Harness Rig Albert Phenis Another Well Week Neches Shipped Latest News Oil Lease Going Lucas Oil Big Auger Oil Men New Field For Texas California Condition Hardin County Orange County Oil News Mr. Greer Shipped Pending Oil Bill Tyler County Gushing Geyser Oil Situation Against Strangers Price of Land Early Oil History Against Oil Bill Harnessing Gusher Captain Lucas Oil Legislation Prospecting Orange Leasing Near Olive Another Well Not for Fuel Only Leasing in Orange World's Oil Wells Great Texas Industry
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Compiled and Edited by W. T. Block
 | Harnessing the Gushers |
 | Rig for Beaumont |
 | Albert Phenis' Story |
 | Another Oil Well |
 | Week in Beaumont |
 | Neches Oil Company |
 | Shipped to Beaumont |
 | Latest Oil News |
 | Oil Leases Made |
 | Going to Beaumont |
 | Lucas Oil Burns |
 | Big Oil Well |
 | Augers are at Work |
 | Oil Men Drilling |
 | New Oil Field |
 | For Texas Oil |
 | California Company |
 | Condition of Oil |
 | Prospecting in Hardin County |
 | Orange County Prospectors |
 | Oil News of Texas |
 | Mr. Greer Talks |
 | Shipped to Beaumont |
 | Pending Oil Bill |
 | Leasing in Tyler County |
 | Gushing Geyser |
 | Oil Situation |
 | Against Strangers |
 | Price of Oil Land |
 | Early Oil History |
 | Against Oil Bill |
 | Harnessing the Oil Gusher |
 | Biography of Captain A. Lucas |
 | Oil Legislation |
 | Prospecting Orange County |
 | Leasing Near Olive |
 | Another Oil Well |
 | Not for Fuel Only |
 | Leasing in Orange County |
 | World's Oil Wells |
 | Great Texas Industry |
