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Sabine Pass Chronicles
The Articles of W. T. Block
I am W.
T. Block's son. My first memory of his historical research was when he came
home from the library and said he found evidence of a forgotten fort in
Sabine Pass, Texas called Fort Manhassett. He and my brothers went to the
site with a compass and discovered several earthen mounds which WT believed
were the remains of the fort. On a Friday late in August 1970, I am watching
him on TV with a news crew from KPAC in Port Arthur as a crew is using a
backhoe to dig into one of the earthen mounds. When the scoop is pulled out
of the ground, several cannon balls fall out. By that Saturday they
unearthed thirty cannon balls and kegs of gunpowder.
WT was still attending Lamar University working on his MS degree in History
at the time. In the decades following he would go on to publish nine books,
write eight unpublished manuscripts, and write more than one thousand
newspaper and magazine articles.
This book is a collection of articles WT wrote about Sabine Pass, Texas and
the first chapter in the book is a newspaper article that was published in
the Port Arthur News on Sunday August 30, 1970, describing the event when
the fort was being excavated.
WTBLOCK.ORG has worked to preserve WT's work and this book is the 22nd book
in that effort.
–W. T. Block's son, William T. Block, III
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Table of Figures 4
Fort Manhassett Disgorges Huge Treasure of Artifacts 5
New Chapter in History of Sabine Pass Written 8
Some Early History of Sabine Pass, Texas 13
Endnotes 24
Sabine Pass in the Civil War 28
Endnotes 36
The Battle of Sabine Pass 39
Pioneer McGaffey Families of Sabine Pass, Texas 45
John and Sarah Garner McGaffey 46
Neal McGaffey (Sr.) and Otis McGaffey Sr. 50
Endnotes 63
Sabine Pass' Pioneer Mother Tells of Hardships 68
The Beginning of Dick Dowling as a Rebel Fighter 70
State Historical Marker To Commemorate Scrappy Kate Dorman 80
A Eulogy To Catherine Magill Dorman (1828-1897) 84
Jacob Harmon Garner 95
Endnotes 111
Jacob Harmon Garner Historical Marker Dedication 119
Dr. Niles F. Smith 131
Endnotes 166
Dr. Niles F. Smith Historical Marker Dedication 177
Sabine Pass and Galveston were Successful Blockade-Running Ports 190
Sabine Pass, Texas 198
Texas' First 'Big' Sawmill 200
Endnotes 201
Sabine Pass Partnership Spawned Galveston Empire 203
Sabine Pass has had Seven Newspapers 205
Fort Griffin Myths Exploded 207
Col. William H. Griffin 212
A Military Execution at Sabine Pass 215
Where Was Fort Grigsby? 218
Sabine Pass Confederate Hung Following 'Haymarket Riot' 221
The Headless Yankee Gunner of Sabine Pass 223
The Sabine 'Oil Pond' Saved Ships but Snared Whales 226
Two Sabine Pass Hunters Froze To Death Near Home 229
The Diary of 1st Sergeant H. N. Connor 232
The Diary Of Sergeant H. N. Connor 236
1862 236
1863 239
1864 253
1865 261
Notes 266
Notes On The Battle of Calcasieu Pass 272
More Notes 273
Endnotes 275
Union Lt. F. Crocker 279
Aunt Vic's Patriotism in Sabine Pass 281
Benjamin Johnson 283
Captain Peter Stockholm 285
Charles C. Burch 288
Endnotes 291
Lieutenant Commander David A. McDermut 292
Frederika Stewart 295
William F. McClanahan 297
Index 303
Table of Figures
Figure 1-Fort Manhassett Marker 12
Figure 2-Otis McGaffey 52
Figure 3-Neal McGaffey 53
Figure 4-Dick Dowling 79
Figure 5-Catherine McGill Dorman 83
Figure 6-Kate Dorman Marker 90
Figure 7-Kate Dorman Program 1 91
Figure 8-Kate Dorman Program 2 92
Figure 9-Kate Dorman Program 3 93
Figure 10-Kate Dorman Program 4 94
Figure 11-Jacob Harmon Garner Marker 126
Figure 12-J. H. Garner Program 1 127
Figure 13-J. H. Garner Program 2 128
Figure 14-J. H. Garner Program 3 129
Figure 15-J. H. Garner Program 4 130
Figure 16-Dr. Niles F. Smith Marker 185
Figure 17-N. F. Smith Program 1 186
Figure 18-N. F. Smith Program 2 187
Figure 19-N. F. Smith Program 3 188
Figure 20-N. F. Smith Program 4 189
Figure 21-First Sgt. H. N. Connor 234
Figure 22-Captain Peter Stockholm 286
Figure 23-USS McDermut (DD-677) 292
Alexander, C. H. 23, 61, 108
Alexander, Charles H. 23, 195
Allen, H. R. 136, 179
Allison, William 24
Altgeld, Gov. Peter 222
Ann, Lucy 45, 46, 47, 49
Ann, Martha 106, 109
Ann, Mary 109, 123, 194, 230
Arceneaux, Warden Alcide 282
Ardoin, R. 112
Ashworth, David 113
Ashworth, William 99
Austin, S. F. 64, 99
Austin, Stephen F. 47, 98, 121, 289
Austin, William T. 99
Bading, A. 265
Bailey, Dr. George H. 157
Bailey, George H. 41
Baldwin, Harvey 162
Barker, E. C. 25, 26
Barker, Nancy 27
Barnes, Mrs. John W. 114
Barr, Alwyn 37, 38, 157, 174
Barrett, D. C. 167
Barton, Mrs. Neal 164, 166, 176
Baxter, Charles 286
Bell, Josiah 32, 39, 71, 72, 74, 75, 156, 235, 239, 277, 287, 289
Bell, Josiah H. 71, 239
Belle, Josiah 39
Belle, Scioto 285
Ben, Uncle 23, 29, 32, 39, 40, 41, 42, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 156, 157, 158,
159, 173, 184, 208, 239, 277, 289
Benton, Jesse 101
Berg, Jacob 264
Berwick, J. W. 265
Bevil, John 15
Bevil, John R. 15
Blair, Capt. Dr. J. M. 236
Blair, Dr. James M. 232
Blan, Patin 99
Bland, Payton 100, 121
Bledsoe, A. B. 113
Block III, William T. 1
Block, Albert 5, 8
Block, W. T. 1, 5, 8, 25, 39, 64, 65, 66, 78, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,
167, 168, 169, 171, 173, 174, 175, 207, 214, 232, 275, 276, 277, 291
Block, Will 8
Blount, Lois F. 26
Blum, H. 204
Bolin, W. R. 265
Bolton, R. E. 264
Bowie, James 99
Brennan, John 264
Brown, Effie 161
Brown, J. 27, 172
Brown, Orrin W. 161
Brule, Plaquemine 252
Bryan's, Dr. 250
Buchel, A. 9
Buckley, C. S. 103
Burch, C. C. 288
Burch, Capt. C. C. 289
Burch, Capt. Charles 59
Burch, Capt. S. K. 290
Burch, Capt. Sherwood 59
Burch, Captain Charles C. 288
Burch, Charles 288, 289, 290
Burch, Charles C. 288
Burch, Charlie 289, 290
Burch, Hannah 288
Burch, Johanna 289, 291
Burch, Julia Maria 59
Burch, Julia Marie 290, 291
Burch, R. 45, 58, 288, 289, 290
Burch, Rachel Jane 49
Burch, S. K. 289, 291
Burch, Sherwood K. 288, 290
Burton, J. C. 264
Butler, Ben 40
Butler, Benjamin 39
Butler, Benjamin F. 193
Byerly, F. 264
Camacho, Diomicio 196
Canfield, Elisabeth 230
Canter, F. M. 265
Carr, John F. 156
Carr, Michael 81, 88
Carroll, Alfred 101
Carroll, H. 112
Carter, J. S. 265
Carton, Josiah 47
Cassidy, J. A. 158
Cassidy, Joseph O. 30
Caswell, Columbus 265
Caswell, J. M. 265
Chastaine, Joseph 30
Chasteen, Joe 43, 87
Chasteen, Joseph 224
Chessher, Capt. James 100
Chessher, Captain 113
Chessher, James 100
Choat, John 99
Clapp, Edna 163
Cole, Solomon 99
Colthirst, Henry 191
Conner, H. N. 72, 107, 116, 213, 229
Connor, Capt. D. E. 255
Connor, Capt. Daniel E. 235
Connor, D. E. 235
Connor, H. N. 64, 153, 155, 173, 174, 214, 232, 234, 235, 236, 263, 264,
266, 275, 276
Connor, Hiram L. 235
Connor, N. 235
Cook, Joseph 71
Corts, Thomas 28
Coy, Santos 14, 19, 137
Craig, John C. 57
Craig, T. C. 264
Craig, W. B. 264
Crane, R. E. L. 147
Crider, G. W. 265
Crocker, F. 279
Crocker, Frederick 30, 40, 190, 193, 279
Cronea, Charles 100, 101, 114, 121, 134, 167
Cronia, Charles 99
Crossman, Charles F. 295
Cruz, Vera 191, 193, 195
Culmell, John 265
Curl, Levi 265
Daily, Houston 215
Dana, John 223
Davis, E. J. 246, 269, 277
Davis, Edmund J. 298
Davis, Gov. E. J. 221, 297, 298
Davis, Rebecca 204
Davis, S. 265
DeBray, X. B. 29
Delano, O. H. 25, 112
Dewees, D. J. 265
Dixon, Mr. James 292
Dixon, S. H. 112
Doom, Mr. R. C. 142
Dorman, Capt. John 80, 85
Dorman, Catherine Magill 80, 84
Dorman, Kate 43, 80, 84, 85, 86, 88, 158, 161, 175
Dorman, Mrs. 81, 82, 86, 87, 88, 158
Dorman, Mrs. Kate 81, 87, 88, 165
Dowling, Dick 6, 8, 15, 34, 35, 40, 43, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,
84, 85, 156, 158, 159, 165, 173, 207, 219, 235, 277, 279
Dowling, Major Dick 70
Dowling, R. W. 75
Dowling, Richard 32
Doyle, F. M. 114
Dubois, Lucar 49
Dulin, John 99
Dunman, Joseph 100
Dwyer, John W. 298
Eddy, Z. W. 236
Eddy, Z. Williams 275
Eldridge, Robert 7
Elender, J. E. 264
Eliza, Ann 109
Eliza, Anna 106
Evans, Capt. Samuel 58
Everett, Dr. Stephen 14
Everett, S. H. 54
Everitt, Dr. S. H. 146
Everitt, Dr. Stephen H. 141
Everitt, S. H. 142
Falvey, Mary 59, 230, 289
Farragut, David 194, 279
Foster, A. J. 265
Fowler, Captain Charlie 74
Francis, Delia 55
Franklin, Rudolph 7
Franklin, W. B. 40
Fulbright, Catherine 163
Fulbright, Dick 163
Fulbright, Mack 176
Fuller, J. T. 29, 205
Gallier, Jacob 265
Gammel, H. P. N. 168
Garms, Henry 99
Garner Sr., Bradley 46, 97
Garner, Alice 109
Garner, Anna 96
Garner, Bradley 46, 95, 97, 102, 109, 111, 112, 114, 120, 123
Garner, Capt. 100
Garner, Capt. D. 113
Garner, Capt. David 112
Garner, Captain D. 99
Garner, Captain David 99
Garner, Claud 161
Garner, David 96, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 112, 113, 120, 155, 183
Garner, David H. 96
Garner, Helen 183
Garner, Helen Smith 151, 155, 161, 183
Garner, Isaac 46, 97, 101, 113, 114, 119
Garner, J. H. 102, 103, 109, 113, 114, 116, 119, 127, 128, 129, 130
Garner, Jacob 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,
111, 117, 119, 121, 123, 124, 125
Garner, Jacob H. 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 109, 113, 117,
120, 123
Garner, Jacob Harmon 95, 111, 119, 120, 124, 125, 126
Garner, Jake 111, 120
Garner, James 95
Garner, John 95
Garner, Jr., Bradley 97
Garner, Leonard 106, 107, 109, 265
Garner, Martha Ann 109
Garner, Mary Ann 109
Garner, Matilda 102, 109, 111, 114, 117, 124
Garner, Milton 109
Garner, Rachel 96, 120, 283
Garner, Sarah 17, 45, 46, 96, 97
Garner, Sarah Ann 123
Garner, Sarah Ann Sally 109
Garner, Sarah Rachel Harmon 46
Garner, Smith 144
Garner, Sr., Bradley 95, 102, 111, 112, 114, 120
Garner, Susan M. 155
Garner, Wesley 17, 45, 46, 49, 59, 144, 151, 153, 155, 160, 180
Garrett, D. C. 109
Gartner, Jacob H. 119
Gibney, Marcilia 109
Gillaspie, Capt. James 283
Gilmer, Alexander 196
Glenning, P. 265
Glover, E. C. 143
Glover, Edward 17, 48
Goble, Rev. John 60
Goos, Capt. Daniel 278
Graham, James L. 160, 163
Granger, Ben 200
Green, H. R. 289
Green, Henry R. 291
Green, Michael 99
Green, Tom 159, 241, 251, 252, 277
Green, William H. 99
Gregory, Gus 163
Griffin, W. F. 159
Griffin, W. H. 32, 215
Griffin, William H. 212, 214
Griffith, Henry 288
Grigsby, Joseph 18
Guice, Nanette Gasse 96
Haldeman, W. L. 299
Hall, M. T. 265
Hankamer, Charles 251
Hardin, Capt. Franklin 112
Hardin, Captain Franklin 96
Hardin, William 101
Harmon, Jacob 95, 111, 119, 120, 124, 125, 126
Harrington, D. Roy 6
Harris, P. 58
Harris, Uriah 99
Harrison, N. J. 265
Hatteras, U. S. S. 196
Hattin, M. 99
Hawes, Frances 279
Hawley, Dr. George 181
Hawley, Dr. George W. 138, 149
Hayes, C. W. 167
Hayes, James 101
Hayes, Matilda 101, 121
Hayes, Milton 109
Haynes, John 99
Hebert, Paul 71
Hebert, Paul O. 212
Hebert, Rev. D. J. 114
Heisler, Henry 163
Hemmingway, Augustus 229, 230
Hemmingway, Mary Ann 230
Henderson, Gov. Pinkney 49
Henderson, J. P. 115
Henderson, Pinckney 18
Herman, Sarah Rachel Harmon 95
Hilliard, W. 265
Hinkle, Rev. Alexander 60
Hockley, G. W. 178
Hockley, George W. 18, 138, 165
Hodges, Jessie L. 109
Holcombe, John 260
Holman, James S. 19, 139
Hopkins, Matthew 149
Hotchkiss, Augustus 19, 54, 139, 146
Hotchkiss, J. P. 264
Houston, Sam 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 48, 51, 103, 105, 115,
132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 142, 143, 148, 165, 168, 169, 171, 178, 180, 182,
Howell, W. R. 277
Hubbell, Henry 203
Hutchings, John 55, 204
Hutchings, John H. 23, 149, 181, 203
Irion, R. A. 165
Irvine, J. S. 237
Irvine, Major J. S. 243
Ivens, George 99
Jackson, Mary McGaffey 45
Jackson, Mudwall 243
Jackson, R. 50
Jackson, T. R. 50, 58, 60, 264
Jackson, Thomas 50
Jackson, Thomas R. 50
Jackson, Virginia 168, 169
James, E. S. 265
Janes, Henry 237
Jenkins, J. H. 167
Jenkins, John 203, 285
Johnson, Ben 265, 284
Johnson, Benjamin 46, 96, 100, 107, 112, 119, 120, 159, 283
Johnson, Bradley 107, 109
Johnson, Dr. Andrew 284
Johnson, J. T. 264
Johnson, M. 265
Johnson, Mary Ann 123
Johnson, Rachel 109, 159
Johnson, Uriah 107, 265
Jones, Anson 25, 112, 168
Jones, Dexter 286
Jones, Dexter B. 56
Jones, J. E. 265
Jones, Mrs. Jessie 287
Jordan, Dr. Powhattan 85
Jordan, Sara 192
Joseph, St. 46, 50, 51, 131, 133, 164, 177, 179
Jost, Charles St. 264
Joyner, W. T. 264
Keene, Susanna 95
Keith, Capt. K. D. 60, 64, 66, 72, 214, 275
Keith, Captain 31, 72, 77, 154
Keith, Captain K. D. 107, 117, 153, 154, 158, 165, 173, 213
Keith, D. 64, 66, 173, 214, 275
Keith, John W. 205, 221, 265
Keith, K. D. 30, 37, 48, 57, 58, 61, 62, 66, 173, 175
Keith, Mary 285, 287
Keith, Mary Jane 62, 69
Keith, Mrs. Mary 146
Keith, Mrs. Sarah 161
Keller, L. E. 265
Kellersberg, J. 38, 208
Kellersberg, Julius G. 208
Kellersberg, Major Julius 190
Kellersberger, Getulius 218
Kellersberger, J. 38
Kellersberger, Julius 30
Kellersberger, Major 219
Kellersberger, Major Getulius 10
Kellie, E. I. 29
Kellie, Edward I. 221
Kellie, Edward Isaiah 205
Kellogg, A. G. 19, 138
Kellogg, J. T. 265
Kellogg, L. E. 237, 265
Kemp, L. W. 25, 112, 168
Kendall, Abigail 161
Kendall, W. O. Billy 161
Kennedy, W. 26, 169
Kennedy, William 20, 139
Kensington, U. S. S. 237
Ketchum, Isaiah 200, 297
Ketchum, Miss Kittie 297
King, Capt. Lewis 61
King, Sarah Ann 80, 86
Kirkendale, R. 265
Knodell, Emily 230
Knodell, Lewis 229
Knodell, Moses 265
Knox, Minnie 204
Kowats, Bernhard 265
Lafitte, Jean 134
Lamar, Mirabeau B. 142
Lamar, Mirabeau Bonaparte 170
Lamb, Thomas F. 297
Landrum, Capt. Willis 283
Landry, Saint 114
Lapham, Katie 163
Lapham, Nellie 163
Lapham, Susan 163
Lapham, William 162
Lapham, William S. 163
Lee, Jimmy 6
Lee, Robert E. 195
Lee, W. D. 18, 20, 139
Lenz, Louis 19
Leonard, John 301
Leonard, John W. 297, 299
Lewis, Hickman 20
Lewis, M. M. 264
Lewis, W. J. 264
Likens, Capt. J. B. 236
Likens, Captain J. B. 153
Likens, J. B. 236
Likens, James B. 232
Long, J. M. 29
Lopez, Antonio 100
Loring, Ben 272
Loughery, John 264
Lowe, Barney 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 51
Mackan, R. E. 265
Mackan, T. L. 265
Magill, Arthur 80, 85, 86
Magill, Kate 80
Magruder, J. B. 9, 32, 220, 289
Magruder, John 40, 71
Major, J. P. 266
Major, R. 277
Marchand, Capt. J. B. 194
Marshall, C. M. 265
Marty, Joe 225
McCall III, Sherwood 95
McCall, James 106, 108
McCall, John 106, 123
McCall, Leroy 104, 122
McCall, Martha 123
McCall, S. P. 101, 114, 117
McClanahan, Tom 297
McClanahan, W. F. 205, 297, 299, 301
McClanahan, William F. 297
McClenny, Rev. S. G. 61
McClurg, A. J. 264
McColloch, Ben 106
McCulloch, Ben 58, 107, 123, 153, 232, 284
McDermut, David A. 292
McDermut, U. S. S. 292
McDonough, B. F. 192
McDonough, C. A. 264
McDonough, J. A. 265
McGaffey Jr., Neal 49, 50
McGaffey Sr., Neal 50, 60
McGaffey Sr., Otis 45, 50, 51
McGaffey, Alice 161
McGaffey, Amelia Cornelia 59
McGaffey, Delia F. 58
McGaffey, G. W. 25, 63, 112
McGaffey, Hannah 56
McGaffey, Hannah McNeil 45, 59
McGaffey, John 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
51, 55, 58, 63, 68, 96, 104, 105, 112, 115, 122, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146,
150, 170, 180, 182
McGaffey, John Wyatt 58, 161
McGaffey, Julia Maria 50, 59
McGaffey, Julia Marie 288
McGaffey, Lucy Ann 45, 46
McGaffey, Lydia Sanborn 46
McGaffey, Mary 45, 50, 65, 69
McGaffey, Mary Jane 57
McGaffey, Mary McCollister 45
McGaffey, Mary McCollister Mrs. Otis 50
McGaffey, Mary T. 55
McGaffey, Mrs. 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, 63, 68
McGaffey, Mrs. Neal 155
McGaffey, Mrs. Otis 56, 60, 63, 65, 66, 68, 198
McGaffey, Neal 21, 22, 46, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 60, 107, 131, 138,
142, 145, 146, 150, 166, 180, 182, 288
McGaffey, Neil 45, 288
McGaffey, Oliver 45, 50, 56
McGaffey, Otis 20, 23, 45, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62, 68, 69, 107,
131, 150, 155, 179
McGaffey, Reah 114
McGaffey, Sarah 48, 49, 50, 97, 105, 106, 122, 150, 182
McGaffey, Sarah Emily 58
McGaffey, Sarah Garner 46
McGaffey, Sarah Mrs. John 97, 120
McGaffey, Sarah Sally 46
McGaffey, Sarah Sally Garner 45
McGaffey, W. 166, 265
McGaffey, Wesley Garner Mrs. 144
McGaffey, Wyatt 45, 60, 151, 182, 230
McGaffeys, Otis 57, 62
McGary, S. H. 301
McLean, M. D. 167
McLennan, Mr. 133
McMichael, Mrs. Frances 65, 67
McNeil, Hannah 45, 50, 59
McRae, R. C. 266
McReynolds, Annie 111, 124
McReynolds, Major Felix 86, 212, 213
Menard, Capt. 236
Merriman, Susan 163
Merriman, Walter 163
Milam, Ben 96, 283
Millard, Henry 65, 131, 166
Miller, J. L. 265
Milspaugh, Captain William 100
Mitchell, John 261
Monroe, Dr. Haskell 232
Moore, John 17, 143
Moore, John C. 48
Moore, W. S. 265
Morgan, Brashear 191, 277
Morse, Ella 257
Morse, Joanna 279
Mouton, A. 266
Mouton, Alfred 244, 271
Muir, A. F. 25
Murphy, Sarah Garner 17, 45, 46
Murray, Dr. D. G. J. 152
Murray, Dr. J. D. 293
Murray, Mrs. Millie 88
Myers, Matilda 284
Nixon, George A. 18
Norsworthy, Capt. B. H. 205
Norwood, James 265
O'Brien, Captain George W. 174
O'Brien, Chilton 299
O'Brien, George W. 206, 297
Odlum, Capt. 40, 71
Odlum, Captain 70, 72
Odlum, Captain F. 157
Odlums, Capt. F. H. 39
O'Hara, P. C. 81, 88
Orr, George 47
Orr, Johanna 288
Orr, Priscilla 288
Osburn, M. 113
Osburn, Mary 25
Page, Miss Mary 110, 295
Parr, Mary Elizabeth 152, 162, 164, 183
Parsons, Albert Richard 221
Parsons, Lucy 222
Parsons, R. J. 58, 69, 155, 221
Parsons, W. H. 221
Parsons, William H. 221
Partlow, Miriam 100, 101, 121
Patrick, St. 78
Patton, Robert C. 163
Pavell, Augustine 105, 122
Pavell, Capt. Gus 196
Pederson, Capt. J. 227
Peveto, Caswell 290
Phelan, Andrew J. F. 19, 139
Pitts, John D. 114
Pleeney, Houston 281
Pleeney, Uncle Houston 282
Pleeney, Vic 281
Plummer, Capt. Cott 227
Polk, James K. 181
Powell, B. Z. 265
Powell, G. W. 265
Price, Sterling 260
Pulsifer, Joseph 104
Putnam, Rufus 285
Quick, Bill 85, 124
Quick, W. D. 63, 112, 143
Rabb, H. 265
Ratcliff, J. V. 266
Ratcliff, L. E. 265
Ratcliff, W. G. 266
Raymond, C. E. 112
Reaper, McCormick 222
Reid, D. C. 265
Rhodes, Robert 224
Richardson, A. 266
Richardson, J. A. 265
Richardson, John 266
Richardson, John A. 258
Richardson, T. C. 25
Richey, Joseph 99
Ridley, Major Alonzo 266
Roberts, J. S. 18, 20, 138
Robertson, John K. 104
Robertson, R. 66
Robertson, Sterling 133, 134, 165, 179
Robertson, Sterling C. 134
Robertson, Sterling Clack 133, 178
Robinson, Frank H. 206, 301
Roebuck, Bertha 285
Rogers, Captain W. E. 160
Rosenbaum, Herman 266
Ruff, C. H. 195, 289
Ruff, Otto 195
Rusk, T. J. 203
Russell, T. J. 16, 25, 45, 85, 112, 115, 116, 146, 152, 170
Russell, Tom J. 142
Saunders, P. 265
Scharf, J. T. 37
Scherffius, Capt. 193, 194
Scherffius, Captain Henry 190
Sealy, John 23, 55, 149, 181, 200, 203, 204
Sealy, John Hutchings 204
Sealy, Young John 23
Seamens, Tom 215, 216
Shackelford, Jack 15
Shackelford, John Jack 137
Shaw, Abigail 161
Shaw, Capt. William 183
Shaw, Effie 152, 155, 161
Shaw, Mrs. Abigail 143
Shaw, Susan 152, 155, 161, 183
Shaw, Susan E. Smith 144
Shaw, Susan Smith 155
Shaw, W. D. 152
Shaw, William D. 152
Shea, Pat 265
Sheffers, Capt. Aaron 59
Sherman, Sidney 18, 20, 138, 141, 165, 178
Simmons, Isaac 264
Simmons, Jacob 264
Simpson, W. M. 23, 27, 65, 150
Simpson, William 22, 56, 203
Simpson, William M. 22, 56, 145
Simpson, William Mercer 145, 149
Smith, Abigail 46, 132, 135, 144, 149, 151, 152, 155, 161, 180, 182, 183,
Smith, Arthur 162, 163
Smith, Augusta Matilda 102
Smith, Captain Elias 183
Smith, Charles Buchanan Buck 162, 163
Smith, D. E. 266
Smith, Dr. 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 105, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144,
145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184
Smith, Dr. Ashbel 165
Smith, Dr. N. F. 203
Smith, Dr. Niles 14, 22, 23, 48, 54, 55, 107, 145, 146, 150
Smith, Dr. Niles F. 15, 16, 51, 105, 131, 138, 143, 151, 177, 178, 184, 185
Smith, Elias 156, 160
Smith, Elias T. 144, 152, 153, 154, 159, 160, 174
Smith, Elizabeth 162
Smith, Frost 183
Smith, Frost B. 144, 152, 153, 159, 184, 266
Smith, Helen 46, 151, 155, 161, 162, 183
Smith, Henry 144, 155, 156, 182
Smith, Henry M. 144, 155
Smith, Henry W. 152
Smith, Homer 183, 184
Smith, Homer W. 144, 152, 153, 154, 155, 166
Smith, John M. 101
Smith, Leon 270
Smith, Major 270
Smith, Major Leon 157, 184
Smith, Mr. Niles 160
Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth 158
Smith, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth 158
Smith, Mrs. Niles 164
Smith, N. F. 142, 150, 155, 168, 176, 178, 179
Smith, N. H. 42, 156, 157, 158
Smith, Nicholas H. 41, 157, 158, 208
Smith, Niles 15, 19, 56, 59, 132, 134, 136, 137, 141, 147, 148, 149, 152,
159, 160, 166, 170, 178, 179, 184
Smith, Niles F. 14, 16, 28, 56, 64, 66, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137,
138, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 159, 161, 162, 163,
165, 166, 170, 171, 177, 178, 179, 181, 183
Smith, Niles H. 30, 42, 61, 144, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160,
162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 176, 177, 183, 184, 208
Smith, Susan 152, 155, 162, 183
Smith, Susan A. 163
Smith, Susan E. 144
Smith, T. E. 162
Smith, T. J. 80, 86
Smith, William 101, 121
Smith's, Dr. 22, 105, 138, 142, 146, 147, 149, 150, 180, 181, 183
Spaight, A. W. 116, 158, 210, 214, 232, 275
Spaight, Ashley 31, 213, 219
Stallings, J. 266
Steele, William 178
Stephenson, Elisha 100, 114
Stephenson, Gilbert 98
Stevenson's, G. 113
Stewart, Capt. John 295
Stewart, Frederika 295
Stewart, Frederika Crossman 295
Strahn, H. A. 266
Strahn, W. F. 266
Straumit, Elizabeth 95
Stuart, Ben C. 276
Sublet, Philip 14, 16, 22, 28, 137, 143, 165, 178
Sublett, Philip 14, 16, 22, 28, 137, 143, 178
Sulakowski, Valery 208
Sundstrom, H. 38
Sweeney, Austin 225
Swope, John W. 299
Taylor J. C. 264
Taylor, Capt. John 48
Taylor, Richard 9, 233, 267, 277
Teal, F. S. 264
Teal, W. D. 264
Terry, Stephen B. 170
Terry, Stephen R. 170
Thomas, Elisha 113
Thomason, J. A. 264
Tolbert, Frank X. 173
Toothacher, J. E. 264
Travis, William Barret 100
Trenbeath, Jennifer 84, 119, 177
Trotter, George 7
Vaughan, A. N. 61
Vaughn, W. N. 205
Veatch, Dr. John 47
Veatch, Dr. John A. 18
Verde, Val 249
Vondy, James 245, 264
Vosburg, Mrs. Sarah 87
Vosburg, Sarah 43, 80, 81, 86, 87, 154, 158, 161, 162
Walker, C. R. 173
Wallace, William 19
Wallis, John P. 99
Walsh, W. C. 114
Watkins, Major 74, 75, 76, 290
Watkins, Major O. M. 72
Webb, W. 112
Webb, W. P. 25, 168
Werley, Gus 163
Werley, Helen 163
West, Anna Mrs. Claiborne 97
West, Claiborne 46, 96, 97, 119
West, Mrs. Annie 119
Wheelock, Captain 101, 114
Wheelock, Captain E. D. 101
White, G. 26
White, Gifford 48
White, Mrs. Carl 19
Wiess, Capt. Edward 50
Wiess, Capt. William 276
Wiess, Captain William 163
Wiess, Flavilla McGaffey 50
Wiess, Mark P. 264
Wiess, Mrs. Pauline 21
Wiess, Mrs. Simon 55
Wiess, Napoleon 265
Wiess, Simon 21
Wiess, William 73
Wiess, William W. 264
Wilbanks, T. B. 265
Will, Mary Ellen 287
Williams, A. W. 26
Williams, Byrd 265
Williams, John C. 289
Williams, W. 25, 265
Willis, John 99
Wingate, D. R. 29, 105, 150, 172, 193, 200, 259, 276
Wingate, David R. 200, 202
Wingate, David Robert 277
Winkler, E. W. 168
Winn, Charles 205, 297
Winston, A. S. 264
Womack, J. G. 265
Woodbury, Levi 28
Wooster, Dr. Ralph 148, 182
Wooten, D. G. 169
