange County 348
The A. E Smith Mills and
the Miller - Vidor Lumber Company 351
A Summary of Orange
County Sawmilling 353
Endnotes – Orange County
Chapter 7–Polk County 363
The Geographic Description
Polk County's Antebellum
Sawmills 365
The Sawmill Town of
Bowers, Texas 367
The Sawmill at Barnum,
Texas 369
The Sawmill at Benford,
Texas 373
The Sawmills of Fant -
Petersville - Potomac - Wakefield 375
The Sawmills at Asia and
Mulvey Mills 376
The Mill Town of Stryker
or Pluck, Texas 379
Some Early Polk County
Logging Camps 381
The Sawmills of Carmona,
Texas 383
The Sawmill Town of
Onalaska, Texas 390
Some Little - Known
Sawmills of Polk County 394
The Sawmills of
Corrigan, Texas 396
Sawmilling at Camden,
Texas 398
The Sawmills of Soda and
Knoxville 401
The Sawmills at Leggett,
Freeman, and New Willard 403
The Sawmill at Buck,
Texas 405
Other Early Polk County
Sawmills 406
The Sawmills at or Near
Livingston 408
A Summary of Polk County
Sawmilling 409
Endnotes – Polk County
Chapter 8–Tyler County 415
Tyler County's Physical
Description 416
The Sawmill at Hyatt,
Texas 417
The Sawmill at Mobile,
Texas 423
The Sawmills at
Rockland, Texas 426
The Sawmill Town of
Colmesneil 432
Other Mill Towns and
Logging Camps 439
The Sawmill at Hampton
or Fleming Station 443
The Sawmill at Doucette,
Texas 446
The Sawmill at Hillister,
Texas 452
The Sawmills at Warren,
Texas 455
The Early Woodville
Sawmills 461
A Summary Of Tyler
County Sawmilling 464
Endnotes–Tyler County
Index 471
Table of Figures
The table of figures below
includes the page numbers from the printed books.
Figure 1–Vast park - like stands of
pine were commonplace throughout East Texas in the 1880s when the railroads
opened up the region to sawmills and loggers. 2
Figure 2–High - wheeled logging carts, pulled by mule teams, were
used to log early timber stands in Angelina County. 25
Figure 3–The use of crosscut saws and axes were the principal means
to fell trees in early Chambers County. 109
Figure 4 – Timber stands such as these greet elderly sawmillers in
Jefferson County. 133
Figure 5 – Giant pines such as these were characteristic arrivals at
early sawmills in Nacogdoches County. 179
Figure 6–An early lumberman and his daughter pose beside a large pine
harvested near Wiergate in Newton County. 233
Figure 7–The early headquarters of the Lutcher - Moore Lumber Company
stood beside the Sabine River at Orange in Orange County. 308
Figure 8–Cabbage - stacked locomotives such as this were used to haul
logs to the W. T. Carter & Bro. sawmill at Camden in Polk County. 363
Figure 9–A bust of legendary lumberman John Henry Kirby stands in a
chapel at Peach Tree Village in Tyler County. 415
Figure 10–Camps such as this were used by cypress loggers in Orange
County. This camp was probably located on Adams Bayou in the 1920s. 470
The index below includes the
page numbers from the printed books.
Abercrombie, James B. 63
Abernathy, George 72
Ada, John S. 366
Adams, David 87
Adams, Francis 151
Adams, George 243, 244, 246, 247, 248, 259
Adams, J. F. 220
Adams, Leopard 259
Adams, Mr. George 245
Adams, Virgie 259
Agee, W. H. 87
Albrighton, Flem 239
Aldridge, F. M. 424, 465
Aldridge, Hal 55
Aldridge, W. H. 427, 430
Alexander, C. H. 137, 173
Alexander, Dr. Claude 63
Alexander, James R. 138
Alexander, Michael 138, 139
Alexander, Mr. 283, 455
Alger, Horatio 314, 341
Allen, A. 258
Allen, Augustus C. 376
Allen, Chapman 376
Allen, Clark 295
Allen, John K. 377, 423
Allen, John Kirby 376
Allen, Mr. 376, 396, 423
Allen, Mr. B. 424
Allen, Mr. John K. 377
Allen, Mr. Sam 377, 423
Allen, Mr. Sam C. 377
Allen, Sam 41, 251, 376, 378, 396, 397, 423, 424, 425
Allen, W. T. 431
Allis, E. P. 56, 78, 144, 146, 148, 155, 159
Anderson, J. E. 203
Anderson, James M. 31
Angell, Charles H. 54, 64
Angell, J. A. 445
Arbogast, J. C. 327
Arthur, J. W. 218
Arthur, John 221
Ashford, William 86, 87
Ashworth, Allen 251
Ashworth, Sam 311
Asplet, Arthur 73
Atwood, William M. 90
Austin, S. F. 72, 108
Austin, Sam Houston 100
Austin, Stephen F. 11, 100, 101, 102
Austin, U. T. 305, 414
Baber, G. A. 278
Baber, Guy 295
Bacom, S. F. 212
Baird, Jim 406
Baird, W. L. 278
Balch, E. 413
Balch, Earnest 102
Ballinger, Mary 87
Balter, C. F. 352
Bancroft, A. J. 337
Bancroft, E. W. 337, 339
Bancroft, George 255, 335, 337, 338, 339, 340, 345
Bancroft, George T. 283
Bancroft, T. 335, 337
Bancroft, Thomas 6, 335, 337
Barclay, C. H. 430
Barker, E. 100, 102
Barnes, O. P. 294
Barnum, P. T. 369
Barron, Dr. W. T. 431
Barron, W. H. 56
Bartlett, A. L. 213
Bartrum, W. A. 431
Bateman, Cleve 80
Bateman, S. N. 251
Bates, C. 86
Baucom, Clarence 203
Baucom, William E. 87
Baxter, E. 60
Beard, Joe 45
Beattie, A. E. 328
Beatty, C. R. 160
Beck, F. T. 106
Beckford, Charles 45
Beckford, George H. 45
Beckford, Russell 45
Beckwith, Mr. W. A. 114
Beckwith, William A. 114
Bell, Alexander Graham 142
Bell, Josiah 329
Bell, Josiah H. 329
Bell, Lewis 258
Bell, W. H. 315
Bender, C. A. 394, 412
Bender, Charles Adolph 394
Benjamin, Frank 433
Bering, E. J. 395
Bering, Mr. W. G. 395
Bering, W. G. 395
Berly, C. E. 167
Berly, Charlsie 167
Berly, Charlsie E. 176, 178
Berly, E. 178
Bettisworth, Lyman 61
Bevil, J. J. 285
Biggers, Kate 199
Bivins, Frank H. 69
Black, W. B. 155, 320, 335
Blair, Richard 32, 56, 68, 70, 71
Blair, Robert 68
Blair, W. F. 123
Bledsoe, Dr. P. M. 431
Blewitt, John 237
Block, Mr. 9
Block, W. T. 1, 9, 24, 101, 102, 104, 105, 174, 175, 176, 177, 302, 303,
307, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 361, 362, 465
Blount, A. A. 218
Blount, E. A. 219
Blount, Guy A. 218
Blount, L. F. 100
Blythe, Edward W. 69
Blythe, Keyser 69
Bohlssen, H. G. 76
Bohlssen, Henry G. 75
Bohlssen, John 75
Boles, Charles 72
Bonner, B. F. 261, 266
Bonner, Charles L. 68
Bonner, James 68
Bonner, James J. 90
Bonner, John S. 24
Bonner, Mr. B. F. 266
Bonner, T. R. 67, 68
Bonner, Thomas J. 44
Bonner, W. H. 35, 56, 73
Booth, E. J. 270, 271, 272, 275
Booth, R. E. 310
Booth, Robert E. 309
Bostick, J. T. 367
Bowden, J. J. 206
Bowman, B. 101, 103
Bowman, Bob 9
Boynton, Albert 33, 258
Boynton, Walter 33, 258
Bradford, Walter 344
Bradley, W. J. 121
Brainard, Wilbur 60, 61
Brazee, W. C. 311
Brazelton, T. W. 384
Brazelton, W. B. 383
Bremond, Paul 100, 227
Broderick, James 297
Brooke, C. G. 86
Brooke, Pearl 86
Broome, J. H. 367
Brough, Jr., Mr. William 456
Brown, Clarence 56
Brown, Dr. E. W. 328, 333
Brown, Edgar 354
Brown, J. D. 458
Brown, Jane 128
Brown, Will 258
Bruce, J. G. 406
Bryan, William Jennings 395
Buchanan, J. W. 57
Buehler, Mr. Emmet 327
Buhrner, Paul 278
Bullock, J. D. 138
Burdette, Fred 294
Burgess, W. 329
Burgett, G. W. 203
Burnaman, J. H. 53
Burnaman, Joe 53
Burnaman, Joseph H. 53
Burnet, David G. 12
Burnett, Clarence 60
Burnett, Harvey 60
Burnett, J. M. 69
Burns, Robert 121
Burr, Capt. G. B. 353
Busby, Miss Clara 457
Butts, James 44
Caderhead, T. M. 450
Cain, James R. 72
Campbell, J. I. 338, 382, 453, 458, 459
Canon, Dr. M. B. 374
Capland, Lula 203
Cariker, A. J. 209, 214, 223
Cariker, Albert J. 209, 215
Cariker, Dr. Fred 209
Cariker, Dr. Fred W. 214
Cariker, I. J. W. 214
Cariker, J. W. 209, 214
Cariker, Jesse 209
Cariker, Jesse W. 209, 214
Cariker, Mr. 214
Cariker, R. L. 215
Cariker, Robert L. 209
Cariker, Tom J. 214
Cariker, W. P. 209, 214
Carlisle, Will 85
Carlisle, William 390, 393
Carmona, Juan 383
Caroway, Adam 218, 221
Carr, A. B. 365
Carr, John 365
Carr, John F. 365
Carriker, Jesse 214
Carriker, Jesse W. 214
Carrol, J. F. 328
Carroll, A. D. 426
Carroll, F. L. 157
Carroll, Frank 15, 156
Carroll, Frank L. 139, 140, 155, 167
Carroll, G. W. 157
Carroll, George W. 155, 158, 167
Carroll, Joseph 156
Carroll, Joseph A. 140, 156
Carroll, Mr. 426
Carroll, Mr. A. D. 426
Carroll, Mr. F. L. 142
Carroway, Vestal 188
Carroway, W. Vestal 203
Carson, H. H. 185
Carson, Mr. W. H. 434
Carson, W. H. 433
Carter, Aubrey 78
Carter, E. A. 369, 370, 398
Carter, Earnest 77, 78
Carter, F. 73, 74, 75, 230, 449
Carter, George 215
Carter, J. J. 71
Carter, J. P. 5, 52, 75, 210, 211, 230, 447, 448, 453
Carter, Joseph P. 73
Carter, Jr., S. F. 75
Carter, Jr., W. T. 78
Carter, L. C. 77, 369
Carter, Mr. S. F. 74
Carter, Mr. W. T. 79, 369
Carter, S. F. 73, 74, 75, 105, 160, 162, 210, 230, 448, 450, 468
Carter, Sam 73
Carter, Samuel F. 468
Carter, Samuel Fain 52, 73, 210, 447, 459
Carter, Sr., Aubrey Carter W. T. 78
Carter, Sr., Samuel Fain 52
Carter, Sr., W. T. 77, 78
Carter, W. T. 8, 77, 78, 82, 106, 225, 363, 364, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371,
376, 381, 395, 398, 399, 400, 407, 409
Caruthers, A. J. 32, 67, 68, 69, 211, 212
Caruthers, A. J. Jack 65, 212
Caruthers, Jack 68, 69
Caruthers, R. A. 67, 68
Caruthers, Robert 68
Caruthers, Robert A. 68
Cassidy, Mike 379, 380
Caswell, C. C. 160
Caswell, Columbus C. 151, 160
Caswell, Mrs. Elizabeth 160
Caton, A. C. 381
Caton, Capt. A. B. 369
Caton, Captain A. B. 381
Caton, Carter S. 398
Caton, Ruby 381
Cavin, George W. 222
Cavin, Hugh 45
Cawthon, R. S. 397
Chamberlain, A. B. 112
Chamberlain, Dr. A. B. 112
Chancey, Mary 203
Channing, J. B. 329
Chapman, L. J. 447, 461
Chappell, S. P. 421
Cheesman, R. F. 293
Chenault, A. T. 313
Chenault, Charlie 313
Chenault, E. T. 355
Choate, Moses 408
Christopher, M. 56
Clark, A. L. 35, 67
Clark, Dr. Eddie 44, 46
Clark, E. T. 61
Clark, G. 138
Clark, O. O. 57
Clawson, T. W. 67
Cleek, James 121
Clemons, Gus 73
Clemons, Mathew 87
Clevenger, J. P. 190, 191
Clevenger, Joe 191
Clevenger, Joe P. 190
Clevenger, Mr. 190
Cliburn, Van 82
Cline, J. E. 127
Cobb, D. L. 294
Cochran, Calvin 57
Cochran, John H. 60
Cochran, John W. 405
Cochran, Josh 61
Coleman, Rube R. 203
Collins, Tom 77, 78, 80
Colmesneil, Captain W. T. 432
Colvin, W. J. 433
Comb, Henry 80
Connally, Perry 407
Conway, Zeph F. 215
Cook, John 119, 127
Cook, John W. 115, 127
Cordell, J. M. 220
Cordell, Jr., J. M. 220
Cordell, Sr., J. M. 220
Corliss, Futch 36
Corrigan, Pat 396
Cour, T. L. 352
Couty, Polk 394
Cowart, S. J. 54
Cowart, Sebron J. 54, 61
Cowen, Mr. E. P. 433
Cowsert, M. M. 57
Cox, A. 232
Cox, Ed 328
Cox, Elva A. 225, 227, 230
Craddock, J. E. 327
Crager, A. J. 86
Craig, H. E. 436, 441
Craig, J. L. 442
Craig, James L. 436
Crain, Ambrose 184
Crary, B. D. 240
Creel, George 20, 390
Crooke, E. L. 74, 448
Croom, Frank 259
Cumming, C. R. 84, 116, 118, 119, 120, 124, 125, 169
Cummings, C. R. 84, 116, 118, 119, 120, 124, 125, 169
Cummings, Jesse 116
Cunningham, W. L. 458
Curtis, G. W. 329
Cushing, E. H. 23, 173, 356
Daniel, Russ 349
Daniels, W. F. 215
Darden, Mr. H. D. 456
Daugherty, C. H. 86
Davidson, William 297
Davis, A. O. 291
Davis, Captain Tom 255
Davis, I. C. 456
Davis, J. E. 297
Davis, James A. 238
Davis, Mr. R. B. 426
Davis, R. D. 426
Davis, Rev. M. M. 275
Davis, W. R. 60
Davis, William 426
Dean, Tom 199
Decker, R. M. 201, 203
DeCordova, Jacob 12
Dees, A. L. 328
Delaney, J. W. 426
Delaney, John W. 426
Delaney, Mr. John 453
Delaney, P. M. 453
Delano, Marvin 310
Dennard, Mr. J. W. 377
Devers, T. 120
Dewey, George 289
Dibert, John 328, 329
Diboll, J. C. 85
Dickinson, Ed 285
Dies, A. J. Peavy 101
Dione, J. 102
Dionne, J. 102
Disston, Henry 458
Dixon, Joe 294
Dobbs, J. L. 213
Donohue, Hardy 431
Donovan, John 377, 423
Dooley, P. F. 430
Doom, R. C. 173, 355
Doucette, Mrs. A. L. 446
Doucette, P. A. Pete 446, 461
Doucette, Pete 461
Dougherty, C. H. 450
Dougherty, George 236
Douglas, Percy 46
Douglass, Robert I. 437
Dowling, Dick 329
Drick, Mr. Frank J. 327
Dudley, Q. 275
Dunbar, Joe 379, 380
Duncan, F. W. 218
Dunlap, E. F. 421
Dunlap, Frank 86
Dunman, E. A. 126
Dunn, Dr. William W. 69
Dunn, J. P. 57
Dunn, Joe P. 61
Dunn, Joseph P. 56
Dunn, W. E. 216
Durst, John 219
Dutton, Rufe 121
Dyer, G. A. 190
Easton, Dr. 94, 95, 265
Easton, Dr. H. P. 11, 19, 390
Easton, H. P. 23, 227, 268, 270, 279, 286, 410
Easton, Hamilton P. 93
Easton, Hamilton Pratt 265
Easton, P. 108, 304, 305, 306, 412
Eaves, L. 259
Eden, W. F. 65
Edwards, Ben 61
Edwards, Joseph H. 69
Edwards, S. T. 328
Edwards, William 88
Elkins, Bennett 236
Ellington, Ed 255
Ellison, B. 108
Ellison, H. B. 94
Enloe, Mary A. 431
Eubank, Wilfred 88
Evans, Fred 32, 68
Evans, Mr. T. D. 284
Evans, Nathan 68
Evans, T. D. 285
Everitts, E. 421
Ewing, Edna 42
Ewing, J. A. 42
Ewing, James E. 75
Faircloth, W. H. 406
Faircloth, William 407
Fant, John Napoleon 375
Fant, N. 375
Fant, Napoleon 375
Farr, Alfred 14, 236
Farwell, F. H. 328
Farwell, Frederick H. 329
Faulkner, Mr. T. Y. 42
Ferguson, G. R. 167, 285
Ferguson, Mr. G. R. 284
Ferguson, Mr. J. C. 245
Ferguson, Mr. Ross 284
Ferris, A. 436
Filson, H. S. 319
Fincher, R. 414
Fisher, C. N. 118
Fisher, C. W. 71
Fisher, Charles N. 408
Fisher, Dr. C. W. 71
Fisher, Elizabeth 71
Fisher, Joseph K. 187
Fisher, M. A. 71
Fisher, Mary A. 71
Fisher, W. L. 57
Fisk, G. W. 241
Fisk, Mr. G. W. 241, 242
Fite, B. F. 42
Fleming, D. H. 443, 444, 445
Fleming, D. Hampton 443, 444
Fleming, Daniel M. 408
Fleming, H. M. 433, 434, 458
Fleming, Hampton 444
Fleming, J. B. 445
Fleming, J. W. 257
Fleming, John B. 445
Fleming, Mr. Daniel Hampton 444
Fleming, W. M. 445
Fletcher, W. A. 15, 140, 143, 150, 160, 162, 163
Fletcher, William A. 140
Flournoy, M. 106
Flournoy, M. M. 84
Ford, D. A. 298, 328
Ford, Martin 13
Ford, Mr. D. A. 298
Ford, R. F. 24
Foster, Mr. W. W. 212
Fowler, Jim 407
Fredericks, Charles 87
Freeman, James R. 403
Frisby, William 450
Frost, E. A. 57, 78, 86, 200
Frost, E. W. 56, 57
Frost, Edwin A. 56
Frost, Edwin Ambrose 56, 199
Frost, Enoch W. 56, 199
Fuller, A. A. 297
Fuller, Charlie 45
Fuller, Jesse B. 87
Fulmer, T. D. 222
Funderburk, Rev. A. M. 275
Furlow, Willis E. 80
Futch, J. M. 199
Gagne, F. P. 439
Gagne, Mr. F. P. 439
Galloway, C. C. 188, 202, 203, 204, 208, 219
Galloway, Mr. C. C. 204
Gammel, P. N. 173
Gardner, Silas 56
Gartner, Mr. W. 115
Gee, Charles 258
Gee, John 21
Gee, John C. 21
Gee, Jr., C. 24, 304
Gee, Jr., Mr. John C. 252
George, Robert L. 72
Gerland, J. 105
Gerland, Johnathan 101
Gerland, Jonathan 36, 37, 45, 65, 67, 69, 71, 74, 102, 179
Gibbs, W. M. 82, 84
Gibbs, William M. 80
Gibson, Dora 68
Gilbert, John N. 155, 157, 158, 167
Gilbert, L. D. 85
Gilbert, Mr. Hal 245
Gilchrist, John W. 72
Gilder, W. M. 452
Gillis, D. 56
Gilmer, A. 283, 316, 317, 354, 356
Gilmer, Alexander 6, 257, 314, 316, 317, 318, 319, 321, 341, 350, 356
Gilmer, Miss Laura 285
Gilmer, Miss Laurel 283
Gilmer, Mr. 317
Gilmer, Mr. A. 314, 315, 316
Gilmer, Sandy 318, 319
Giron, James A. 258
Glenn, Mr. Melvin 43
Glover, J. R. 421
Glover, T. C. 187
Gober, J. D. 297
Goetzman, F. 91
Goldsmith, E. L. 144
Goode, Brenda 438
Goode, J. 466
Goodman, Martin 44, 45
Goodwin, T. G. S. 352
Gorman, C. L. 203
Granbury, C. B. 374
Granger, Benjamin 135
Gray, F. 23
Gray, Mr. J. E. 456
Gray, Simon 237, 239
Gray, W. C. 289
Gray, W. E. 237, 239, 260
Gray, William Fairfax 23
Green, H. R. 138
Green, Henry R. 174, 311, 355
Green, Robert 86
Green, William F. 56
Gribble, C. G. 57, 77, 78, 80
Gribble, Charles G. 80
Griffin, Pat 458
Grimaldi, Joe 251
Grimes, Curtis 44
Grover, George W. 112
Grubbs, L. T. 337
Hackney, Tom 395, 407
Hackney, Tom L. 395, 406
Hale, M. P. 190
Hall, B. M. 185
Haltom, Dr. N. G. 138
Haltom, R. W. 65, 67, 71, 104
Haltom, W. 105
Hanks, Wyatt 11, 30, 184
Hanna, C. L. 348, 351, 352
Hanna, Mr. C. D. 406, 437
Hannah, C. L. 348, 351, 352
Hannon, W. E. 457
Haralson, Captain J. C. 433
Hardeman, Major Black 185
Hardin, Louis G. 87
Hardy, D. H. 412
Hardy, N. M. 431
Hargis, J. A. 446
Harlow, R. H. 127, 128
Harmon, John 309
Harmon, Joseph 309
Harrington, Mr. W. G. 206, 207
Harrington, W. G. 5, 206, 208
Harrington, W. H. 165
Harris, A. 70, 72
Harris, Frank J. 203
Harris, June C. 218
Harris, William 12
Harrison, George 407
Harrison, James 407
Harry, H. 130
Harry, J. H. 115, 127, 130
Hart, John 259
Harville, Bony 52
Havard, Nora 398
Hawkins, Dr. Jesse W. 80
Hawks, C. A. 190
Haynes, E. 411, 412, 413, 414
Haynes, Emma 390, 395, 398, 405
Haynes, Harvey P. 408
Hayward, C. C. 195
Hayward, E. B. 17, 18, 182, 193, 197, 199
Hayward, Richard 383
Heath, David R. 215
Heath, J. B. 199
Heider, J. B. 450
Heisch, E. Emil 278
Henderson, J. L. 43, 396
Henderson, Jack 46
Henderson, Jim 397
Henderson, Joseph A. 44
Henderson, Mr. S. W. 43
Henderson, Simon 44, 68, 76, 293, 395, 396
Henderson, Simon W. 41, 45
Hendrickson, Nat 285
Henry, Patrick 310
Hensley, J. W. 414
Hensley, P. B. 411
Henson, S. 130
Herndon, W. D. 16
Herring, Sam 259
Herring, Thomas 259
Hewson, Dr. William 311
Hickman, B. M. 190
Hickman, C. 450
Hickman, Carl 52
Hickman, E. S. 448, 450
Hickman, Edgar T. 52
Hickman, N. 356
Hickman, Tom 366, 410
Hicks, S. B. 442
Higginbotham, J. H. 114
Higginbotham, Major J. H. 114
Hill, W. F. 36
Hines, D. C. 122
Hines, Earl 267
Hines, Earl S. 278
Hines, P. 304, 305, 306
Hines, Pauline 24, 304
Hines, S. 306
Hintz, J. E. 85
Hobbs, L. 56
Hodges, Claude 87
Hodges, J. M. 430
Hodges, Mr. A. J. 461
Hogg, Harvey 81
Holbrook, Ira 61
Holbrook, W. N. 251
Hollenback, F. O. 57
Hollenbeck, F. 73
Hollinger, Alex 44
Holmes, Tom 251
Holshausen, Claiborne 394
Hooks, Ariola 17
Hooks, C. G. 349
Hooks, T. M. 223
Hopkins, H. C. 278
Hopkins, William 450
Hornsby, Mary 45
Hoshall, W. E. 64
Hotchkiss, C. 184
Houston, W. T. 63
Howard, Rev. L. E. 426
Howard, T. 257
Howard, Thad 257
Hubbard, Mr. J. B. 429
Hubbell, Henry 135
Huey, Mr. J. 456
Huff, H. C. 169
Hufham, J. T. 367
Huntington, C. P. 28, 53
Hurd, Norman 12
Hutchins, A. 452
Hutchins, Arthur 452, 453
Hutchins, L. 452
Hutchins, Mr. Arthur 453
Hutchison, Frank 251
Hutchison, Nancy Tevis 148
Hyatt, Capt. F. A. 427
Hyatt, Captain F. A. 417
Hylton, Sr., R. 123
Hymers, George 458
Icet, Captain William 115
Icet, H. C. 115
Ingram, Ed 375
Irion, W. H. 134
Irvin, J. P. 16
Jackson, L. O. 390
Jackson, Robert 309, 310, 311, 312, 331
Jackson, Will A. 203
James, Lee 215
James, S. A. 294
Jellison, William H. 45
Johnson, Clarence 199
Johnson, Clarence D. 199
Johnson, E. 362
Johnson, F. 102
Johnson, F. W. 302
Johnson, George 375
Johnson, J. E. 360
Johnson, J. Eddie 353
Johnson, John T. 137
Johnson, Rev. S. C. 426
Johnson, T. E. 328
Johnson, W. E. 434
Johnston, J. N. 458
Jon, Jesse H. 346
Jones, Abb 45
Jones, Edgar 44
Jones, G. D. 328
Jones, Jesse 73
Jones, Leroy 112
Jones, M. T. 73, 74, 85, 248, 322, 346, 447
Jones, M. W. 201, 203
Jones, R. A. 223
Jones, W. H. 430
Jones, William H. 80
Jordan, Dr. Byron L. 52
Jordan, J. 334
Jordan, J. W. 206
Jordan, Josiah 6, 320, 334
Josserand, Frank 374
Josserand, P. E. 411
Josserand, Peter 375
Josserand, Peter Edward 375
Keaghey, Jim 206
Keith, Captain K. D. 173
Keith, J. F. 382
Keith, J. Frank 167
Keith, John W. 15, 140, 143, 150, 160, 162, 163
Keith, K. D. 173
Keith, Mr. John L. 143
Kelley, A. 106
Kelley, G. A. 56, 57, 77, 78, 86, 103, 106, 199
Kelley, George A. 77, 78
Kelley, George Alfred 56, 199
Kelley, L. 257
Kelley, W. H. 450
Kelly, C. B. 408
Kelly, Frank 257
Kelly, J. A. 220
Kelly, J. R. 257
Kelty, Charles L. 31, 41
Keltys, C. L. 394
Kensey, William 203
Kilgore, Captain T. A. 114
Kilgore, T. A. 114
King, Charlie 82
King, Kathleen 259
King, Mr. J. T. 42
Kinney, John 259
Kirby, John H. 141, 155, 247, 289, 424
Kirby, John Henry 8, 246, 415
Knively, Samuel 186
Knox, Jr., Hiram 401, 402
Knox, Lillian 402
Knox, Lillian Miriam Marshall 401
Knox, Mrs. Lillian 402
Knox, Sr., Hiram 401, 402
Knox, Sr., William Hiram 401
Kurth, E. L. 51, 296
Kurth, Earnest L. 394
Kurth, Ernest L. 46, 51
Kurth, J. H. 44, 61, 293, 296
Kurth, Joseph H. 41, 394
Kurth, Jr., J. H. 61
Kurth, Mr. J. H. 43
Kurth, Sr., Joseph H. 41
Lacy, J. W. 223
Ladd, K. 130
Ladd, Kevin 109
Laflour, Joseph 121
Landry, James 285
Lapoint, Joe L. 61
Larkin, Sylvia 268, 305
Latane, Thomas Louis 85
Lee, C. B. 315
Lee, E. C. 275
Lee, Emmett C. 272, 275
Lee, Howard 188, 189, 219
Lee, Jesse 238, 261
Lee, Moses 238, 258
Lee, Mr. Howard 189
Lee, R. E. 32
Lee, R. H. 188
Lee, T. W. 246
Leggett, Jesse 407
Leggett, Ralph 403
Lemuel, Augusta 112
Lester, W. E. 298
Levy, H. F. 112
Lewis, J. 404
Lewis, Jim 406
Lewis, Marvin 60
Lewis, William 138
Likens, S. D. 118
Linder, Will 199
Lindsey, William A. 52
Lingard, Sam 87
Lipscomb, C. 384
Lipsitz, J. 71
Lipsitz, L. 72
Lipsitz, Louis 70, 72
Littlejohn, S. W. 72
Lloyd, M. W. 257
Long, A. J. 127
Long, Davis 140
Long, Hasseltine Hassie 140
Long, J. 127
Long, James 15, 139, 140, 141, 143
Long, Julia 140
Long, Martha 140
Long, Sarah 140
Long, Wier 5, 17, 93, 257, 265, 266, 272, 275, 276, 305, 330
Long, Wiergate 262
Lowry, Robert 45
Lutcher, H. J. 235, 315, 325, 328, 329, 394
Lutcher, Henry J. 15, 24
Lutcher, Mr. 325, 327
Lutcher, Mr. H. J. 333
Mackin, Henry S. 112
Maddox, Effie 30
Maddox, Joe 239
Malear, Mabel 50
Mann, Dr. David A. 87
Mann, J. W. 67
Mantooth, E. J. 56, 77, 78
Mantooth, Lee 61
Marion, Frank 450
Markham, William 112
Maroney, J. T. 56
Marshall, J. C. 213
Marshall, Lillian 401
Martin, D. W. 60
Martin, Frank 450
Martin, L. B. 276
Martin, Mr. Charles 457
Martin, Mr. Wm 380
Martin, T. W. 278
Martindale, A. B. 209, 215
Martindale, Ambrose B. 209, 214, 215
Martinez, J. M. 193
Massingill, Emmett 87
Massingill, John A. 87
Matthews, Dr. Lee 86
Matthews, John S. 64
Matthews, T. K. 445
Maxey, Thomas 52
Maxwell, E. R. 329
Maxwell, R. 106, 227, 307, 466
Maxwell, R. S. 305
Maxwell, Robert 398, 411
Maxwell, S. 24, 100, 103
Mayberry, L. 102
Mayberry, L. M. 413
Mayberry, Lita 50, 100, 102
Mayes, J. J. 119, 131
Mayes, Woodson 127
McAdams, Simon 60
McAlister, Drs. F. E. 278
McCall, D. 86
McCarty, C. N. 430
McCarty, R. L. 450
McCarty, S. A. 151
McCarty, William R. 452
McClerkin, Luther 60
McCloy, Harry E. 87
McCoy, R. 23
McCready, William 446
McDonald, A. P. 100
McDonald, E. E. 261
McDonald, Gilbert 315
McDonald, Mr. Willis 284
McDonald, Roy 126, 127
McDonald, Thomas 111, 408
McDonald, Willis 285
McFaddin, W. P. H. 144, 145
McGehee, John 313
McKinley, Alfred M. 352
McKinney, T. F. 12, 130, 365
McKinney, Thomas F. 30, 110, 365
McKinnon, J. 346
McKinnon, John 248, 322, 346
McKinnon, Mr. John 245, 346
McMahon, J. T. 285
McMahon, John 285
McMahon, Mr. J. T. 284
McManus, R. 116
McManus, R. O. W. 111
McWhorter, Ben 44
McWilliams, C. M. 383
Meadows, S. H. 436
Mears, Lloyd 259
Medlock, John R. 80
Meekins, Moses 366, 407
Meigs, Dave 192
Menard, M. B. 12, 110, 365
Menard, William S. 186
Merriman, John 311, 312
Meter, B. F. Van 156, 240
Meter, Mr. B. F. Van 241, 242
Meter, Mr. Van 241, 242
Meter, Van 240, 241, 242, 243
Methveys, Theo 68
Michael, G. W. 316, 341
Micheli, Vicente 35
Miller, A. W. 164, 348, 351
Miller, Allen 328
Miller, Joe 344
Miller, John 285
Miller, L. 328, 341, 343, 344
Miller, Leopold 6, 235, 297, 341, 343, 344
Miller, Maurice 344, 348
Miller, Mr. Harry 457
Milmo, Bernard 151
Mitchell, Jeff 258
Mitterer, Mr. J. M. 433
Mitterer, Mr. Jack 434
Mixon, C. A. 257
Mixon, Charles A. 257
Montgomery, E. F. 265
Moody, R. H. 374
Mooney, Henry T. 87
Moore, C. H. 112, 315, 320, 323
Moore, Charles H. 112, 164, 315, 348, 359
Moore, G. B. 315, 329, 394
Moore, G. Bedell 15, 325, 328, 394
Moore, R. T. 293
Morris, A. W. 367, 368
Morris, C. H. 201
Morris, Guy H. 367
Morris, Mr. A. W. 367
Morris, W. 44
Morrison, Jesse C. 214
Moses, B. R. 289
Moses, M. A. 45, 369
Moss, A. J. 246
Mott, J. H. 65
Muckleroy, Ralph 61
Murph, John W. 186
Murphy, G. S. 295
Myer, C. P. 24, 260, 266, 270
Nelson, H. 45
Nevills, Dan 421
Newton, Anna 203
Newton, John 458
Neyland, R. A. 311, 312
Norris, A. K. 6, 20, 243, 323, 324
Norris, W. H. 459
Norsworthy, B. H. 322
Norsworthy, Major 241
Odum, Joe E. 63
Odum, Louie 63
Ogden, Dr. R. 251
Oliver, A. J. 219
Oliver, John 97
Olsen, Joe 450
Ortmeyer, Harry 328
Owen, W. L. 369
Pannewitz, C. F. 346
Parker, C. E. 112
Parker, Charles E. 262
Parminter, Mr. P. E. 166
Parsons, Mr. E. C. 418
Partlow, Miriam 111
Patton, Capt. Moses 180
Patton, Captain Moses L. 31
Patton, Moses L. 31, 100
Patzchke, Julius 369
Payne, Nathan 218
Payton, D. C. 57
Pearson, E. 178
Peavy, A. J. 35, 101, 295
Peavy, A. Jasper 35, 306
Peavy, Anderson Jasper 35, 69, 293
Peavy, Bill 295
Peavy, C. 307
Peavy, J. 35, 295, 304
Peavy, J. E. Peavy Jasper 295
Peavy, Jasper 69, 101, 105, 293, 294, 295, 296, 307
Peavy, Josephine 237, 295, 297
Peavy, Josephine C. 302
Peavy, Josephine Cochrum 307
Peavy, M. 44
Peavy, Mrs. 295
Peavy, Mrs. Josephine C. 295
Peavy, Mrs. Virginia 295, 307
Pedigo, H. C. 137
Peebles, Abe 407
Peebles, R. 410, 411, 413, 414
Peebles, Ruth 400, 405
Pennington, I. F. 294
Pennington, J. F. 450
Percy, Montie 328
Perkins, H. D. 214
Perkins, S. 73
Perry, L. 203
Peters, Mr. William 456
Phillips, William 138
Pickering, W. A. 448
Pickering, W. R. 11, 17
Pierson, A. H. 232
Pipkin, Rev. John F. 138
Pollitt, J. H. 433
Pollitt, John H. 458
Pollok, Mr. John 245
Pope, C. W. 223
Pope, Ed 445
Popp, C. 223
Popp, Charles 223
Popp, J. P. 223
Potter, H. W. 144, 146
Potts, C. S. 302
Powell, Black 45
Powell, Frank 45
Powell, Sam 169
Powelsy, Caton B. 68
Powers, Frank 242
Pradelles, A. G. Van 129
Pradelles, Van 129
Prestridge, D. S. 57
Prestridge, George S. 56
Prestridge, J. W. 57
Prestridge, S. W. 56
Prewitt, James 88
Price, Shelby 52
Prosser, John 44
Prosser, Samuel H. 72
Prossey, S. H. 374
Pruitt, Elijah 72
Pruitt, J. A. 199
Pruitt, T. B. 251
Putnam, Rufus 310, 331
Quinn, G. W. 458
Raef, W. J. 87, 90
Ramsey, Phil 374
Rayhill, Mr. 260
Reagan, Dr. J. H. 199
Reagan, Dr. John 32, 68
Reagan, M. W. 144
Reddy, M. J. 458
Reed, G. 174
Reid, John 185
Remley, Samuel 137
Reynolds, Bill 405
Reynolds, Buck 405
Reynolds, H. D. Buck 405
Rice, B. H. 250, 251
Rice, F. A. 421
Rice, J. S. 230, 422
Rice, Joe Jonas 418
Rice, Jonas 418
Rice, Jonas S. 453
Rice, Jonas Shearn 210, 417, 422
Rice, Mr. Joe 418
Rice, Shearn 210
Rice, W. M. 417, 419
Rice, William M. 417, 422
Richards, C. W. 430
Richards, Charles 458
Richards, J. W. 251
Richardson, W. W. 251
Ridley, T. J. 452
Ripley, Louis 60
Roach, Hattie 105
Roach, J. 107
Roark, Horace L. 215
Robertson, C. J. 126, 127
Robertson, Charlie 122
Robertson, Lee 72
Robertson, Mr. C. J. 122
Robertson, William 121
Robinson, F. H. 435
Robinson, Jesse 199
Rocquemore, T. A. 223
Rogers, Marion H. 87
Roosevelt, Franklin 296
Rose, J. K. 67
Ross, John R. 138
Rothe, Aline 376, 390, 397, 404, 405
Rothe, Aline Thompson 410
Ruark, E. L. 216
Ruff, Otto 144
Rusk, Thomas J. 31
Russell, E. 355
Russell, Mr. J. O. 456
Russell, Mr. R. B. 332
Russell, R. B. 320, 331, 332, 333, 335
Russell, Robert B. 331, 332
Russell, Robert E. 358
Russell, S. P. 445
Rutland, Robert P. 86
Rutland, W. P. 86, 96
Ryan, Philip A. 393
Ryan, W. P. 396
Ryder, W. F. 167
Ryman, Abe 374
Sanders, Mr. Jimmy 284
Sanders, W. J. 285
Sanderson, Paul T. 404
Sanford, Mr. Benjamin 377
Schluter, M. R. 201
Scogins, B. H. 224
Scogins, J. T. 224
Scott, Alfonso 259
Scroggins, P. H. 80
Scurlock, R. W. 42
Seale, Elias 160
Seale, Elias T. 159
Sealy, John 135
Selby, John O. 407
Selman, Fred 52
Shaddock, D. K. 281
Sharpe, A. F. 322
Sheffield, D. 251
Siler, W. S. 294
Simmon, A. E. 408
Simmons, J. B. 433
Sims, Walter 60
Sinclair, Mr. James 403
Sinclair, Upton 20
Sisson, B. J. 190
Slade, C. E. 343
Sloan, Arthur 404, 408
Sloan, L. T. 407
Smihil, Lewis 329
Smith, A. E. 351
Smith, Absalom 56
Smith, Calvin 281
Smith, Cecil 295, 463
Smith, Dave 58
Smith, Eb 380
Smith, Jack 248
Smith, John M. 80
Smith, Marion 285
Smith, Monroe 87
Smith, Mr. Charles 245
Smith, Mr. G. W. 246
Smith, Mr. James 42
Smith, N. F. 355
Smith, Nina 412
Smith, Oscar 352
Smith, R. J. 45
Smith, Randolph R. 441
Smith, Rev. H. C. 296
Smith, Sid 199
Smith, W. A. 45, 285, 286, 290, 294, 306
Smith, W. W. 193
Smith, William 310
Smyth, Blewitt 289, 293
Smyth, Capt. J. G. 284
Smyth, Charlie 284
Smyth, G. W. 160, 317
Smyth, George W. 159, 283, 293
Smyth, J. B. 257
Smyth, J. Blewitt 289
Smyth, J. G. 159, 160, 284
Smyth, Jr., George W. 159, 283
Smyth, Mr. George W. 284, 289
Smyth, Mr. J. B. 284
Smyth, Mr. J. B. LeWitt 283
Smyth, Sr., W. 159
Snelling, R. P. 439
Snelling, R. W. 439, 440
Snelling, Robert W. 439
Snelling, W. 439
Snodgrass, J. A. 42
Solinsky, Henry 151
Spinks, B. M. 120
Spivey, Enoch 185
Sproule, R. L. 121
Spurlin, Charles S. 224
Spurlock, Dr. G. H. 450
Stalnaker, Mr. W. E. 403
Stanfield, J. E. 199
Stanford, George W. 373
Stark, Lutcher 266
Stark, W. H. 235, 328, 329, 333, 342
Starling, Estus 374
Stephens, John 206
Stephens, W. E. 113
Stephenson, Gilbert 159
Sterne, Adolphus 100
Sternenberg, John Abraham 148
Stevenson, A. I. 328
Stewart, Dr. T. T. 445
Stewart, W. B. 60
Stewart, W. F. 323
Stivers, W. B. 184
Stockroy, W. C. 450
Strauss, P. A. 91, 97
Streeter, E. J. 377
Stringer, E. E. 278
Stroud, Ashley 32, 68, 69
Struber, John 45
Stryker, G. H. 379
Stryker, Mrs. G. H. 380
Stunkel, Mr. John F. 433
Sullivan, Thomas 259
Surratt, W. B. 251
Surrough, Allen 259
Swain, J. D. 355
Swank, R. W. 60
Swilley, W. J. 112
Swinford, Eberle 315, 320, 348, 359
Swinford, Mr. Sam 322
Swinford, S. T. 457
Swinney, Dr. B. A. 251, 297
Tackaberry, M. D. 394
Tackaberry, Middleton 406
Talbot, T. L. 273
Tam, Oscar S. 344
Taylor, E. 187
Taylor, Mrs. J. W. 96
Terry, John W. 349
Tevis, Dean 237
Thigpen, G. 356
Thomas, Jack 77, 78, 369
Thompson, Abby 56
Thompson, D. W. 51
Thompson, Henry 336
Thompson, J. M. 15
Thompson, J. Martin 404
Thompson, John Martin 404
Thompson, William 285
Threet, William 60
Tilford, T. T. 221
Tisdale, Isaac 80
Tompkins, John 236
Tooke, Mr. S. F. 456
Townsend, Martin W. 64
Treadwell, S. 86
Treadwell, T. J. 65
Trigg, R. L. 199
Trotti, B. A. 424
Trotti, Dr. W. E. 424, 425
Trotti, Mr. T. J. 245
Trotti, T. J. 255, 256
Trotti, W. E. 424
Trupper, W. C. 199
Tubbe, A. 192
Tucker, Henry 404
Tucker, Tom 421
Van, James W. 216
Vandenberg, Edgar 430
Vaughan, George C. 338
Vaughan, John W. 87
Vaught, Thomas G. 224
Verner, Louis 223
Vinson, Capt. Bailey 241
Vinson, Reese 60
Wagner, P. M. 215
Walden, C. E. 289, 293
Waldrop, Joe 445
Walker, Mr. W. A. 434
Walker, W. R. 203
Wallace, Ellen 215
Wallis, C. L. 167
Wallis, H. A. 112
Ward, A. J. 144
Ward, James F. 144, 145, 154
Ward, John C. 155, 159
Warren, Dan T. 203
Warren, R. R. 276
Waties, Capt. Thomas 384
Watts, G. L. 190
Weams, R. P. 374
Weaver, J. M. 430
Weaver, Oscar 63
Webb, P. 23, 100, 227, 302, 410, 465
Webb, W. P. 130, 176, 177
Weeks, R. L. 88
Weeks, Robert L. 96
Weeks, Tom 19, 197
Weems, Rutledge 72
Weiner, Sam 395
Weir, R. W. 345, 348, 361
Welch, John S. 293
Welse, O. H. 87
West, J. E. 430
West, J. M. 373, 374, 393
West, J. W. 375
West, James M. 412
West, Jim 393
West, Mr. J. E. 43
West, W. 374
West, Wesley 44
Whatley, L. A. 430
White, B. P. 186
White, James Taylor 114
Whited, C. D. 199
Whited, T. H. 199
Whitehead, Charles 251
Whiteman, Warren T. 201, 203
Whiteside, Jim 382, 411
Whitman, Adam 239
Whitman, Lee 45
Wiener, Eli 44, 45, 51
Wiener, Sam 41, 44, 45
Wier, R. W. 261, 262, 265, 266, 268, 272
Wier, T. P. 266, 276
Wiess, Mark 144, 145, 154, 155
Wiess, Mr. William 146
Wiess, William 145, 171
Wiggins, Jasper 199
Wilkerson, Arthur 431
Wilkings, Sam 68
Wilkins, S. 37
Wilkins, W. S. 204, 219
Willette, Dr. H. L. 257
Willge, Henry J. D. 72
William, H. 361, 362
Williams, Claude H. 299
Williams, D. J. 440
Williams, Dr. H. 361
Williams, George 259
Williams, H. 362
Williams, Howard 355, 358
Williams, J. L. 153, 455
Williams, Jack 407
Williams, James 203
Williams, John 445
Williams, Mason 394
Williams, Mr. T. H. 396
Williams, Nathaniel Mickey 299
Williams, Sr., David J. 440
Williams, T. H. 396, 397
Williams, W. L. 299
Willis, W. C. 237
Wilson, E. 414
Wilson, F. A. 260
Wilson, Fonzo A. 260
Wilson, Francis 236
Wilson, G. G. 257
Wilson, John K. 259
Wilson, R. J. 293
Wilson, Roberto 12
Wilson, W. M. 450
Wilson, W. T. 206, 208
Wingate, D. 354
Wingate, D. R. 6, 14, 73, 135, 237, 242, 302, 317, 318, 320, 321, 322, 334,
359, 447
Wingate, David 173
Wingate, David R. 13, 135, 236, 302
Wingate, David Robert 23, 302, 320, 362
Wingate, M. T. Jones' 73
Wingate, Mr. Rufus 242, 322
Wingate, Rufus 241, 242
Winkle, Rev. W. S. 296
Winkler, E. W. 184
Winkler, W. 23, 227
Winston, W. G. 395
Wise, F. K. 424
Wiseman, Robert 110
Wisenbaum, Seth 52
Wisenbaum, William H. 52
Woodard, W. C. 251
Wooster, A. 410
Wooten, John R. 112
Wragg, T. P. 188, 220
Wright, Clem 80
Wright, Luke 64, 66
Wright, Schutze 407
Wright, W. A. 222
Wright, W. T. 204, 208
Wurtsbaugh, J. T. 442
Wyman, C. E. 195, 199
Young, Alexander 153, 455, 458
Young, Dorothy 71, 72
Young, J. A. 70, 71
Young, John A. 71
Young, Mr. 455
Young, Mr. A. 456
Youngblood, Jackson 239
Zahlman, Mr. William 246
Zeagler, Bennie Lee 60
Zimmerman, David 405
Zimmerman, R. B. 458
