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To Betsie with Love
An Autobiography of Historian and Author
W. T. Block
"To Betsie with Love"
is dedicated to my first grandchild
Elisabeth Jane Grimes

A previously unpublished
manuscript that has recently been published on Amazon in three formats:
Kindle eBook, Paperback, and Hardcover.
Link to Amazon
The following is the table
of contents and the index of the book, with page numbers from the printed books,
Table of Contents
Table of Figures 4
Chapter 01 Genealogical Data 6
Chapter 02 My Childhood Years, 1920-1935 46
Chapter 03 Growing Up in Nederland, 1935-1941 65
Chapter 04 The World War II Years, 1941-1945 86
Chapter 05 In the Army of Occupation, 1946-1947 148
Chapter 06 My Life as a War Department Civilian 175
Chapter 07 Early Married Life of Betty and W. T. Block 194
Chapter 08 Nederland as I Remember It, 1935-1960 205
Chapter 09 The Nederland Acting Postmastership, 1952-53 239
Chapter 10 Completing the Block Family, 1954-1964 253
Chapter 11 Some More About My Ancestors 268
Duncan Smith–Patriot or Traitor
Chapter 12 Christmas Week in Simmerath 290
Chapter 13 The River Rat Boys 307
Chapter 14 Father was a Freshman 314
Photographs 323
Index 330
Table of Figures
Figure 1--Elisabeth Jane Grimes 2
Figure 2--Original Block Home 8
Figure 3--George Frederick Block Obituary 10
Figure 4--George Frederick Block 11
Figure 5--Augusta Charlotte Wippenitz Block 11
Figure 6--Frederick George Schmidt 16
Figure 7--Caroline Matilda Beadle Smith 16
Figure 8--Albert Joachim Bernhard Block 19
Figure 9--Ursula Mathilda Schmidt Block 19
Figure 10--Sisters of W. T. (Will) Block, Sr. 21
Figure 11--James Hill Sweeney Family 23
Figure 12--Duncan Smith 25
Figure 13--Sarah Jane Hickok Sweeney 25
Figure 14--Lou Ellen Smith Sweeney 27
Figure 15--Sweeney Siblings in 1900 27
Figure 16--Rice Harvest on Will Block Farm 31
Figure 17--King Mercantile Company 32
Figure 18--Dora Koelemay and Will Block, Sr. 33
Figure 19--Koelemay Family Reunion in 1903 35
Figure 20--Family Photo in front of 1926 Ford 41
Figure 21--Sarah Jane Sweeney and Robert L. Staffen 42
Figure 22--Staffen Family in 1917 42
Figure 23--William Theodore Joseph Block 43
Figure 24--Sarah Jane Sweeney Block 43
Figure 25--Mr. and Mrs. Will Block in 1920 44
Figure 26--Boating on Block's Bayou 45
Figure 27--Will Block holding Son in 1921 46
Figure 28--Youngest Block Brothers 46
Figure 29--W. T. Block, Jr. on "Big Tooth" 56
Figure 30—'Ghosts' of Block Cemetery 60
Figure 31--Ellen Sweeney Home in 1945 67
Figure 32--W. T. Block, Jr. Graduation 69
Figure 33--Alta Gray Block Fletcher Graduation 69
Figure 34--Nederland Pharmacy in 1920 73
Figure 35--Nederland Train Depot in 1910 74
Figure 36--Everett Staffen at Giblin Lumber Co. 77
Figure 37--Another Photo of Koelemay Family Reunion in 1903 81
Figure 38--Wedding Photo of Klaas and Nell Rienstra Koelemay in 1904 82
Figure 39--Cpl. W. T. Block at Camp Wallace 86
Figure 40--Pvt. W. T. Block, Jr. with Sarah Jane Sweeney Block in 1942 89
Figure 41--Sarah Jane, Everette, and Alta Gray in 1943 100
Figure 42--Laurence Otis Block, USN in 1944 101
Figure 43--Staff Sgt. W. T. Block, Jr. in 1945 103
Figure 44--T3/Sgt. W. T. Block in 1946 126
Figure 45--W. T. Block War Department Civilian in 1947 175
Figure 46--Maria Elisabeth Kothe and W. T. Block Leaving Church 190
Figure 47--Wedding Photo Maria Elisabeth and W. T. Block on June 2, 1947 191
Figure 48--Maria Elisabeth and W. T. Block on Honeymoon in 1947 192
Figure 49--Maria Elisabeth Kothe Block on Honeymoon 193
Figure 50--Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Block, Jr. 196
Figure 51--Main Street in Nederland 1942 205
Figure 52--Goodwin Griffin Texaco in 1948 207
Figure 53--Nederland Bakery in 1923 208
Figure 54--Maarten Koelemay House in 1915 214
Figure 55--Midcounty Review in 1950 223
Figure 56--Walling Jersey Farm in 1960 229
Figure 57--Weldon Davis Funeral Home ca. 1945 234
Figure 58--Nederland Jaycees Selling Mailboxes in 1952 239
Figure 59--Snow Day on Barry's Birthday 257
Figure 60--Mr. Gleason's Snow Sled 257
Figure 61--Block Siblings in 1958 258
Figure 62--New Year's Reunion at Winberg Home 259
Figure 63--78th Signal Radio Team in 1945 291
Figure 64--Lamar University 75th Anniversary 315
Figure 65--Sapphire City of the Neches 319
Figure 66--W. T. Block Day 323
Figure 67--Mayor Homer Nagel 324
Figure 68--Knighting of W. T. Block 325
Figure 69--Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 326
Figure 70--Mr. and Mrs. 'Sir' W. T. Block 327
Figure 71--Knight of the Royal Order of Orange-Nassau Medal 328
Figure 72--Letters Patent 329
Alegre, C. J. 227
Armstrong, Sarah Ann 270
Arsement, Evelyn 20
Baird, C. O. 40, 53
Barnes, J. C. 197, 218, 228
Barr, Alvin 222, 318
Bartels, Chester 224
Basco, Irby 221
Beadle, Caroline Matilda 15, 16
Beagle, Hazel 20
Bell, Bradley 207
Bellair, E. S. 34
Berly, Charlsie E. 318, 321
Bibb, D. A. 39
Biermortt, Josephine 204, 240, 245
Billot, Robert 17
Block Sr., Will 307
Block, A. C. 39
Block, Albert 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 30, 83, 277, 283, 317
Block, Augusta 11, 14, 19
Block, Barry 258
Block, Barry Wayne 255
Block, Betty 91, 199
Block, Billy 262
Block, Bobby Glenn 255
Block, Charlie 18, 83
Block, Charlotte Blanchette 20
Block, Dora 41, 202
Block, Dora Koelemay 35, 216
Block, Earnest 58
Block, F. 13, 14, 18, 19
Block, F. William 18
Block, Farris 15, 83, 84, 222
Block, Flora 17, 29, 42
Block, Frederick William 6, 11, 29
Block, Fredrick William 17
Block, G. F. 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19
Block, George 11
Block, George Frederick 6, 9, 10, 11, 277
Block, George L. 18
Block, George Lewis 14, 17
Block, Herr 170
Block, Jane 274
Block, Jane Sweeney 255
Block, Joe 58, 77, 220
Block, Jr., Mrs. W. T. 196
Block, Jr., W. T. 56, 69, 89, 103, 307
Block, Karl Ludwig 'Uncle Charlie' 17
Block, L. Otis 6, 206, 225
Block, Laurence Otis 101
Block, Leopold 19
Block, M. G. 214
Block, Miss Katie 36
Block, Molly 11
Block, Mrs. A. C. Uncle Abbie 37
Block, Mrs. Albert 37
Block, Mrs. Jane 273
Block, Mrs. Martin 37
Block, Mrs. Will 44
Block, Mrs. Willie 37
Block, Rebecca Ruth 255
Block, Sally Crain 277, 283
Block, Sarah Jane Sweeney 6, 21, 43, 89, 289
Block, Sr., W. T. 6
Block, Sr., W. T. Will 21
Block, Sr., Will 6, 27, 29, 33, 47, 48, 268
Block, Uncle Abbie 62
Block, Uncle Albert Abbie 64
Block, Uncle George L. 83
Block, Uncle Joe 20, 309
Block, Uncle Martin 15, 59, 83, 277
Block, Ursula 37
Block, W. T. 1, 6, 26, 38, 54, 56, 61, 62, 69, 86, 89, 103, 126, 175, 190,
191, 192, 194, 252, 307, 323, 325, 327
Block, Will 6, 20, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 38, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 51, 79,
83, 268, 307
Block, William 6, 14
Bode, John 273
Bonsall, Ann 276
Bonsall, Emilia Ann 285
Bonsall, Isaac 22, 270, 275
Bonsall, Lizzie Sweeney Mary Elisabeth 276
Bowman, Bob 321
Brandin, Maxine Dearing Mrs. Marvin 9
Brewer, Anna 195
Brewer, Mrs. Anna 195
Brewer, William 13
Bridgeman, Mrs. F. W. 219
Brookner, Isaac 248
Brookner, N. 75, 218
Brooks, Jack 244
Brookshire, Mr. Jack 251
Broussard, Guilford 26, 284
Broussard, Moise 13
Brown, John 280
Burkhart, H. 20
Burson, Alanson 232
Butler, Ben 281
Caldwell, Jr., J. W. 233
Caldwell, Sr., Mrs. 233
Caldwell, Sr., Mrs. J. W. 233
Callihan, Mrs. A. H. 218
Carriker, Guy 222, 237
Carrington, W. N. 66, 209
Carter, Mrs. Sebe R. 34
Carter, S. R. 203, 214
Carter, Sebe R. 82
Caswell, George 40
Cayard, Allie 247
Cessac, Oliver 71, 209
Chaison, McGuire 12
Chamberlain, C. K. 318
Chamberlain, Charlie 212
Chamberlain, Dr. C. K. 318
Chamberlain, H. H. 66
Charlemagne, King 268
Cline, John Kline 17
Cobb, L. B. 230
Combs, J. M. 243
Combs, Joe 62
Connor, H. N. 84
Cooke, J. B. 209, 219
Cooke, Jr., J. B. 209
Cooke, Jr., J. Berthold 219
Crain, Dunc 277
Crain, Duncan 22, 276
Crain, Frank 277, 283
Crain, John 288, 289
Crain, Margaret 277, 283
Crain, Mary Ann 285
Crain, Mary Ann Smith 277
Crenshaw, Rosa 20
Crenshaw, Rosa Dieu Mrs. C. W. 30
Creswell, Elmore 218, 246, 247
Crisman, John 246
Crosby, Bing 93
Cruse, W. W. 217
Dashiell, Mary 13
Davis, Digger 234
Davis, Weldon 219, 234, 235
Dearing, Mrs. Willis 37
Dearing, Willis 20
DeBlance, Mrs. Bill 57
Deese, Mrs. E. G. 229
Delong, E. P. 215
Dewey, Tom 200
Dick, A. B. 318
Dies, Martin 266
Dieu, Rose 130
Doland, Margaret 272
Doornbos, C. 237
Doornbos, Cornelius 237
Doornbos, Jake 213
Doornbos, Pete 213
Doyle, Tom 107, 109, 116, 117, 146, 290, 296, 300, 301, 302, 305
Eastis, Gordon 216, 237
Eastis, Inez 236
Eastis, Inez Freeman 216
Edwards, T. W. 79, 206, 216, 217
Edwards, Ted 242
Eisenhower, Dwight 198
Elizabeth, Mary 22, 270, 272, 275
Epperson, B. B. 67, 225
Everett, I. 78
Farben, I. G. 185, 189
Fleming, Greg 232, 233
Fletcher, Alta Grey 265
Fletcher, Alta Grey Block 6
Fletcher, Charles 245, 248
Ford, T. 75
Fortenberry, Jack 208, 219, 233
Foust, C. L. 209
Furby, A. K. 73
Furby, Ethel 79
Furby, Ethel Spurlock 20
Furby, Jack 209
Furth, Matt 155, 260
Furth, Mrs. 155
Gaioch, Joseph 184, 189
Galli, Joseph 271
Gardner, Mattie 197
Gardner, Mrs. Mattie 218
Garner, Tom 49, 51
Gatz, John 29
Gentz, Charlotte 7, 12, 13
Gentz, Christian 60
Gentz, George Christian 6, 12
George, St. 66, 286, 287, 288
Gish, Earl 246
Gleason, Bob 258
Gleason, Robert 144, 149
Goodman, Benny 111
Goodwin, Dr. C. R. 76, 237
Goodwin, Mrs. R. A. 34
Goolsbee, Katie Mrs. W. N. 30
Goolsbee, Nealand 63
Goss, Charles 263, 264, 314
Greenberg, Siggy 95, 97
Gregg, W. J. 38
Griffin, Goodie 219, 246
Griffin, Goodwin 206, 207, 216
Griffin, W. H. 84
Grigsby, Joseph 7
Grimes, Elisabeth Jane 2
Grimes, Mrs. Verble 219
Grimes, Rebecca 21
Grimes, Rebecca Block 27
Guilbeaux, Dewey 209
Guzardo, Rayford 67
Guzardo, Tony 216
Haizlip, Bill 75, 94, 196, 198, 200, 202, 204, 215, 219, 232, 240, 242, 243,
244, 245, 246, 250, 252
Haizlip, Bob 254, 264
Haizlip, Dr. J. H. 75, 198, 209, 215
Haizlip, Dr. John 237
Haizlip, J. H. 209, 237
Haizlip, John 75, 219
Haizlip, Robert 204
Hall, Dr. B. H. 218, 235
Hall, Drs. B. H. 237
Haltom, Guy 237
Harding, Warren 197
Harrington, Henry 245
Harvill, Maurice 218
Hausinger, Captain Charles 29
Hebert, Mary 'Dumpsie' Smith 285
Heisler, Asa 20
Heisler, Henry 36, 39
Heisler, Kate Mrs. Henry 20
Heisler, Mr. Henry C. 36
Heisler, Mrs. Henry 37
Hemmingway, Smoky 211
Henderson, John 67, 215, 224, 225
Herrin, Mike 237
Hickok, Bill 211
Hickok, Hugh William 22, 272
Hickok, James Butler 22
Hickok, John 21, 272, 277
Hickok, Sarah Jane 21, 25, 80, 83, 268, 270, 272, 273, 276
Higman, Capt. Jack 37
Hillebrant, Lastie 13
Hines, Dr. J. C. 76, 206, 218, 237, 240
Hinman, W. G. 66
Hintze, Fritz 91
Hintze, Mrs. 91
Hintze, Mrs. Georg 91
Hitler, Adolf 167
Hogg, Mamie 19
Hogg, Mamie Block 9
Hood, Robin 113
Hooks, H. A. 207, 222
Hooks, Hugh 207
Housenfluck, Tom 69, 78
Houston, Sam 7, 91, 178, 179, 181
Hubert, Pat 200
Huddleston, Jarret L. 98, 194
Hughes, Ed 224
Hutton, W. E. 250
Ingwersen, L. 215
Ingwersen, Ludolph 218
Ingwersen, Mooch 213
Irondorf, Mag 283
Isaac, Dr. Paul 120, 317
Isaac, Paul 120
Isley, Henry 301
Jeffcoat, M. B. 217
Johnson, Andrew 74, 206
Johnson, C. X. 40, 209, 215
Johnson, Cave 13
Johnson, Charlie 197, 198
Johnson, Charlie X. 62
Johnson, Delmar 197, 200
Johnson, John T. 13
Johnson, Lyndon 222
Johnson, Mrs. O. S. 216
Jones, Marion 254
Keith, Capt. K. D. 14, 17, 84
Keith, Mrs. G. A. 37
Kelly, J. C. 54, 212
Kelly, W. L. 222
Killebrew, Ella Wagner 242
Killebrew, Ellas Wagner 72
Kilmer, Joyce 178
King, C. S. 38
King, M. L. 262
Kitchen, Celeste 314
Kitchen, Earl 217, 222
Kline, Emeline Smith 18
Kline, John 17, 19
Knight, Anna 20, 199
Knight, Anna Mrs. B. J. 30
Knight, Bert 55, 63
Koelemaij, Maarten 33
Koelemay, Anna 200
Koelemay, Clara 82
Koelemay, Dora 29, 33, 34, 35, 43, 216
Koelemay, James 220
Koelemay, John 67, 214, 215, 225
Koelemay, Klaas 30, 82, 197, 198
Koelemay, L. 221
Koelemay, Lawrence 215, 220, 221
Koelemay, Maarten 214
Koelemay, Martin 33, 83, 214, 215, 221
Koelemay, Myra 34
Koelemay, Nell Rienstra 82
Koelemay, Nellie 200
Koelemay, Tante Anna 83
Kothe, Christel 153
Kothe, Conrad 155
Kothe, Eleanore 203
Kothe, Eleonore 152
Kothe, Georg 154, 155, 161, 239
Kothe, Maria Elisabeth 152, 190, 193
Kuchera, Irmie 202
Kutcher, John 29
Labove, Willie Crain 277, 283
Lafitte, Jean 98, 199, 311
Langford, Grady 265
Leblanc, Cropo 235
Lee, Skeeter 229
Lee, Sr., Tom 229
Leflore, Greenwood 288
LeMay, Curtis 186
Levitt, Brian 248
Levy, Mr. Julius 49
Lewis, John 266
Lewis, S. E. 221
Lincoln}, A. 279
Lock, Ottis 318, 321
Logan, J. B. 270
Loring Jr., Buddy Duncan 285
Loring Jr., Duncan 285
Loring, Benjamin 278, 282
Loring, Duncan 278, 285
Louis, Joe 167
Lucke, M. L. C. 233
Luckett, Eli 80
Lyons, James 290
Mahe, John 107, 292, 297, 298, 305
Mary, St. 199, 255, 260
Mary's, St. 199, 255, 260
Mauldin, Delmar 218
Mayer, Gaston 219
McCall, Bill 22, 275
McCall, Dr. Milledge 269
McCall, John 22, 269
McCall, John M. 269
McCall, William 270
McCauley, W. K. 221
McGaffey, Sarah 275
McGee, Fibber 234
McInnis, John 236
McKinney, F. 7
McKinney, T. F. 13, 39
McLemore, A. C. 217
McNeill Jr., James 219
McNeill, J. H. 77, 206, 219, 220, 234
McNeill, Jr., J. H. 219, 220
McNeill, Sr., J. H. 219, 234
Merriman, Otho 39, 61
Merriman, Will 42
Miles, Marian 245
Miles, Marion 204
Millard, Paul 34
Miller, B. C. 224
Miller, Emmy Lou 52
Miller, John 271, 272
Miller, Margaret Block 277
Miller, Richard 118
Minchew, C. M. 207, 217
Montgomery, Sam 251
Moore, Dr. R. C. 76
Moore, Dr. Robert 218
Moore, Drs. R. E. 237
Morgan, Lowell 219
Morgan, Lowell O. 224
Morrison, Henry O. 235
Moseley, W. S. 9
Mowat, David 301
Moye, Donald 206
Moye, Eustace 203
Moye, Sybil 204, 247
Murray, Hannah 21, 272, 277
Musselwhite, John 260
Nagle, Sluggie 210
Nicholson, L. B. 221, 222
Niewohner, Mrs. Pearl 219
Niklas, Thornton 221
Novy, George 107, 290
Nugent, Mrs. Niell M. 273
Oakley, M. W. 75, 232
Oakley, R. 232
O'Brien, Capt. George W. 13
O'Dell, Digger 234
Oliver, W. T. 201
Patton, George 130
Pavell, Augustine 7, 14
Penrod, Clyde 305
Phillips, Charlie 55
Phillips, Clara 266
Picklaps, Sophia Pavell 7
Pitre, J. E. 212, 229
Pollock, Artie 49, 51
Preston, Isaac 287
Price, Gladys 20
Rachford, Jim 39
Rackley, Mrs. R. A. 232
Radford, Jim 78
Radfors, Jim 79
Reinke, Capt. Helmut 192
Remley, Sam 39
Remley, Samuel 7, 13
Resch, Walter 216
Reynolds, Capt. Tom 284
Rhode, Jack 22, 286
Rhode, Jane 22, 286
Rhode, Lewellyn 286
Rhode, William 286
Rhodes, Cecil 289
Rhodes, Mary Margaret Polly 287
Richardson, O. J. 237
Richey, Luther 216, 242
Ricketts, W. F. 222
Rienstra, Albert 75, 206, 207, 216, 222, 233, 242
Rienstra, D. X. 217
Rienstra, Dan 67, 81, 225
Rienstra, Dick 75, 207, 209, 215, 217, 222, 227, 229, 232, 242, 260
Rienstra, George 6, 66, 214
Rienstra, Mrs. 202
Rienstra, Mrs. George 34
Rienstra, Mrs. Kate 202
Riley, Pat 227, 235
Riley's, Pat 227
Ritchie, Spencer 222
Ritter, B. A. 221
Roach, Drs. Fred 237
Roach, F. A. 72, 217, 229
Roach, Fred 218
Roach, Jr., Dr. Fred 218
Roach, Mrs. 206
Rogers, Harry 95, 97
Romaine, Chester St. 237
Roosevelt, F. D. 52, 75, 84
Roosevelt, Franklin 198
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 65
Roschke, Norbert 321
Ruff, Otto 12, 13
Russell Jr., Jeremiah 288
Russell Jr., Rev. Jeremiah 288
Russell Sr., Jeremiah 286
Russell, Jeremiah 22, 286, 287, 288
Russell, John 287
Russell, Joseph 286
Russell, Joseph L. 288, 289
Russell, Joshua 288
Russell, Jr., Jeremiah 287
Russell, Jr., Jerry 22
Russell, Jr., Rev. Jeremiah 22, 285, 287
Russell, Lewellyn 286
Russell, Margaret 278, 282
Russell, Margaret 'Peggy 278, 281
Russell, Margaret 'Peggy' Rhode 22
Russell, Margaret 'Polly' Rhode 282
Russell, Mary Margaret Polly 288
Russell, Mary Margaret Polly Rhodes 286
Russell, Polly 22, 286
Russell, Polly Rhode 22, 286
Russell, Rev. 289
Russell, Rev. Jeremiah 22, 282, 285, 287, 288
Russell, Rouselle 288
Russell, Sr., Jeremiah 22, 286, 287
Ruysenaars, Nike 225
Ryder, Dan 224
Sanderson, J. W. 206
Sanford, Emmett 266
Schiller, Merrell 163
Schmelling, Max 167
Schmidt, Frederick 15, 16, 17, 22, 84, 277, 285
Schmidt, Frederick Smith 282
Schmidt, Louisa S. Smith 17
Schmidt, Smith 17
Schmidt, Ursula Matilda Smith 17
Seamons, Dr. R. J. 76, 218
Seikes, E. O. 266
Setzer, H. W. 215, 221
Sheffield, Kenneth 72, 217
Singleton, Nell 20
Singleton, Nellie Mrs. Martin 30
Singleton, Perry 265
Skorzeny, Otto 127
Slaughter, Frank 198
Smith Jr., John 285
Smith, Austin 279, 281
Smith, Caroline Matilda 17, 37, 285
Smith, Dunc 278, 280, 281, 282, 284, 285
Smith, Duncan 22, 24, 25, 26, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285,
288, 289
Smith, E. 244
Smith, Edmond 278
Smith, Emmett 214, 225
Smith, Emmett A. 215
Smith, Emory A. Bud 215
Smith, Frederick 16, 278, 282
Smith, Frederick Schmidt 277, 285
Smith, Jeremiah 276, 284
Smith, Josephine Dude 285
Smith, Lou Ellen 22, 25, 27, 270, 277, 281, 286
Smith, Mag Margaret 285
Smith, Mamie 80
Smith, Margaret 278, 281
Smith, Margaret Peggy 289
Smith, Margaret 'Peggy' Russell 282
Smith, Margaret Peggy Russell Mrs. Duncan 17, 285
Smith, Matilda 37
Smith, Matilda Caroline 24
Smith, Mr. 282, 283, 284
Smith, Mrs. 37, 216, 236
Smith, Peggy 285
Smith, Peggy Russell 24
Smith, Phineas A. Uncle Dick 279, 282
Smith, Phineas Dick 280
Smith, Phineas Uncle Dick 283, 285
Smith, Uncle Albert 39
Smith, Uncle Austin 279, 285
Smith, Uncle Dick 283
Smith, Uncle Gus 50, 63
Smith, Uncle Jerry 285
Smith, Ursula 20
Snikis, Mrs. 251, 252
Snikis, Mrs. Valija 251
Soape, A. P. 227
Spaight, B. 17
Spencer, Asa 210
Spencer, Don 48, 50
Spencer, Earl 245
Speriky, Mrs. Polly 219
Spiers, Joe 227
Spittler, Marvin 209
Springman, Fred 13
Spurlock, Henry 30, 214
Spurlock, Mary Block 30
Spurlock, Mary Mrs. Henry 20
Spurlock, Mrs. Henry 37
Spurlock, Uncle Henry 38
Spurlock, W. H. 38
Stafen, Johan Mikiel 29
Staffen, Albert 39
Staffen, Charlie 29
Staffen, Everett 77, 107, 180, 217, 231, 265
Staffen, Everett A. 6, 148
Staffen, Flora Block 17, 42
Staffen, J. M. 227
Staffen, John 79, 220, 221
Staffen, Mikiel 17, 29, 39
Staffen, Robert 28, 29
Staffen, Robert L. 29, 42
Staffen, Uncle John 76, 180, 204
Sterling, Roy 46, 56, 59
Sterritt, Ed 65
Stevenson, Adlai 222, 244
Stewart, Bernice 269
Stewart, Bernice Hollister 270
Stimson, Henry L. 109
Stoeltje, Dr. Joe 76, 237
Stokley, Major Paul 296
Streetman, Curtis 67, 225, 227
Streetman, Dr. Ed 225
Streetman, Ed 226
Strodach, Capt. 250, 251
Strodach, Capt. Constantine 250
Strodach, Jr., Peter 252
Strodach, Peter 251, 252
Strodach, Valija 250, 251
Sweeney Jr., Uncle John W. 283
Sweeney Sr., J. W. 269, 277
Sweeney, Andrew 270, 272, 275
Sweeney, Bump 68
Sweeney, Chalmer 273
Sweeney, Dr. Carter 255
Sweeney, Dr. George Columbus Carter 270
Sweeney, Edward 21, 80, 83, 270, 273
Sweeney, Edward C. 270
Sweeney, Ella 28, 255
Sweeney, Ellen 67
Sweeney, Eugenia 276
Sweeney, H. W. 225
Sweeney, Harriet 22
Sweeney, Harriet Ann 275
Sweeney, Henry Sidney 270
Sweeney, Hugh William 277
Sweeney, James H. 273
Sweeney, James Hill 22, 23, 270, 273, 276, 277
Sweeney, Jane 22, 27, 255
Sweeney, John 273
Sweeney, John W. 21, 80, 83, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 276
Sweeney, John William 21, 22, 80
Sweeney, Jr., J. W. 270
Sweeney, Jr., John W. 269, 270
Sweeney, Jr., John William 21
Sweeney, Lou Ellen 27, 276
Sweeney, Major Edward 23, 272
Sweeney, Martha 21, 83
Sweeney, Mary Elizabeth 22
Sweeney, Mary Elizabeth Lizzie 275
Sweeney, Mildred 274, 275
Sweeney, Rev. Frank Newton 270
Sweeney, Sarah J. 22
Sweeney, Sarah Jane 6, 21, 42, 43, 89, 289
Sweeney, Sr., J. W. 268
Sweeney, Sr., John 273
Sweeney, Sr., John W. 268, 272
Sweeney, Sr., W. 83, 272
Sweeney, Uncle Andrew 268, 274
Sweeney, Uncle Austin 50, 263
Sweeney, Uncle Bump 272, 277
Sweeney, Uncle Bump H. W. 275
Sweeney, Uncle Dr. Carter 277
Sweeney, Uncle Hugh W. 'Bump' 28
Sweeney, Virginia C. 270
Sweeney, William 273
Sweeney, Young 271
Terwey, Gerret 225, 227
Tevis, George W. 13
Theodore, Jr., William 6
Theriot, Dwight 283
Theriot, L. 224
Theriot, Lovelace 219
Theriot, Margaret Crain 277, 283
Thompson, Bruce 224
Thompson, Elizabeth 233
Threadgill, James 224
Trahan, Saul 67, 74, 206, 225
Tribble, Dr. R. J. 237
Truman, Harry 200
Tullos, Mary Lou Mrs. R. N. 30
Tynan, Pat 197, 200, 208, 246
Vanderweg, Babe 212, 225
Vaughan, C. 92, 222
Vaughan, George C. 79, 221, 222, 265
Vincent, Tommy 71
Vinson, Tommy 209
Wagner, Clara 20
Wagner, Clara Mrs. Conrad 20
Wagner, Conrad 30
Wagner, Ella 217, 242
Wagner, Francis 277
Wagner, Francis Norman 16
Wagner, Martin 207
Wagner, Mr. 17, 217
Wagner, Mrs. Conrad 37
Wagner, Norman Francis 9
Wagner, Paul 197, 207
Wallace, Dewey 209
Walling, Mr. 228
Walling, Mrs. Selma 228
Walling, S. E. 228
Walters, Dr. Felix 215, 255
Walters, Drs. F. A. 237
Ward, Montgomery 233
Ware, John 74, 197
Ware, Johnny 197, 212, 215
Ware, Mrs. John 215
Weeke, Dini 153
Weeke, Dini Kothe 107
Weeke, Gunter 151, 319
Weisbach, Dr. Philip 76, 218
Welles, G. 283
Whatley, E. C. 210
Whelply, Kenneth 198, 246, 247
White, Mr. Carl 49
Whitley, Kelly 230
Wilkins, J. B. 202
William III, King Frederick 6
Williams, C. C. 52
Williams, Jim 248, 250
Williford, Elmer 86
Williford, Jimmy 224
Willis, David 223
Willson, J. W. 217
Wilson, C. O. 215
Wilson, Woodrow 197
Wiltz, John 29
Winberg, Travis 63, 195
Winberg, Willie Mae Mrs. T. W. 30
Winters, Lorraine 52
Wippenitz, Maria C. E. 14
Woodyard, Grace 232
Woodyard, Rusty 50
Wulfeck, Dorothy Ford 9
Yates, Charles 305
Yates, Pappy 305
Yentzen, George 209, 260
Youmans, H. P. 213, 224
Young, Dr. 199, 203
Young, Dr. Roy 199, 202
