| The March to
the Hill
 | Geyser: A Great Oil Geyser
 | Booming: Beaumont is Booming
 | Sobering: Beaumont Sobering
 | Business: Down to Business
 | Spouter: Great Spouter Shut Off
 | A Pipeline
 | A Day at Beaumont
 | Dealing with Oil
 | Report: The Daily Oil Report
 | Future: Texas' Oil Future
 | High Island Oil
 | Cheap Fuel Supply
 | Theory: The Oil Well Theory
 | Oil Men at Beaumont
 | Orange County: Probing in Orange County
 | Situation: The Oil Situation
 | Corsicana Analysis
 | Southern Pacific Leases
 | Oil Everywhere
 | Oil Excitement
 | News of Beaumont
 | Oil Law Found
 | Oil Report: Beaumont Oil Report
 | Our Door: At Our Very Door
 | Million Dollar Oil Company
 | Worth Millions
 | Lands Leased
 | Oil Fever Epidemic