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East Texas Mill Towns & Ghost Towns Volume 3
Volume 3
includes Cherokee, Harris,
Houston, San Augustine, San Jacinto, and Walker counties.
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Table of Contents
The table of contents below
includes the page numbers from the printed books.
Table of Figures 8
Forward 9
Chapter 1 - Cherokee County 10
The Geological and
Geographical Description 11
Cherokee County's Early
Railroads 13
Cherokee County's
Antebellum Sawmills 15
Other Cherokee County
Sawmills, ca. 1875-1890 21
Other Cherokee County
Sawmills, 1890-1900 28
Chronister Lumber
Company at Forest 35
The George Eldridge
Singletary Sawmills 39
The Aber Crate and
Basket Factory 41
Other Early Sawmills in
Cherokee County 43
The Texas Penitentiary
Lumber Mills 47
The Blount-Decker Lumber
Company of Alto 49
Other Cherokee County
Sawmills, 1900-1910 53
Other Cherokee County
Sawmills, 1900-1915 60
Other Cherokee County
Sawmills, 1910-1915 67
The Slover Mills and
Crate Factories 69
The Cobb-Holman Lumber
Company, Jacksonville 70
Other Cherokee County
Mill Plants, 1910-1940 72
The Edwards Brothers
Lumber Company 77
Peacock Crate Factory
and F. A. Shinalt and Son 78
Other Cherokee County
Sawmills, 1930-1960 79
Logging in Cherokee
County 92
The Sessions Family
Sawmills 95
The Remaining Cherokee
Sawmills, 1960-1995 98
A Summary of Cherokee
County Sawmilling 102
Endnotes - Cherokee
County 104
Chapter 2 - Harris County 126
The Geographic Description
Houston as an Early Rail
Hub 128
Sawmilling in Austin's
Colony and the Republic of Texas 130
Harris County's Other
Antebellum Sawmills 135
The Charles Bender and
Sons Sawmill at Humble 139
Other Post-Bellum Harris
County Sawmills 142
The Bradford-Hicks
Sawmill at Dyersdale 144
The Bush Brothers Lumber
Company of Spring 146
The Harrisburg and
Harrell Lumber Companies 148
The Hudson Lumber
Company Sawmill 150
Willow Lumber and Empire
Timber Company 151
Other Small Harris
County Sawmills 152
Magnolia Lumber Co. and
Burkitt and Barnes 154
The Long Reach and Big
Tree Sawmills 155
Houston-Liggett Lumber
Company's Sawmill 156
A Summary of Harris
County Sawmilling 157
Endnotes - Harris County
Chapter 3 - Houston County 162
The Geographic and Geologic
Description 163
The Early Railroads and
Log Tram Roads 165
Houston County's
Antebellum Sawmills 166
Houston County
Sawmilling, 1880-1900" 168
The Louisiana and Texas
Lumber Company 172
Components of the Big
4-C Mill at Kennard 174
The Kennard Power
Plants. 176
The 4-C Planing Mill at
Kennard 177
The Kennard Mill
Statistics of 1905 179
Logging the Kennard
Sawmill 180
The Kennard Employees in
the 1910 Census 182
The Social History at
the Kennard Sawmill 183
The Last Years of the
Big 4-C Sawmill 185
The Houston County
Sawmills, 1900-1920 188
Houston County
Sawmilling from 1920 to 1940 194
Houston County
Sawmilling, 1940 To Date 201
A Summary of Houston
County Sawmilling 209
Endnotes - Houston
County 210
Chapter 4 - San Augustine County 218
The Geographic Description
San Augustine County's
Railroads 220
The Antebellum San
Augustine County Sawmills 221
Post-Bellum San
Augustine County Sawmilling 223
San Augustine County
Sawmilling, 1882-1900 226
San Augustine County
Sawmilling, 1900-1910 228
More San Augustine
County Sawmills, 1900-1910 239
San Augustine County
Sawmills from 1910 to 1920 242
San Augustine County
Sawmilling, 1920-1940 246
San Augustine County
Sawmilling, 1940-1960 251
Logging and the Camp
Worth Log Camp 253
San Augustine County
Sawmilling, 1955-1995 255
Summary of San Augustine
County Sawmilling 258
Endnotes - San Augustine
County 259
Chapter 5 - San Jacinto County 270
The Geographic Description
The Early Railroads of
San Jacinto County 272
Logging the San Jacinto
Tram Roads 273
Some Early San Jacinto
County Sawmills 277
The R. C. Miller Lumber
Company 280
The Columbia Lumber
Company 283
The Palmetto Lumber
Company 286
The Oakhurst Lumber
Company 291
The Other Oakhurst
Sawmills, 1905-1945 293
Early Sawmillers at
Evergreen, 1903-1929 295
The Sawmills at or Near
Shepherd, 1900-1957 297
Other Sawmills Northwest
of Cleveland 302
Sawmills at or Near
Coldspring 304
The "Carolina" Sawmills
Other San Jacinto County
Sawmills 309
A Summary of San Jacinto
County Sawmilling 312
Endnotes - San Jacinto
County 313
Chapter 6 - Walker County 319
The Historical and
Geographical Background 320
Early Walker County
Railroads and Trams 322
The Antebellum Walker
County Sawmills 323
Walker County's
Post-Bellum Mills, 1870-1890 326
The Walker County
Sawmills, 1890-1900 337
The Oliphint Mill and
Trinity River Lumber Co. 343
Walker County Lumber
Company its Owners and Mill Superintendents 346
The Elmina Sawmill's
Machinery and Personnel 352
The Elmina Log Tram and
Log Camps 355
Elmina's Social History
The Last Days of Elmina,
Texas 360
"The Carolina Sawmills"
Other Walker County
Sawmills, 1900-1910 365
More Walker County
Sawmills, 1900-1910 370
The Pinedale Logging
Camp 375
Other Walker County
Sawmills, 1910-1940 377
Post-World War II Walker
County Sawmilling 380
Walker Brothers Lumber
Company, 1944-1994 383
The Steely Sawmills,
1900-1994 385
The Edward Boettcher
Sawmill 387
Other Post-World War II
Walker County Mills 389
Plywood Corporation 391
A Summary of Walker
County Sawmilling 392
Endnotes - Walker County
Index 405
Table of Figures
The table of figures below
includes the page numbers from the printed books.
Figure 1 - Giant
pines such as these attracted lumbermen to East Texas in the late 1800s and
early 1900s. This photograph was made near Ratcliff in Houston County 2
Figure 2 - While many people associate New Birmingham, and these
brick ruins at Rusk, with the iron industry, the town also had several
sawmills during its short history. 10
Figure 3 - Pine stands such as this were commonplace in the northern
regions of Harris County around the turn of the century. 126
Figure 4 - A portion of an early sawmill at Kennard, including the
lumber stacker and sorting sheds. A number of sawmills existed in Houston
County in the late 1800s and early 1900s 162
Figure 5 - Logs of this size were commonplace among the early forest
harvests of San Augustine County. 218
Figure 6 - Stacks of lumber were placed in rows in the drying yards
of early sawmills of San Jacinto County. 270
Figure 7 - Slabs and other lumber residues were burned by early
sawmills in Walker County. Today, the waste is chipped and utilized to make
paper. 319
The index below includes the
page numbers from the printed books.
Aber, Ed 22, 41
Aber, Edgar 11, 22, 41
Abercrombie, L. A. 330
Acker, B. F. 26
Adair, George D. 182
Adams, Bruce 300
Adams, Catherine 300
Adams, E. B. 169
Adams, Earl B. 169
Adams, F. C. 398
Adams, O. F. 378, 380
Adams, W. T. 278
Akers, L. E. 84
Akers, Mr. L. E. 84
Albritton, J. 73
Albritton, Rev. J. W. 184
Alcorn, J. L. 366
Aldrich, A. A. 166, 167, 168, 195, 210
Alexander, B. F. 63
Alexander, J. R. 53
Alexander, M. P. 75
Alexander, W. N. 55
Alexander, William 61
Alford, Charles 232
Alfred, W. 88
Allen, J. B. 232
Allen, J. L. 62
Allen, Jake 62
Allen, Rusk W. A. 76
Allen, Sam 343
Allen, T. S. 76
Allen, Tom 89
Allen, William H. 329, 339
Allison, J. W. 54
Alloway, Joe L. 298
Alston, D. D. 327
Amerman, W. I. 173
Anders, Mr. Thomas 388
Anders, Roy 380
Anderson, George 68
Anderson, John 67
Anderson, M. L. 255
Andrews, H. H. 84, 85
Andrews, John B. 84
Angelina, Michelli 37
Angier, Dr. E. L. 371
Anthony, John E. 255
Antle, C. E. 88
Applegate, H. D. 282
Archer, T. 136, 159
Archie, W. 324
Arledge, E. C. 363
Arnett, Gary 74
Arnold, G. F. 280
Arnold, George F. 281
Arnold, H. B. 251
Arnold, J. W. 242
Arnold, Joe 36
Arnold, Richard 171
Arnwine, J. 30
Arrant, J. H. 32
Arrington, E. C. 98
Arrington, Eddie 98
Arthur, T. L. 64
Atchley, J. B. 256
Atchley, N. G. 255
Atchley, Nolan G. 255
Atkinson, Albert A. 45
Atkinson, L. 192
Atkison, A. A. 72
Atkison, Albert 46, 61
Atmar, L. P. 195
Atterberry, W. A. 179
Austin, B. B. 193
Austin, J. A. 179
Austin, P. D. 193
Austin, S. F. 383, 394
Austin, Sam Houston 158
Austin, Stephen F. 130, 136
Avery, G. T. 63
Avery, R. P. 15
Babb, Jess 182
Baggett, J. W. 239
Bagley, J. E. 26, 29, 57
Bagley, J. L. 79, 81, 87
Bagley, J. M. 79
Bagley, James E. 76
Bagley, James Edmond 26
Bagley, James L. 76
Bagley, W. D. 79
Bailey, Francis 325
Bailey, W. M. 247, 248
Baldwin, J. W. 395
Baldwin, John W. 343
Balmorgan, W. A. 92
Balthis, R. F. 187, 213
Barbee, Captain J. R. 169
Barbee, J. R. B. 169
Barker, E. C. 158
Barnes, J. 154
Barnes, W. S. 53, 54
Barrett, C. G. 338
Barron, D. A. 80
Barron, John 22
Barron, P. W. 226
Bartley, W. M. 196
Bass, Jr., Oliver 207
Bass, Oliver 207
Bates, A. E. 244, 251
Bauman, Allen 99
Bauman, James F. 86, 87
Bauman, Jim 86, 87
Bayne, Frank 198
Bazzoon, C. E. 302
Beakley, E. E. 273
Beard, A. J. 372
Beard, H. D. 251
Beard, Hardy 256
Beard, John 18
Beard, S. N. 342
Beasley, J. J. 30
Beasley, L. 80, 81, 119, 122
Beasley, O. C. 77
Beasley, Vernon 123
Beauchamp, James 23
Beauchamp, Lonnie 23
Beauchamp, W. B. 68
Beazley, G. 200
Beckham, A. F. 226
Bedford, Nathan 169
Bedias, Bedais 335
Bell, C. H. 368
Bell, L. E. 67
Bell, L. J. 368
Bell, Long 220
Bell, Mr. Charlie 367
Bell, W. A. 307, 361, 362, 363, 373
Belnoski, Charlie 378
Bender, Adolph 140
Bender, C. 139, 140, 141
Bender, C. A. 139
Bender, Charles 139, 140, 141
Bender, Charles A. 139
Bender, Charles Adolph 139
Bender, Frank 140
Bender, Harvey 140
Benge, Martin 18
Bennefield, J. W. 242
Benner, K. 50
Bennett, Alfred 146
Bennett, Theodore 328, 355
Bennette, J. O. H. 273
Benningham, C. B. 366
Benton, A. B. 169
Bergin, J. W. 137
Bershire, David 28
Besser, John 345
Beverly, F. P. 298
Beverly, H. 299
Beverly, Henry 299
Bill, J. W. 96, 123
Bill, James William 95
Birdsong, L. 81
Birdwell, William 324
Bivins, J. K. 243
Black, A. L. 287
Black, Tom 253
Blackburn, J. D. 194
Blackmon, R. W. 201
Blackmon, S. B. 197
Blair, F. M. 297
Blalock, Mrs. Iva 312
Blalock, Richard H. 402
Bland, J. H. 246
Bland, J. J. 229, 246
Bland, John Henry 229, 246
Blankenship, J. H. 30
Blankenship, J. L. 30
Blankenship, M. R. 28
Blankenship, W. R. 30
Blankenship, William 226
Bledsoe, R. L. 310
Block, Mr. 9, 366
Block, W. T. 1, 104, 105, 109, 111, 112, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 159, 210,
213, 216, 260, 261, 262, 393, 394, 397, 402
Blount, E. A. 49, 50, 56, 65, 224, 226
Blount, Jr., Stephen W. 224
Blount, Mrs. E. A. 191
Blount, S. M. 223
Blount, S. W. 222, 224
Blount, Stephen William 224
Blount, T. W. 224
Blount, Thomas W. 224, 259
Blum, Leon 24
Boatwright, J. Walter 196
Boatwright, M. C. 196
Boatwright, R. 26
Bobbitt, M. P. 85
Bodenhamer, J. W. 170
Boettcher, Baldwin 387
Boettcher, Ed 387, 388
Boettcher, Edward 387, 388
Boettcher, Mr. J. C. 387, 388
Boetther, Ed 387
Bolton, Charles L. 182
Bolton, Dr. 193
Bolton, Edward 18
Bolton, Ervin S. 105
Bolton, Ervin Seguine 18
Bolton, J. B. 55
Bolton, J. H. 57
Bolton, Jimmy L. 99, 124
Bolton, L. M. 99
Bolton, M. L. 18
Bolton, S. 84
Bolton, Tony 70
Bolton, Troy 99
Bolton, William Jack 25
Bonner, M. H. 13
Bonner, Will 45
Boone, A. B. 62
Boone, Alfred 63, 68
Boone, Alfred B. 62
Boone, Lee 63
Boone, Leroy Lee 63
Boone, Mrs. 63
Booth, R. E. 252
Boothe, W. A. 280
Boren, William M. 223
Bowlin, J. W. 235
Bowman, Allen 99
Bowman, B. 211
Bowman, Bob 9, 212
Bowman, Henry 98
Bowman, J. A. 56, 62, 65, 66
Bowman, J. H. 26, 67
Bowman, J. J. 31, 108
Bowman, James H. 26
Bowman, John J. 26
Bowman, Jr., J. H. 27, 67
Bowman, Sam 98
Boynton, Albert 244
Boynton, Walter 243, 244
Bradenbaugh, C. C. 178
Bradford, W. R. 145
Bradley, Mrs. Tom 350
Bradley, Tom 353, 354, 359
Brady, Joseph W. 182
Braham, H. 335
Braley, W. F. 62, 65
Brannen, F. H. 179
Brannen, H. L. 171
Braun, Bernard 368
Breitenback, Norbert 256
Bremond, Paul 128, 158, 313
Bridges, W. M. 61
Brindley, A. P. 35, 36
Brittain, Annie 233
Broocks, B. C. 226
Brooks, J. J. 190
Brooks, R. M. 190, 199
Brooks, R. P. 333
Brooks, W. H. 298, 302
Broome, Cicero 18, 19
Brown, E. W. 142
Brown, F. C. 156
Brown, Frank 83
Brown, H. A. 382
Brown, H. L. 191
Brown, H. W. 135
Brown, Hayden 100
Brown, Henry A. 382
Brown, Henry Archie 382
Brown, J. L. 302
Brown, Marion 54
Brown, Mrs. J. E. 70
Brown, S. 333
Brown, W. B. 278
Brown, W. G. 83
Brown, W. H. 83, 85
Brown, Willis G. 83
Broxson, Enoch 168
Broyles, J. M. 371
Bucarelli, Presidio 163
Bucy, R. M. 287
Buechel, F. A. 216
Buren, Peter Van 32
Burgess, Mrs. M. B. 249
Burke, C. M. 33, 44, 55, 58, 64
Burke, G. 122
Burke, Jeff 38
Burke, T. W. 25
Burkett, W. H. 22
Burkitt, G. W. 154
Burleson, J. A. 246
Burnet, David 134
Burnet, David G. 130, 132
Burnet, David Gouverneur 158
Burnet, David Gouvernour 158
Burnett, H. C. 179
Burnett, J. M. 340
Burns, Marion 253
Burris, Felix A. 241
Burroughs, G. R. 32
Burton, Grady 197
Burton, Mrs. J. S. 197
Busbee, J. H. 256
Busbee, J. M. 256
Bussell, A. A. 188, 189
Bussell, J. H. 188
Butler, Cole 60
Butler, Louis 60
Butler, P. T. 60
Butler, Pickett T. 60
Butler, T. W. 60
Byley, C. B. 228
Byrd, Ed 354
Byrd, Jim 354, 355
Byrd, Joe 354, 355
Byrd, Lillie 354
Byrne, A. W. 363
Cafferty, J. J. 367
Cafferty, J. L. 367
Calcote, T. R. 248
Calhoon, Jr., T. F. 278
Calverly, C. D. 288
Campbell, A. Wesley 24
Campbell, Ben 341
Campbell, Charles 173
Campbell, D. 81
Campbell, D. I. 76
Campbell, D. J. 63
Campbell, F. 278
Campbell, J. C. 24
Campbell, S. 342, 367
Campbell, Wesley 24
Cantrell, Dr. Cyrus C. 182
Carey, Mary 294
Carey, Mary E. 291
Carey, Seth 137, 159
Carey, W. P. 285
Carey, William 291, 322
Carey, William P. 283
Carlisle, William 165
Carman, Linda 85
Carothers, John 330
Carr, John F. 321
Carroll, C. H. 242
Carroll, H. W. 231, 239, 242, 246, 251
Carroll, T. M. 252
Carroll, Troy 256
Carroll, W. G. 244
Carroll, W. M. 256
Carroll, William 242
Carter, R. F. 29
Cartwright, F. 119
Cartwright, George 221
Cartwright, John 221, 259
Cartwright, John Matthew 256
Cartwright, Robert 221
Casey's, Albert 22
Cassidy, Michael 345
Castleberry, J. R. 62
Caton, George 204
Caton, George R. 81
Cauthen, Morris Bush 382
Cauthon, J. O. 30
Cavin, George 197
Cavin, George W. 232, 239
Cecil, George 377
Cecil, George Meggs 339, 377, 383
Chaffen, W. J. 170
Chamberlain, Albert 198, 202
Chambliss, J. T. 242
Chandler, A. R. 179
Chandler, E. R. 85
Chandler, J. Wiley 72
Chandler, John William 56
Chandler, Kay 98
Chandler, L. L. 56
Chandler, Matt 56, 72, 85
Chandler, Mr. Guy 371, 401
Chandler, R. T. 31
Chandler, Richard Thornton 56
Charles, L. 311
Chastain, A. J. 363
Chichester, O. F. 150
Childers, R. H. 57, 62
Chinski, I. Y. 333
Chip, Morbark 256
Christian, David C. 90
Christopher, Larry 208
Chronister, C. J. 34, 35
Chronister, Caleb 35, 36
Clark, George Langdon 379
Clark, J. D. 203, 368
Clark, Loren 170
Clark, W. J. 283, 284
Clifton, Dudley 39
Cline, A. L. 339, 378, 380, 402
Cline, Alma Lee 338, 378
Cline, B. D. 188, 278, 337, 338, 339, 368, 378, 385, 396
Cline, D. 330, 338, 368, 392, 396
Cline, Daniel 188, 337
Cline, J. M. 338
Cline, Lum 354
Cline, M. J. 338
Clint, W. B. 346, 347, 348
Clinton, C. C. 182
Cobb, John W. 152
Cobb, Sam 57, 117
Cobb, Sam A. 40, 70
Cochran, E. B. 196
Cochran, Jeff 280, 281
Cochran, W. S. 379, 380
Cole, Aaron 25
Cole, Joe T. 85
Cole, M. E. 25
Collard, Lem 274, 322, 327, 343, 355
Collett, G. D. 311
Collier, F. Y. 198
Collins, C. B. 244
Collins, R. D. 43
Coltharp, Mr. W. 25
Coltharp, Mr. William 25
Coltharp, William H. 25
Conally, Walter 19
Conkle, J. H. 281
Connally, J. P. 293
Connally, W. 57, 60, 61, 66
Connally, Walter 54, 63, 65, 68, 73
Connell, W. H. 65
Conway, T. E. 248
Conway, Z. F. 79
Cook, Mot 297
Cooke, Charles C. 28
Cooksey, James 354
Cooksey, Lee 354
Corinth, Cormaco 302
Cormaco, Cornicks 389
Coulter, Raymond 248
Counts, J. W. 310
Cousins, Winfred 249
Couty, Walker 397
Covington, Sam 297
Cowan, Elmer 72
Cowert, A. J. 299
Cox, J. F. 273
Craddock, H. F. 167, 190
Craddock, H. Frank 167, 190
Craig, Mrs. Alice 195
Craig, W. G. 189, 195
Craven, Alfred 45
Cravens, J. N. 95, 96, 97, 98, 123
Cravens, Joe L. 73
Cravens, John 74
Cravens, John N. 87
Crawford, B. P. 334
Crawford, H. 111, 113
Crawford, Helen 108
Crawford, J. A. 54
Crawford, J. F. 135
Crawford, J. K. 179
Crawford, John F. 135
Crawford, M. J. 70
Creagar, F. A. W. 325
Creekman, F. E. 371
Creekmore, Tom 38
Crocket, George Lee 221, 222
Crocket, Rev. George Lee 258
Crockett, David 163, 187
Crockett, Davy 87, 207, 209
Crockett, Harvey 252, 256
Croft, Jacob 134, 135
Croft, Jake 134
Crook, John T. 182, 184
Crooke, Quincey 298
Croom, Cuy 398
Croom, Guy 347, 350, 352, 355, 358, 359
Croom, R. F. 299
Cruce, Tom 195
Cryer, C. M. 251
Cummings, C. R. 152, 276
Cummins, John H. 361
Cunningham, Sam 391
Cunningham, T. E. 61
Curry, Noble 206
Curtis, Dr. Marion E. 359
Dammon, Mrs. W. P. 298
Dammon, W. P. 298, 302
Daniel, A. F. 197
Daniel, Awtrey Fleming 197
Daniel, Awtry F. 197
Daniel, W. F. 197
Daniel, William F. 66
Daniel, William Fleming 66, 197
Darden, Sr., William J. 65
Darden, W. J. 67
Dascomb, George A. 349
Dascomb, Mr. George A. 349
Davenport, W. H. 54
Davidson, M. E. 203
Davis, A. P. 287
Davis, Edwin 85
Davis, Howard 175, 179, 182
Davis, Judy 256
Davis, R. E. 179
Davis, W. E. 256
Davison, G. E. 348
Dawson, O. H. 76
Dawson, Oscar H. 86
Dean, Clyde 95, 97
Dean, Ivan 205
Dean, W. L. 289
Deason, John 302
Decker, E. M. 49, 80, 111, 119
Decker, Eugene 50
Decker, Eugene M. 40, 50, 111
Decker, R. M. 111
Decker's, Eugene 51
DeCordova, Jacob 133
Deggs, J. E. 299
DeGroat, P. S. 296
Delaney, G. A. 171
Dennard, C. L. 297
DenPree, Tom R. 188
Dension, John 68
Derrick, G. A. 277
DeVany, George 28, 39
Devereaux, W. P. 28
Devereux, W. P. 65
Dewees, R. L. 184
Dickenson, Johnnie J. 375
Dickerson, B. F. 179
Dickerson, G. W. 242
Dickerson, T. J. 237, 239
Dickerson, T. Jordan 237, 239, 242
Dierks, Hans 228, 253
Diffey, Louis 82
Dillehay, J. G. 20
Dilley, George 25, 188, 189, 194, 228, 310, 342, 365, 367, 370, 377, 379,
Dillingham, E. K. 368, 370
Dionne, F. E. 146
Dirden, Hannah 300
Dishoughn, Stad 306
Dishoungh, Stad 362
Ditmar, M. M. 201
Dixie, Curtis 32, 46, 53, 54, 55, 64, 228, 232, 233, 236, 241, 242, 367, 385
Dobbs, J. L. 65
Doherty, George M. 18
Dolive, J. M. 310
Dominey, Jasper 361, 362, 363
Dominey, Jerry 256
Dominy, Dewey 89
Dominy, Jasper 306, 307
Douglass, R. 169
Douglass, Richard 168
Dowden, Daniel 305
Dowell, R. C. 179
Dowling, Herbert 99
Draper, E. A. 380
Driscoll, Jr., R. O. 368
Dudley, Hardy 182, 354
Duett, L. P. 343, 368
Duff, R. C. 165
Duncan, Green 54, 56
Duncan, O. J. 384
Duncan, S. A. 92
Dunn, A. J. 22
Dunn, William S. 324
Dunnam, A. J. C. 169, 171
Dupree, C. T. 142
Dupree, E. J. 284
Duren, T. J. 196
Durham, L. M. 87
Durham, W. S. 24
Durham, W. W. 24
Durham, William W. 24
Durrett, John 18
Durst, Jacob 15
Durst, John 15, 36, 104
Dyess, Nat 98
Earle, Albert F. 25
Earle, Elijah 17, 20, 68
Earle, John C. 25
Earle, R. C. 28
Earle, Rufus 58
Earle, Rufus C. 58
Earle, T. W. 58
Easley, Cecil 354
Eastham, B. A. 332, 344, 368, 400
Eastham, Braxton A. 343, 368
Eastham, Byrd 329, 330, 331, 335
Easton, Dr. H. P. 221
Easton, H. P. 132, 136, 158, 259
Edgar, Wesley 182
Edinburg, W. H. 367
Edmundsen, J. W. 330
Edwards, H. C. 77
Edwards, Hugh Clete 77
Edwards, L. J. 249
Edwards, R. L. 77
Edwards, Robert Lee 77
Elliott, S. A. 23
Elliott, W. M. 24
Ellis, Clark W. 188
Ellis, J. P. 62
Ellis, Jim 354
Ellison, Lacy 182
Ellisor, O. W. 198
Elmore, F. H. 309
Elmore, Frank H. 300
Elmore, Frank Hill 309
Elmore, H. M. 309
Elmore, J. R. 299
Emerson, T. 242
Emory, L. 179
Emory, Lee 355, 356
Enas, Jake 355
Enos, H. L. 198, 202
Enos, Sr., H. L. 202
Estill, Dr. Harry 323
Evans, W. P. 305
Everest, H. H. 273, 337
Everett, B. H. 72
Everitt, D. R. 310
Everitt, Henry 302
Evett, J. T. 233
Ewing, R. A. 81
Ezell, Frank 105
Ezell, S. F. 18
Fairchild, J. D. 240
Falkey, J. H. 152
Falvey, Bob 96
Fannin, James 137
Farhurst, Mrs. A. P. 184
Farris, A. 16
Farris, G. W. 368
Farris, R. L. 368
Farrow, T. L. 63
Farrow, Tom 63
Faulkner, Mary 334
Faulkner, S. W. 334
Fausher, Alex A. 54
Fay, J. A. 28, 33, 46, 54, 299
Fay, Victor 54
Felder, G. 122
Felder, Grady 39, 80, 81, 85, 86, 96, 97, 109, 119, 120, 121, 123
Felder, Ray 86
Felder, W. H. 85
Felder, W. Henry 85
Fenet, J. P. 308, 364
Ferguson, B. L. 237
Ferguson, B. S. 232, 233
Ferguson, Frank 354, 356
Ferguson, J. L. 234
Ferguson, James L. 16
Ferguson, Mrs. Lou 231, 232
Ferguson, Willie 334
Ferguson, Willie F. 333
Fetty, I. H. 173
Fink, W. A. 364, 365, 366
Finkler, R. E. 232
Finley, R. W. 342
Fisher, Dr. C. W. 35, 92, 102
Fisher, F. 366
Fisher, Fred 229
Fisher, Fred T. 246, 249
Fisher, G. B. 229, 246
Fisher, Guy B. 246
Fisher, I. N. 16
Fisher, Isaac N. 16
Fisher, Mrs. E. C. 343
Fisher, R. F. 33
Fitch, W. F. 54
Fitzgerald, Bill 384
Fitzgerald, Tom M. 293
Flournoy, J. P. 242
Flournoy, J. T. 242
Flournoy, M. C. 239
Flournoy, W. F. 246, 247
Flournoy, Willie 247
Fluellen, Arthur 354
Fluellen, Isaac 354
Fluellen, Robert 354
Fluellen, Sid 354, 358
Foley, Hugh 237, 238
Foley, John 238
Foley, L. 238
Folkney, John 142
Fonville, J. N. 231, 233
Fonville, Jerry 242
Fonville, Mrs. J. N. 231
Ford, A. C. 191, 272, 275, 284, 287, 288, 289, 348, 349, 350, 353, 356, 375,
392, 398
Ford, C. E. 23
Ford, Jim 62
Ford, Mr. A. C. 285
Ford, R. F. 265
Ford, Richard J. 30
Ford, Richard Jesse 31
Forse, C. F. 234
Forster, John H. 74
Foster, Ben B. 345
Foster, Ezekiel 340, 368
Foster, George W. 345
Foster, S. 173, 344, 346, 347, 348, 355
Foster, Sr., John M. 345
Foster, T. S. 173, 274, 346, 347, 348, 350, 352, 355, 356
Foster, Thomas F. 349
Foster, Thomas S. 173, 274, 322, 342, 344, 346, 348, 355, 374, 392
Foster, W. J. 167
Fostoria, Clinesburg 273
Fowler, G. B. 244, 252
Fox, L. S. 233
Fox, S. P. 79
Francis, J. B. 48, 66
Franklin, Grady 98
Franklin, W. E. 310
Fraser, Shiles Moore 379, 402
Frazer, John William 17
Frazier, Lincoln W. 182
Frederick, A. O. W. 67
Frost, E. A. 43, 45
Frost, Edwin 45
Frost, Edwin Ambrose 43
Frost, Enoch W. 45
Fulbright, C. C. 81
Fulton, Leo 354
Fussell, B. B. 241, 244
Futtrell, S. A. 64
Fuzzell, H. A. 333
Gabbert, W. E. 85
Gann, B. C. 207
Garrett, Jack 226
Garvin, M. M. 303
Gary, R. E. 251
Gatlin, Hugh 345
Gauthier, Beau 207
Geaslin, W. D. 276
Gebhart, R. G. 308, 361, 362, 364
Gee, J. H. 67
George, F. M. 25
George, Mrs. Harriet 136
Gerbman, R. E. 227
Gerland, Jonathan 186
Gibbs, W. S. 275, 284, 339, 340, 368
Gibson, Eugene 99
Gibson, Uriah 274, 280, 298
Gillan, E. B. 26
Gilmore, W. S. 67
Ginn, Roy 98
Glasgow, Mrs. Phyllis C. 213
Glasgow, Mrs. Phyllis Crawford 366
Glick, Berto 36
Glover, W. B. 255
Goetzman, F. 93
Goodgame, R. E. 150
Goodman, A. A. 205
Goodrich, B. B. 385
Goodrich, Dr. 376
Goodwin, C. C. 233
Goodwin, C. R. 227
Goodwin, E. P. 233
Goodwin, J. F. 233
Goodwin, John F. 227, 233
Goodwin, W. W. 228, 233
Goolsby, L. F. 196
Gossage, J. M. 341, 342, 365, 367, 370
Gossage, W. W. 365
Gossett, Robert 18
Gray, P. 306, 364
Gray, Peter 306, 307, 361, 362, 363
Gray, R. H. 179
Gray, W. F. 159
Gray, William Fairfax 133, 159
Grebb, Thomas H. 188
Green, Henry R. 320, 393
Green, J. J. 56
Green, Tom 342
Green, W. 182
Greenaway, Frank 278, 295
Greenwald, H. E. 171
Greer, J. R. 246
Greer, Jack Jackson R. 239
Greer, Jackson R. 231, 242, 246, 251
Greer, L. Vance 226
Gregg, J. N. 170
Griffin, George T. 83
Griffith, Juanita 381
Griffith, Ray 205, 381
Grimes, Ed 202, 256, 311
Grimes, Fred 311
Grogan, Henry 89
Grogan, R. A. 67
Grogan, Vernon 88, 89
Guerrant, D. B. 366
Guerrant, Will 366
Guilliams, Stella 179
Guinn, D. H. 193
Gulledge, C. R. 92
Gunnings, James H. 253
Gunter, Tom 354
Guthrie, S. J. 76
Guy, George W. 389
Gyr, Fred 309
Haberle, F. L. 42
Haberle, Francis L. 42
Haberle, Fred 11, 41, 42
Haberle, Glenn 42
Haberle, Mary 22
Haefex, W. E. 179
Hagan, J. A. 87
Hahl, C. W. 281
Hahl, Mr. 281, 282
Halbert, Andrew M. Fella 73
Halbert, Edna L. 55
Halbert, Joel T. 73
Halbert, P. R. Pete 73
Halbert, Pete 69
Hall, Clyde E. 373
Hall, Clyde F. 372, 373, 401
Hall, D. F. 293, 372, 373, 377, 401
Hall, Daniel F. 372
Hall, Daniel Frank 372
Hall, J. L. 373
Hall, James B. 373, 381
Hall, John L. 373
Hall, Mr. Clyde 401
Hall, Pythias 183
Hall, Robert 371, 373
Hall, W. P. 373
Halloway, J. G. 232
Hamblen, L. C. 302
Hamblin, Claudine 354, 359
Hamblin, Irene 354
Hamblin, T. 354
Hamby, Arthur 182
Hamilton, Alexander 32
Hamilton, John 22
Hammett, Mrs. C. 31
Hammett, William H. 26
Hammock, William H. 389
Hammons, Wayne 101
Hampton, J. R. 278
Hancock, M. P. 315
Hancock, R. C. 170
Hanks, E. E. 81
Hanks, H. M. 221
Hanks, Wyatt 221, 222, 259
Hanna, G. C. 240
Hansbro, N. G. 305
Hansbro, R. 213, 317
Hansbro, Ruth 274, 277, 283, 286, 313, 314, 349, 350, 399
Hardin, John Wes 21
Hardin, John Wesley 105
Hardin, R. P. 89, 90
Hardin, William 280
Harding, John W. 22
Hardy, B. B. 298
Hardy, C. K. 310, 379
Hardy, Felix 354
Hardy, G. A. 309
Harless, B. W. 152
Harper, R. C. 378, 380
Harper, Roland C. 380
Harrell, Ed H. 148
Harrell, F. B. 293
Harrington, G. W. 246
Harris, A. 35
Harris, Abe 34, 35, 36, 37
Harris, Abraham 34, 35
Harris, David 130
Harris, J. B. 131
Harris, John B. 131
Harris, John Birdsall 131, 137
Harris, John R. 130, 131
Harris, L. B. 131, 158
Harris, Lewis Birdsall 131, 158
Harris, T. M. 310
Harris, Tom 62
Harris, W. H. 226, 229
Harris, William 130, 131
Harrison, Douglas 202
Harrison, J. W. 33, 95, 97
Harrison, John W. 74
Harrison, W. A. P. 66
Harry, Charles 30, 55
Harry, W. G. 30, 55
Hartt, Jim 354
Harvey, C. 240
Harvey, Clifford 240
Harvey, John R. 244
Harvey, Lillard 248
Hatchett, Jr., H. G. 61
Hawkins, Noah 365
Hayes, Bob 84
Hayes, H. C. 299
Hayes, William 280
Hays, J. A. 341
Hays, James 341
Hays, James A. 340, 341
Hays, W. 274
Hazle, J. H. 226
Hearn, B. S. 170
Heazer, J. 226
Hebert, C. H. 310
Heilman, William 309
Hemby, Bob Don 88
Hemby, George 88
Henderson, J. W. 238, 241
Henderson, Simon 29
Henderson, Simon W. 243
Henley, M. P. 242, 248
Henry, Ezekiel 17, 29, 32
Henry, John S. 239
Henry, R. W. 248
Herald, Alto 113, 119, 122, 123
Herrington, J. E. 74
Hervey, A. E. 202, 311
Hewitt, A. F. 46, 61
Hicks, Alton 100, 124
Hicks, Frances 100
Hicks, Juanita 100
Hicks, Kenneth 100
Hicks, Larry 100
Hicks, Leo 100, 124
Hicks, Mr. Leo 100
Hicks, Napoleon 26
Hicks, Robert 100
Hicks, S. B. 145, 201
Hicks, Sherry 100
Higgins, Buck 75
Highsmith, E. W. M. 330
Hight, J. H. 251
Hill, A. T. 278, 330, 331, 334, 335, 337
Hill, Clovis 69
Hill, J. C. 190, 365, 366
Hill, J. L. 67
Hill, Juan 273
Hill, L. F. 24, 63
Hill, Luther 63
Hill, Luther F. 57
Hill, Luther Francis 24
Hill, Luther Frank 63
Hill, Luther S. 106
Hill, R. C. 170
Hill, R. M. 75
Hill, Tom P. 273, 304
Hill, W. E. 75
Hines, W. E. 247
Hinsman, A. 58
Hinsman, Christian 58
Hinsman, O. C. 58
Hobbs, Mr. 348
Hodges, W. A. 296
Hogg, Jim 45
Hogue, J. C. 305
Hoke, J. 78
Holcomb II, John W. 19
Holcomb II, John Wesley 19, 34
Holcomb III, John 39
Holcomb III, John W. 19
Holcomb, C. F. 19
Holcomb, Charles F. 19
Holcomb, Charles Fennie 19
Holcomb, Garrett 26, 33, 54, 79
Holcomb, George Creager 54
Holcomb, H. F. 80
Holcomb, J. W. 18
Holcomb, Joseph 19
Holcomb, Margaret 39
Holcomb, W. T. 34
Holcomb, William T. 39
Holcomb, William Thomas 34
Holcombs, Garrett 54
Holley, Mary A. 158
Holley, Mary Austin 130
Holley, Willie 252
Holliday, G. E. 203
Hollingsworth, J. E. 190
Hollingworth, J. E. 196
Hollis, J. T. 378
Holman, Charles 70
Holman, L. W. 70
Holman, Luman W. 70
Holman, W. D. 71
Holman, Wade W. 70
Holmes, W. H. 45
Holmes, William H. 44
Holshousen, Claiborne 139
Holt, Troy 81, 87
Hoorn, David Van 37
Hopkins, Hugh 325
Hopper, H. A. 299
Hopper, Kyle 100
Hornbuckle, D. W. 367, 377
Hornbuckle, Elzie 200, 377, 400
Hornsby, J. T. 233
Horton, A. 259
Horton, Alexander 221
Houghton, Robert S. 74
Houston, Sam 158, 166, 187, 189, 213, 271, 273, 274, 297, 311, 312, 313,
318, 320, 331, 373, 380, 391, 395, 398, 399
Howard, D. J. 182
Howe, Lucille 354
Howell, Will 354
Hoyt, Cornelius G. 368
Hubler, H. A. 311
Huddleston, Luke 39, 55, 64
Huddleston, M. Luke 64
Huddleston, P. M. 64
Hugghins, D. R. 48
Hughes, Curtis 88
Hughes, John 366
Hughes, L. L. 179
Hughes, M. 366
Humphrey, Madison 235
Humphrey, R. W. 235
Hunter, Robert 373
Hunter, W. A. 373
Hunter, William 372
Huntington, C. P. 128
Hurd, Captain Norman 132
Hurd, Norman 130, 132
Hutchins, Leigh 340
Hutchinson, W. 137
Hutto, L. 311
Ingram, W. C. 198, 207
Isbell, T. P. 287
Ivey, Paul 87
Jackson, B. H. 85
Jackson, J. A. 379
Jackson, L. S. 196
Jacques, C. E. 31
James, Arthur 38
James, W. D. 189
Jay, Alton F. 82
Jeanes, Fred 304
Jeanes, Thomas W. 304
Jenkins, E. G. 371
Jenkins, Ed 371
Jennings, Grace 182
Jennings, Thomas 182
Jergins, Theodore 366
Jernigan, F. J. 246
Jeter, Mr. Melvin 100
Joel, John 60, 113
Joel, Peewee 201
Johnson, Dr. H. A. 36
Johnson, Frank 22
Johnson, G. W. 385
Johnson, Jim 256
Johnson, Mel 260
Johnson, Melvin 221, 224
Johnson, Ray 69
Johnson, S. 16
Johnson, Sol 140
Johnson, Tom 81
Johnson, W. H. 194
Johnston, G. W. 192
Johnston, James 324
Johnston, W. S. 54, 55
Jones, A. J. 70
Jones, A. M. 191
Jones, B. 182
Jones, D. J. 190
Jones, Dorothy 383
Jones, E. O. 57
Jones, E. Oscar 24, 57
Jones, E. W. 67, 239
Jones, Frank 179
Jones, J. B. 337, 338, 340
Jones, J. T. 366
Jones, Jim 366
Jones, Joe E. 68
Jones, R. H. 309
Jones, Rev. Robert B. 184
Jordan, J. M. 170, 171, 190, 192, 200
Jordan, John 190, 192
Josey, E. T. 330
Josey, Evander 330
Josey, W. C. 330, 337, 368
Josey, William C. 337, 343
Josserand, Frank 341
Josserand, P. 341
Josserand, Peter 340
Jowell, Charles 61
Jowell, G. N. 88
Jowell, J. G. 60, 113
Jowell, L. E. 311
Jowell, R. M. 88
Jowell, Robert N. 25
Jowell, W. G. 61
Jowell, W. H. 61
Judd, J. F. 144
Juniel, George 255
Kane, John A. 50
Keasler, T. F. 207, 255
Keidig, K. O. 277
Keisler, T. E. 287, 289, 293, 378
Keith, C. A. 180
Keith, C. S. 173, 180
Keith, Charles S. 92, 173, 348
Keith, R. H. 92, 173
Kelley, Frank 179
Kellogg, Mr. W. H. 348
Kellogg, W. H. 346
Kellum, Dr. N. J. 134
Kelly, Felix 329
Kelly, J. A. 278
Kelly, J. F. 329, 332
Kelly, J. M. 59
Kelly, Jim 253
Kelly, John 354
Kelly, John Felix 331, 337
Kelly, M. C. 337
Kelly, Sr., John Felix 331
Kenley, D. C. 94
Kennedy, Charles 193
Kennedy, J. 179
Kennedy, J. L. 63
Kerr, A. E. 287
Kessler, R. D. 82
Kessler, Ralph 82
Kiley, Harry C. 45
Killian, C. D. 205
Killingsworth, James 365
Kimmon, Ed 248
King, B. A. 90
King, Harvey F. 182, 184
King, J. B. 249
Kirbow, W. S. 252
Kirby, John Henry 220, 277, 280
Kirk Jr., E. W. 256
Knight, George 362, 364
Knight, George A. 306, 318, 362
Knight, John K. 246
Knight, Mr. 278, 307
Knight, Mr. George 308
Knight, Sam 87
Knight, W. M. 293, 377
Knighton, F. D. 299
Koehl, Charles John 335
Koehl, Charlie 335
Koehl, William 335
Kringel, Herman F. 182
Kroll, P. T. 179
Kurth, E. L. 248
Kurth, J. H. 29
Kurth, Joseph H. 139
Kurth, M. E. 291
Kutman, R. B. 33
Kyle, W. C. 77
LaCroix, Cicero H. 253
Landrum, Bob 85
Langham, W. R. 197
Langston, A. M. 171
Langston, J. S. 170, 171
Lanham, Sam 47
Latham, W. J. 58
Laughton, J. 248
Lawrence, J. C. 200
Lawson, Abe 68
Leaming, T. F. 130
Leathers, J. D. 72
Leaverton, Herbert 188
Leaverton, T. H. 188, 199
Lee, John 170, 358
Lee, Robert 68, 77
Lee, W. H. 32
Lee, William H. 32
Leggett, J. W. 310
Leopard, W. S. 56
Lesley, G. F. 72
Lester, A. O. 61
Lester, Mrs. 239
Lewis, Bill 67
Lewis, C. 215, 216
Lewis, D. H. 296
Lewis, Dorothy Jean 300
Lewis, H. E. 296
Lewis, Homy 224
Lewis, J. T. 233
Lewis, Robert 135
Lewis, Roy 300
Lide, F. A. 158, 159
Lieur, W. H. 247
Liggett, W. H. 156
Lightfoot, I. M. H. 233
Lile, R. L. 58, 75
Liles, M. E. 75, 76
Liles, R. L. 75
Lilley, H. S. 273, 302, 304
Lilley, T. J. 304
Lindley, S. 368, 379
Lindner, H. 334
Lindsey, A. 89
Lindsey, Doyle 89, 90
Lindsey, E. Orval 89, 90
Lindsey, Erna Lee 90
Lindsey, H. A. 90
Lindsey, Hillary A. 89
Lingold, John 207
Lipsitz, J. 35, 36, 37
Lipsitz, Louis 35, 37
Little, T. D. 86
Littlejohn, S. W. 37
Lock, Ottis 261
Long, Jack B. 205
Long, N. M. 195
Long, Wier 186
Long, William 345
Looney, Q. C. 57
Looscan, Adele 158
Lott, Jesse 91
Louis, Ferguson St. 30
Louis, Saint 104, 144, 220
Louis, St. 13, 30, 31, 34, 44, 46, 47, 165
Lout, J. H. 256
Lovelady, L. J. 82
Lubbock, W. M. 137
Lucas, Clarence 205
Luman, J. W. 235, 246
Lydick, Dan 192
Lyles, Jerry 58
Lytle, Arthur 182
MacKechney, John 226, 240
Macomb, David 136
MacTavish, A. 92, 173, 186
MacTavish, Mr. A. 186
Maddox, E. R. 35
Maddox, Evan R. 36
Magruder, E. G. 62
Malcolm, John 18, 105
Malone, Wiley 353
Maness, J. H. 75
Maness, K. H. 61, 75
Maness, Sr., J. H. 75
Mangum, H. B. 199
Marchman, R. G. 64
Marlowe, William 18
Marr, Jim 355
Marr, W. H. 179
Marriott, Lee 381
Martin, Ed 240
Martin, J. Ed 240
Martin, J. W. 175
Martin, T. J. 63
Martin, Taylor 22
Martindale, F. W. 255
Martindale, W. E. 88, 99
Massey, C. P. 228
Mathenia, Kay 207
Matkin, John P. 25
Matthews, J. D. 26
Maund, H. M. 191
Maxey, T. J. 234
Maxwell, Dr. Robert 187, 275
Maxwell, G. J. 99
Maxwell, R. S. 158, 313
Mayes, W. E. 169
Mayfield, Bernard 10, 18, 105
Mayfield, J. W. 365
Mayfield, John C. 365
Mayfield, Rhoda 365
Mayhan, R. H. 62, 67
Mays, J. J. 57
McAdams, Hiram 327
McAdams, Jr., John 327
McAshe, S. E. 148
McCartey, C. J. 380
McCarty, C. J. 379
McCauley, J. G. 235
McCauley, J. T. 242
McClain, J. L. 79
McCown, Pat 101
McCown, Rayburn 101
McCoy, Patricia R. 268
McCreless, G. S. 204
McCullony, George F. 191
McDonald, A. C. 351, 360
McDonald, C. E. 32
McDonald, D. A. 237
McDonald, Donald 221
McDonald, E. E. 248
McDonald, G. R. 28
McDowell, Helen 359
McDufly, N. K. 152
McElyea, A. L. 81, 311
McElyea, Arthur L. 204
McElyea, J. H. 204
McElyea, O. B. 311
McEntyre, Dutch 75
McFarland, K. M. 234
McGar, W. W. 334
McGee, Archibald 375
McGee, Drury 295
McGowan, J. F. 277
McGregor, John G. 273
McGregor, W. H. 374
McKeithen, H. E. 30
McKinney, M. 182
McKinney, T. F. 133
McKuen, Edmond 50
McLaughlin, J. M. 155
McLaunam, J. A. 226
McLaurin, H. D. 232
McMayon, George 287, 294
McMeans, J. W. 57
McMinn, D. A. 55
McMinn, F. A. 57
McMurray, Jim 304, 306
McMurray, R. J. 304
McNair, John M. 236
McNally, Rand 107, 211
McNeill, H. W. 232
McPhail, G. R. 196
McRea, Alexander 136
McRea, William 136
McShane, S. A. 148
McWhorter, John 74, 95
Meador, J. W. 87
Mehner, C. F. 77
Melancore, P. B. 143
Menard, M. B. 133
Menefee, L. B. 307, 361, 363
Mercer, W. S. 58
Merlo, Harry A. 391
Merritt, Mose 198
Merseneau, H. P. 152
Meyers, H. C. 152
Milikien, G. M. 342
Milikien, H. L. 342
Milikien, J. H. 342, 374
Milikien, James H. 342
Milikien, James Henry 342
Milikien, T. A. 342, 374, 379
Milikien, Thomas A. 342, 374
Milikien, Thomas Austin 374
Milikien, W. A. 379
Miller, A. C. 82, 83
Miller, C. L. 74
Miller, Charles L. 74
Miller, F. J. 57
Miller, Hiram 253
Miller, J. Simp 227, 232, 237
Miller, Mr. R. W. 353
Miller, Oscar H. 354
Miller, R. C. 274, 279, 280, 281, 282, 297, 314
Miller, R. W. 286, 287, 322, 349, 350, 353, 356, 359, 372, 398
Miller, Rufus W. 286, 287, 348, 350, 352, 354, 392
Miller, Rufus Walter 349
Miller, Ruth 295
Milner, Mr. John L. 248
Mitchell, Dr. 242
Mitchell, Dr. G. T. 233, 242, 244, 248
Mitchell, E. C. 381
Mitchell, J. W. 228
Mitchell, T. E. 251
Mitchell, W. D. 277
Mixon, Andrew Jackson Jack 55
Mixon, F. M. 68
Monroe, A. T. 167
Montgomery, Caney 298
Montgomery, J. L. 193
Montgomery, Robert 67
Monzingo, L. H. 203
Moody, W. L. 199
Moore, A. L. 190, 192
Moore, A. S. 248
Moore, G. Bedell 139
Moore, J. M. 302
Moore, J. O. 65
Moore, Royce 42
Moore, W. R. 25
Morgan, C. L. 194
Morgan, Charlie M. 354
Morgan, J. E. 194
Morrill, Richard 53
Morris, R. H. 28
Morrison, H. L. 179
Morrison, Thomas 179
Morrow, C. F. 377
Morrow, E. S. 377
Morrow, J. R. 343, 368, 377
Morrow, Otto E. 377
Morrow, Will E. 50
Morton, D. T. 44
Moseh, A. 310
Moseh, Andrew 298, 302
Moss, Sidney S. 231, 239
Moss, T. J. 305, 311
Moss, Zach 227
Moss, Zach S. 227
Mowery, C. W. 379
Mowery, T. F. 378
Munger, H. P. 302
Munoz, Ramon 130
Murchison, John 221
Murchison, M. D. 199
Murchison, S. L. 194
Murchison, Sydnor L. 194
Murchison, W. F. 193
Murdock, Ron 84
Murphy, Janette 101
Murphy, Neal 101
Murphy, R. P. 70
Murray, A. E. 199
Murray, Andrew 354
Murray, C. C. 329
Murray, C. C. Christopher Columbus 335
Murray, Christopher Columbus 329
Murray, Columbus 329
Murray, G. F. 340, 368
Murray, Herndon 354
Murray, Joe 354
Murray, Walter 323, 326, 329
Musick, John Alvis 72, 80
Musick, John R. 33, 49, 65
Nash, William 222
Neathery, J. W. 354
Neathery, Mr. J. W. 353
Neely, Wade B. 61
Nellis, J. C. 111
Nelson, N. O. 192
Nelson, S. T. 317
Neuhaus, B. J. 148
Newman, E. P. 182
Newman, G. W. 30
Newton, G. W. 73
Newton, R. L. 234
Niederhofer, E. J. 294, 389
Niederhofer, Ray 276
Nixon, T. H. 238
Noble, E. A. 334, 335
Noble, I. M. 227
Noble, Ike 240
Noble, Ike M. 237
Noble, Isaac M. 227
Noble, J. O. 226
Norman, Jr., W. T. 297
Norman, W. T. 297
Norris, W. H. 77
Northcutt, D. R. 208
Norvell, Lipscomb 222
Norwood, J. L. 239
Norwood, James L. 232
Nunn, Wylie 61
O'Byrne, J. 84
O'Byrne, John 84, 100
O'Byrne, John A. 84
O'Byrne, Pat 84
O'Connell, Pat 99
Odom, Arnett 354
Odom, James Frank 26
Ogden, C. L. 82
Oglesbee, J. H. 251
Ogletree, G. R. 200, 298
Ogletree, George Royden 200
O'Leary, Joe 379
Oliphant, C. D. 344
Oliphant, Clarence 344
Oliphant, Clarence D. 347
Oliphint, C. D. 322, 343, 344, 352, 368
Oliphint, Clarence 343, 345
Oliphint, Clarence D. 337, 343, 345
Oliphint, H. 398
Oliphint, Howard 347, 356, 359, 398
Oliphint, Hudson 343, 345, 354
Oliphint, I. Howard 358
Oliphint, Mrs. M. E. 343, 344
Oliphint, T. W. 343, 344
Omerad, J. 25
Orden, J. C. Van 92
Orset, Balthazar 361
Oualline, Ellis 379
Oualline, Ellis A. 378
Owens, J. M. 30
Pag, Charles 79, 86, 88, 89, 113, 118, 119, 121, 122
Paine, C. A. 59
Palmer, A. B. 46
Palmer, George 354
Palmer, Johnnie 354
Palmer, Roy 182
Palmer, W. 354
Parker, Eastham 367
Parker, Elmer 381
Parker, J. A. 205
Parker, J. H. 311
Parker, Jesse 371
Parker, Jim Henry 381
Parker, Sam 248
Parrish, Annie Mae 359
Parrott, W. Allen 74
Pate, K. 90
Pate, K. L. 253
Patrick, James C. 54
Patrick, R. D. 31
Patton, G. 16
Patton, James 335, 347, 371, 401
Patton, Mr. James 346, 397
Paul, Ronald L. 391
Pavletich, B. Pete 124
Pavletich, Mr. Berryman Pete 100
Pavletich, Pete 100, 124
Payne, Dr. C. M. 253
Payne, H. A. 87
Payne, J. O. 246, 247, 248
Payne, Mrs. J. O. 247
Payne, O. L. 87
Payne, T. B. 25
Payne, W. T. 195
Payne, W. W. 81
Peebles, R. 160
Pegoda, George 367
Pegoda, H. 337
Pegoda, Henry 188
Pegoda, William 188, 366, 367, 371
Perkins, Charles 246
Perry, Benjamin L. 325
Perry, Roscoe 253
Perry, Turner 324
Perry, W. C. 173
Peters, W. S. 327, 328
Peterson, Earl 201
Peterson, George 73
Peterson, P. G. 328
Peyton, J. B. 342, 367
Peyton, John 44
Peyton, John B. 341, 342
Phelps, J. L. 244, 247, 248
Phelps, J. R. 226, 239, 240
Phelps, R. L. 242, 244
Philips, Earnest 87
Philips, J. L. 240
Phillips, H. N. 378, 380
Phillips, J. E. 296, 309
Phillips, J. T. 32
Phillips, John E. 296
Phillips, T. H. 191
Phillips, W. A. 88
Phillips, W. E. 365
Phillips, W. H. 203, 380
Phillips, Wallace A. 88
Pickering, W. B. 92
Pickering, W. R. 102, 172, 228
Pickering, Walter C. 182
Pierce, C. W. 90
Pierce, Joe C. 98
Pierce, Riley 83
Pierce, Willis Emory Charlie 83
Pierson, A. 111
Pierson, A. H. 214
Pilney, C. H. 358
Pineda, Jose 76, 86
Pinkard, William T. 55
Pinkney, W. 373
Polk, A. T. 237, 239
Polk, H. C. 54, 95, 96, 111, 123
Polk, Horace 38
Polk, Jr., H. C. 54, 95, 96, 111, 123
Polk, Mrs. H. C. 10, 123
Polley, O. H. 247
Pollok, Dr. Aaron 36
Pope, L. D. 99
Poppe, Albert 92
Porter, J. J. 373
Posey, James B. 29, 104
Powell, Aloys 36
Powell, Ben 62
Powell, Cader 62
Powell, Cader B. 62, 114
Powell, Frank 168
Powell, W. M. 253
Price, Foster 397
Price, J. M. 237, 238, 264
Price, John M. 238
Pritchard, J. P. 166
Pritchard, Thomas H. 170
Pritchett, A. 311
Pritchett, Louis A. 64
Pryor, Jack 98
Pryor, Robert 25, 31, 75
Pugh, Charles E. 327, 338
Puntch, R. O. 74
Pursley, M. B. 378, 389
Pursley, Mr. M. B. 403
Puryear, C. E. 153
Quick, E. 252
Quillen, M. 182
Racki, P. A. 79
Ragsdale, Fred 73
Randolph, Benton 331
Randolph, Clinton 326
Randolph, James 326
Randolph, Jeremiah 326
Randolph, Sr., John 326
Randolph, Taylor 326
Rankin, James 295
Rarick, Johnnie 355
Ratcliff, Jesse T. 171, 190
Ratcliff, R. G. 199
Rayburn, Sam 219, 244, 255
Reagan, Dr. W. O. 65
Reagan, John H. 21
Reagan, R. B. 21
Reagan, Robert B. 21
Reece, Willie 236
Reed, Pat S. 64
Reed, S. G. 322
Reed, W. M. 65
Reese, H. B. 86
Reeves, T. J. 196
Reid, G. W. 287, 291, 293, 294
Reid, W. Roy 289, 294, 378
Reily, James 134
Relbon, C. D. 251
Renfro, O. E. 363
Ressner, W. T. 232
Reynolds, Austelle 354, 359
Reynolds, D. D. 198
Reynolds, G. H. 84
Reynolds, George 354
Reynolds, W. H. 198
Rhode, W. H. 354
Rhodes, Dan 98
Rhone, O. B. 199
Richards, K. H. 370
Richards, W. H. 246, 247
Richardson, Abner 182
Richardson, L. 136
Richardson, T. C. 104, 210, 393
Richardson, W. W. 179
Richey, J. L. 72
Richey, Molly 239
Richie, B. L. 241
Riggs, Carol 216
Rinehart, Ed D. 99
Roach, Hattie 15, 93
Roach, Hattie J. 104
Roach, T. J. 20, 68, 91, 105
Roach, Thomas J. 20
Roach, Thomas Jefferson 19
Roark, Charles L. 88
Roark, Rufus 325
Roark, W. J. 88
Robbins, Edgar 340, 377
Robbins, Edgar W. 377, 402
Robbins, Levi 50
Robbins, M. 327, 332
Robbins, W. C. 377
Robbins, W. Cleve 377
Robbins, William 332
Roberts, George W. 226
Roberts, H. 142
Roberts, J. H. 63
Roberts, W. H. 371
Robertson, Dr. Harry 354
Robertson, Dr. Harry S. 359
Robertson, Max J. 256
Robertson, W. T. 55
Robinson, A. S. 179
Robinson, Willie 300
Roddy, W. C. 24
Roden, W. A. 31
Rodgers, M. T. 134
Rogers, A. S. 25
Ross, Frank 21
Ross, J. P. 298, 302
Ross, W. M. 278
Roth, Frank 354
Rube, Joseph Absolum 95
Rucker, M. E. 32, 39, 58, 64
Rudd, H. C. 179, 186
Rudd, Henry 182, 187
Runnels, Celeste 251
Runnels, H. G. 134, 142
Runnels, J. J. 236
Runnels, J. W. 236
Runnels, Jr., J. W. 236
Runnels, William 142
Rusick, Frank 297
Russell, Edward 302
Ruthven, A. S. 321
Ruzic, Frank 236
Ryan, Jr., Tom 50
Ryan, Philip A. 309
Ryan, Thomas A. 50
Salmon, R. M. 92
Salmon, Walter A. 182
Samson, N. D. 217
Samson, N. T. 120, 121, 122, 202, 216, 268, 318, 403
Samuels, Pete 354
Sanchez, Juan 327
Sandell, S. O. 324
Sanders, D. A. 82
Sanders, Dave 82
Sanders, Frank 63
Sanders, H. T. 167
Sanders, J. N. 65
Sanderson, P. T. 290, 291
Sanderson, Paul T. 375
Sandy, West 321, 389, 404
Sartain, Tom 69, 91
Saunders, Ed 233
Sawyer, C. E. 302
Scarborough, Oscar 241
Scarborough, T. C. 65
Schal, Homer G. 57
Schmidt, Walter 65
Schnell, George T. 173
Schrader, C. F. 314
Schuder, C. F. 317
Schumtkoski, William 334
Scott, Frances 355
Scowden, John E. 182
Searcy, Andrew J. 56
Searcy, Butler 56
Searcy, John W. 56
Setliff, J. D. 63
Sewell, D. C. 299
Shamburger, P. M. 33
Shank, Byron 83
Shank, Roy 73
Shattuck, John Robert 91
Sheffield, James D. 253
Sheffield, W. D. 239
Shelton, J. B. 298
Shelton, Tom 139
Sheppard, Jake 354
Shepperd, Jake 358, 359
Sheridan, J. D. 199
Sherwood, J. C. 173
Shinalt, F. A. 78
Shoubrock, C. C. 242
Shropshire, J. F. 295
Shropshire, J. T. 295
Shupak, John 379
Shupak, Will 354
Simpson, C. L. 363
Simpson, J. J. 67
Simpson, O. F. 310
Simpson, Steve 98
Sims, B. F. 246
Sims, Jim 253
Sims, Robert 182
Sims, T. F. 331, 367
Singletary, G. 39, 109, 111, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124
Singletary, G. C. 98, 104, 110, 111, 112, 118, 119, 123
Singletary, G. D. 124
Singletary, G. E. 39
Singletary, George 39, 40, 54
Singletary, George E. 40, 109
Singletary, George Eldridge 39
Singletary, Grady 37, 49, 50, 74, 79, 80, 86, 93, 94, 109, 119, 120, 121,
Singletary, Grady C. 15, 38, 105
Singletary, Mr. 50
Singletary, Mr. Grady 23
Singletary, Mr. Grady C. 10
Singletary, Ross 99
Skeen, L. E. 310
Skeen, T. C. 44
Slater, B. F. 83
Sleight, G. A. 338
Slider, M. R. 58
Slider, Nolan 83
Slider, William R. 58
Sloane, L. T. 331, 339
Slotkowski, Joe 296
Slott, W. T. 379
Slover, Bruce 69, 101, 117
Slover, C. C. 69
Slover, Christopher Columbus 69
Slover, Edna 69
Slover, J. G. 116
Slover, Jack 73
Slover, John George 69
Slover, N. A. 117
Slover, N. A. Jack 69, 116
Slover, Nathaniel A. Jack 69
Slover, Robert 69
Slover, W. 25, 78
Slover, W. W. 75, 78
Slover, William 25
Slover, William W. 69
Smelker, Irene 182
Smith, Charles 19
Smith, Christian 280
Smith, Dr. Charlie 182
Smith, Dr. J. H. 331
Smith, Frank T. 57
Smith, J. B. 228
Smith, J. M. 170, 340
Smith, John P. 238, 264
Smith, John W. 38
Smith, L. C. 253
Smith, L. W. 366
Smith, Lang 192
Smith, M. A. 36
Smith, Martin R. 182
Smith, Marvin 65
Smith, Marvin H. 182
Smith, Milton A. 34, 35
Smith, P. 226, 238
Smith, P. A. 64
Smith, Pat 226, 238, 264
Smith, Rufus 19
Smith, T. L. 26
Smith, W. C. 65
Smither, J. M. 340
Smither, J. T. 341
Smither, John T. 341
Smyrl, W. A. 179
Smyrl, W. J. 68
Snell, John N. 199
Snively, M. J. 281
Sommers, Hubert 383
Southerland, J. E. 237
Sowell, J. E. 232, 239
Sowers, Robert 17
Sparkman, M. E. 197
Sparkman, T. J. 82
Spence, Jack 201
Spence, M. S. 190
Spiller, Dr. Charles 370
Spiller, W. F. 333, 334, 338
Spiller, William F. 327
Spinks, M. L. 252
Spinks, W. H. 33, 43, 109
Spivey, C. B. 66, 75
Spivey, Charles 66
Spivey, Charles B. 66
Sprayberry, Herman 207
Sprowl, John 221
Spurlin, C. S. 32
Stadler, Robert G. 17
Standifer, I. M. 363
Standley, J. G. 371
Stark, J. R. 170
Staton, J. B. 82, 84, 99, 110, 117, 118, 120, 121, 124
Staton, James A. 74
Staton, James H. 74
Staton, Jimmy 81
Staton, Joe B. 110
Staton, Joe Bob 38, 45, 46, 74, 109
Staton, Mr. Joe B. 84
Steed, Mack 206
Steed, Ray 206
Steely, A. H. 385, 403
Steely, A. H. Hutch 385
Steely, Andrew Arnold 385
Steely, Andrew H. 385
Steely, Andrew Hutcheson 385
Steely, Hutch 385
Steely, Kelvin 385, 403
Steely, Mr. Kelvin 403
Steely, Will 385
Steely, Will A. 385, 403
Steely, Willie Arnold 385
Steen, R. W. 259, 260, 265
Stephens, Joe 302
Stevens, Thomas 375
Stewart, E. A. 202
Stewart, J. D. 247, 248
Stewart, R. C. 67
Stewart, S. C. Babe 81
Stimac, Matt 297
Stockman, Woodrow H. 303
Stokeld, Jerry 391
Stomfel, Anton 249
Stordelen, K. N. 84
Stovall, F. J. 58
Stowe, Earl 198, 202
Strauss, Jr., P. H. 310
Strobe, S. G. 298
Stryker, G. H. 328
Stutts, W. E. 207
Swanson, J. C. 73
Swanson, Martin 73
Taylor, B. L. 334, 335
Taylor, Grace 73
Taylor, J. T. 248
Teal, Ed 238
Teal, W. H. 246
Templeton, Mr. John A. 10
Terrell, Tom 84
Terry, Lucille 194
Thadwest, G. D. 251
Thomas, C. E. 239
Thomas, Clifton 90
Thomas, David P. 182
Thomas, Dick 223
Thomas, Frank 179
Thomas, J. L. 227, 229, 237, 246
Thomas, L. 237, 246
Thomas, Louis 241
Thomas, N. G. 223
Thomas, S. D. 222
Thomas, W. 226
Thomas, W. T. 63, 226, 233, 234, 241
Thomason, A. A. 195
Thomason, J. A. 321, 392
Thompson, Barbara 99
Thompson, Clifton 79
Thompson, Hoxie 187
Thompson, I. D. 155
Thompson, J. W. 287
Thompson, Marvin 391
Thompson, R. A. 234
Thompson, Sam A. 24
Thompson, Wiley 26, 31
Thomson, Frank 244
Thornton, J. M. 201
Thornton, J. W. 182
Tillman, Susan 55
Todd, E. C. 32
Todd, Fred 85
Tolivar, R. L. 195
Tompkins, G. A. 366
Tramwell, W. H. 182
Trantham, B. F. 63
Trantham, Robert Lee 68
Trantham, S. J. 64
Trantham, William J. 68
Travis, Nan 51
Traylor, Elijah 75
Traylor, J. L. 366
Traylor, J. R. 333
Traylor, John 368
Traylor, Joseph Derry 327
Traylor, R. T. 75
Traylor, S. E. 333
Traylor, W. A. 327
Traylor, W. W. 75
Traylor, Walter W. 75
Treaghlen, B. F. 226
Tribble, J. T. 24
Troutham, B. 64
Troutman, R. E. 45
Trusdale, J. H. 55
Tubb, Philip 56
Tubbs, J. T. 23
Tucker, R. T. 283, 284
Turner, Albert 199
Turney, Joseph 22
Tyler, Robert 100
Tyra, A. T. 76
Tyra, J. W. 76, 86
Tyra, Thomas 99
Tyra, Tom 76
Valbehr, William 92
Vann, Bert 81
Vann, D. J. 276
Vann, F. R. 276
Vann, J. H. 276
Vanover, Clarence 182
Vaughan, George C. 152, 285, 287, 293, 349, 398
Vaughan, H. E. D. 29
Vickers, J. F. 197
Vining, J. W. 25
Vinson, R. E. 196
Viser, William 323
Voss, Ray 243
W, George 82, 226, 232, 239, 331, 337, 338, 339, 345, 389
Wagner, Henry 182
Wagner, J. 24
Walker, Dorothy 383
Walker, E. 182
Walker, Elmina 286
Walker, Henry F. 253
Walker, I. J. 277
Walker, J. C. 98, 383, 384
Walker, L. K. 98, 255, 383
Walker, Lester 82
Walker, Nat 193
Walker, Tex 383, 384
Wallace, A. B. 203
Wallace, A. S. 203
Wallace, Amos 372
Wallace, Doyle 86
Wallace, E. L. 86
Wallace, Floyd 72, 80
Wallace, Floyd B. 305
Wallace, James F. 31
Wallace, James Franklin 31
Wallace, R. A. 'Tom' 31
Wallace, R. F. 119
Wallace, R. Floyd 72
Wallace, Robert Anderson 31
Wallace, Robert Floyd 80
Walling, E. A. 196
Wallis, L. H. 151
Wallis, S. A. 231, 239
Walsh, John J. 179
Walton, G. B. 236
Ward, F. J. 30
Ward, T. A. 63, 67
Ward, W. P. 248
Ward, Willie 365
Warley, T. D. 154
Warner, J. P. 232
Warren, J. W. 296
Washington, Albert 299
Waterman, W. M. 172
Watts, R. L. 232
Weatherly, J. 368
Weatherly, J. W. 335
Weatherly, John 340, 368
Weatherly, John A. 340
Webb, J. C. 179, 181, 182
Webb, Sr., William 340
Webb, W. F. 159
Webb, W. P. 104, 158, 160, 393
Webster, C. B. 187
Weinheimer, Mr. Brian 312
Welch, C. D. 75
Welch, E. S. 235
Welch, John 354
Wells, Bob 81
Wells, W. D. 61
Werner, C. A. Buddy 381
Werner, Louis 236
West, J. M. 191, 192
West, J. W. 378
Westcott, R. D. 136
Westmoreland, John 226
Wharton, John T. 182
Wharton, William 136
Wheeler, A. J. 370
Wherry, Robert B. 66
Whitaker, A. J. 193
White, D. 104, 210
White, H. N. 53
White, J. H. 306, 307, 363
White, James H. 278, 306, 361, 362
White, Jim 306
White, R. C. 202
White, Roger C. 203
White, Stephen 166
White, Wesley Jefferson 26
Whiteman, Gus 86, 87
Whiteman, Gus S. 79
Whiteman, W. T. 49, 80
Whiteman, Warren 50
Whiteman, Warren Taylor 51
Whiting, Ted 205
Whitman, Arthur 354
Whitten, D. J. 54
Whitten, W. N. 246, 251
Wicker, James L. 182
Wicks, E. R. 349, 350
Wicks, Mr. E. R. 349
Wiener, Sam 29
Wiener, Samuel 29
Wiess, Mark 243
Wiggins, Jack 101
Wiggins, Jr., J. T. 32
Wilcox, Ed 196
Wilcox, Edgar 195
Wilcox, Jane 131
Wilkins, S. L. 236
William, James 21, 95
Williams, A. 158, 221
Williams, B. C. 191
Williams, Brooks 36
Williams, Carl 61
Williams, F. L. 308, 364
Williams, Hubert 205
Williams, J. B. 48
Williams, J. H. 244
Williams, L. G. 189
Williams, Sam M. 163
Williams, Samuel 244
Williams, T. J. 287, 293
Williams, W. J. 377
Williamson, A. B. 36
Williamson, Earle H. 44
Williamson, H. F. 44
Willingham, C. J. 195
Willingham, L. F. 31, 62
Willis, A. P. 300
Willis, R. S. 192
Willis, Robert 188
Willis, Roy L. 381
Willoten, George 82
Wilson, E. E. 348
Wilson, J. H. 56
Wilson, J. M. 350, 353
Wilson, Jim 37
Wilson, Robert 130, 131
Wilson, W. L. 195
Windsor, Robert T. 227
Winfree, J. E. 194
Winkle, Van 227, 231
Winkler, E. W. 158
Wishard, John A. 67
Womack, B. F. 62
Womack, Jr., M. L. 346
Womack, W. L. 347
Womble, D. J. 374
Wooderson, William 324
Woodson, Noah 354
Woody, Henry 50
Wooley, O. S. 239
Worley, Josiah 63
Worley, Josiah J. 29
Wortham, John 166
Wortham, Major John 166
Worthington, George C. 58
Worthington, W. B. 171
Wragg, T. P. 234
Wright, Luke E. 247
Wright, W. R. 295
Wurtzbaugh, J. P. 201
Wurtzbaugh, J. T. 201
Wynne, G. A. 378
Yates, C. M. 305
Yates, E. P. 62
Yerby, J. R. 189
Yoakum, B. F. 129
Yocum, T. D. 137
Yother, Robert 50
Young, D. 109
Young, Dorothy 35
Young, Dr. C. G. 13
Young, E. J. 283, 285, 288, 291, 322
Zachary, A. L. 195
Zeagler, Benny L. 248
Ziegler, A. B. 365
