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East Texas Mill Towns & Ghost Towns Volume 2
2 - includes Hardin, Jasper, Liberty, Montgomery,
Sabine, Shelby and Trinity counties
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Table of Contents
The table of contents below
includes the page numbers from the printed books.
Table of Figures 8
Foreword 9
Introduction 11
- Introduction 24
Chapter 1 - Hardin County, Texas 26
Physical Description 27
The Nona Mills
Company 29
The Tryon
Sawmill 33
The Plank or
Noble's Switch Sawmills 35
The Lillard
Sawmill 39
The Hooks'
Switch or Sharon Sawmill 41
The McShane
Lumber Company at Dearborn 44
The Sunset
Sawmill at Olive 47
The Sawmills of
the Oil Boom Towns 53
The Village
Mills Company Sawmill 56
Other Mill Towns
and Logging Camps 65
Silsbee, Texas,
as a Longtime Lumber Center 70
Kountze as an
Early Sawmilling Center 76
The Mills of
Honey Island 82
A Summary of
Hardin County Sawmilling 89
Endnotes –
Hardin County 90
Chapter 2 - Jasper County 97
Geographic Background 98
The Yellow Bluff
Tram Company 100
The Wiess Bluff
Tram Company 104
The Early
Sawmills of Kirbyville, Texas 106
The Sawmills at
Evadale, Texas 112
The Sawmill at
Browndell, Texas 114
Other Jasper
County Sawmills and Logging Fronts 117
The Sawmills/Log
Camps of Applegate/Keithton 122
The Kirby Mill J
at Roganville 123
The Ghost Town
of Aldridge 128
The Old Sawmill
Town of Bessmay 138
The Alexander
Gilmer Sawmill at Remlig 145
The Big Kirby
Mill at Call, Texas 149
Early Sawmilling
at Jasper, Texas 155
A Summary of
Jasper County Sawmilling 159
Endnotes –
Jasper County 161
Chapter 3 - Liberty County 167
Geographic Description 168
The County's
Water and Rail Transportation 170
The Earliest
Liberty County Sawmills 172
The Dayton
Lumber Company at Dayton 174
Logging the
Dayton Lumber Company Mill 176
Mill and Social
Life at Dayton Lumber Company 178
Other Sawmills
at Dayton, Texas 180
The Sawmills at
Devers, Texas 183
The First
Sawmill at Fuqua, Texas 184
Operating the
New Fuqua Sawmill 186
Logging the
Fuqua Sawmill 188
The Mill and
Social Life at Fuqua 189
The H. G.
Bohlssen Hardwood Lumber Company 191
The Sawmills at
Liberty, Texas 193
The Miller -
Vidor Sawmill at Milvid 200
Logging the
Milvid Sawmill 202
The Mill and
Social Life at Milvid 204
Around Cleveland, Texas 206
Mills on the
Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe Road 209
A Summary of
Liberty County Sawmilling 212
Endnotes –
Liberty County 214
Chapter 4 - Montgomery County 220
Geographic Description 221
County's Rail and Tram Roads 223
The Earliest
Montgomery County Sawmills 225
Other Montgomery
County Sawmills of 1880 - 1884 229
The Peach River
Lumber Company, Later the Miller - Vidor Lumber Company at Timber 231
Logging the
Peach River Sawmill at Timber 233
The Delta Land
and Timber Company, Later, the Conroe Lumber Corporation 235
The Isaac Conroe
Lumber Company at Beach 238
The Sawmills at
Waukegan, Texas 241
Other Early
Sawmills of Montgomery County 244
The Trinity
River Lumber Company 248
The Texas Tie
and Lumber Company, Clinesburg 251
The Foster
Lumber Company at Fostoria 254
The Oualline
Families as Early Sawmillers 258
The Campbell
Lumber Companies 260
Other Early
Sawmills at/near Willis, 1893 - 1920 262
Other Early
Montgomery County Mills, 264
The Talley
Family Members as Sawmillers 267
Other Early
Sawmills, 1902 - 1920 269
The Development
of Grogan - Cochran Company 277
Other Montgomery
County Mills, 1928 - 1956 282
A Summary of
Montgomery County Sawmilling 289
Endnotes –
Montgomery County 290
Chapter 5 – Sabine County 300
Geographic Description 301
The Early
Railroads of Sabine County 302
The Antebellum
Sawmills of Sabine County 303
The Kirby Lumber
Company Sawmill at Bronson 306
The Southern
Long Leaf Lumber Company 309
The Ragley -
Saner Lumber Company of Pineland 312
The Garrison -
Norton Sawmill at Pineland 315
The Temple
Lumber Company of Pineland 318
Logging the
Pineland Sawmill 321
The Pineland
Sawmill Since 1947 323
The Knox Lumber
Company at East Mayfield 325
Other Early
Sabine County Sawmills 328
Sabine County
Sawmills After World War I 335
A Summary of
Sabine County Sawmilling 340
Endnotes –
Sabine County 342
Chapter 6 - Shelby County 347
Geographic Description 348
The Shelby
County Railroads. 349
Shelby County's
Antebellum Sawmills 350
Other Post -
Bellum Shelby County Sawmills 352
The B. A. Barnes
Sawmill - Planing Mill of Center 355
The Waterman
Sawmills of Shelby County 356
The Shelby
County Lumber Company 361
Other Early
Mills at or Near Center, Texas 363
Early Sawmills
at or Near Timpson 371
Early Sawmills
at Duff and Neuville 375
Early Sawmills
at Shelbyville and Paxton 378
Sawmills at
Choice, Short, and Clark's Switch 380
Sawmillers in
the Waterman - Stockman Vicinity 382
The Early
Sawmills at Tenaha 383
Some Early
Sawmills at Joaquin 385
Early Sawmills
with Unidentified Locations 386
The W. R.
Pickering Sawmill at Haslam 392
The Decline of
Shelby County Sawmilling 396
A Summary of
Shelby County Sawmilling 399
Endnotes –
Shelby County 401
Chapter 7 - Trinity County 410
Geographic Description 411
The Cameron
Sawmill at Saron 413
The Thompson -
Tucker Lumber Company Sawmill 416
The Thompson -
Tucker Sawmill at Trinity 419
The McDuffie
Station Sawmill 420
The Josserand
Mills at Josserand and McDuffie 421
Other Trinity
County Sawmills 424
The West Lumber
Company Sawmill at Westville 425
The Trinity
County Lumber Company at Groveton 427
Summary of Early
Trinity County Sawmilling 430
Endnotes –
Trinity County 431
Index 434
Table of Figures
The table of figures below
includes the page numbers from the printed books.
Figure 1 - Concrete ruins such as
these at Haslam in Shelby County were left behind by "cut - out and get -
out" sawmillers in early East Texas. 2
Figure 2 - This Kirby Lumber Company mill, one of many Kirby mills
which once operated in East Texas, stood at Honey Island in Hardin County.
Figure 3 - Loggers pause for a visiting photographer while working a
log pond at a sawmill at Bessmay, a Kirby mill located in Jasper County. 97
Figure 4 - Hardwood bottomlands such as this were common along the
Trinity River in Liberty County around the turn of the century. 167
Figure 5 - Sunlight beams through the spokes of a high - wheeled
logging cart, a vehicle once used by mule and oxen teams to pull logs from
the forests of Montgomery County. 220
Figure 6 - Cypress groves such as this were found along the Sabine
River in Sabine County before Toledo Bend Lake inundated much of the
county's river bottoms. 300
Figure 7 - The Waterman Hotel, a landmark in the piney woods of East
Texas, stood in the Shelby County lumbering town of Waterman. 347
Figure 8 - Chits and commissary tokens such as these were commonplace
in sawmill towns throughout East Texas around the turn of the century. 410
Figure 9 - Before airplanes took over the job of spotting forest
fires, lookout towers were manned by Texas Forest Service personnel. 433
The index below includes the
page numbers from the printed books.
Adams, George 149
Adams, J. F. 316
Adams, John F. 316, 317, 318
Adams, O. F. 284, 286, 287
Adams, Paramore 317
Adams, W. T. 367
Addieberry, Charles 368, 369
Adkins, Billy 207
Adkisson, William 266
Aldridge, C. C. 128
Aldridge, F. W. 135
Aldridge, Hal 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136
Aldridge, Mark 163, 164
Aldridge, Mr. W. H. 128
Aldridge, W. H. Hal 128
Alexander, J. F. 51
Alexander, Mr. J. F. 50
Alexander, W. M. 180
Alford, Edgar 327
Alford, K. B. 273
Alford, W. H. 285
Alger, Horatio 145
Algood, J. B. 353
Allen, B. 198, 199
Allen, Clark 80
Allen, Frank A. 198, 199
Allen, J. B. 198, 199
Allen, J. K. 229
Allen, John L. 337
Allen, Mr. A. 60
Allen, Sam 153
Allen, T. B. 198, 199, 204, 218, 329, 345
Allison, A. P. 133
Allison, E. P. 47
Amsler, C. C. 226, 269
Amsler, Samuel 227
Anderson, A. T. 413
Anderson, David 409
Anderson, H. A. 141
Anderson, J. E. 268
Anderson, M. L. 398
Anderson, Marshall 399
Anderson, Mr. David 399
Anderson, T. 358
Andrews, J. C. 133
Andrews, James 370
Applegate, H. D. 122
Applegate, Mr. H. D. 122
Ariola, Eduardo 42
Armisted, H. A. 212
Armstrong, N. 190
Arnold, Clara 249
Arnold, Dr. E. J. 225
Arnold, Dr. W. T. 327
Arnold, E. L. 225, 226, 241
Arnold, Henry 332
Arnold, John L. 249, 250
Arnold, Owen 249, 278
Arnold, Owen W. 276
Arnold, W. Lee 337
Arthur, John 271
Arthur, W. C. 332
Ashford, G. F. 367
Ashworth, Allen 152
Atkins, E. C. 363
Atkins, L. S. 386
Atkins, Lazarus S. 386
Atmar, R. N. 425
Austin, S. F. 344
Austin, Stephen F. 12, 321
Aycock, A. M. 336
Ayres, J. K. 229, 274
Ayres, John 328
Baggett, J. W. 389
Bagwell, L. R. 375, 378, 386
Bagwell, Lawrence 378
Bagwell, Lawrence R. 378
Bagwells, Lawrence 378
Balderach, J. J. 171
Bancroft, George 150
Barclay, Dr. A. P. 133
Barclay, George D. 80
Barclay, Lucy 212
Barclay, Mrs. E. B. 133
Barclay, W. F. 73
Barham, T. M. 392
Barker, James G. 337
Barker, William 282
Barnes, B. A. 6, 355, 363, 364, 367, 387, 389, 390, 400
Barnes, J. B. 383
Barnes, L. J. 265, 271
Barnes, S. E. 269
Barnet, Sam 49
Barrett, J. B. 201
Barron, S. B. 310
Bartle, Otis 239, 274
Bass, Austin 80
Bateman, S. N. 153
Bates, H. H. 366
Bates, J. C. 366
Bates, Joseph 34
Bates, Mr. J. L. 34
Bates, N. N. 278
Batty, Mr. C. E. 146
Bauer, Albert 264
Bauer, John H. 264
Beall, M. 418
Beard, S. N. 246, 262
Beatty, C. R. 99
Beauchamp, H. M. 364
Beeson, M. E. 286
Bell, Frank 73
Bell, L. S. 334
Bell, W. C. 287
Bell, W. M. 45
Bennete, J. O. H. 272
Bennett, Alfred 174
Bennette, J. O. H. 272
Bentley, J. A. 36, 37, 38
Bentley, J. F. 35
Benton, J. W. 414
Berkley, Phil 270
Berly, E. 90
Berryman, J. H. 263
Beshares, W. 338
Bigelow, N. P. 174, 179
Biggar, J. A. 376
Biggar, James A. 377
Biggar, John 377
Biggar, R. M. 386
Black, A. 155
Black, A. L. 155
Black, W. R. 141, 190
Blackburn, J. E. 38
Blackstock, John W. 380
Blair, Alice 198
Blair, Francis M. 194
Blair, John 180, 215
Blair, Lena 180, 181, 215
Blair, Mr. John 180
Blair, R. T. 371
Blair, W. F. 168, 180, 181, 194, 214, 215, 217
Blalock, S. G. 429
Blanton, J. H. 190
Blewitt, John 98
Blieden, J. 274
Block, Mr. 9
Block, W. T. 1, 9, 25, 90, 93, 161, 214, 297, 342, 345, 346, 431
Blount, E. J. 371, 372
Bloxsom, Ed 118
Bobo, Bob 371, 404
Bobo, J. E. 371
Bobo, John Henry 371
Bogue, J. R. 372
Bohlssen, H. G. 4, 191, 192, 217, 271
Bohlssen, Henry G. 157, 191, 192
Bohlssen, Henry J. 271
Boles, Pete 241
Boles, Samuel 276
Bolzano, Effie 191
Bonner, J. S. 245
Bonner, John S. 25, 164
Booker, John 323
Boren, W. W. 303, 304
Borger, William L. 276
Bostick, G. S. 308
Bostick, Guy S. 317
Bothers, Cade 211
Boudreaux, A. J. 51
Boudreaux, Mr. A. G. 50
Bouldin, Thomas 180
Bouldware, William 190
Bourg, Jules 51
Bourg, Mr. Jules 50
Bower, J. J. 264
Bowman, B. 345, 408
Bowman, Bob 9, 120, 130, 135, 147, 358, 394
Boykin, Lorenzo J. 333
Boykin, Seymon 130
Boyles, Edward S. 270
Brabham, Robert 286
Brackin, Dunc 82
Brackin, Duncan 76
Bradbury, W. J. 418
Brady, T. S. 118
Bragg, Braxton 65
Bramlette, B. A. 75
Brandon, Major J. M. 60
Brannen, Roy 426
Brantley, B. 287
Brantley, Fred 287
Brantner, Clanton 284
Brawley, J. W. 367
Bray, Dr. W. L. 181
Breen, J. W. 31
Bremond, Paul 214, 218, 290, 349, 401
Brett, J. S. 191
Brice, Henry F. 198
Brice, Wiliam 141
Bridges, B. F. 386
Bridges, John W. 317
Brightwell, C. E. 274
Brightwell, J. H. 274
Briley, Mr. M. J. 37
Brooks, Henry 186
Brooks, Mr. W. A. 48
Brough, Lucy 212
Browder, James 206
Brown, Bernard 246, 247
Brown, Charlie 155
Brown, G. W. 68
Brown, George 54, 68
Brown, George W. 191
Brown, H. O. 201
Brown, J. E. 288
Brown, J. W. 71
Brown, John Wilcox 114
Brown, M. L. 373, 382
Brown, R. L. 396
Brown, W. F. 310
Bruce, G. H. 275, 276
Bruce, James 206
Bruce, Robertson 266
Bruce, Sidney 275, 276
Bruce, Sidney T. 275
Brumley, John 85
Bryan, S. F. 284
Bryant, Mrs. C. E. 116
Bryant, T. 190
Buchanan, S. R. 183
Buckner, A. B. 380
Buckner, John 376
Buckner, T. C. 376
Buford, Conde 397
Bunkey, R. N. 51
Burchfield, J. C. 211
Burkitt, George W. 265
Burnet, David G. 13
Burns, Alfred 370
Burns, J. H. 391
Burton, T. 389
Busbee, D. N. 386
Busbee, Docton Napoleon 386
Busbee, Joe 369
Bushaw, F. J. 357
Butler, J. D. 156
Butler, J. J. 308
Butler, J. M. 31
Butler, John I. 273
Bybee, Charles 246, 263, 276
Byons, James 191
Cain, J. B. 364, 387
Cain, M. E. 190
Calfee, H. C. 263, 272, 284
Calfee, R. B. 263
Calhoun, Patrick 71
Calloway, Dr. L. E. 56
Campbell, B. C. 241
Campbell, C. M. 249, 259, 260, 261, 267
Campbell, D. G. 398
Campbell, E. D. 397
Campbell, J. I. 260, 261
Campbell, Mr. Luther B. 330
Campbell, Mr. R. E. 115
Campbell, Roy B. 260
Campbell, T. F. 264
Campbell, T. T. 260
Campbelle, John 242
Capron, S. W. 60
Cariker, D. C. 379, 391
Carlisle, John 424
Carlson, C. J. 382
Carlyle, A. W. 76, 79
Carroll, A. D. 128
Carroll, E. W. 262
Carroll, F. L. 29
Carroll, Frank 16, 56, 104, 262
Carroll, Frank L. 29
Carroll, G. W. 29
Carroll, Joseph 102, 117
Carroll, M. M. 387
Carroll, M. W. 29
Carroll, R. L. 361
Carroll, W. R. 28, 29
Carroll, William R. 29
Carroll, Wilson 262
Carson, A. M. 263
Carter, G. H. 264
Carter, Seth 66
Carter, W. T. 255, 262
Cartwright, George 304
Cartwright, George W. 304
Cartwright, Robert 350
Caruthers, John 241
Caruthers, Will 241
Caselbery, T. M. 188
Castline, A. F. 425
Caswell, Will 275
Causey, R. E. 271, 364
Chadwick, W. E. 310
Chandler, Lloyd 339
Chandler, R. L. 274
Chaney, W. M. 387
Chesire, Richard 229, 246
Childress, J. H. 386
Childress, John Henry 386
Childress, W. H. 353, 387
Childs, Henry M. 373
Childs, S. G. 371
Chilton, George 332
Chipps, D. E. 273
Christenson, J. B. 335, 337
Christenson, John B. 335, 336
Christian, B. H. 263
Christie, George R. 164
Clark, J. W. 380
Clark, Wallace 328
Clouse, R. B. 284
Cobb, C. H. 283
Cobb, John N. 358
Cochran, Lila 273
Cochran, R. B. 125
Colbert, Annie 180, 181
Colburn, Henry 317
Cole, Roy J. 280
Collier, J. N. 74
Collins, I. A. 264
Collins, I. H. 228, 264
Collins, James M. 226
Collins, Jim 228
Collins, Nooner 329
Collins, R. L. 141, 429
Collins, W. M. 375, 386
Collins, Wade 387
Collins, Will 386
Collins, William M. 368, 375
Cone, T. D. 310
Conn, Huey 84
Conn, Willam A. 206
Connally, Walter 376, 387
Conway, Ed 378
Cook, Dr. A. F. 201
Cook, Jack 141
Cook, S. L. 287
Corliss, Stowell 428
Counts, C. B. 339
Cousins, Dr. R. D. 317
Cowart, J. C. 39, 308
Crary, B. D. 62, 100
Crary, H. N. 62
Crawford, E. N. 398
Crawford, Jacob 304
Crawford, R. L. 381
Crawford, S. A. 262
Crawford, W. H. 230
Crawford, W. S. 283
Creel, George 21, 159, 165
Crenshaw, J. G. 398
Crockett, J. M. 270
Crooke, George L. 276
Crossfield, C. C. 212
Crossfield, Walter 212
Crouch, Drs. G. W. 382
Crouch, W. H. 391
Cruse, William 206, 207, 230, 263
Cruse, William M. 206
Cude, Edgar G. 276
Culberson, Robert 358
Culbertson, J. S. 386
Culp, E. T. 45
Cumming, Jesse 195, 196
Cummings, C. R. 181, 196, 197, 199, 211
Cummings, J. N. 217
Cummings, Jesse 195, 196
Cunningham, Dr. H. C. 189
Cupps, D. W. 201
Cupps, Dan W. 191
Curd, T. B. 231
Curling, T. C. 269
Curry, A. H. 285
Cushing, E. H. 24
Dahl, J. T. 275
Dainwood, A. W. 141, 144
Dainwood, H. L. 305
Dammian, W. J. 255
Daniel, J. A. 280
Daniel, Jr., C. 280
Daniel, Sr., C. 280
Darlington, E. R. 200, 231, 366
Darst, Frank 208
Davenport, W. H. 328
Davidson, M. E. 287
Davidson, Thomas 361
Davis, A. E. 328, 329
Davis, J. C. 308
Davis, J. S. 49, 50
Davis, M. J. 74
Davis, Otho 328
Davis, W. F. M. 427
Davison, D. C. 317
Dean, James L. 337
Dean, T. E. 269
Dearborn, F. W. 45
Dearborn, Frank 44
Deason, John 398
DeCordova, Jacob 13
Delaney, J. W. 128
Denison, B. C. 284, 288
Denman, Larkin 133
Dennison, G. B. 212
Denson, B. C. 288
Denson, Madie 288
Derrick, James 206
Deventer, R. E. Van 141
Devine, J. H. 212
Dewitt, Foster S. 398
Dickerson, S. E. 141
Dierks, Hans 357, 358, 359
Dillenbeck, A. P. 178
Dilley, George 355, 357
Dilley, George M. 265
Disston, Henry 61
Dixie, Curtis 363, 364, 365, 367, 373, 376, 377, 380, 387, 388, 389, 390
Dodd, J. E. 186
Doggett, F. A. 389
Donnelly, William 245
Doster, J. W. 367
Doster, James 367
Douglas, R. I. 414
Dubose, A. A. 133
Dunaway, B. R. 372
Dunaway, Z. D. 373
Duncan, C. A. 391
Duncan, Charles Albert Dode 391
Duncan, L. P. 315, 316
Dunham, Dr. Thomas 231
Dunlap, L. 190
Dunlap, L. O. 186
Dunlap, T. W. 117
Dunman, J. T. 212
Dunn, L. E. 258
Dunn, R. L. 178
Dunn, T. S. 264
Dupree, C. T. 227
Dupree, F. G. 227
Dupree, J. L. 227
Durden, D. H. 270
Dutcher, Alfred 264
Ealand, Donald R. 337
Ealand, F. A. 337
Easton, Dr. H. P. 12, 20
Easton, H. P. 24
Echols, C. T. 212
Edgar, Alvin 191
Edgar, R. B. 179
Edgard, George 339
Edsal, J. C. 424
Eldridge, Carl 358
Ellis, J. C. 426
Ellison, B. 344
Ellison, Hollis B. 321
Elmore, William 358
Emmanuel, William 191
Emmert, C. E. 235
Enloe, Allen 255
Erskine, Fontaine 284
Espy, William S. 373
Estes, B. 368
Eubank, L. H. 262
Everest, H. H. 251, 252
Everett, E. J. 308
Ewing, Mr. George 36
Falvey, Mary 66
Falvey, Tom S. 273
Farr, Alfred 15
Farrington, W. G. 283
Fay, J. A. 284
Feagin, C. L. 171
Ferguson, Dr. C. D. 73
Ferguson, G. R. 29
Ferguson, G. William 268
Ferguson, George 179
Ferguson, J. A. 385
Ferguson, J. L. 229
Ferguson, Jesse Avery 385
Ferguson, L. T. 29
Ferguson, Mr. G. W. 29
Ferguson, T. A. 255
Ferguson, William 269, 276
Ferrel, M. M. 272
Filson, H. S. 147, 156
Filson, Harry S. 145
Fincher, Rosalie 193
Findley, William P. 266
Fisher, C. N. 194, 195, 196
Fisher, Capt. C. N. 194
Fisher, Charles N. 193, 194
Fisher, D. A. 164
Fisher, Hugh 428
Fisher, Mr. C. N. 194, 195
Fisher, Sr., C. N. 194
Fisher, Sr., Charles N. 193
Fitch, Charles W. 332
Fitzenreiter, Charles 34
Fitzenreiter, Mr. Charles 34
Fitzgerald, Mr. B. H. 34
Fitzgerald, Mr. B. S. 33
Fleming, Daniel M. 193
Flemming, J. E. 392
Fletcher, A. 58, 62, 93
Fletcher, D. H. 62
Fletcher, E. A. 61, 62
Fletcher, Emmett A. 60
Fletcher, H. D. 62
Fletcher, Mr. H. D. 60
Fletcher, W. A. 16, 56, 57, 61, 62, 104, 107
Fletcher, William A. 106
Fletcher, Young 57
Foggans, F. D. 182
Foley, Hugh 335
Fondren, W. E. 269
Ford, Martin 14
Ford, R. F. 25, 217
Fory, H. R. 356, 372
Fory, Henry R. 373
Foster, Benjamin B. 248
Foster, George W. 248
Foster, J. Ford 248
Foster, James N. 248
Foster, Jr., John 248
Foster, Samuel A. 248
Foster, Sr., John M. 248
Foster, T. L. 239, 328
Foster, Thomas L. 248
Foster, Thomas S. 418
Foster, Tom 248
Foster, Tom L. 248
Fouts, John Louis 174, 178
Fouts, L. 176
Fox, Henry 190
Franks, John Wilkes Booth 382
Frederick, Fred 84
Freeman, Mrs. 241, 243
Freeman, Mrs. Emma 241
Frickna, Alonso 183
Fullerton, S. H. 174, 179
Fultz, Earnest 275
Galina, Mr. J. S. 126
Galloway, Mr. E. W. 115
Galloway, Paul 272
Gammill, A. 397
Gardner, Lewis 63
Garrett, I. T. 364
Garrett, Levi 365, 385
Garrett, T. H. 241
Garrett, W. C. 394
Garrett, William C. 396
Gee, John 22
Gee, John C. 22
Gee, Jr., C. 25
Geisendorf, H. P. 68
Gerald, N. O. 74
Gerland, Jonathan 87, 167
Gibbons, John W. 336
Gibson, Bill 424
Gibson, T. R. 125
Gilbert, John 328
Gilbert, John N. 29
Gilbert, Mr. Frank L. 238
Gilchrist, J. C. 377
Gilchrist, Jeff 190
Gill, W. T. 141
Gill, William T. 358
Gillard, Dr. 172
Gillard, Dr. Edward J. 172
Gilley, William H. 317
Gilmer, A. 156
Gilmer, Alexander 4, 114, 145, 146, 155, 156, 165
Glaze, J. A. 310
Glenn, Will 380
Glover, R. B. 133
Goodwin, J. H. 365
Goodwin, Jack 387
Goodwin, Jack H. 355
Goodwin, John H. 364, 387, 400
Goodwin, W. J. 387
Gordon, W. L. 332
Gould, Jay 412
Graham, J. K. 356, 373
Graham, James 350
Graham, John 275
Grammer, T. W. 356
Granbury, C. B. 179
Gray, F. 24
Gray, Joe 266
Gray, William Fairfax 24
Green, Henry R. 90
Green, J. S. 133, 212
Green, John 276
Greenwood, Mike 63
Greer, Jack 376
Gresham, G. R. 279, 280
Gresham, W. J. 329
Griffin, Thomas B. 231
Griffin, W. F. 246
Griffith, T. B. 231
Grigsby, Joseph 117
Grimaldi, A. J. 186
Grimes, Charles 125
Grimes, Pearson 283
Grimsley, R. 387
Griner, Carl 141
Grogan, George 277
Grogan, George L. 279
Grogan, H. N. 280
Grogan, Will 207, 280
Grogan, Will R. 277
Gunter, D. E. 125, 126
Gunter, James 397
Gunter, James A. 397
Gunter, W. E. 397
Gutan, G. W. 31
Gwin, G. W. 272
Hackney, D. C. 184
Hackney, Dave 186, 229
Hackney, David 184
Hackney, David C. 184, 229, 230
Hackney, T. L. 184
Hackney, Tom 184, 229
Hackney, Tom L. 184, 229
Hadra, F. 156
Hadsell, E. S. 414
Hairston, G. E. 388
Hale, Sam 141
Hale, T. B. 389
Haley, Thomas 392
Hall, C. 133
Hall, Garland 388
Hall, L. B. 48
Halliday, G. E. 201
Hancock, M. P. 147, 155
Hancock, P. 165
Hanks, Wyatt 12, 303
Hannan, George F. 45
Hanson, A. 396
Hanson, D. 385
Hanson, G. W. 385
Hanson, W. B. 385
Haralson, E. M. 247
Harbour, Paul 181
Hardy, H. W. 262
Hardy, Trem 388
Hardy, W. C. 310, 353
Hargraves, John 199
Hargraves, Mr. M. P. 50
Hargrove, Harry 266
Harkrider, Robert E. 368
Harlow, Richard 391
Harper, R. I. 141
Harrell, Frank A. 228
Harrell, J. J. 308
Harrington, J. E. 141
Harrington, Rufus 50, 51
Harris, A. L. 112
Harris, Chester 283
Harris, Dr. D. P. 74
Harris, J. J. 382
Harris, J. M. 363, 388
Harris, J. R. 332
Harris, J. T. 365, 367, 400
Harris, James Truitt 366
Harris, John Garrett 366
Harris, John R. 365
Harris, R. O. 271
Harris, William 13
Harrod, B. B. 60
Hart, Mrs. Rowena 240
Hart, Robert 207
Hart, Robert G. 59
Harvey, Ike 84
Haskell, Orsen L. 183
Haslam, Lee 392, 393
Haslam, Lee F. 392
Hastings, J. T. 179
Hawthorn, B. J. 398
Hawthorn, J. W. 388
Hawthorne, Frank 73
Hayes, E. 255
Hayes, F. 356
Hayner, J. E. 201, 203
Haynes, J. D. 388
Hayns, E. 344
Hayward, E. B. 18, 19
Hayward, T. A. 425
Hearn, Roy 284
Hearn, Roy E. 287
Heath, C. W. 429
Heath, J. L. 310
Henderson, B. F. 141
Henderson, E. H. 285
Henderson, Jr., S. W. 156
Henderson, Mr. B. P. 140
Henderson, S. 192
Henderson, Simon 192, 271
Henderson, W. H. 366
Hendricks, J. W. 388
Hendrix, George 82, 84
Hennessy, O. C. 286
Hennoff, George 182
Henry, R. W. 332
Hensley, J. W. 291, 431
Herndon, H. 271
Herndon, J. A. 107, 110
Herndon, Mr. J. A. 115
Herndon, W. D. 17
Herring, Ben D. 42
Hertman, F. M. 336
Hertman, F. W. 388
Hervy, A. E. 286
Hester, Frank 66
Hickerson, A. E. Hick 235
Hickman, A. L. 182
Hickman, Carl 426
Hicks, E. S. 353
Hicks, George R. 395
Hicks, John 231
Hicks, P. 141
Hicks, Sam L. 181
Hight, R. H. 396
Hightower, Lamb 174, 176, 209
Hill, J. C. 211, 267, 379
Hill, John 262
Hill, W. E. 200, 283
Hill, W. T. 45
Hines, Pauline 25
Hirsch, Carl 274
Hobbs, Elizabeth 285
Hobbs, J. W. 240, 253
Hobbs, W. 240, 250
Hodges, Ben 181
Hodges, J. L. 180, 181
Hodges, Jack 180, 181
Hodges, Kate 178
Hoffman, A. M. 308
Hoffman, William 60
Holbrook, W. N. 152
Holderrieth, John 276
Holderrieth, William 276
Holliday, George 191
Holliday, William A. 174
Holmes, Tom 153
Holshousen, C. 199
Holt, Bill 83
Holt, William 206
Hooker, J. H. 123, 124
Hooker, J. M. 125
Hooker, Mr. J. H. 126
Hooker, Mr. J. M. 126
Hooker, W. T. 123
Hooks, Ariola 18
Hooks, Ben 31, 79
Hooks, C. G. 54
Hooks, George W. 41, 42
Hopkins, M. 179
Hornbeck, F. A. 309, 312, 313
Hornbeck, Mr. F. A. 310
Hornsby, J. T. 328, 389
Horsey, W. F. 67
Horton, G. W. 272
Houston, Liggett C. C. 269
Houston, Mrs. 397
Houston, Sam 180, 181, 214, 215, 227, 236, 286
Howard, F. L. 284
Howard, Mrs. Claudine 399
Howard, Toots Mrs. Apelonia 84
Howell, L. W. 367
Howes, Charles 190, 207
Howes, George 207
Hudnall, George 181
Hudson, Alexander 183
Huff, Mrs. R. 31
Huffman, H. J. 246
Hufsmith, P. O. 275
Hughes, Aquilla Ballard 367
Hughes, C. W. 354
Hughes, J. R. 366
Hughes, R. Hughes 363
Hunter, J. H. 125
Hurd, Norman 13
Hurst, J. W. 386
Hushner, Fred 308
Hutchins, John M. 207
Hutchins, Mr. Arthur 30
Hutchison, Frank 153
Hutchison, H. L. 388
Hyde, Edgar 186
Hyde, Tom 80
Ingham, W. F. 357
Ingram, Dr. W. P. 242
Ippolito, J. 164
Ippolito, J. E. 163, 164
Irvin, J. P. 17
Irwin, J. C. 264
Isaac, William 332
Ives, A. B. 427
Jackson, James D. 198
Jake, J. A. 331
James, J. H. 186
James, Mrs. C. C. 94
Janney, A. J. 425
Jeffries, J. 338
Jenkins, B. A. 186
John, Long 180
Johns, A. D. 356
Johnson, C. S. 210
Johnson, George 206
Johnson, Irwin 191
Johnson, J. C. 176
Johnson, J. W. 283, 284
Johnson, John S. 207
Johnson, Mrs. Jessie 283
Johnson, O. C. 45
Johnson, T. E. 263
Johnson, William 206
Johnston, Frank 191
Jones, Captain L. F. 30
Jones, Dolph 113
Jones, E. M. 262
Jones, Earnest 358
Jones, H. J. 73
Jones, Henry J. 206
Jones, J. J. 337
Jones, John 382
Jones, M. T. 150, 353
Jones, Percy 270
Jones, Raymond 231
Jones, Roy 396
Jones, T. E. 367
Jones, W. T. 328
Jones, Zadie 284
Jopling, Laborn 372
Jordan, J. H. 364
Jordan, S. F. 377
Jordan, Spart 377
Josserand, F. L. 269
Josserand, Frank 229, 258, 421, 422
Josserand, Mr. P. E. 421
Josserand, Mr. Peter 421
Josserand, P. 421, 422
Josserand, Peter 229, 258, 422, 423, 425
Josserand, Peter Edward 421, 432
Josserand, Sr., Peter 422
Jowell, L. E. 286
Joyce, W. T. 427
Kane, James 207, 211
Keisler, Dan E. 276
Keith, Frank 57, 58
Keith, J. F. 42, 59, 62, 122, 135, 136
Keith, Jehu Frank 57, 122, 136
Keith, John W. 16, 56, 104
Keith, Mr. J. F. 60
Keller, Theodore 240, 248
Kellogg, C. S. 186
Kelly, A. C. 201
Kelly, J. A. 316
Kelly, James A. 317
Kelly, M. C. 258
Kelly, Mr. J. A. 315
Kempner, D. W. 210
Kendall, Mrs. Abigail Shaw 58
Kendrick, J. R. 268
Kendrick, W. D. 268
Kerr, A. E. 179
Kerr, James 201
Kimbro, J. W. 398
King, C. H. 429
King, Earl 339
King, F. L. 60
King, J. B. 339
Kirby, Dr. H. L. 73
Kirby, J. H. 71, 74, 103, 106, 129, 134, 138, 153, 184, 216
Kirby, James L. 71
Kirby, John 129
Kirby, John H. 30, 63, 75, 95, 104, 107, 114, 184
Kirby, John Henry 70, 71, 98, 106, 113, 129, 302, 349
Kirkland, Margie 130
Knox, Hiram 325, 326, 327, 331
Knox, Jr., Hiram 325
Knox, Lillian 302, 325, 326
Knox, Lillian Marshall 325
Knox, Mrs. Lillian 302
Knox, Sr., William Hiram 325
Koen, U. 358
Krause, Gus 201
Kress, J. J. 174
Krohn, H. B. 287
Kurth, E. L. 236, 243
Kurth, Ernest L. 236
Kurth, J. H. 156, 192, 236
Kurth, Jr., J. H. 236
Labrie, Joseph D. 309
Ladd, E. P. 174, 179
Landwehr, B. J. 229
Langford, Sam 188
Langston, J. L. 186
Largent, George C. 273
Larkin, J. D. 414
Latham, W. A. 156
Lawrence, J. H. 331
Ledbetter, John M. 276
Lee, D. J. 119
Lee, James 99
Lemley, K. D. 287
Lenoir, John 51
Leslie, Mrs. Lucy 265
Lester, Wallace 206
Letney, Louis 303, 338
Letrey, L. N. 329
Lewis, C. A. 388
Lewis, C. H. 287
Lewis, George 190
Lewis, J. W. 307, 308
Lewis, John W. 268
Lewis, Rosa 206
Liggett, W. G. 269
Lightfoot, J. T. 328
Lightfoot, M. A. 328, 330, 389
Likens, S. D. 183
Lilley, H. C. 273
Lindsey, C. B. 73
Lindsey, D. W. 76
Lipscomb, A. L. 269
Lipscomb, Guy 265
Lipscomb, L. A. 269
Lipscomb, W. L. 270
Litels, J. 209
Litels, Mr. J. 209
Littlefield, H. B. 274
Lock, Pete 207
Lockfield, Fred 306
Lockhart, A. L. 284
Long, James 16, 57
Long, Jim 126
Long, Wier 18
Lout, John C. 377
Lout, W. C. 377
Lovejoy, Fred 125
Loveland, R. B. 109, 186, 429
Loveland, R. B. Bob 107
Lowe, John E. 133
Lowe, R. W. 337
Lowry, John L. 310
Loxye, I. R. 330
Lutcher, Henry J. 16, 25
Lyle, Alton 84
M, Dr. J. 74, 125, 126
Madely, Charles 265
Madre, Sierra 71
Maggie, Mrs. 189
Mainer, W. L. 207, 209, 211
Mallam, G. H. 62
Mann, Dr. James S. 190
Mann, Robert 125
Manry, Mr. E. J. 420
Mantooth, J. H. 308
Marr, J. H. 197
Marriott, Joe 143, 164
Marriott, Joseph 141
Marshall, C. W. 389
Marshall, Lillian 325
Martin, B. B. 201
Martin, J. T. 370
Martin, M. A. 329
Martin, Mr. Charles C. 59
Martin, W. H. 212
Martin, Warren 370
Martindale, A. B. 208
Martindale, Ambrose B. 208
Martindale, R. O. 208
Massey, C. P. 331
Masterson, H. 251, 253
Mastin, T. H. 87
Matthews, G. T. 229
Matthews, H. D. 354
Matthews, H. S. 390
Matthews, J. A. 389
Matthews, J. F. 178
Matthews, J. N. 308
Matthews, L. M. 269
Matthews, W. B. 389
Maund, H. M. 333
Maund, Harry 333, 336
Maund, Harry M. 333
Maxey, E. J. 271
Maxwell, Dr. R. S. 325, 359, 394
Maxwell, Dr. R. W. 255
Maxwell, Jay 385, 389
Maxwell, R. 292
Maxwell, R. S. 216, 293
Maxwell, S. 25, 214, 218, 290, 294, 344, 401, 402, 408
Maxwell, S. B. 418
May, Thayer 396
Mayo, W. T. 73
McAdams, Mr. J. H. 115
McCall, E. B. 251
McCann, Elza 206
McCartney, Jim 363
McCarty, W. R. 76, 77
McCaughan, T. L. 233
McCauley, D. S. 390
McCauley, O. F. 389
McCauley, O. M. 355
McClanahan, H. 415
McClusky, Lee 329
McCoy, P. 402, 404, 408
McCoy, P. R. 402
McCoy, Patricia 358, 372, 393
McCoy, R. 24
McDaniel, C. 342, 345
McDaniel, R. C. 305
McDaniell, C. 342
McDaniels, S. D. 397
McDonald, E. E. 284
McDonald, H. A. 51
McDougald, J. R. 429
McDowell, Dr. J. S. 425
McElery, W. T. 332
McElway, J. W. 179
McFaddin, J. 197
McFarland, K. M. 383
McFarlane, Mr. R. C. 103
McGauhey, S. R. 310
McGenley, Dave 51
McGowan, A. T. 212
McGraw, Tom 305
McGregor, John G. 272
McGregor, W. H. 176
McKee, J. W. 394
McKensie, T. C. 382
McKinney, T. F. 13
McKinney, Thomas F. 172
McKinnon, W. O. 51
McLevan, Sanford 377
McManus, W. 172
McMullen, Joe 288
McNabb, J. A. 45
McShane, John 46
McShane, John A. 44
McSwain, Elton 398
McWilliams, T. J. 312
Meachum, McDonald 87
Meagher, W. A. 29
Mebane, C. R. 274
Meece, Thomas E. 231
Meigs, D. C. 303
Meigs, Dave 304, 334
Meigs, David C. 304
Meigs, Mr. D. C. 305
Meither, William 51
Menard, M. B. 13
Menard, M. G. 172
Meter, B. F. Van 100, 101
Meter, Mr. B. F. Van 101
Metzlar, Max 286
Meyers, Jess 370
Meyers, Johnnie 370
Middlebrook, Dr. George 394
Middlebrook, E. S. 414
Middlebrook, J. W. 35
Middlebrook, Mr. E. S. 36
Middlebrook, Mr. R. O. 37
Middlebrook, Oscar 36
Middlebrook, R. O. Oscar 36
Middleton, H. L. 270
Miller, A. W. 200, 231
Miller, I. F. 365, 367, 388, 393
Miller, Isaac 365, 400
Miller, Isaac F. 365
Miller, J. 49
Miller, M. M. 80
Miller, Mr. Henry 59
Miller, O. L. 310
Miller, R. C. 209
Miller, Robert 378
Miller, W. B. 74
Miller, W. H. 285
Millicent, A. D. 328
Millikien, H. L. 270
Millner, Christian 190
Mims, D. D. 383
Mims, W. P. 361
Minyard, William 30
Mitchell, E. C. 283
Mitchell, H. R. 336
Mixon, Jabez 45
Mogul, H. K. Porter 278
Moneyhare, Clarence 181
Monroe, J. H. 179
Montgomery, H. J. 264
Montgomery, J. W. 250
Moore, Archie 83
Moore, C. H. 200, 231
Moore, Charles H. 200, 210
Moore, Cora J. 45
Moore, G. Bedell 16
Moore, Kilburn 210
Moore, L. 270
Moore, L. A. 45
Moore, L. S. 393, 394, 408
Moore, R. B. 284
Moore, T. L. 255
Moore, W. J. 391
Morehead, Ezra 287
Morgan, Gene 83
Morgan, P. 126
Morgan, W. D. 365, 379
Morgan, Will D. 365, 369
Morris, A. W. 229, 262
Morse, J. M. 275
Morse, J. R. 389
Morse, J. S. 389
Morton, C. W. 398
Moseley, W. R. 358
Mosely, Jay 207
Moses, L. E. 125
Moses, M. R. 125
Mousner, Jim 294
Moye, J. B. 317
Moye, Mr. O. H. 38
Mullholland, T. O. 186
Munger, William 240
Munn, Miss Mable 310
Murphy, A. 390
Murray, Payne 229
Musgrove, Clark 191
Musgrove, Jeff 242
Myer, C. P. 25, 72, 164
Myer, R. A. 82
Nagle, T. M. 232
Nash, T. J. 389
Neal, John M. 31
Neely, W. E. 286
Neethe, John 210
Neidigk, J. F. 245
Nellis, J. 218
Nellis, J. C. 166, 217
Nelson, J. A. 201
Nesbitt, Will 419
Nesbitt, Will A. 418
Ney, Miss Maude 118
Neyland, A. R. 141
Nichols, Mr. F. P. 421
Nickell, R. M. 191
Noack, Richard 31
Noble, C. E. 335, 397
Noble, R. S. 332
Noble, T. B. 336
Nolan, Mr. 83
Nona, West 83, 86
Norris, A. K. 21
Norris, W. J. 268
Norvell, Lipscomb 303, 304
Norvell, R. H. 31
Nowlin, R. O. 95
Nugent, C. W. 268
Nutter, Cedric 239, 279
Nye, C. A. 179
Ogden, Dr. T. R. 31
Ogletree, Lillian 283
Oliphant, T. W. 429
Osborn, C. M. 264
Osborn, Charles 266
O'Shaughnessy, John W. 396
O'Toole, Milton 312
Oualline, E. A. 259
Oualline, E. N. 258
Oualline, Edward 258, 259
Oualline, Edward N. 258, 267
Oualline, Ellis 259
Oualline, Ellis A. 273, 276
Oualline, John 259
Oualline, John M. 258
Oualline, Mary Jo 259
Overstreet, Dwayne 82
Overstreet, James Vinson 85
Overstreet, Mr. 82, 86, 87
Overstreet, Mr. Dwayne 82
Owens, James 358
Owens, Lon 364
Owens, R. P. Jack 112
Owens, S. A. 380, 382
Owens, W. J. 388
Padgett, E. P. 333
Parker, A. 230, 286
Parker, C. F. 365, 368
Parker, Charley F. 368
Parker, H. C. 383, 387
Parker, H. D. 383
Parker, J. A. 286
Parker, M. E. 391
Parry, C. E. 186
Parrymore, Carl 83
Partins, Fred 191
Partlow, M. 214
Partlow, Miriam 193
Pasckell, M. J. 212
Patterson, G. T. 396
Patterson, J. S. 263
Patton, C. E. 141
Patton, H. L. 282
Paul, J. W. 387, 390
Paul, W. A. 390
Payne, J. A. 389
Payton, J. C. 363
Payton, J. L. 355
Payton, John B. 262, 274
Peabody, Francis 70
Pease, F. M. 252
Peavy, A. J. 80
Peckham, R. W. 280, 283
Pederson, Dr. Arthur 358
Pedigo, Dr. H. B. 45
Pedigo, H. C. 117
Peebles, R. 217, 291, 344
Pegoda, H. 274
Pendergast, James A. 174
Pennington, Henry 141
Pennington, T. F. 139
Pennington, Thomas 141
Percival, R. G. 273
Perkins, Lee 181
Perkins, O. P. 241, 269, 278
Perkins, S. W. 272
Permenter, James H. 385
Perry, Frank 288
Perry, W. L. 262
Petty, A. 48, 49, 50, 92
Petty, Scott 51, 92
Petty, Van A. 47
Petty, W. A. 49
Peyton, Captain John B. 420
Phelps, J. L. 396
Phillips, C. W. 230
Phillips, Don W. 288
Phillips, J. R. 191
Phillips, James O. 288
Phillips, W. H. 284, 287
Pickering, Alfred 392, 393
Pickering, W. R. 6, 12, 18, 349, 356, 386, 392, 393, 395
Pickering, William Alfred 392
Pickering, William Russell 392
Pierce, Mrs. Belle 118
Pierson, A. 218, 297, 343, 402
Pierson, A. H. 166, 217
Pigg, J. M. 363
Pipkin, L. B. 29, 66
Plummer, O. S. 269
Plunkett, J. P. 45
Pollard, Joseph J. 317
Polley, O. H. 377, 386
Poole, R. H. 336
Poore, C. W. G. 329
Pope, W. S. 418
Porter, L. D. 303
Porter, W. E. 201
Potts, W. M. 375, 386
Pou, J. D. 383
Pou, James D. 383
Pou, Jim 383
Pratt, E. B. 308
Pratt, J. Martin 363
Prescott, Green 181
Pressley, J. A. 420
Preston, W. H. 73, 140, 141
Price, Dr. James P. 191
Price, Foster 293
Price, Reuben 191
Proctor, John 241
Proctor, L. 91, 93
Proctor, M. L. 44, 64, 65, 68, 76
Proctor, Mary L. 35, 57, 79, 90
Proctor, Mary Lou 39
Pruett, J. W. 268
Pruitt, T. B. 153
Purdy, W. F. 308
Ragan, J. L. 310
Ragley, W. G. 311, 312, 313
Ramsey, J. T. 371
Randall, H. J. 425
Ranger, Julian 209, 210
Ratcliff, Kennard 394
Rawls, R. E. 397
Ray, J. M. 229
Rayburn, Sam 301
Reaves, A. E. 288
Reaves, O. A. 288
Redding, W. 201
Redditt, J. D. 368
Reed, E. S. 180
Reese, John W. 207
Reese, Monroe 63
Remley, Samuel 117
Renfro, D. 338
Renn, W. B. 273
Reviere, Joseph 183
Rhodes, J. G. 398
Rhodes, Jeff 132
Rice, B. H. 57, 151, 152, 186
Rice, C. M. 310
Rice, Ed 284
Rice, F. A. 265, 284
Rice, J. G. 201
Richard, S. M. 31
Richards, Eugene 186
Richards, F. M. 51
Richards, J. W. 152
Richards, K. 262
Richardson, D. R. 125
Richardson, S. L. 190
Richardson, T. M. 265
Richardson, T. R. 265
Richardson, W. 153
Ridley, T. 76
Ridley, T. J. 76
Riggs, J. M. 390
Riggs, Mrs. Carol 292
Rigney, F. J. 141
Rigney, Mr. F. J. 140
Rigney, S. C. 141
Rigsby, C. L. 74
Roark, Mr. E. P. 126
Roberts, Allen 212
Roberts, Francis Lee 266
Roberts, J. H. 43
Roberts, J. W. 249, 266
Roberts, L. 328
Roberts, W. 329
Robertson, C. J. 243
Robinson, G. B. 230, 246, 263
Robinson, S. D. 287
Rodgers, George 333
Rogan, Charles 123
Rogers, Capt. W. E. 101
Rogers, John W. 206
Rogers, Mr. J. S. 115
Rogers, W. H. 429
Rollo, John T. 207, 249
Rollo, William 207
Rollo, William M. 249
Rose, J. P. 271
Ross, Booker 355
Ross, Champ 176, 179
Ross, J. P. 231
Ross, James B. 367, 378, 387, 400
Roth, Mr. Jake 86
Rothwell, Joe 133
Rucker, Alfred F. 368
Rudd, J. L. 186
Rutherford, F. 372
Rutt, C. L. 176, 363
Rutt, L. L. 363
Ryman, Ab 426
Sackins, Lazarus 368
Saddler, W. 201
Salter, J. K. 31
Salter, John 190
Samford, C. E. 373
Samford, Hezekiah 368
Samford, S. C. 382
Sanders, C. F. 49
Sanders, T. T. 364
Sanderson, Paul 419
Sanford, G. A. 304
Sanford, H. K. 364
Sanford, H. R. 390
Sanford, R. G. Martin 364
Sanford, W. A. 390
Satler, J. C. 203
Saunders, J. W. 361
Saunders, W. N. 265
Sawyer, E. M. B. 173
Schaadt, R. 61, 91
Schaadt, Robert 44, 76
Schafer, Mrs. Ouida 83
Schilling, J. R. 355, 363, 368, 369
Schillings, J. R. 369
Schoultze, George 44, 45
Schureman, Arthur J. 265
Scott, A. F. 308
Scott, James 45
Scott, John P. 358
Scott, M. A. 317
Scott, M. T. 426
Scott, W. Arthur 337
Scott, William 84
Seale, K. B. 157
Sealy, John 223
Sedgwick, L. B. 42
Selman, Dr. W. L. 51
Shackleford, Saur 75
Shannon, Hugh A. 358
Shannon, Y. B. 227
Sharpe, A. F. 260
Shawver, K. C. 275
Sheffield, A. B. 336
Sheffield, D. 153
Shelton, J. W. 329
Sherman, Joe A. 338
Sherrod, Burnis 370
Sherrod, W. B. 73
Shipman, Mr. C. M. 36
Shipp, R. S. 331, 373, 382
Shirley, Jr., G. L. 284
Shutts, J. 226
Sibley, C. S. 245
Simmons, Eugene C. 106, 107
Simmons, Mr. Eugene C. 106
Simmons, Mr. J. R. 115
Simonton, J. W. 246
Simpson, Augustus 373
Simpson, J. P. 141
Sims, F. M. 141
Sinclair, Upton 21
Singleton, J. J. 312
Sisk, R. O. 141, 190
Sistki, Tom 426
Skiles, B. 164
Skiles, B. D. 163
Skiles, Bob 135, 136
Skiles, D. 164
Slater, W. R. 141
Slay, Porter 328
Sledge, A. J. 270
Sloan, A. J. 73, 186
Sloan, S. T. 427
Slover, G. J. 288
Smith, Archibald 392
Smith, Bob 250
Smith, C. 80
Smith, Cecil 80
Smith, Dr. Giles 328
Smith, Dr. James 242
Smith, E. C. 276, 378
Smith, E. D. 285
Smith, E. F. 350, 352
Smith, Edmund 250
Smith, F. J. 125
Smith, G. 258
Smith, Hayes 397
Smith, J. G. 80, 238
Smith, J. H. 264
Smith, J. Lee 337
Smith, John 255
Smith, John F. 264
Smith, Mr. F. J. 126
Smith, R. 280
Smith, R. T. 278, 280
Smith, Tol 364
Smith, W. A. 253
Smith, Walker 336
Smyth, A. F. 98
Smyth, Jr., George W. 104
Snelling, R. P. 77
Snelling, Robert 266
Snelling, Robert P. 230
Snelling, Robert W. 265
Snider, Sanford 368
Sorrells, Lillie 271
Southerland, Mr. J. 36
Speek, Peter A. 343
Speights, D. 346
Speights, Drayton 337, 345, 346
Speights, Drayton B. 305
Speights, Mr. Drayton 331, 333, 336, 339
Spencer, W. B. 230
Spicer, H. A. 125
Spiller, Charles 229
Spinks, B. M. 197
Spinks, M. L. 338
Spotten, J. L. 236
Spraker, Buck 181
Stackley, W. C. 133
Standley, H. D. 425
Stanley, Sam 377
Stapleton, S. C. 329
Stapp, W. G. 249
Stapp, William 249, 266
Steadman, J. C. 271
Steele, J. Henry 209
Stegall, W. E. 189
Stephens, May 256
Sterling, J. B. 176
Sterling, Ross 171, 177, 179
Sterling, Ross S. 179
Sternenberg, A. 50
Sternenberg, Adolph 50
Sternenberg, Charles 51
Sternenberg, Charles A. 50
Sternenberg, Emma B. 50
Sternenberg, F. W. 51
Sternenberg, G. A. 48, 49, 50, 93
Sternenberg, G. Adolph 47
Sternenberg, John 47
Sternenberg, John A. 47, 92
Sternenberg, John Abraham 47
Sternenberg, Miss Alma 51
Sternenberg, Miss Paula 51
Sternenberg, Mr. G. A. 48
Sternenberg, Mr. J. A. 48
Sterrette, John 239, 248
Stevens, Charles 51
Stewart, J. D. 396
Stewart, Maco 366
Stillings, A. B. 258
Stokeley, T. J. 271
Stomfel, Anton 396
Stovall, Will 429
Strickland, W. B. 42
Sturgell, J. R. 274
Summerlin, A. C. 310
Surratt, J. B. 153
Swagerty, Dr. T. W. 414
Sweatt, George 178
Swindell, C. C. 383
Swindell, Columbus C. 384
Swinford, S. J. 216
Swinford, S. T. 188, 210
Swinford, Sam T. 184
Swinney, Drs. B. A. 153
Taes, Fred W. 179
Talley, F. A. 249, 250, 251, 258, 259, 261, 267, 296
Talley, Felix 267, 268
Talley, Felix A. 268
Talley, Felix Anderson 267, 268
Talley, J. A. 268
Talley, Jessie 268, 269
Talley, Jessie A. 267
Talley, Keenan F. A. 249
Talley, M. R. 258, 267
Talley, Monroe 267
Talley, Monroe Reuben 267
Talley, R. L. 209, 267, 268, 296
Talley, Robert Lee 267
Tamplin, W. E. 391
Taylor, Ben 426
Taylor, Rev. I. T. 391
Teat, George L. 247
Telford, Jim 51
Terral, J. W. 74
Terrell, W. P. 264
Tharp, D. C. 244, 249, 259, 267
Tharp, E. W. 229
Thom, Jesse 45
Thomas, Dr. Josephus 206
Thomas, Gus 83
Thomas, Oscar 373
Thomas, W. L. 391
Thomason, E. L. 284
Thomason, J. W. 263, 284
Thomason, Mrs. J. W. 284
Thompson, B. F. 417
Thompson, D. W. 156
Thompson, Dr. F. L. 55
Thompson, Hoxie 418
Thompson, J. A. 417
Thompson, J. L. 417, 418
Thompson, J. M. 16, 416, 417
Thompson, L. N. 418
Thompson, Mr. J. M. 416
Thompson, R. M. 31
Thompson, W. P. 417
Thompson, W. W. 416
Thornburg, A. C. 372
Thornton, E. B. 425
Tibbetts, J. W. 283
Tilford, Rowena 285
Tilton, A. B. 182
Tilton, Lewis 182
Tilton, R. S. 182
Todd, J. A. 390
Todd, T. J. 352, 353, 371
Tolar, M. M. 385
Toler, M. M. 363
Toler, William M. 207
Tolin, Mr. N. T. 115
Tolliver, H. E. 285
Tolliver, L. C. 286
Tolliver, Minnie 285
Tolliver, R. L. 283
Tolliver, Robert L. 287
Tomme, S. M. 119
Trabue, R. E. 371
Trammell, G. W. 361
Traylor, Melvin 242
Trotti, Dr. W. E. 122
Trotti, W. E. 122
Tryon, Joseph 33
Tryon, Joseph M. 33
Tryon, Mr. J. M. 33
Tucker, Henry 417
Tucker, J. E. 417
Tuggles, G. W. 139
Turner, Dr. C. H. 212
Turner, Dr. S. B. 41
Turner, J. J. 390
Turner, T. T. 269
Turner, T. T. T. 245
Tutt, C. C. 375
Tuttle, C. R. 125
Tuxsworth, F. E. 394
Ulrich, J. C. 270
Vance, Allen 275
Vandenberg, W. J. 133
Vanderberg, Charles A. 80
Vanderburg, C. A. 397
Vaughan, George C. 274
Vaughan, W. R. 76
Vick, W. P. 246
Vinson, A. C. 388
Vinson, John D. 125
Vinson, Mr. J. S. 126
Virginia, West 262
Votaw, Clark 67
Wahrenberger, John 272
Walden, J. H. 328
Walden, John 373
Walker, J. E. 201
Walker, Joseph 333
Walker, N. W. 284
Wallace, M. 258, 264
Wallace, Ned 287
Wallace, Ned G. 287
Wallace, T. W. 283
Wallis, L. H. 246
Walsh, J. T. 385
Ward, John C. 29
Warner, Mrs. Susie 116
Waterhouse, A. A. 209
Waterman, W. M. 349, 356, 357, 366
Waterman, William 356
Watken, Claude 31
Watkins, Clara 249
Wattes, Thomas 31
Weathersby, R. L. 66, 73, 117
Weaver, Earl 397
Weaver, J. N. 133
Webb, P. 24, 90, 214, 290, 298, 342, 401, 431
Webb, W. P. 161, 431
Wedgeworth, J. H. 391
Weeks, Tom 20
Weels, J. T. 418
Welch, Clinton 51
Werner, L. L. 425
Werner, Louis 338
West, J. M. 205, 208, 421, 425
West, P. 268
West, W. W. 425
Wheatley, Solomon 266
Wheeler, J. P. 391
Wheeler, Jr., W. W. 391
Wheeler, N. B. 391
White, David 332
White, J. J. 308
White, Matthew 172
Whitehead, Charles 153
Whiteside, Harold 86
Whiteside, Mr. Jim 82, 86
Whitley, Mrs. Effie 240
Whitmore, E. W. 133
Whittles, W. R. 397
Wier, R. W. 245
Wiess, Simon 117
Wiggins, Ben 285
Wiggins, D. W. 308
Wiggins, P. S. 96
Wiggins, Willie 84
Wilcox, C. 217
Wiley, H. C. 201
Wilkerson, Frank 133
Wilkerson, R. 133
Wilkerson, R. M. 131
Wilkin, Theodore S. 114, 138
Wilkins, S. L. 363, 380, 400
Williams, A. A. 171, 178
Williams, B. C. 278
Williams, Carl F. 338
Williams, Charlie 84
Williams, D. J. 68, 77
Williams, Dave 54, 68, 82
Williams, J. H. 287
Williams, Jr., D. J. 68
Williams, Nona 29
Williams, Rufus 86
Williams, Sr., D. J. 68, 77
Williams, Sr., David J. 76, 77
Williams, T. J. 270, 278
Williams, W. J. 263
Williams, W. W. 51
Willis, P. J. 313
Willis, Roy L. 283, 284
Wilmon, Joe 262
Wilson, A. P. 398
Wilson, Charles E. 419
Wilson, E. 432
Wilson, Roberto 13
Wilson, W. R. 337
Wilson, W. T. 385
Wilson, W. W. 122
Wingate, D. R. 15, 145
Wingate, David R. 14
Wingate, David Robert 24
Winkler, W. 24
Winrock, Ed 266
Wise, E. J. 389
Wiseman, Robert 172
Womack, Ben 130, 131, 134, 135, 136
Woodard, W. C. 152
Woodhead, B. S. 62
Woodman, C. C. 414
Wooley, Otho 378
Wooley, Otho S. 273, 378, 390
Woolford, J. D. 414
Worsham, Mr. J. D. 36
Wragg, T. P. 375
Wren, M. C. 258
Wren, R. H. 258
Wright, Jepp 265
Wright, John 231
Wurtzbaugh, J. T. 278
Wych, Sam 389
Yates, C. M. 398
Yates, J. N. 329
Yates, Warren N. 270
Youens, J. 265, 272
Young, S. H. 178
Youngblood, Bill 391
Zimmerman, Charles 191
Zimmerman, E. W. 36, 37
Zylks, A. O. 272
