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The Civil War in Texas and
A History of Conflict and Struggle
W. T.
Block wrote nine books, eight unpublished manuscripts, and more than one
thousand articles about Texas and Louisiana history, but his favorite topic
was the Civil War.
sets of the writer's great grandparents lived in Imperial Calcasieu during
the Civil War. The war was utter heartbreak on both sides of his family,
with some being Union sympathizers and others, including his Grandfather
Block and his three brothers who were Confederate cannoneers at Sabine Pass,
also three great uncles, two by marriage, in the Confederate Army were
killed in the fighting in Louisiana, including Pvt. Isaac Bonsall of
Mouton's Div. at Mansfield. Two great uncles and a great grandfather, Duncan
Smith of Cameron, were Union spies in Calcasieu Parish.
times, the writer's grandmother, Ellen Sweeney, recalled that night riders
or vigilantes continued to ride up and down the Grand Chenier ridge,
occasionally shooting or hanging people, for many years after the war had
Civil War in Texas and Louisiana" is a collection of newspaper and magazine
articles that WT wrote over the course of his career as a Historian and
WTBLOCK.ORG has worked to preserve WT's work and this is the 23rd book in
that effort.
T. Block III
Editor and W. T. Block's son
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Table of Figures 6
Introduction 7
Some Notes on the Civil War 8
The Calcasieu and Mermentau Jayhawkers 8
Ozeme Carriere and the St. Landry
Jayhawkers 18
The 'Louisiana Scouts' and the Other Parish
Jayhawkers 22
Summary 25
Endnotes 26
The Beginning of Dick Dowling as a Rebel Fighter 29
Fate Intervened in Confederate Hero's Search for Black Gold 41
The Battle of Calcasieu Pass, Louisiana 43
Primary and Secondary Sources 60
The Ghostly-Silent Guns of Galveston 61
Endnotes 76
The Mermentau Jayhawkers and the Battle of Calcasieu Pass 80
Endnotes 84
Civil War Comes to Jefferson County, Texas 85
Civil War Days in Jefferson County 102
The Tale of Two Old Cannons 104
Singeing General Taylor's Beard 108
Endnotes 115
The Sinking of the United States Gunboat Dan 116
William P. Doran 124
Rebel 'Paul Revere' Traveled 1,000 Miles To Warn of Invasion 139
Lake Charles' 'Paul Revere' Rode All Night 143
Father and Son Fought Against Each Other in Civil War 146
CSS Josiah H. Bell 148
Endnotes 154
Gunboat Josiah Bell's Engine Outlived Her Hull 156
Daniel Goos was 'Father' of Southwest Louisiana Sawmilling 158
The Goos Family Home was Hospital for Wounded 163
The Skirmish at Sabine Lighthouse 166
Sabine Lighthouse 168
Orange County and the Civil War 171
'Prince Polecat' 173
Endnotes 178
Orange County Location may be Site of Fort Deputy 179
The Primary Sources of Fort Deputy 181
The Big Thicket Jayhawkers and the Kaiser Burnout 183
The Copperheads 185
The Confederacy's Fighting Bishop 187
The Confederacy's 'Gray Ghost' 190
The Confederate River Forts 192
The Ghost of Monkey Island 194
John Price 196
A Confederate Hero Wins Recognition 198
Ashley Spaight Commanded Southeast Texas Confederates 201
Blockade-Running Seaports 203
Blockade-Running from Beaumont and Vicinity 205
Col. William H. Griffin 208
Bibliography 210
Myths of Sabine Pass' Fort Griffin Exploded 211
Fort Manhassett 217
Endnotes 227
Fort Manhassett Disgorges Huge Treasure of Artifacts 229
Commander Edward Lea 232
Confederate Blockade-Running from Calcasieu and Mermentau Rivers 235
Confederate Idiocy Marked Morning Light Battle 238
Bibliography 240
David White and the Confederate Gunboat Alabama 241
Dr. Powhatan Jordan 243
Drs. Pye and Hawley Were Heroes 245
Edward I. Kellie 247
Ghost of Nicaragua Smith Still Haunts Graveyard 250
Jules Victor Bouquet 252
Treue Der Union 255
The 1862 Hangings at Gainesville, Texas 258
More Civil War Atrocities 260
Namesakes of 2 Sabine Lighthouse Heroes Fought Again in World War Two 262
The Last Voyage of the Stingray 266
The Six Confederate Forts Along Sabine Lake 268
The Wreck of the Coal Schooner Manhassett 270
Uncle Joe Chasteen was Sabine's Walking History Book 272
Three Orphaned Chums Suffered Different Fates 278
Two East Texas Heroes Were Blockade Runners 280
Union Soldier's Unmarked Grave Finally Recognized 282
The Swamp Angels 285
Endnotes 302
First Sergeant Connor at the Battle of Calcasieu Pass 307
The Diary of 1st Sergeant H. N. Connor 311
The Diary Of Sergeant H. N. Connor 313
1862 313
1863 316
1864 331
1865 338
Notes 344
Notes On The Battle of
Calcasieu Pass 349
More Notes 350
Endnotes 352
Index 356
Table of Figures
Figure 1-Colonel Augustus Carl Buchel 13
Figure 2-Duncan Smith. 18
Figure 3-Dick Dowling 30
Figure 4-Gen. John B. Magruder 32
Figure 5-Dick Dowling Statue 40
Figure 6-Major Felix McReynolds 49
Figure 7-Joseph A. Brickhouse 53
Figure 8-Charles Welhausen 54
Figure 9-Sketch of Charles Welhausen 55
Figure 10-Julius G. Kellersberg(er) 62
Figure 11-Fort Griffin 69
Figure 12-General Richard Taylor. 111
Figure 13-William P. Doran 125
Figure 14-Daniel Goos Statue 162
Figure 15-Prince Polecat 174
Figure 16-Bishop Leonidas Polk 189
Figure 17-William Guehrs Marker 200
Figure 18-Alexander Gilmer 207
Figure 19-Plan of Sabine Pass 226
Figure 20-Fort Manhassett Artifacts 231
Figure 21-Colonel Albert Miller Lea 234
Figure 22-Edward Irwin Kellie 248
Figure 23-Treue der Union 256
Figure 24-USS Abner Read 264
Figure 25-USS McDermut 265
Figure 26-David Chapin Headstone 283
Figure 27-First Sergeant H. N. Connor 287
Figure 28-K. D. and Mary Jane Keith 288
Adams, E. 63
Adams, Samuel 87
Adamson, Ryle 181
Aikens, Matt 237
Alexander, C. H. 85
Alexander, W. D. 203
Alford, Marie 237
Armand, Camille 173, 178
Ashworth, Sam 181
Austin, Capt. John P. 134
Bading, A. 343
Bailey, Dr. George H. 54
Baker, Capt. S. F. 171
Baker, Mr. George 130
Barr, A. 60
Barr, Alwyn 77, 305
Bauch, Caroline 63, 75
Bel, Delphine Mrs. J. A. 161
Bell, J. H. 149, 154
Bell, Josiah 3, 32, 33, 35, 36, 67, 95, 97, 98, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152,
153, 156, 157, 168, 238, 270, 293, 294, 312, 316, 354
Bell, Josiah H. 2, 31, 148, 149, 317
Bell, Josiah Henry 149
Bell, Josiah Hughes 148
Ben, Uncle 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 67, 95, 96, 97, 98, 115, 151, 156, 168, 205,
212, 238, 270, 274, 275, 290, 293, 294, 298, 316, 317, 354
Benjamin, Judah 45
Bernard, St. 266
Berwick, J. W. 342
Bickley, Capt. Charles 272
Blair, Capt. Dr. J. M. 313
Blair, Dr. James H. 87, 286
Blair, Dr. James M. 311
Blake, Homer 190
Blakeman, C. 127
Blanchette, Alexis 252
Block III, William T. 1, 7
Block, Albert 115, 218, 229
Block, W. T. 1, 7, 27, 39, 60, 76, 77, 78, 79, 84, 124, 142, 154, 210, 229,
302, 303, 305, 311, 353, 354
Blum, L. 203
Boddeker, Capt. Joe 150
Boethel, Paul 305
Boethel, Paul C. 60, 221
Bolin, W. R. 342
Bolton, R. E. 93, 122, 341
Bonaparte, Napoleon 175
Bonsall, Isaac 7, 26, 115, 178
Bonsall, Sr., Isaac 178
Bourland, J. G. 261
Bowen, W. A. 149, 154
Boyett, Floyd 284
Boynton, C. B. 303
Brady, Matthew 178
Bragg, Braxton 188
Brennan, John 342
Brent, J. L. 23
Brickhouse, J. A. 43, 60, 305
Brickhouse, Joseph 52, 53
Brickhouse, Joseph A. 6, 53
Briggs, M. 201
Bringier, Louis A. 21
Broussard, Rosaline 252
Brown, J. M. 127
Brown, Mattie 249
Brule, Plaquemine 9, 329
Bryan's, Dr. 328
Buchanan, James 64
Buchel, Augustus 12, 177, 219
Buchel, Augustus Carl 6, 13
Bullock, Capt. 183, 184
Burbridge, S. 297
Burch, R. 87
Burnside, A. E. 185
Burton, J. C. 342
Bush, Louis 21
Butler, Ben 236, 251
Butler, Benjamin 82, 114, 119, 218
Butler, Benjamin F. 109
Byan's, Dr. 351
Byerly, F. 342
Cady, Captain 16
Camacho, Diomicio 206
Campbell, Capt. James 240
Canfield, Mark 204
Canter, F. M. 342
Carnes, Rev. W. C. 131
Carpentier, H. W. 63
Carr, John F. 290
Carriere, Ewell 15, 16
Carriere, Hilaire 16
Carriere, Ozeme 2, 16, 18, 20, 26, 27, 28
Carson, W. J. 208
Carter, J. S. 342
Cassidy, James 290
Caswell, Columbus 342
Caswell, J. M. 342
Chaison, Jefferson 86
Chapin, David 6, 282, 283, 284
Chapin, George 283
Chapin, George A. 282
Chasteen, Joseph M. 272
Chasteen, Molly 273, 277
Chasteen, Mrs. Sarah Vosberg 273
Chasteen, Uncle Joe 4, 272, 277
Christian, Capt. 134, 135
Christian, Capt. William 124
Christian, Pat 127
Churchill, T. J. 176
Clemmer, G. 84
Clemmer, Greg 199
Clemmer, Gregg S. 60
Clifton, Nathaniel 110, 114, 119, 143
Clifton, U. S. S. 220
Collins, E. W. 183, 184
Collins, Warren 184
Collins, Warren J. 183
Conner, D. E. 151
Conner, H. N. 13, 33, 93
Connor, Capt. D. E. 332
Connor, Capt. Daniel E. 312
Connor, D. E. 312
Connor, Dave 127
Connor, H. N. 4, 6, 26, 55, 60, 78, 83, 84, 95, 99, 115, 121, 163, 239, 240,
285, 286, 287, 301, 302, 307, 311, 312, 313, 341, 342, 343, 352, 353
Connor, Hiram L. 312
Connor, N. 26, 60, 78, 302, 313
Cook, Joseph 31
Craig, J. C. 341
Craig, T. C. 341
Creuzbauer, Capt. 221
Creuzbauer, Captain E. 48
Crider, G. W. 342
Crocker, Captain 114
Crocker, Frederick 91, 96, 100, 108, 114, 118, 143, 144, 291
Culmell, John 321, 342
Curl, Levi 342
Cushing, E. H. 304
Cushing, Mr. E. H. 135
Daigle, G. D. 27
Davis, E. J. 251, 323, 346, 355
Davis, Gov. E. J. 247
Davis, Jeff 278
Davis, Jefferson 188
Davis, S. 342
Debray, X. B. 181
DeBray, X. B. 65, 89
Deegan, J. H. 208
Degen, Philip 51
DePolignac, A. 137
Devereaux, Frances 187
Dewees, D. J. 342
Dixon, James 263
Doran, Bill 142
Doran, Major 137, 138
Doran, Major W. P. 124, 137, 138
Doran, W. P. 131, 137, 139, 175
Doran, William P. 2, 6, 124, 125, 132
Dorman, Capt. John 93
Dorman, Captain John 121
Dorman, Kate 121, 244
Dorman, Mrs. 94, 121
Dorman, Mrs. Kate 94, 273
Dorsey, Sarah 24
Dowling, Dick 2, 6, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 95, 104,
118, 156, 180, 181, 193, 211, 212, 217, 227, 230, 238, 268, 269, 272, 276,
313, 354
Dowling, Major Dick 29
Dowling, R. W. 36, 106, 151, 170
Dowling, R. W. Dick 42, 285
Dowling, Richard Dick 100, 114
Dudley, Dr. 21, 22
Duncan, Capt. W. B. 196
Duncan, Captain 299
Duncan, W. B. 290
Dwyer, Bill 127
Eastwood, Clint 233
Eddy, Z. W. 313
Eddy, Z. Williams 352
Edward, Louis 252
Edwards, Jessie Alberta 244
Eldridge, Robert 231
Elender, J. E. 342
Emory, William H. 140
Evans, Capt. Samuel 166
Evans, Captain Samuel 98
Evans, S. C. 208
Fahrenthold, Ferdinand 51, 57
Fahrenthold, Fred 195
Fairchild, Capt. S. A. 171
Falvey, Mary 205
Farragut, David 8, 58, 108, 235
Fennerty, John 41, 42
Fennerty, John W. 42
Ferguson, James 343
Fitzenreiter, Barbara Mrs. Charles 161
Fitzenreiter, Charles 158
Fitzenreiter, Mrs. 16, 27
Fitzenreiter, Mrs. Babette Goos 15, 163
Flanders, Katherine Mrs. W. W. 161
Fletcher, William A. 86
Foesterman, Henry 51, 195
Fontaine, T. 128
Ford, John S. 128, 134, 243
Forshey, C. G. 69
Foster, A. J. 342
Foster, Junious 260
Fowler, Capt. Charles 151, 166, 169
Fowler, Captain Charles 95, 98
Fowler, Captain Charlie 35
Franklin, Nathaniel 297
Franklin, Rudolph 231
Franklin, William 21, 22
Franklin, William B. 99, 176
Franz, Peter 51
Frosch, Conrad 57
Fuchs, Benno 75
Fuller, J. T. 247, 278
Funk, Conrad 158
Funk, Medora Mrs. Conrad 161
Gallier, Jacob 342
Garner, Leonard 342
Gentry, Capt. B. E. 48
Gibbs, Capt. W. C. 48
Gibbs, W. C. 290
Giles, Val 196, 197
Gilmer, Alexander 6, 203, 206, 207
Givens, I. M. 208
Glenning, P. 342
Godeau, Don Louis 20
Goos, Albert J. 161
Goos, Capt. 158, 159, 160, 164
Goos, Capt. Dan 163
Goos, Capt. Daniel 26, 143, 158, 235, 309, 355
Goos, Captain 15, 112, 117
Goos, Captain Daniel 55, 110, 116
Goos, Daniel 3, 6, 15, 158, 161, 162, 206, 235
Goos, Katherine 160, 161
Goos, Mrs. 164, 165
Goos, Mrs. Babette Fitzenreiter 309
Graham, J. 342
Gravett, R. C. 342
Green, Tom 129, 139, 176, 177, 253, 295, 297, 298, 304, 307, 319, 328, 329,
354, 355
Griffin, W. F. 45, 81, 169, 210, 221
Griffin, W. H. 97, 166, 208, 213, 272, 295, 298
Griffin, William H. 3, 208
Griffith, William 12
Grigsby, Joseph 192
Guehrs, W. 282
Guehrs, William 6, 50, 57, 83, 84, 195, 198, 199, 200, 309
Guidry, T. P. 20
Guillory, Martin 22
Guillory, Maximilien 20
Guillory, May 19
Hale, James 284
Hall, Green 151
Hall, M. T. 342
Halleck, Henry 99
Hamby, W. R. 197
Hankamer, Charles 329
Hannah, Capt. J. H. 171
Harrington, D. Roy 230
Harrison, N. J. 342
Harrison, William 342
Harvill, D. B. 297
Hatteras, U. S. S. 47
Hawley, Dr. George 246
Hawley, G. W. 342
Hayden, William H. 55
Haynes, Dennis 22, 26, 28
Hays, Jack 63
Hebert, Captain Joseph 86
Hebert, Joseph 87
Hebert, P. O. 23, 48, 208
Hebert, Paul 31
Hebert, Paul O. 64, 87, 288
Herschberger, Capt. 127
Hewson, D. C. 171
Hill, Chappell 340
Hillebrandt, Lastie 192
Hilliard, W. 343
Holcombe, John 337
Hood, John Bell 86, 188
Hood, Robin 26, 27, 28
Hooper, Quincy 109, 122, 293
Hooper, Quincy A. 95
Hoskins, Ada 244
Hotchkiss, J. P. 342
Houston, Gov. 259
Houston, Gov. Sam 243
Howard, Capt. 48
Howe, James 266
Howell, W. R. 305, 355
Howerton, Captain W. J. 14, 81
Hutchins, W. J. 130
Ingle, W. 57
Inglehart, Dr. D. T. 245
Inman, A. F. 297
Irvine, Captain Josephus S. 288
Irvine, J. P. 297
Irvine, J. S. 314
Irvine, Major 92, 292, 297
Irvine, Major J. S. 320
Irvine, Major Josephus 92
Jack, T. M. 134
Jack, Tom M. 128, 133
Jackson, G. 303
Jackson, Henry 58
Jackson, Mudwall 320
Jackson, T. R. 341
Jackson, Tom 122
Jackson, W. A. 57
Jacobs, John 55
James, E. S. 342
Janes, Henry 91, 109, 292, 314
Jeansonne, Terry 20
John, St. 187
Johnson, Andrew 186, 259, 261
Johnson, Ben 342
Johnson, Capt. John T. 196
Johnson, J. T. 196, 342
Johnson, John T. 86
Johnson, Joseph 55
Johnson, M. 342
Johnson, Major J. P. 78, 228
Johnson, Uriah 342
Johnson, W. W. 112, 119, 144
Johnston, A. S. 188
Johnston, Albert Sidney 134, 187
Johnston, Joseph E. 188
Jones, J. E. 342
Jones, John 122
Jones, R. M. 57
Jordan, Dr. Powhatan 4, 243
Jordan, Harry 244
Jordan, Jessie 244
Jordan, Paulina Voinard 243
Joseph, St. 148
Jost, Charles St. 341
Joyner, W. T. 342
Kavanaugh, B. T. 42
Keith, Capt. 36, 90, 93, 152, 201, 239
Keith, Capt. K. D. 33, 151, 154, 180, 238, 240, 268, 302, 353
Keith, Captain 33, 38, 95, 99, 289, 291, 292, 293, 294
Keith, Captain K. D. 285
Keith, John W. 278, 343
Keith, K. D. 87, 287, 302
Keith, Kosciusko D. 86
Keith, Mary Jane 6, 288
Keith's, Captain 33, 38, 95, 292
Keller, L. E. 342
Kellerberger, J. 73
Kellersberg, Caroline 63, 75
Kellersberg, J. 76, 77, 78, 211
Kellersberg, Julius 61, 63, 77, 79
Kellersberg, Major 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 92, 106, 179, 181, 215, 219,
220, 224, 304
Kellersberg, Major J. 67, 218, 227
Kellersberg, Major Julius 89, 97, 104, 192, 212, 218, 219, 268, 292
Kellersberger, Caroline 75
Kellersberger, Caroline Bauch 75
Kellersberger, Dora 75
Kellersberger, Emma 75
Kellersberger, Getulius 76, 79
Kellersberger, J. 76, 77
Kellersberger, J. G. 61
Kellersberger, Julius 77, 79
Kellersberger, Julius G. 6, 62, 76
Kellersberger, Julius Getulius 61, 75
Kellersberger, Julius R. 75
Kellersberger, Mina 75
Kellersberger, Rudolph 63
Kellie, E. I. 87, 289, 303
Kellie, Edward I. 4, 247, 278
Kellie, Edward Irwin 6, 247, 248
Kellogg, J. T. 342
Kellogg, L. E. 314, 342
Kensington, U. S. S. 314
Kirkendale, R. 342
Kirkpatrick, John D. 91
Kneip, William 50, 194, 195
Kniep, William 198
Knodell, Moses 343
Kowats, Bernhard 343
Kuhn, J. C. 203, 204
LaFleur, Clovis 284
Laird, John 190
Lamson, C. W. 47
Lancaster, J. D. 57
Landry, St. 2, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28
Langham, J. B. 102
Lasworth, Virginia 154
Lea, A. M. 72, 127, 137
Lea, Albert 232, 233
Lea, Albert Miller 6, 232, 234
Lea, Edward 3, 232, 233
Lea, Major Albert 233
LeBleu, Arsene 158
Lee, Jimmy 230
Lee, R. E. 153
Lee, Robert E. 96, 157, 223
Leonard, Captain Thomas 300
Lewis, M. M. 342
Lewis, W. J. 342
Likens, Capt. J. B. 313
Likens, Captain James B. 87
Likens, J. B. 201, 313
Likens, James B. 286, 311
Likens, Major 289
Lincecum, Dr. Gideon 137, 138
Lincecum, M. 126
Littlefield, G. W. 197
Littlefield, Major Geoge W. 199
Lock, Capt. Geoge 158
Lock, Ellen Mrs. George 161
Locke, Captain George 117
Lockett, Bruce 179, 181, 271
Long, Davis 279
Loring, Ben 82, 349
Loring, Benjamin 46
Loughery, John 341
Lovell, M. 45
Lubbock, Capt. 335, 348
Lutcher, H. J. 153, 157
Lyons, Captain M. L. 21
Mackan, R. E. 343
Mackan, T. L. 343
Magruder, J. 227
Magruder, J. B. 48, 94, 202, 238, 282, 293
Magruder, John 31, 151, 219, 232, 270
Magruder, John B. 6, 32, 66, 99, 139, 140
Major, J. P. 344
Major, James 176
Major, R. 295, 355
Mansfield, Dr. Sylvester 246
Marie, Camille Armand Jules 173
Marsh, Capt. 122, 320
Marsh, Capt. O. M. 48
Marsh, Captain 288, 315, 320, 330, 341
Marsh, O. M. 87, 286, 301, 311, 313, 341
Marshall, C. M. 343
Mason, C. M. 128
Mason, Charles W. 133
Mattern, Helena 75
Mattern, Ira 75
McCall, Bill 14, 178
McCall, Dr. 14, 81
McCall, Dr. Milledge 81
McCall, Jr., Milledge 253
McCall, Milledge 14
McCall, William 115
McClelland, Joseph 151
McClurg, A. J. 341
McClusky, Capt. Dave 266, 281
McCormick, Capt. 149
McCulloch, Ben 87, 286, 302, 311
McDermot, D. A. 98, 166
McDermut, D. A. 152, 168, 262
McDonough, C. A. 341
McDonough, J. A. 342
McFaddin, J. A. 297
McFaddin, William 252
McGaffey, Neal 273
McGaffey, W. 343
McKee, James 151
McKee, Sam 297
McKeen, Capt. A. C. 128, 133
McKernan, Michael 106
McKinley, Mercer 133
McKinley, William 126
McKinney, W. 297
McLean, G. 151
McMahon, Captain 67
McRae, C. D. 260
McRae, John 85
McRae, R. C. 343
McRaynolds, Major 56
McReynolds, Major 51, 53, 222
McReynolds, Major Felix 6, 49, 220
McReynolds, Major Felix C. 48, 208
Medary, Samuel 186
Menard, Capt. 313
Meridian, Humboldt 64, 76
Mieksch, J. D. 50
Miller, J. L. 343
Milligan, Lambdin 186
Miltner, Mrs. J. G. 27
Mitchell, John 338
Monroe, Dr. Haskell 285, 311
Moody, J. 297
Moore, G. Bedell 153
Moore, W. S. 343
Morgan, Brashear 9, 25, 47, 100, 235, 307, 355
Morgan, Brashier 118
Morgan, Charles 190
Morgan, John H. 185
Morrow, H. M. 342
Morse, Ella 47, 58, 334
Mouton, A. 344
Mouton, Alfred 173, 176, 219, 322, 349
Murray, Dr. J. D. 167
Myers, Agile 20
Neustadt, Wiener 63
Nichols, Billy 128
Nichols, E. B. 133
Nichols, George B. 127
Nichols, W. H. 133
Nolan, Captain Matt 12
Nolan, Captain Matthew 80
Norris, W. B. 267
Norsworthy, Capt. B. H. 247, 278
Norsworthy, Captain B. H. 289
Norsworthy, Sarah 249
Norwood, James 342
O'Brien, Capt. 93
O'Brien, Capt. G. W. 48
O'Brien, Capt. George W. 92
O'Brien, Captain 290, 292, 299
O'Brien, Captain George W. 60, 285, 289
O'Brien, George W. 86, 88
Odlum, Capt. 31, 97
Odlum, Capt. F. H. 95
Odlum, Captain 29, 33, 98, 294
Parsons, Albert 279
Parsons, Mrs. Delia 152
Parsons, R. J. 90, 291
Parsons, W. H. 23
Patrick, St. 39
Paul, David C. 23
Pavell, Augustine 206
Pavell, Augustus 203
Pavell, Capt. Augustine 206
Payne, Capt. John W. 130
Peacock, Captain Tom 149
Peebles, Dr. Richard 258
Peightal, J. B. 343
Pennington, L. W. 91, 108, 214, 224
Perkins, Frederica Mrs. Reese 161
Peveto, J. 342
Peveto, Jno 343
Pickett, George 261
Pierce, Franklin 63
Pithon, Michel 158
Polignac, Camille Armand De 173
Polignac, De 23, 28
Polk, Leonidas 6, 187, 189
Porter, D. D. 233
Porter, N. H. 343
Powell, B. Z. 342
Powell, G. W. 342
Price, John 3, 196, 197
Price, John T. 196
Price, Sterling 337
Purdom, Capt. 131
Pye, Dr. 245, 246
Pye, Dr. E. A. 245, 246
Pye, Dr. Edward A. 245
Quinlan, A. 134
Quinlan, Geoge A. 128
Rabb, H. 342
Rabb, W. P. 249
Ragan, C. K. 60, 302
Ragan, Cooper K. 285, 295
Ratcliff, L. E. 342
Ratcliff, W. G. 343
Reeves, John 342
Reid, D. C. 342
Remley, Sam 192
Renshaw, W. B. 66, 108
Revere, Paul 2, 112, 113, 119, 139, 142, 143
Rhodes, Robert 245
Richards, Emma Mrs. Richard 161
Richardson, A. 343
Richardson, J. A. 343
Richardson, John 343
Richardson, John A. 335
Richardson, Mr. Dave 130
Richardson, Mr. Willard 130, 135
Richardson, S. 343
Richardson, Willard 247
Ridley, Major Alonzo 344
Riley, Ed 184
Riordan, John 41
Risinger, J. J. 57
Risinger, Jackson 299
Ritchie, Joseph 12
Roberts, Oran 202
Robinson, Fred H. 248, 278
Rogers, W. E. 342
Roper, Ben E. 132
Rosenbaum, Herman 343
Royston, H. 128
Royston, M. H. 133
Ruff, Charles 203
Ruff, Charles H. 205
Ruff, Otto 206
Runnels, Hal G. 132
Russell, Aaron 57
Russell, R. E. 172
Russell, Tom J. 233
Ryan, Ann 235
Ryan, Jacob 158, 235
Sable, Zach 151
Sallier, Charles 158
Sallier, Ms. Severine 160
Sangster, Bill 127
Saunders, P. 342
Savage, W. A. 42
Savoy, Francois 20
Sawyer, Capt. W. L. 117
Scharf, J. T. 60, 223, 304
Scherffius, Capt. 204, 206, 280
Scherffius, Capt. Henry 137, 203, 206, 280
Schleicher, Captain H. 72
Schnelle, Annie K. 79
Schnelle, Annie Kellersberger 76
Schnelle, Mrs. 77
Schnelle, Mrs. Annie Kellersberger 74
Scott, John 55
Semmes, Rafael 190, 241
Shea, Pat 342
Sherman, W. T. 188
Sibley, H. H. 243
Sibley, John C. 28
Simmons, Isaac 342
Simmons, Jacob 341
Simms, John M. 133
Simon, Edouard 20
Smith, A. J. 177
Smith, Abigail 352
Smith, Ashbel 124
Smith, Bonnie 284
Smith, Captain G. W. 23
Smith, Captain Henry Clay 91
Smith, Clay 275
Smith, D. E. 343
Smith, Dunc 46
Smith, Duncan 6, 7, 17, 18, 26, 27, 46, 47, 81, 83, 109, 110, 115, 147, 194,
Smith, E. Kirby 137
Smith, Frost B. 343
Smith, Henry Clay 83, 108
Smith, Kirby 79, 219, 227
Smith, Leon 58, 232, 274, 348
Smith, Major 348
Smith, Mr. 82
Smith, Nicaragua 4, 250, 251
Smith, Nicholas 213
Smith, Nicholas H. 70, 212, 219
Smith, Niles H. 212
Smith, T. J. 91
Smith, Thomas 250
Sorley, Mary 204
Spaight, A. W. 48, 60, 77, 139, 209, 214, 228, 272, 300, 302, 303, 305, 311,
Spaight, Ashley 3, 201, 300
Spaight, Ashley W. 88, 285
Spaight, Captain Ashley 289
Speight, J. W. 295, 297
Spurlock, Captain W. J. 289
Squires, Capt. 322, 323
Staffen, Michael 102
Stallings, J. 343
Stanton, E. M. 114
Stark, Dr. 284
Stark, Dr. Jeremiah 284
Stark, W. H. 282, 283, 284
Steele, Oliver 128, 133
Steinhaus, Joe 194, 195
Sterrett, John 127
Strahn, H. A. 343
Strahn, W. F. 343
Stuart, Ben C. 353
Sulakowski, Valery 69, 99, 105, 212
Sundstrom, Helen 227
Swanson, J. O. 28
Swearingen, R. M. 128, 134
Sweeney, Chalmer 182
Sweeney, Elizabeth 115
Sweeney, Ellen 7, 14, 25
Sweeney, Harriet 115, 178
Sweeney, John W. 253
Sweeney, Sarah Ellen 253
Taylor, Dick 136
Taylor, Elvira 146
Taylor, James 169
Taylor, James G. 91, 98, 108, 147, 167, 169
Taylor, James Gilbert 146
Taylor, R. 227
Taylor, Richard 6, 80, 99, 110, 111, 114, 176, 218, 219, 235, 290, 295, 307,
312, 344, 354
Taylor, W. B. 341
Teal, F. S. 341
Teal, W. D. 341
Therriat, J. 51
Thomason, J. A. 341
Thornton, Emma 117, 158
Timmins, Mrs. Earnest 161
Tobin, Capt. W. O. 243
Tolbert, Frank 41
Tolbert, Frank X. 227
Tomlinson, Capt. Peter 243
Toothacher, J. E. 341
Toups, Percy 218
Trahan, Michel 158
Trotter, George 231
Twain, Mark 247, 278
Vallandigham, Clement L. 185
Vaughan, W. N. 278, 279
Vaughn, A. N. 86
Vermuelen, Dr. 55, 163, 309, 335
Vermuelen, E. C. 54
Victor, Jules 4, 252
Vincent, Aladan 182
Vincent, Alladin 180, 269
Vincent, W. 14
Vincent, William 16
Vondy, James 322, 342
Vosberg, Mary Elizabeth 273
Vosburg, Mrs. Sarah 90
Wachsen, Rosalie Mrs. Harry 161
Wainwright, Jonathan 233
Walker, C. R. 302, 304
Walker, J. G. 176
Walker, William 250
Ward, A. J. 122
Watkins, Major 35, 36, 37, 96, 238, 239, 294, 299
Watkins, Major O. 238
Watkins, Major O. M. 33, 151, 294
Watkins, Major Oscar M. 95
Watkins, O. W. 66
Webb, J. S. 343
Webster, Daniel 134
Weitzel, Godfrey 100
Welhausen, Capt. Charles 198
Welhausen, Charles 6, 50, 54, 55
Welles, Gideon 27, 84, 114
West, William Steele 208
Wharton, Mr. 131
Wharton, Mr. Ed C. 131
White, David 4, 241, 242
White, George 342
Whittenberg, P. 57
Wiess, Capt. William 353
Wiess, Mark P. 342
Wiess, Napoleon 343
Wiess, W. 240, 304
Wiess, William 34, 78
Wiess, William W. 342
Wilbanks, T. B. 343
Williams, Anna Marie Mrs. J. L. 161
Williams, Byrd 343
Williams, Simon 343
Williams, W. 342
Willis, J. A. 297
Wilson, Major 72
Wingate, D. R. 86, 92, 120, 206, 336, 354
Wingate, David R. 86, 88
Wingate, David Robert 354
Winston, A. S. 342
Wolfean, Capt. Fred 266
Womack, J. G. 342
Wright, E. T. 98, 167, 170
Wyche, Major R. E. 23
Young, Capt. James 259
Young, W. C. 261
Young, William C. 258
Yvarro, M. 57
