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Beaumont Through the Eyes of a Historian
The Articles of W. T. Block
W. T.
Block's first book, "A History of Jefferson County, Texas" (ISBN:
9798841247500), was published in 1976 and was a formal history "From
Wilderness to Reconstruction." During that early period, Beaumont, Texas was
the primary focus of the book.
His second project was called "Emerald of the Neches" which was exclusively
about Beaumont, Texas. He spent four years researching microfilm newspaper
articles and then typing this information up into a nearly 600 page
manuscript which he never actually published. I recently scanned the
manuscript and published it (ISBN: 9798362230203).
This current book is a collection of 177 computer files (originally written
in Microsoft Write, a word processor program that shipped with early
versions of Microsoft Windows) which were primarily the source of his
newspaper articles, but also some other publications focused on Beaumont,
The articles are roughly organized in historical order although that was not
always an easy call since many of the articles covered multiple decades.
Most of the original articles did not contain photographs, but when I was
able to relate an image from "Emerald of the Neches" to an article, that
image was included in the article. Several other images were added to a
'Photographs' chapter at the end of the book.
The book includes a detailed Table of Contents, Table of Figures, and Index
to aid those who are interested in doing research.
WTBLOCK.ORG has worked to preserve WT's work and this book is the 21st book
in that effort.
–W. T. Block's son, William T. Block, III
This book was recently published on
Link to Book on Amazon
Table of Contents
Table of Figures 9
Introduction 11
Henry R. Green 12
Grigsby was a Proprietor of Original Beaumont Townsite 16
Rev. Stephenson was First Preacher in Beaumont 18
The Early East Texas Post Riders 20
Where was George in 1836? 22
French Family Left Great Legacy 24
Captain Harper's Company Mustered in Beaumont 27
The Steam Mill Square 29
Beaumont Once Home to Concrete Ship 31
Earliest Beaumont Lawyers Arrived in 1838 33
Beaumont's Fabulous Wiess Brothers 35
Ogden Drew a Black Bean 44
The Unusual Fate of Chris Yocum 46
Pioneer Beaumonter Spell had Unusual Occupation 48
Dr. Frederick W. Ogden 50
James Armstrong 52
Hoof Prints on the Opelousas Trail 54
Beaumont's Early Postmasters and Post Offices 56
Beaumont and 'King Cotton' 58
James B. 'Bid' Langham 60
Two Pioneer Beaumonters Found Climate Quite Healthy 62
Steamers Falvey and Massie Served Beaumont During 1850s 64
Steam Sawmilling Came Early To Beaumont and Orange 66
Fr. Parisot Visited Beaumont in 1853 69
The Beaumont Debating Society, 1853 72
Early Beaumont Education 74
One of Early Beaumont's Physician Heroes 76
Early Beaumont and Orange Were Fire-Conscious 78
The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same 80
Cajun Christmas, Beaumont, 1857 82
Early Beaumont Musicians 84
Shipbuilding in Early Beaumont 86
Would-Be Gold Miner's Daughter 89
Rev. Woodson Pipkin 91
Beaumont's Earliest Newspapers 93
Capt. William E. Rogers 95
Dr. Powhattan Jordan 97
Martin Hebert 99
Some Notes About Mrs. Luanza Calder 101
Lawyer Russell was also Family Biographer 104
Chief of Beaumont's Freedmen's Bureau Became Industrialist 106
Spindletop Once Isolated Plague Victims 108
The Defeated Rebels Return to Beaumont 110
Woodson Pipkin 113
Crime in Beaumont During Reconstruction 115
Oil Industry in East Texas Traces Roots Back to 1860s 117
The Origin of the Christmas Tree 119
Olivia Rigsby 121
Enterprise Founder Described 1869 Beaumont 123
Edward L. Wilson 125
Beaumont's Blocked Streets and Short Tempers 127
Ben C. Stuart was Early Galveston-Beaumont Journalist-Historian 129
East Texas' First Tram Road 132
Sabine Tram Company 134
Jews Thrived in Early Beaumont 136
Bibliography 153
Solinsky and Bluestein were Early Jewish Settlers 155
Early 'Red Town' 157
Beaumont Academy 159
Enterprise Spawned Early Thespians 161
Baseball In Beaumont 163
Prank Led To Empty Sleeve 165
World-Renowned Fay Templeton Played Often in Beaumont 167
The Harmon Family of Saddle-Makers 169
Beaumont's Italian Community Began Before 1880 171
The Founding of Industrial Beaumont 173
Graduation Day at Beaumont Academy in 1881 175
Magnolia Cemetery Tombstones are Pillars of History 178
Beaumont's Strawberry Festival of the 1880's 180
Katie's Doll 183
Area's Early Sawmills Spawned Iron Works 185
The July 4 Picnics at Grigsby's Bluff 187
Got Bottom that Time, Bill! 189
2001, the Centennial of Beaumont Football or Not? 191
Beaumont's Christmases Have Not Changed Much 193
Kate and Rody Pulled Beaumont's First Fire Engine 195
Major Penn's Revival Converted the 'Alligators' 197
George W. Carroll 199
Hardin County's Wild Family 202
A Beaumont Hurricane Tragedy 204
Beaumont, Texas—1889 206
Beaumont's Industrial Lumber Company 208
Former Slave's Death in 1889 Attracted Rare News Coverage 210
Rev. John F. Pipkin 212
Public Executions Produced Carnival-Like Atmosphere 215
Beaumont’s Early Brick Industries 217
Jocko the Monk and the Organ Grinder 219
The Mores of the 1890s 221
Beaumont's Horse-Drawn Trolley of 1890 223
Beaumont's Early Electric Street Cars 226
The Ghosts from Spindletop's Past 228
The 'Seven Virgins' of Beaumont 231
Walter B. Sharp, a Godparent of Spindletop 234
Rice Milling in Beaumont 236
Beaumont and 'Ma Bell' 241
Cattlemen's Stubbornness Brought Railroad to Beaumont 243
Area Knows Excesses of Cold 245
A Love Story in a Blizzard 247
The Nathan Store 251
July 4, 1896, the Date Beaumont Reentered the Union 254
Beaumont 'Rejoined' the Union in 1896 256
Griffing Nurseries 258
Hotel Dieu Hospital was Beaumont Landmark 260
International Creosoting Company 263
Beaumont's Co. D Went to War in 1898 265
The Dawn of the Twentieth Century Comes to Beaumont 267
Two Rice Canal Systems 270
Beaumont Fair Result Of 'Rice Carnival' of 1900 272
Beaumont's Missing Marble Corpse 274
The Ultimate in Show Business 276
The First Fire 'Truck' Wreck 278
Lucas Gusher Electrified Nation 280
Spindletop and Beaumont's Lumber Aristocracy 282
Spindletop Christmas 286
Spindletop Left Legacy of Crime and Cutthroats 288
Pattillo Higgins 291
Heywood Brothers 294
Jake Abelman 296
The 'Four Horsemen' of Beaumont's Economic Development 298
The Celebrated Crosby House 300
Voth, Texas 302
Beaumont's Sawmilling Age Ended in 1942 304
More About Early Beaumont Baseball 307
The 1903 Labor Day Parade 309
The Founding of the Jefferson County Medical Society 311
Horse Racing in Beaumont in 1903 313
Guy Mansfield Operated Last Beaumont Ferry 315
Beaumont's Movie Houses 317
Florence Stratton 319
Dr. Rosinger Promoted Beaumont Judaism for 50 Years 321
Jake J. Nathan Sold It For Less 323
Beaumont Box Company 327
Mr. Cantella's 'Crosby Bobbing Shop' 329
Them Oily Guys at Magnolia Refinery 331
Spindletop, Electricity Drilled Second Field 333
First Rabbi Saw Many Changes in Early Beaumont 335
Fig Growing – A 1920s Panacea 337
Melissa Harrison 339
Beaumont Music Commission's 1928 Season 341
Tuberculosis 343
'The Awakening' and Klan No. 7, Beaumont Ku Klux Klan 345
Rum-Running To Beaumont 347
George Weller 349
Harry James 351
Some Oldtimers of Beaumont 353
Marion Talley 355
Reminiscences of the Beaumont Sawmills 357
'Schoolboy' Rowe 359
Old Cash Register was First in Beaumont 361
Glenn H. McCarthy 363
Old Ironsides Came to Beaumont 365
The Beaumont-Port Arthur Interurban Trolley, 1913-1932 367
'Jack,' Beaumont's Western Union Lad on a Bike 370
KFDM 550 on Your Dial 372
Artie Pollock was Anathema for Bootleggers 374
J. D. Hensley Wore Many 'Hats' in Beaumont 376
Rudy York Played Two Years for Exporters 378
Immortal Hank Greenberg was Once a Beaumont Exporter 380
Max Feinberg's Store Fed the Hungry 382
Beaumont Fought Hunger During Depression 384
America's Swinging Sweethearts 386
William R. Richards 388
Tom Housenfluck 390
Thomas A. Floyd 392
Beaumont’s Winnie the Welder of 1945 394
Brinkley Bass Beaumont Hero and His Naval Destroyer 397
Veteran Memorials for Servicemen Killed in Action 399
Rogers Hornsby was Beaumont's 'Own' in 1950 402
Dr. Newton Friedman 404
The O'Brien Oak 406
Beaumont's 'Dixie Chickens' of 1961 Couldn't Carry a Tune 409
Beaumont's Sulfur Ship Lost in Bermuda Triangle 411
Violette Newton 413
Ruth Garrison Scurlock 415
Charlsie E. Berly 417
The Attakapas Indians of Southeast Texas 419
Photographs 424
Index 435
Table of Figures
Figure 1-Black School in French School
District 25
Figure 2-Simon Wiess 35
Figure 3-Valentine Wiess 41
Figure 4-Reliance Lumber Company Sawmill 43
Figure 5-William A. Fletcher 87
Figure 6-S. H. McGary 94
Figure 7-Luanza Calder 101
Figure 8-Sarah Courts King 108
Figure 9-Leon R. Levy 141
Figure 10-H. A. Perlstein 142
Figure 11-The First Temple Emanuel 143
Figure 12-E. Szafir, Sr. 144
Figure 13-Joe Rosenthal 145
Figure 14-Louis Mayer 146
Figure 15-R. M. Mothner 147
Figure 16-Ad for Beaumont Academy 175
Figure 17-Ed C. Ogden 207
Figure 18-Rev. J. F. Pipkin 212
Figure 19-Beaumont-Port Arthur Interurban 223
Figure 20-Rice Harvesting 236
Figure 21-Will Block, Sr. Farm 238
Figure 22-Beaumont Snowstorm 249
Figure 23-Hotel Dieu Sketch 260
Figure 24-Sam Solinsky 273
Figure 25-The Lucas Gusher 280
Figure 26-Gladys City 284
Figure 27-Spindletop, Texas 284
Figure 28-Log Cabin Saloon at Spindletop 285
Figure 29-Patillo Higgins 291
Figure 30-Neches Lumber Company 304
Figure 31-Interior J. J. Nathan Store 323
Figure 32-Exterior J. J. Nathan Store 324
Figure 33-J. J. Nathan 325
Figure 34-Theresa S. Long 354
Figure 35-Interurban Trolley 368
Figure 36-Monument Dedication 400
Figure 37-George O'Brien Millard 406
Figure 38-George W. O'Brien 407
Figure 39-William McFaddin 424
Figure 40-Rev. Vitalus Quinon 424
Figure 41-Rev. M. P. McSorley 424
Figure 42-Capt. Andrew F. Smyth 424
Figure 43-Charles J. Chaison 425
Figure 44-Dr. Benjamin F. Calhoun 425
Figure 45-D. R. Wingate 425
Figure 46-Frank L. Carroll 425
Figure 47-James M. Long 426
Figure 48-Joseph M. Chastine 426
Figure 49-John L. Keith 427
Figure 50-Luanza A. Wiess 427
Figure 51-Steamboat Laura 428
Figure 52-Steamer Neches Belle 428
Figure 53-Steamer H. A. Harvey 429
Figure 54-Port Arthur Dock Area 429
Figure 55-Sabine River Scene 430
Figure 56-H. Hirsch Residence 430
Figure 57-Boston Ave. 1899 431
Figure 58-Boston Ave. 1900 431
Figure 59-Southern Pacific Tracks and Docks 432
Figure 60-Floating Saw Logs in Sabine River 432
Figure 61-Early Park Scene 433
Figure 62-Sabine Hotel 433
Figure 63-Orange Hotel 434
Figure 64-Windsor Hotel 434
Abelman, I. J. 296
Abelman, Jake 296, 297
Adams, Elisha 75, 92, 114
Airey, Guy 403
Akers, Robert 410
Alexander, Drs. H. F. 262
Alexander, James 66
Alexander, Michael 56
Alexander, W. D. 64, 65
Alger, Horatio 350, 364
Allen, J. 409
Allis, E. P. 200
Alvey, Frank 135, 208
Ancelet, Christopher 400
Anderson, C. E. 294
Andrus, M. 266
Arceneaux, Hiram 353
Archer, John H. 106, 116
Archie, George 378
Ardoin, J. C. 412
Armiger, J. H. 58
Armstrong, James 51, 52, 57, 83
Arnold, J. A. 272
Ashburn, Rev. A. J. 198
Ashold, A. 85
Ashworth, William 22, 23
Austin, Belle 319
Austin, Stephen F. 18
Autrey, Chick 403
Averill, W. C. 221
Baine, Dr. Gary 399
Baldwin, Dr. Charles 353
Ballew, Richard 20
Banner, Spangled 401
Barnum, P. T. 255, 257
Barr, Dr. H. A. 261, 262, 312
Barr, Dr. H. R. 262
Barr, H. A. 312
Barret, L. T. 117
Barry, James C. 409
Bartley, J. 307
Bartley, W. 307
Bass, Brinkley 397, 398, 399
Bass, Harry Brinkley 397, 398
Bass, U. S. S. Brinkley 398
Bass, Verna 397
Beale, Anna 289
Beaty, C. R. 90
Beeman, Nancy Mrs. 386
Bell, Alexander Graham 241
Bell, Josiah H. 18
Bendy, N. B. 33
Berlandier, Jean 420
Berly, Charles L. 417
Berly, Charlsie 418
Berly, Charlsie E. 417, 418
Berly, Charlsie Elizabeth 417
Berly, Georgia Millican 417
Berly, Ms. 417, 418
Bettis, Capt. W. D. 188
Blaffer, R. L. 42, 299
Blaine, E. J. 265
Blanchette, C. 266
Blanchette, Lee 85, 307, 308
Blanchette, N. 217
Blanchette, Nicholas 207, 217
Block III, William T. 1
Block, George 407
Block, Sr., Will 238
Block, W. T. 1, 11, 153, 154
Block, William T. 1, 11
Blum, Lawrence 153
Booth, J. T. 273
Booth, R. E. 20
Bordages, Asa 266
Breadon, Sam 402
Brickhouse, Joseph 179
Briscoe, Capt. 28
Briscoe, Capt. Andrew 27
Broderick, Jim 289
Brookner, Ralph 152
Broussard, Alex 224
Broussard, J. J. 266
Broussard, Joseph A. 236
Broussard, Joseph Elois 207
Broussard, Val 196
Brown, C. S. 255, 257
Brown, J. D. 370
Brown, Jim 314
Bryan, George 163, 407
Bryan, W. J. 373
Buchanan, Buck 14
Buckley, C. S. 51
Bullock, J. D. 29
Bullock, Mrs. J. C. 193
Bunn, Pearl 87
Burbank, Luther 377
Burch, Capt. Charlie 64
Burly, Hurly 168
Burnett, C. M. 296
Burnette, Fred L. 302
Burnham, Louvie 183, 184
Burrell, David 48
Burrell, George 26, 170
Butler, Vernon 400
Bybee, Dr. A. 262
Cade, C. T. 48
Cade, Charles T. 55
Cade, Mr. C. T. 55
Caffall, D. M. 266
Calder, Alexander 33, 101
Calder, Luanza 86, 89, 315
Calder, Mrs. Luanza 101
Calhoun, Drs. 311
Callhoun, Drs. B. F. 311
Campbell, Capt. Jim 130
Campbell, Mary 130
Campbell, Will 378
Cantella, Mr. 329
Cantor, Eddie 359
Cappel, Evans 409
Carey, Seth 46, 47, 220
Carlucci, Dr. Joseph 414
Carr, Levi 170
Carr, Mark 119
Carr, William 48
Carroll, A. B. 373
Carroll, Francis L. 199
Carroll, Frank 199, 200
Carroll, Frank L. 199, 425
Carroll, G. W. 178, 196, 200, 201
Carroll, George 199, 200
Carroll, George W. 109, 165, 197, 199, 200
Carroll, J. R. 274
Carroll, Joseph A. 417
Carroll, Martha Long 417
Carroll, Mr. F. L. 241
Carroll, Sarah Long 199
Carroll, W. M. 297
Carroll, Willie 175
Castella, N. K. 329
Caswell, Ann Elizabeth 90
Caswell, Ann Elizabeth Kidd 57, 89
Caswell, Capt. 422
Caswell, Capt. Jack 422
Caswell, Columbus 63, 90, 111, 124, 180, 354
Caswell, Columbus C. 57, 90
Caswell, Elizabeth 90
Caswell, Jack 84, 124
Caswell, Lum 115
Caswell, Mrs. Elizabeth 353
Caswell, Willie 175
Cave, George 33, 121, 308
Chaim, Anshe 147
Chaison, Jean Baptiste 62, 70, 418
Chaison, Jeff 89, 353
Chaison, McGuire 74, 84
Chaison, Mrs. Clara 353
Chaisson, Charlie 175
Chamberlain, H. H. 246
Charles VI, King 136
Charlton, Charles 75, 92, 114
Chastine, Joseph M. 426
Cheesman, R. F. 135, 208
Chessher, Capt. James 16, 52
Chester, L. F. 34
Chiasson, Jean Baptiste 83
Chiasson, McGuire 82
Churchill, Stephen 130
Clark, G. 29
Clark, James 234, 333
Clark, William R. 400
Clarke, Charles 88
Clausen, L. B. 412
Clay, Samson 346
Clelland, J. C. 124
Clelland, James 89
Clelland, James C. 84
Clements, Capt. John 64
Clemmons, J. C. 318
Clemmons, Joe 317
Clemmons, T. R. 318
Clemmons, Theo 317, 318
Clemmons, Theodore 276
Cochrane, Mickey 359
Cohan, George M. 168
Cole, James 27
Coleman, D. J. 169, 173
Coleridge, Samuel 119
Collins, Eliza 48
Combs, J. M. 384
Conn, C. G. 85
Conner, H. N. 111
Connor, H. N. 245
Cook, J. J. 130
Corwin, Mrs. Debbie 412
Craig, John 124, 199
Craig, John C. 56, 78
Crary, B. D. 132
Cravey's, Jonas 21
Crawford, W. H. 19
Crawford, Walter J. 34
Creath, J. W. 197
Crichion, J. J. 174, 185, 206
Cronea, Charles 22, 23, 130
Crosby, Josiah F. 300
Crusoe, Robinson 420
Culbertson, Charles 335
Cullinan, J. S. 234
Cummings, C. R. 305, 358
Cummings, Glenn 397, 399
Cunningham, Drs. W. W. 312
Cunningham, F. J. 412
Cunningham, Mrs. W. W. 353
Cunningham, W. W. 312
Dalton, Capt. Jas 123
Dalton, James 37
Damiani, Fr. Biagio 172
Davant, R. P. 198
Davidson, W. S. 294
Davis, C. J. 275
Davis, G. W. 178, 274
Davis, Jeff 257
Davis, Jefferson 56
Decker, Frank 263
DeJoung, N. 337
Demler, R. C. 22
Deutser, Bernard 142, 144
Deutser, E. 79, 142, 144
Deutser, Hilton 336
Devine, N. E. 412
Dickenson, Shicole 211
Diener, Richard 377
Dies, Jack 266
Dixon, Thomas 345
Dogie, Little 331
Donovan, Fayetta 92
Doornbos, Richard 401
Dorman, Capt. John 65
Dorman, Mrs. Kate 98
Doucette, A. L. 181, 196
Douglas, W. C. 372
Dowling, Dick 351, 397
Duff, F. J. 34
Duff, R. C. 34, 287
Duffs, R. C. 287
Dunman, Joseph 52
Dyches, Lovic P. 27
Eastham, Ed 85, 196
Eastham, Nettie 269
Eckhopp, Capt. Ben 87
Eckstein, Adolph 356
Eddy, Nelson 386
Edward, King 136
Edwards, Jessie Alberta 98
Elizabeth, St. 262
Ertel, Marcel 398
Falvel, Capt. Luke 64
Falvey, Mary 64, 65, 95
Fant, J. H. 197
Fant, Parson 197
Farish, W. S. 42, 299
Feinberg, Max 145, 146, 382, 383
Feinberg, S. 141, 144, 156
Feinberg's, Max 145, 382, 383
Ferguson, W. A. 72, 100
Fillmore, Millard 14
Fischer, B. 239
Fisher, W. S. 44
Flaxman, A. 139, 142, 145
Fletcher, E. 196
Fletcher, E. A. 186, 307, 313
Fletcher, E. L. 332
Fletcher, Emmett A. 367
Fletcher, W. A. 39, 67, 89, 90, 178, 179
Fletcher, Will 199
Fletcher, William A. 87
Floyd, Drusilla 103
Floyd, F. A. 76
Floyd, F. R. 102, 315
Floyd, Thomas A. 392
Fondren, W. W. 42, 299
Ford, John S. 97
Ford, W. H. 34
Francis, David 415
Francis, Ruth 121, 122
Franklin, Ann 387
Frasher, Martha 355
Freedman, J. P. 148
Freemont, John 14
Frey, T. H. 312
Friedman, Dr. 149, 404, 405
Friedman, Dr. Gary 405
Friedman, Dr. Newton 149, 404
Friedman, Jeffrey 405
Fuller, Dr. Zach 311
Gailey, Ted 372
Gallatin, Albert 36, 86, 95
Garbo, Greta 356
Gardner, J. M. 262
Garner, Capt. D. 22
Garner, John 389
Garner, Tom 374
Gatschet, Dr. Albert 420
Georgs, C. W. 30
Gilbert, Carrie 175, 176
Gilbert, J. N. 39, 178
Gilbert, John N. 196, 199, 297
Gilbert, Lynn 273
Gilder, Dr. J. A. 98, 109
Gilder, Drs. J. A. 311
Gill, Joe 351
Gillaspie, Capt. James 23
Gilligan, Jim 164
Gilmer, Alexander 78
Gilmer, Laura 134
Glaze, Dr. P. H. 77
Gober, J. M. 312
Goddard, C. B. 299
Goelet, E. B. 228
Goldman, Simon 138
Goldstein, Dr. L. 152
Goldstein, Dr. Lothar 151
Goldstein, Dr. Louis 144
Goldstein, Leonard 312
Goldstein, Mr. 277
Goldstein, Mrs. Lothar 151
Gomez, Lefty 360
Goodhue, J. B. 167
Goodhue, John W. 265
Goodman, Benny 351, 352, 373
Goosetree, Eddie 378
Gordon, D. 140
Gordon, J. S. 144, 239
Gordon, Jacob S. 149
Gordon, Sol 145, 318, 336
Gordon, W. L. 72
Gossett, J. T. 307, 313
Grable, Betty 352
Graham, J. L. 20, 95, 96
Graham, James L. 36
Graham, L. 93
Graham, Sarah 16, 17
Gratz, Michael 138
Gray, E. A. M. 51
Gray, John 149
Gray, William F. 16
Green, H. R. 13, 80, 84
Green, Henry R. 12, 13, 54, 64, 66, 73, 74, 82
Green, Tom 50
Greenberg, E. I. 146
Greenberg, Hank 164, 378, 379, 380, 381
Greenberg, Henry Benjamin 380
Greenberg, Mrs. Betty 152
Greenberg, P. 152
Greenberg, Sigmund 147
Greene, Nathaniel 83
Greer, F. Wyche 34, 189, 307
Greer, Hal W. 255, 257
Greer, Mrs. Hal 353
Greer, R. A. 34
Greer, Wyche 189, 308
Greeves, O. B. 51, 185
Gregory, Jr., R. B. 401
Griffin, Simon 115
Griffin, W. F. 110
Griffing, W. C. 259
Griffith, D. W. 345
Grigsby, Enoch 16
Grigsby, Joseph 16, 17, 58, 421
Grigsby, Nathaniel 16
Grigsby, Sarah Graham 17
Guffey, J. M. 41, 242, 294
Gulliver, Louis 366
Hageman, C. A. 301
Halbouty, M. T. 333
Hall, Blanchette 120, 140, 155, 167, 276
Hall, Dr. Henry S. 19
Hall, H. P. 412
Haltom, Dr. N. G. 29, 77, 213, 311
Haltom, Nora Lee 213
Haltom, Nora Lee Pipkin 56
Haltom, Seawillow 213
Hamilton, Raymond 375
Hammons, P. E. 357
Handlin, O. 154
Hardenbrook, Charles 115
Hardin, Capt. Frank 46
Hardin, Capt. Franklin 23, 27
Hardin, Mary 415
Hargraves, Capt. George W. 22
Hargraves, George W. 23
Harmon, A. J. 170
Harmon, A. Joshua 169
Harmon, Charles 169
Harmon, David 22, 169
Harmon, Joshua 169
Harper, Capt. B. J. 23, 265
Harper, Capt. Benjamin J. 27
Harper, Captain 27
Harrison, Melissa 339, 340
Harry, Lee St. 351
Harvey, H. A. 429
Hashana, Rosh 140, 155, 380
Hashanah, Rosh 140, 155, 380
Hawley, Dr. George 74, 76, 100, 108, 311
Hawley, George W. 76
Hayes, Drs. T. B. 312
Hebert, Ben 99, 215
Hebert, Joseph 99
Hebert, Martin 90, 99, 313
Hebert, Melina 99
Hecht, Morris 139, 140, 155
Hellcat, Grumman 398
Henry, O. 320
Hensley, J. D. 372, 376, 384
Herring, Frank 124
Herring, J. J. 72, 102, 106
Herring, W. P. 17, 20, 56, 72, 100
Herring, William Perry 38
Heywood, Alba 295
Heywood, Dewey 222
Heywood, Otho Wright 294
Heywood, Scott 287, 294
Higdon, Ezekiel 46
Higgins, Bud 122
Higgins, Mr. Pattillo 218
Higgins, Pattillo 104, 109, 121, 166, 198, 200, 207, 217, 218, 234, 291,
292, 294, 415
Hill, T. N. 34
Hillebrandt, Alzinette 108
Hillebrandt, Christian 48, 54
Hinman, W. G. 245, 248
Hinz, Frederick 236
Hirsch, H. 430
Hirsch, M. H. 142
Hirsch, Mildred 141
Hitchcock, Rebecca 62, 89
Hogg, Gov. Jim 335
Hoggatt, James 52
Holliman, Charlotte 394
Hollowell, R. M. 209
Holmes, Dr. Oliver W. 365
Holzinger, Frank 115
Hornsby, Mary Rogers 402
Hornsby, Rogers 402
Horowitz, Roth 215
Hoskins, Ada 98
Housenfluck, Thomas 390
Houston, Gov. Sam 97
Houston, Sam 13, 36, 44, 73, 130, 353
Howard, Jimmy 400
Hubbell, Carl 164, 378
Hughes, Howard R. 235
Huling, T. B. 16
Hunter, Dr. T. M. 332
Hur, Ben 277
Hutchinson, Nancy 16, 29, 89
Hyatt's, F. A. 287
Hyman, Peter 150
Idell, Maurice 148
Ingalls, James 72, 74, 99
Inglehart, T. H. 266
Ives, W. A. 196
Jack, P. C. 51
Jackson, T. R. 58
Jahn, Gustave 236
James, Frank 297
James, Harry 351, 352
James, Tom 314, 409
Jay, John 24
Jewry, Georgia 405
Jirou, J. E. 84
Jirou, Mr. J. E. 256
John, A. S. 96, 179
Johnson, Benjamin 22, 23
Johnson, Cave 72, 95, 100, 112, 407
Johnson, J. W. L. 33, 51
Johnson, Ogden 51
Johnston, A. S. 96
Jones, Esther 232
Jones, Martha 232
Jones, Mary 232
Jones, Rachel 232
Jones, Rebecca 232
Jones, Roy 305, 338, 358
Jones, Ruth 232
Jones, Sarah 232
Jordan, Dr. Powhattan 97, 109, 311
Jordan, Paulina Voinard 97
Joseph, Saint 172
Josey, J. E. 239
Judaism, Arthur 151
Juncker, Walter C. 409
Kaelter, Gertrude 321
Kaplan, H. J. 152
Kappas, Sophia 95
Karp, A. J. 154
Kavanaugh, A. L. 74
Kavanaugh, Dr. B. T. 108, 189
Keith, J. Frank 158, 302
Keith, John W. 39, 111, 199
Keith, K. D. 20
Keith, W. F. 273
Kellie, E. I. 272
Kellis, Rev. L. C. 197
Kemp, Rufus 361
Kendall, Phoebe 212
Kennedy, William 292
Kennicott, Major Ransom 115
Kent, Atwater 331, 372
Kern, Jerome 168
Kessler, Mr. Paul 405
Kidd, F. M. 63, 89
Kidd, G. W. 63
Kidd, George W. 301
Kidd, Henry 63, 73, 89
Kidd, Robert 62, 63, 179, 339
King, Homer 204, 205
King, M. L. 127, 309
Kinney, J. K. 287
Kirby, J. H. 39
Kirby, John H. 40, 298
Kirby, John Henry 292
Kopke, L. J. 125
Kraus, W. C. 266
Kreisler, Fritz 342, 355
Kress, S. H. 225
Krupa, Gene 351
Kyle, Brudge 277
Kyle, Dr. O. M. 311
Kyle, W. W. 270, 277
Kyle, Wesley W. 276
Lacour, Fr. Pierre 70
Laffite, Jean 130
Lamb, Katie 183
Lamb, Mrs. T. A. 75
Lamb, T. A. 183
Lamb, Thomas A. 161
Lamb, Tom 167
Landrum, Capt. Willis 22
Landry, Ras 61, 297, 313
Langham Jr., J. B. 181
Langham Jr., Thomas H. 60
Langham, Cora 176
Langham, J. Biddle 58
Langham, Jr., T. H. 61
Langham, Miss Lula 181
Langham, Sr., James Biddle 60
Langham, T. H. 61
Langham, Thomas H. 60, 61
Langham, Tom 124, 297, 313
Langham, W. A. 61
Lanier, J. F. 33
Larkin, Tom 272
Lawhon, D. C. 60
LeBleu, Arsene 54
Lederer, Sam 141
Lee, Thomas P. 363
Lee, Wilmoth 60
Leonard, J. W. 93
Leonard, John 124
Leonard, John W. 33, 123, 161, 167
Leonard, R. H. 33
Leonard, Robert 123
Leornard, John 123
Levinger, L. 154
Levy, Annette 326
Levy, Dr. Aaron 144, 326, 335
Levy, L. R. 140, 141, 142, 144
Levy, Leon R. 140
Levy, Sid J. 140
Lewis, Sam 145
Lewis, William 29, 33, 51, 72, 116
Liles, Capt. J. M. 188
Lindsey, Dave 21
Lipson, Norman 149
Lockhart, L. E. 266
Loeb, M. J. 144
Loeb, Morris J. 138, 155
Loeb, Mr. Henry 218
Logan, Capt. 27, 179
Logan, Capt. W. M. 46
Logan, Capt. William 27, 28
Logan, J. P. 28
Lombardo, Guy 373
Long, Davis 417
Long, Huey P. 294
Long, James 112, 199
Long, Littleton 417
Long, Mrs. Henry 286
Long, Mrs. James 354
Long, W. O. 276
Loonie, M. B. 234
Loonie, M. G. 292
Lopez, Aaron 138
Lorbeer, Dutch 378
Lucas, Anthony 109, 166, 234, 291
Lucas, Capt. Anthony 38, 142
Luther, Martin 119
Lyons, J. L. 357
MacDonald, Jeanette 386
Madison, Bill 215
Mann, D. A. 262
Mansfield, Asa 316
Mansfield, Capt. Dr. 77, 102
Mansfield, Dr. S. 311
Mansfield, Dr. Sylvester 86, 102, 315
Mansfield, Drs. Sylvester 76
Mansfield, Guy 76, 103, 315, 316
Mansfield, Lucinda 102
Mansfield, Mrs. 103
Mansfield, Mrs. Sylvester 108
Mansfield, Nathan 76
Mansfield, Sophronia 76, 77
Mansfield, Sophronia Spencer 315
Mansfield, Sylvester H. 76
Marcus, J. R. 154
Marcus, Stanley 323
Margaret, Matilda 17
Maris, Roger 381
Mark, St. 124, 161, 265, 269, 286
Maru, Neigata 388
Mary, St. 261
Mathewson, Christy 163
Maxey, J. M. 51
Maxey, Virgil 198
Mayer, Louis 143
Mayer, Louis B. 387
Mayer, Sidney 144, 269
McCall, Jim 22
McCann, Tom 148
McCarthy, Glenn H. 363
McCarthy, Glenn Herbert 363
McClain, Anna Marie 401
McClain, Mrs. Anna Marie 401
McClanahan, Edward 213
McClanahan, W. F. 93
McClure, Cyntheal 353
McClure, Cynthia 51
McClure, Kitty 204
McFaddin, David 52
McFaddin, John A. 73, 112
McFaddin, Mrs. W. P. 269
McFaddin, Perry 282
McFaddin, W. 270
McFaddin, W. P. H. 37, 38, 41, 362
McFaddin, William 27, 29, 178, 179, 424
McFarlane, Mrs. John 354
McGaffey, John 48, 54
McGary, S. H. 94
McGary, Sam H. 374
McGee, M. G. 370
McGraw, John 163
McKinney, T. F. 16
McKinney, Thomas F. 17
McNeely, E. A. 275
McReynolds, Felix 179
McSorley, M. P. 260, 424
Meagher, Frank 357
Merrill, Capt. Abner 265
Merriman, John 66
Millard, D. J. O. 311
Millard, George O'Brien 406
Millard, Henry 16, 29, 56
Millard, Mr. 354
Miller, Henry 286
Miller, L. L. 181
Miller, R. C. 152, 239
Milliard, Mrs. George O'Brien 354
Mixon, Miss Underhill 199
Monroe, James 380
Moore, C. H. 107
Moore, Mrs. Nena 95
Morel, Claire 393
Morfi, Fr. Augustin 420
Morris, E. 142
Morse, Samuel F. B. 370
Moseley, M. S. 58
Mothner, L. H. 289
Mothner, R. M. 142
Mott, Lucretia 329
Mouton, Joe 184
Mouton, Katie 184
Mueller, Maud 162
Mullins, Bill 331, 332
Murphy, Audey 398
Myrick, W. A. 307, 313
Nagle, Homer 401
Nall, E. L. 34
Nash, C. L. 57, 207
Nash, Mr. C. L. 181
Nasi, Joseph 405
Nathan, Annette Levy 326
Nathan, J. J. 251, 323, 324, 325
Nathan, Jake 323, 325, 326
Nathan, Jake J. 142, 194, 323
Nathan, Jerry 152, 405
Nathan, Mr. 253
Nathan, S. 143
Nathan, Sam 144, 145, 266
Nelson, Rex 231, 233
Neraz, Fr. J. C. 70
Nettles, Sarah Jane 60
Newcomb, W. W. 421
Newman, Philip 377
Newton, John 332
Newton, John W. 331, 372
Newton, Violette 413, 414, 415
Newton, W. L. 413
Newton, Wilben L. 413
Norvell, T. S. 176
Novasad, Mauri 22
O'Brien, Capt. G. W. 47, 73, 112, 265
O'Brien, Capt. George 109
O'Brien, Capt. George W. 108, 204
O'Brien, Chenault 33, 265, 266, 407
O'Brien, Emma 176
O'Brien, G. C. 313
O'Brien, G. W. 34, 51, 72, 166, 200
O'Brien, George C. 33, 307
O'Brien, George Cave 121, 308
O'Brien, George W. 20, 33, 93, 125, 179, 407
Odin, Rev. Jean 69
Ogden, Dr. 44, 50, 51, 311
Ogden, Dr. Frederick 50
Ogden, Dr. Frederick W. 44, 50
Ogden, E. C. 33, 51, 185, 206
Ogden, Ed 174, 195
Ogden, F. W. 72, 311
Ogden, James 44
Ogden, James M. 45, 50
Ogden, L. P. 51
Ogden, Lemuel P. 51
Ogden, Mrs. Lem 205, 353
O'Hara, R. C. 159
Olivia, Mary 121
Olmsted, Frederick 54
Orphet, H. M. 377
Osborne, Howell 168
Outboard, Bodden 393
Owens, B. H. 72
Owens, Lela 176
Owens, W. J. 196
Paderewski, Ignace 341, 355
Parigi, Dr. Sam 171
Parisot, Fr. 69, 70, 71
Parisot, Fr. P. A. 62
Parisot, Fr. Pierre F. 69
Parisot, P. F. 83
Parmenter, Charles 115
Patillo, C. 266
Patterson, Capt. 23
Patterson, William 168
Pattillo, Tom 176
Paul, St. 69, 91, 92, 113, 114
Peck, Fred 196
Pedigo, H. B. 262
Pemberton, John 104
Penn, Major 197
Penn, Major William 197, 200
Penn, W. E. 165
Pennington, Belle 176
Perkins, A. N. 311
Perl, L. 142, 146
Perlstein, H. 149
Perlstein, H. A. 145, 321
Perlstein, Hyman 224
Perlstein, Hyman Asher 223
Peters, S. J. 392
Peterson, Clarence 401
Peveto, Batiste 22
Peveto, Casey 315
Pharis, T. T. 302
Phillips, William 29
Phillipson, Drs. H. A. 152
Physioc, Ray 317
Pierce, Shanghai 55
Pipkin, Amelia 213
Pipkin, J. F. 113
Pipkin, John 91
Pipkin, John F. 124, 212
Pipkin, Mary 213
Pipkin, Parson 91
Pipkin, Phoebe 213
Pipkin, Rev. 91, 92, 113, 213
Pipkin, Rev. J. F. 56
Pipkin, Rev. John 91
Pipkin, Rev. John F. 29, 91, 103, 113, 212
Pipkin, Rev. Woodson 75, 91, 92, 113
Pipkin, S. W. 56
Pipkin, Woodson 91, 113
Plumly, E. E. 164, 378
Poitevent, Capt. Jules 204
Pokey, Hokey 168
Pollard, J. J. 114
Pollock, Artie 347, 354, 374
Pollock, Ben 351
Pollock, Mrs. Dora 354
Pomeroy, Rube 205
Potter, H. W. 38, 362
Potter, Harry 37, 112
Powell, Joe S. 332
Prather, Ed 235
Pressler, H. C. 226
Price, J. K. 207
Price, J. S. 311
Price, Mrs. Louise 341
Price, Sterling 104
Primrose, Mordecai 138
Pulsifer, J. P. 16, 20
Pulsifer, Joseph P. 56
Pye, Dr. E. A. 84
Rabb, Amelia 213
Rabb, Capt. 188, 422
Rabb, W. P. 188, 422
Racke, Jacob 139
Ratcliff, Olivia 121
Rauchelson, Michael 356
Raymond, Gene 387
Redd, Jr., J. L. 400
Reed, Gary 312
Reeves, Emma 354
Rice, Gus Jahne 88
Rice, Hinz 236, 237
Richards, Bill 388, 389
Richards, William R. 388
Richardson, Capt. Applewhite 339
Richardson, Mr. 339
Rigsby, Mary Olivia 121
Rigsby, Mrs. 75, 121, 122, 415
Rigsby, Mrs. O. 75, 159
Rigsby, Olivia 121, 415
Rigsby, W. L. 57
Ritchie, Archibald 22, 23
Ritter, Tex 399
Rivera, Jacob 138
Roberts, O. M. 51
Robertson, D. E. 262
Robertson, J. K. 51, 72
Robertson, John Kelly 33, 265
Robinson, Pauline Durrett 414
Rodgers, Capt. Sam 56
Rogers, Capt. Bill 176
Rogers, Capt. W. E. 95, 179
Rogers, Capt. William E. 95
Rogers, G. B. 198
Rogers, Johnny 86
Rogers, Julie 152, 334, 341, 342
Rogers, Kate 95
Rogers, Katie 175
Rogers, Margaret Ann McFaddin 95
Rogers, Mrs. Julie 152
Rogers, N. E. 266
Rogers, Reginal 152
Rogers, Samuel 20
Rogers, Uncle Johnny 77
Rogers, W. E. 95, 111
Rogers, Will E. 188
Roosevelt, Franklin 328
Rosenthal, Leon 142, 144
Rosinger, Dr. 144, 145, 146, 149, 321, 322, 404
Rosinger, Dr. Samuel 144, 343
Rosinger, Samuel 404
Ross, Dr. A. J. 76
Ross, John 66
Ruff, C. H. 65
Ruff, Capt. C. H. 95
Ruff, Charles 100
Ruff, Charles H. 64
Ruff, Otto 37, 58, 65, 72, 100, 102, 108
Russell, Lillian 277
Russell, T. J. 48
Russell, Tom 84, 104, 105
Russell, Tom J. 33, 34, 125
Russell, Victor 105
Ruth, Babe 379
Rutman, Herbert 149
Ryder, W. F. 302
Saleme, Mrs. Essie 387
Sapp, A. J. 124
Sapp, A. J. D. 84
Savage, W. A. 117, 229, 230, 234
Savage, Walter A. 228
Savoy, Jr., J. D. 401
Savoy, Willie May 395
Schneeberger, E. W. 412
Schneider, J. J. 218
Schneider, John 266
Schubert, Franz 342
Schwarz, Louis 140
Schwerin, Mrs. A. 140
Scotia, Nova 83
Scott, Dr. David 311
Scott, Dred 73
Scott, Helen 395
Scott, Louvie 184
Scott, Mrs. R. W. 184
Scurlock, Bill 416
Scurlock, Marvin 266
Scurlock, Ruth 415, 416
Seale, Carroll 265
Seale, E. T. 134
Selby, L. J. 176
Sextet, Floradora 277
Shakespeare, William 417
Shalom, Rodef 151
Shaw, Mrs. Rosalie 405
Shelby, A. B. 51
Sibley, H. H. 97
Siebert, Miss Lydia 310
Simmons, Dr. W. W. 124
Simmons, W. J. 345
Simpson, H. E. 77, 86, 102
Singleton, Earl 72
Skinner, Edna May 359
Smith, Capt. Walter L. 265
Smith, Drusilla 102
Smith, Drusilla Mrs. Stephen 102
Smith, Louis M. 401
Smith, Stephen 76, 102, 315
Smith, Will 287
Smith, William M. 27
Smyth Sr., G. W. 105
Smyth, B. 209
Smyth, Capt. Andrew 179
Smyth, G. W. 105, 173
Smyth, George W. 17, 134
Smyth, J. Blewett 135
Smyth, J. G. 134
Sokolski, R. 139
Solinsky, H. 140, 142
Solinsky, Henry 139, 140, 155, 156, 167, 180, 196
Solinsky, James 139
Solinsky, Sam 273
Solomon, Hyman 148
Solomon, J. 147
Somervell, Alexander 44
Sonfield, Leon 34
Sontag, Drs. Monte 152
Sosa, Sammy 379
Sousa, John Philip 341, 355
Sousa, Mr. 342
Spaight, A. W. 110
Spaight, Ashley 180
Spencer, Don 315, 348, 374
Spencer, Miss Mattie D. 213
Spencer, S. A. 294
Spencer, Sophronia 76, 315
Spinks, M. 28
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 329
Stedman, Ed 164
Steinman, F. W. 344
Stengele, Caterina 179
Stephenson, D. C. 346
Stephenson, Elisha 22, 23
Stephenson, James 27
Stephenson, Rev. Henry 18, 19
Sterling, Ross 42, 283, 299
Sternberg, S. 79, 142, 144
Sternenberg, J. A. 29
Stevens, Mrs. Walter 319
Stilwell, Arthur 243
Stovall, George 122, 175
Stovall, George H. 74, 159
Stratton, Florence 22, 319, 355
Stratton, Mrs. Asa 319
Stuart, Ben 129, 130, 131
Stuart, Ben C. 129, 131
Stuart, Hamilton 129, 130
Stuart, Rube 164, 380
Stuart, Uncle Rube 359, 378
Sturrock, Margaret 35
Swanson, Gloria 330
Swope, John 189
Swope, John S. 93
Szafir, E. 142, 144
Szafir, Jr., E. 144
Szafir, Sr., E. 144
Taggart, S. M. 332
Talley, Marion 342, 355
Taylor, N. A. 189
Templeton, Fay 162, 167, 168
Templeton, John 168
Tevis, Dean 200
Tevis, George W. 27
Tevis, Ivey 308
Tevis, Jack 22
Thames, Murray 343
Theresa, St. 262
Thompson, C. Y. 311
Tiner, John 178
Tobin, Capt. William O. 97
Tobin, Louise 352
Toity, Hoity 168
Tomlinson, Capt. Peter 97
Travis, William Barret 27, 52
Treadway, W. F. 58
Turner, Auntie Lou 219
Turner, Lou 219, 220
Tyree, W. A. 311
Vaglica, Celestine 389
Vallade, George 57
Vaughan, A. N. 89, 93
Vaughn, A. N. 74
Veeck, Bill 381
Vicera, Jesse 412
Villettes, Les 398, 399
Vinson, Bobby 400
Vogel, Miss L. M. 289
Voth, Henry 302
Waddell, Emory 21
Wade, Benjamin 147
Walden, C. E. 135, 208, 209
Waldman, Herman 351
Walker, Rev. Jesse 18
Walker, Tom 367
Wallach, Beno 149
Ward, A. J. 37, 57
Ward, J. F. 38, 39, 362
Ward, James F. 37
Ward, John 200
Ward, Miss Texana 193
Ward, R. M. 239
Warner, C. A. 234
Washington, George 62
Watts, A. T. 34
Weber, Samuel 57
Wegemer, A. R. 409
Weil, Gus 142, 144
Weir, D. S. 312
Weller, George 349, 350
Weller, George W. 349
Wendling, Rudolph 106
West, Billy 168
West, Claiborne 20
West, Richard 219
Westbrook, J. E. 367
Wheeler, Florence 130
Whirly, Twirly 168
White, George 180
White, James T. 69
White, James Taylor 48, 54
White, Monroe 170
White, R. M. 170
White, Sam 181
Wies, Mark 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 67, 111, 158, 231, 362
Wiess, Bill 282, 283
Wiess, Capt. N. 36
Wiess, Capt. Napoleon 86, 95
Wiess, Captain Napoleon 36
Wiess, Captain William 36
Wiess, Edward 276
Wiess, Harry 42, 283, 299
Wiess, Harry C. 42, 283, 299, 363
Wiess, Harry Carouthers 299
Wiess, Harry Carrothers 283
Wiess, Luanza A. 427
Wiess, Mark 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 67, 111, 158, 231, 362
Wiess, Mark P. 157
Wiess, Mary 38
Wiess, Massena 36
Wiess, Mrs. Pauline 353
Wiess, Nene 175
Wiess, Percy 361
Wiess, Simon 35, 36, 43, 138
Wiess, Val 37, 38, 41, 126, 179, 362
Wiess, W. 36
Wiess, William 38, 40, 42, 111, 138, 280, 282, 283, 298, 299, 362
Wiggins, Reece 413
Wilder, Ross 269
Wilkerson, Jeff 287
Williams, Absalom 60
Williams, Hez 23
Williams, Hezekiah 27, 56
Williams, W. D. 312
Willis, Henry G. 74
Willis, John A. 73, 112
Wilson, E. L. 125, 126, 178, 189, 196, 207, 418
Wilson, Edward L. 125
Wimer, Andre 401
Winfree, Z. T. 110
Wingate, David 78
Wingate, David R. 36
Winn, Evelyn 395
Woll, Adrian 44, 50
Yates, Felix O. 74
Yates, Mildred 394
Yates, Mrs. Mildred 378
Yellen, Rev. L. M. 146
Yocum, Chris 23, 46, 47, 220
Yocum, Christopher 27, 46
Yocum, Tom 22, 46, 220
York, J. H. 217
York, Rudolph Preston Rudy 378
York, Rudy 164, 378, 379
Yount, Frank 234, 277, 333, 334
Yount, Miles F. 363
Zeek, Lizzie 109
Zeke, Lizzie 98
Ziller, H. H. 332
