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Chronicles of a Historian's Pen
Unveiling W. T. Block's National Perspective
the realm of historical exploration, there are individuals whose insatiable
curiosity and boundless passion drive them to uncover the intricate tapestry
of our past. Among these luminaries stands W. T. Block, a distinguished
historian and author whose indomitable spirit has breathed life into
countless narratives from the annals of Texas and Louisiana. Now, with great
pleasure and a sense of profound admiration, we embark on a remarkable
journey through the lesser-known chapters of W. T. Block's extensive body of
renowned for his captivating accounts of regional lore, this anthology
unveils a lesser-explored facet of Block's literary prowess. Assembled
within these pages are a series of newspaper and magazine articles that
diverge from his usual focus on the Lone Star State and the Bayou Country,
instead turning his pen toward national figures and topics. Through these
articles, we are afforded a glimpse into the breadth and versatility of
Block's historical acumen, where he deftly illuminates pivotal moments and
influential personalities that have shaped the tapestry of our nation.
from an impressive collection of meticulously researched writings, W. T.
Block gracefully guides us through the corridors of power and the corridors
of ordinary life, highlighting the intricate interplay between individuals
and the grander historical canvas. Within these narratives, readers will
encounter captivating accounts of national figures, pivotal events, and
significant movements that have left an indelible mark on the American
In each
carefully crafted article, Block's eloquence and meticulous attention to
detail transport us to bygone eras, enabling us to witness history unfold
with remarkable clarity. Whether delving into the tumultuous times of the
Civil War, offering insights into the lives of celebrated statesmen, or
exploring the cultural shifts that have shaped our nation's identity,
Block's keen insight and unyielding dedication to historical accuracy shine
through every line.
As we
embark upon this literary odyssey, we are reminded of the remarkable breadth
of W. T. Block's expertise. His unwavering commitment to preserving and
sharing the past, coupled with his remarkable ability to distill complex
narratives into accessible prose, ensures that these articles transcend the
boundaries of time and resonate with readers of all backgrounds.
anthology is not merely a tribute to the tireless efforts of a seasoned
historian but also a testament to the enduring power of historical inquiry
itself. It serves as an invitation to traverse the corridors of history
alongside W. T. Block, where we can navigate the depths of human experiences
and glimpse the forces that have shaped our collective destiny.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to W. T. Block for his tireless
dedication to the pursuit of historical truth, and we are privileged to
present this compilation of his national-focused articles as a testament to
his immense contribution to the field. May this book inspire and enlighten,
breathing new life into stories that have long remained dormant in the
shadows of time.
has worked to preserve WT's work and this is the 27th book in that effort.
William T.
Block III
Editor and W. T. Block's Son.
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Table of Contents
Table of Figures 5
Books by W. T. Block 7
Introduction 9
3rd Millenium 11
Ancient Iraq 13
Babe Didrikson Zaharias 15
Benjamin Vernon Lilly 18
Bill Stafford 21
Black Panther 24
Black Panthers 27
Black Reparations 30
'Blackjack' Pershing 34
Bob Hope 37
Captain Carl Oluf Jordahn 40
Carrie Nation 43
Casey Jones 46
Clara Bow 49
Coastal Indian 52
Crazy Ben Dollivar 54
Creative Writing 63
David Owen Dodd 70
Derelict Ships 73
'Doctor' John Romulus Brinkley 76
Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan 79
Dr. Mary Edwards Walker 82
Edgar John Bergen 84
The Elect Among the Damned 87
Emancipation 92
Evolution 94
Ginger Rogers 97
Gold Spike 100
Graveyards of the Atlantic Ocean 103
Horrific Loss of Children 105
Hutterites 108
Jean Harlow 110
Jean Lafitte 113
John Andrews Murrell 118
Jonathan Chapman 121
Julia Ward Howe 124
Mary Jane Safford 127
Millerite Movement 130
More Mysteries of the Sea 133
Muckrakers 136
Nearly-Extinct Merchant Marine 139
Old Spanish Trail 141
Origin of Surnames 143
Orson Welles 145
Our Reviled Merchant Mariners 148
Popular Mechanics 151
Precursors 154
Prudence Crandall 159
Riding 162
Rudy Vallee 165
Shaker Religion 168
Slave Ship Henrietta Marie 171
Stephen Williams 173
Sultan Tiptoed 175
Sybil Ludington 178
Thomas Nast 180
Two Elderly Women 183
Two Men 'Without a Country' 187
Two Treasure Sites 189
Bibliography 191
West African Slave Trade 192
West Virginia Teenager 194
Wilbur and Orville Wright 196
Wreck of the Old 97 199
Wyatt Earp 201
Profile of W. T. Block 204
Index 215
Table of Figures
Figure 1-Babe Didrikson Zaharias 16
Figure 2-Benjamin Vernon Lilly 19
Figure 3-John J. "Blackjack" Pershing 35
Figure 4-Bob Hope 38
Figure 5-Captain Carl Oluf Jordahn 41
Figure 6-Carrie Nation 44
Figure 7-Casey Jones 47
Figure 8-Clara Bow 50
Figure 9-Crazy Ben Dollivar 1 54
Figure 10-Crazy Ben Dollivar 2 55
Figure 11-Crazy Ben Dollivar 3 58
Figure 12-Crazy Ben Dollivar 4 61
Figure 13-David Owen Dodd 71
Figure 14-Flying Dutchman 73
Figure 15-John Romulus Brinkley 77
Figure 16-"Wrong Way" Corrigan 80
Figure 17-Edgar Bergen 85
Figure 18-Amelia Experimental Station 95
Figure 19-Ginger Rogers 98
Figure 20-Arthur Stilwell 101
Figure 21-Paddlewheel Steamer General Slocum 105
Figure 22-Jean Harlow 111
Figure 23-Jean Lafitte 114
Figure 24-John Andrews Murrell 119
Figure 25-Johnny Appleseed 122
Figure 26-Julia Ward Howe 125
Figure 27-Mary Jane Safford 128
Figure 28-William Miller 131
Figure 29-U. S. Navy Collier Cyclops 134
Figure 30-Orson Welles 146
Figure 31-Seal of the U. S. Merchant Marine 149
Figure 32-Popular Mechanics 152
Figure 33-Sir George Cayley 155
Figure 34-Alexander Graham Bell 156
Figure 35-Silver Dart 157
Figure 36-John Alexander Douglas McCurdy 158
Figure 37-Prudence Crandall 160
Figure 38-Frederick Douglass 163
Figure 39-Rudy Vallee 166
Figure 40-Shakers Dancing 169
Figure 41-Tulip Mania 176
Figure 42-Thomas Nast 181
Figure 43-Grandma Moses 184
Figure 44-Laura Ingalls Wilder 185
Figure 45-Wilbur Wright 197
Figure 46-Orville Wright 197
Figure 47-First Flight of Wright Flyer 198
Figure 48-Wyatt Earp 202
Figure 49-Profile W. T. Block 204
Alford, Capt. 173
Allen, Capt. 173
Allen, Capt. John 133
Allen, Jack 133
Allen, Mrs. Minnie 93
Allen, Penelope 173
Allen, William 174
Anderson, W. D. 148
Anthony, Susan 126
Appleseed, Johnny 5, 121, 122, 123
Archer, David 123
Astaire, Fred 97
Aury, Don Luis de 113
Austin, Stephen F. 118
Bager, Olga Elisabeth 40
Baker, Ray Stannard 137
Ballew, Richard 114
Barnum, P. T. 100
Bates, Joseph 132
Beery, Wallace 111
Bell, Alexander Graham 5, 156
Bell, Dr. Alexander Graham 157
Bell, Rex 51
Bennett, Floyd 79
Benny, Jack 86
Benson, Byron D. 103
Bergen, Candice 84
Bergen, Edgar 5, 84, 85
Bergen, Edgar John 2, 84
Bern, Paul 110
Bickerdyke, Mary Ann "Mother" 127
Blake, Robert 129
Block III, William T. 1, 10
Block III, William T. Billy 212
Block, Augusta 205
Block, Betty 212
Block, Chip 30
Block, Jr., W. T. 209
Block, Jr., William Theodore 205
Block, Lawrence Otis 205
Block, Mr. 40
Block, Sr., W. T. Will 205
Block, W. T. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 87, 204, 209, 210, 214
Bly, Nelly 137
Borden, Lizzie 43
Borge, Victor 167
Bouteilliers, Trixie 104
Bowditch, W. I. 164
Bowes, Major 37
Bowman, Mrs. Doris 68
Brackin, Bud 20
Brady, Janie 46
Briggs, Capt. Ben 74
Brinkley, Dr. 78
Brinkley, John R. 76
Brinkley, John Romulus 2, 5, 76, 77
Brown, Henry 164
Brown, John 125
Brown, Murphy 86
Brown, Sam 23
Brown, Warren 20
Brule, Plaquemine 120
Bryan, William Jennings 95
Bulloch, Irvine 187, 188
Bulloch, James 187, 188
Bulloch, Martha Mittie 187
Burns, George 86
Cade, C. T. 142
Caesar, Augustus 12
Callistre, Jean 55
Callistre, Jean Baptiste 57, 114
Campbell, Capt. 55, 59, 190, 191
Campbell, Capt. James 113
Campbell, Capt. Jim 58
Campbell, Captain James 190
Campbell, J. 191
Campbell, Jim 55, 191
Campbell, Mary 190
Cantor, Eddie 166
Carter, Jimmy 83
Catharine, Susan 196
Catherines, St. 163
Cayley, George 5, 154, 155
Celeste, Mary 73
Chabineaux, Isabel 190
Chaisson, Jean B. 173
Chamberlain, C. K. 210
Chanute, Octave 154, 155, 156, 196
Chapman, John 121
Chapman, Jonathan 3, 121
Chessher, Capt. 174
Chessher, Capt. James 174
Churchill, Stephen 55
Churchill, Steve 60, 61
Clark, Charles 151
Cliffs, Kent 178
Clusius, Carolus 175
Cody, Samuel F. 157
Cooper, Gary 51
Cooper, J. F. 18
Corbett, Jim 201
Craig, George M. 152
Crawford, Joan 49
Creswell, Alfred 29
Cronea, Charles 114, 190, 191
Cronea, Charlie 55
Crosby, Bing 39, 165
Curtiss, Glenn 197
Dailey, Elizabeth 173
Dailey, Michael 173, 174
Dalhart, Vernon 200
Darrow, Clarence 94
Decken, Capt. Willem Van Der 73
Dees, Mary 112
Deevy, Bill 204, 214
DeGard, Alphonse 23
DeGeoijen, Jan 100
Dells, Hazel 129
Dempsey, Jack 201
DeSchweinitz, Dr. George 65, 211
Dick, A. B. 67
DiMaggio, Joe 84
Dobie, J. Frank 18
Dodd, David O. 70
Dodd, David Owen 2, 5, 70, 71
Dollivar, Ben 2, 5, 54, 57, 61, 67
Dollivar, Benjamin 57
Dorsey, Tommy 167
Douglass, Frederick 5, 163, 164
Dowling, Dick 151
Durbin, Lloyd 37
Earhart, Amelia 79
Earp, Wyatt 4, 6, 201, 202, 203
Eddy, Nelson 97
Edson, Hiram 132
Edwards, Jonathan 68, 130
Everett, Edward 68
Exiguus, Dionysius 11
Fairbank, Rev. Calvin 162
Fanchett, E. 23
Faye, Alice 166
Ferguson, Mrs. Miriam 93
Ferris, Eva L. 75
Finn, Huckleberry 21
Fishbein, Dr. Morris 76
Fisher, Mel 171, 193
Fitzgerald, Scott 49
Fitzsimmons, Bob 201
Fletcher, Alta Grey Block 205
Foyle, Kitty 97, 99
Franklin, Benjamin 12, 68
Furth, Matt 205
Gable, Clark 110, 112
Gallier, F. 23
Gallier, S. 23
Garibaldi, Giuseppe 180
Garman, Andrew 25
Garner, Jacob H. 53
Garrett, Thomas 162
Gentry, M. P. 118
Glen, J. A. 93
Glyn, Elinor 50
Goodman, Benny 167
Gordon, Capt. Nat 193
Gott, Unser 106
Grable, Betty 49
Grassle, Karen 186
Gray, John 212
Gray, William F. 142
Grayson, David 137
Green, H. R. 142
Greene, Nathaniel 173
Gregory, Pope 12
Grigsby, Joseph 214
Guillotte, Pierre 114
Hackett, Ralph 22
Haines, Huckleberry 37
Haizlip, Bill 207
Hall, Henry 173, 174
Hambrick, Dick 23
Harlow, Jean 3, 5, 49, 110, 111
Harper, Fletcher 182
Harrell, Capt. James 149
Harris, George 164
Harris, Sarah 159
Hart, Bill 203
Hass, G. F. 105
Haviland, Don 150
Hawk, Kitty 154, 157, 196
Hawkins, James 23
Hayden, Lewis 162
Henry VIII, King 12
Herald, Arthur 102
Hezekiah, King 14
Higginson, Rev. T. W. 164
Hill, Juan 34, 188
Hogan, Ben 17
Holmes, Jr., Oliver Wendell 214
Holt, Marian Ware 64
Holt, Mrs. 64
Hooks, Bud 20
Hope, Avis Townes 37
Hope, Bob 2, 5, 37, 38, 39, 85, 167
Hope, Delores 39
Hope, Leslie Townes 37
Hope, William Henry 37
Hopkins, James 152
Hopkins, Stephen 148
Hopper, I. T. 164
Housenfluck, Tommy 205
Houston, Sam 211, 212
Howe, Julia 124, 126
Howe, Julia Ward 3, 5, 124, 125
Howe, Samuel 124
Howe, Samuel G. 124, 164
Hughes, Howard 110
Hussein, Saddam 13
Hutchinson, Nancy 214
Hutter, Jacob 108
Hutton, W. E. 103
Ingalls, Caroline 186
Isaac, Dr. 64
Isaac, Dr. Paul 64
Isaac, Paul 64
Ivanovich, Boris 144
Ivanskaya, Svetlana 144
Jackson, Andrew 180
Jacob, Gov. R. T. 162
John, St. 72
Johnson, Andrew 118
Johnson, Henry 23
Jones, Casey 2, 5, 46, 47, 48, 199
Jones, Janie 48
Jones, John Luther 46
Jones, Owen 23
Jones, William 74
Jordahn, Capt. 40, 41, 42
Jordahn, Capt. C. O. 40
Jordahn, Capt. Carl Oluf 40, 42
Jordahn, Captain Carl Oluf 2, 5, 40, 41
Jordahn, Olga 42
Jordan, Robert 29
Joseph, St. 20
Kaufmann, Theodore 180
Keith, Clara 95
Kelley, Miss Margaret 93
King, Jerry 28
Kitchen, Celeste 64, 208
Kleine, Unsere 186
Klinker, Effie 84
Knight, Mrs. Jo Nell 97
Knudssonsdottir, Ingrid 143
Kohler, C. A. 103
Kothe, Maria Elisabeth 206
Lafitte, Alexandre 115, 116
Lafitte, Jean 3, 5, 55, 57, 61, 113, 114, 115, 189
Lamar, M. B. 191
Lambert, Alfred 23
Lambert, Joe 64
Lambert, John 55
Lamour, Dorothy 39
Langford, Frances 166
Langley, Dr. Samuel 196
Langley, Dr. Samuel Pierpont 157
Laura, Rebecca 194
LeBleu, Arsene 113
LeBlocquier, Simon 144
Lee, Ann 168
Lee, R. E. 29
Leslie, Frank 180
Lewis, Jack 23
Lewis, James 23
Lilienthal, Otto 155, 196
Lilly, Ben 18, 20
Lilly, Benjamin Vernon 2, 5, 18, 19
Lincoln, Abe 68
Lincoln, Abraham 68, 137
Lindbergh, Charles 79
Lindsay, Vachal 123
Lisa, Mona 183
Lisle, Henry 200
Lloyd, Henry 137
Lloyd, William 159
Lock, Ottis 211
Lombardo, Guy 167
Loring, Benjamin 189
Louis, Saint 79
Louis, St. 137
Lowell, James Russell 164
Lown, Bert 165
Ludington, Abigail 178
Ludington, Sybil 3, 178, 179
Luke, Joseph 23
Lutz, John 194
Lutz, Linda 194, 195
MacGregor, Harriet Olsen Katherine 186
Maffitt, Capt. John 188
Mahoney, Capt. Pat 150
Marcus, Josephine 203
Marie, Henrietta 3, 171, 172, 193
Mark, St. 105
Marriott, Frederick 154
Marriott, Joe 97
Mathis, Gary 28
May, Samuel 159
McCarthy, Charlie 84, 86
McCaulley, Bud 54
McCune, Tom 87
McCurdy, John Alexander Douglas 5, 158
McDonald, Dr. 64
McDonald, Jeannette 97
McFaddin, William 25
McGaffey, Mrs. Otis 25
McGrew, Charles 110
McKee, Grace 110
McKinley, William 203
McMath, Virginia Katherine 97
McMath, William Eddins 97
McNichol, A. 75
Meacham, Joseph 169
Milam, Ben 174
Miller, Albert 82
Miller, William 5, 130, 131
Moffett, J. A. 150
Monroe, Marilyn 49, 84, 110
Moore, Carrie A. 43
Moore, Chester 28
Morgan, Helen 84
Morgan, Mr. Neal 63
Mott, Lucretia 126
Murphee, J. D. 28
Murrell, John 120
Murrell, John A. 120
Murrell, John Andrews 3, 5, 118, 119
Napoleon, Louis 144
Nast, Thomas 3, 6, 180, 181
Nebuchadnezzar, King 14
Newman, Philip 95
Nolan, Philip 187
Nunez, Henri 114
Ogden, Edmund 179
O'Hara, Edwin J. 150
Olson, Hannah Marie 15
O'Shanter, Tam 21
Owens, Lela 97
Paisley, Joseph 23
Paisley, Little Hancock 23
Parker, Theodore 124
Patton, George S. 36
Paxton, Philip 120
Perry, Henry 114
Peveto, Cas 22
Philips, David 137
Philleo, Rev. Calvin 160
Pierce, Mrs. Franklin 199
Pithon, Michel 116
Porter, D. D. 187
Presley, Elvis 165
Puffington, Podine 84
Quinn, J. 23
Quinn, Jeremiah 23
Radford, Jim 205
Reade, Delores 37
Reinke, Captain Helmut 207
Revere, Paul 178, 179
Rhodes, Delilah 173
Richardson, Mrs. Guy 97
Riis, Jacob 137
Roach, Hal 110
Robertson, Anna May 183
Robin, Curtis 79
Rogers, Ginger 3, 5, 97, 98
Rogers, Lela 99
Roosevelt Sr., Theodore 187
Roosevelt, Jr., Theodore 187
Roosevelt, Theodore 34, 136, 182, 187
Rosequist, Mildred 37
Ross, Shirley 38
Rossen, Hal 110
Ruth, Babe 15
Ryder, King 92
Safford, Alfred 127
Safford, Mary Jane 3, 5, 127, 128
Sallier, Charles 114, 116
Saunders, Wallace 48
Schaik, Capt. Van 106, 107
Schaik, Capt. William Van 106
Schulberg, B. P. 50
Scotia, Nova 104, 157
Scott, Dred 161
Scurlock, Ruth 211
Sealy, John 17
Selfridge, Thomas 197
Sennacherib, King 14
Sharkey, J. Jack 201
Sharkey, Tom 201
Sherman, W. T. 83
Simmes, Raphael 187
Sinatra, Frank 165
Sinclair, Upton 137
Smith, Adam 23
Smith, Capt. John 172
Smith, Duncan 189
Smith, George 23
Smith, Kate 166
Smith, Margaret 164
Snerd, Mortimer 84
Southerland, Urilla 201
Spargoe, John 137
Stafford, Bill 2, 21, 22, 23, 53
Stanton, Elizabeth 126
Steffens, Lincoln 137
Steinhauer, Hans 74
Stephens, George 23
Sternenberg, Miss Paul 92
Stilwell, Arthur 5, 100, 101
Sullivan, John L. 201
Sweeney, Martha 205
Sweeney, Sarah Jane 205
Taney, Roger 161
Tanner, Frank 23
Tarbell, Ida 136
Taylor, Richard 142
Tennent, Gilbert 130
Tevis, Nancy 214
Thatcher, Margaret 183
Thomas, George 83
Trahan, Michel 173
Tubman, Harriet 162
Tucker, Dr. Hardy 20
Twain, Mark 119, 161
Vallee, Rudy 3, 5, 165, 166
Vick, Nora 92
Villa, Pancho 36
Wagley, Michael 23
Walker, Dr. 83
Walker, Dr. Mary Edwards 2, 82
Walker, Mary 82
Walker, Mary E. 82
Wardley, James 168
Washington, George 12, 21, 179
Webb, Sim 47
Webster, Ms. Delia 162
Welles, Orson 3, 5, 145, 146, 147
Wells, H. G. 145
West, Mae 84
Westerman, Frances 85
Whateley, Henry 164
Wheeler, Frederick 132
White, Ellen 132
White, George 130, 166
White, James Taylor 141
White, W. L. 74
Whitefield, George 130
Whiteman, Paul 167
Whittaker, John 169
Wilder, Laura Ingalls 6, 184, 185, 186
Willard, Frances 126
Willard, Josiah 137
William, King 171
Williams, Absolom 25
Williams, Delilah 173
Williams, Henry Hall 174
Williams, Sr., Stephen 173
Williams, Stephen 3, 173, 174
Williams, Walter 30
Wilson, Woodrow 137
Winters, Henry 29
Winton, Miss Mamie 93
Wooley, Monte 167
Woolston, Fannie E. 74
Wooster, Dr. Ralph 66
Wooster, Drs. Ralph 65
Wright, Lucy 169
Wright, Orville 4, 6, 196, 197, 198
Wright, Wilbur 6, 197, 198
Yarborough, Capt. 173
Young, Edward 75
Youngblood, Mary 173
Zaharias, Babe 16, 17
Zaharias, Babe Didrikson 2, 5, 15, 16
Zaharias, George 15
Zaharias, Mildred Babe Didrikson 15
