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Growing Up in Port Neches
A Collection of Articles about Port Neches,
Texas Authored by W. T. Block Over the Course of His Career
W. T. Block's second
book, "Sapphire City of the Neches," published in 1987, was a formal history
of his hometown Port Neches, Texas. W. T. donated the proceeds of that book
to the Port Neches library—The Effie & Wilton Hebert Public Library. The
city declared January 22, 1987 as "W. T. Block Day."
The current book, "Growing Up in Port Neches," is a much less formal book
about Port Neches. It is a collection of articles that W. T. wrote over the
course of his career.
W. T.'s great
grandfather settled in Port Neches (Grigsby's Bluff as it was known then) in
1854 which makes W. T. and his siblings fourth generation Port Neches
citizens. W. T.'s father and grandfather were farmers in Port Neches and
there are a couple of chapters dedicated to biographies of his parents.
The articles in this
book were written over a period of decades and were published in different
forums, so there is a small amount of duplication.
The early chapters are
historical articles about Port Neches and towards the end of the book, the
articles are W. T.'s firsthand experiences while growing up in Port Neches.
–William T. Block III,
W. T. Block, Jr.'s son–
This book was recently published on
Link to Book on Amazon
Table of Contents
Table of Figures 4
Introduction 5
Early Port Neches in Old Newspapers 7
Part 1 7
Part 2 8
The Ghosts of Grigsby's Bluff 10
First Midcounty Post Office Opened in 1859 13
Man-Made Destruction Demolished Archeological Treasure 16
The Attakapas Indian Burial Mounds of Old Port Neches 19
Port Neches and the American Civil War 26
The Turbulent Neches 29
The Neches Belle 31
Neches River Logs Were Branded Like Cattle 33
Thomas F. McKinney 35
Napoleon Bonaparte Wiess 42
Endnotes—Napoleon Bonaparte
Wiess 50
Capt. Moses L. Patton 52
Katie Remley 54
Physicians Delivered Two Generations of Port Neches Babies 57
There's a Story on Lone Grave Near Texas 347 59
Lost Graves Along the West Bank of the Neches River 61
Extinct Asphalt Plant is Still Recalled 66
Dr. Felton S. Dengler 68
Neches Lumber Company 70
Smith's Bluff and Grigsby's Bluff, Texas 72
Endnotes—Smith's Bluff and
Grigsby's Bluff, Texas 84
That Dawgone Port Neches Jail House 86
The 'Houseboat People' 88
Port Neches KKK Voted Itself Out of Existence 91
The Night the Post Office was 'Stolen' 93
A History of First Baptist Church of Port Neches 95
Port Neches and Food Rationing in World War II 99
Dynamite Explosions and the German Seismograph Crews 103
Biography of Will Block, Sr. 105
Defining Will Block, Sr. 125
Sarah Jane Sweeney Staffen Block 144
Weathering the Great Depression 174
The 'Great Depression' in Port Neches 178
Depression Was Depressing, Except Brother's Paddling 180
Our Neighbors Knew the Stranglehold of Poverty 182
Block Was a Clodhopper 184
I Thoroughly Hate Sweet Potatoes 186
That Dawgone County School Nurse 188
The Tick-Tack Boys 190
I'll Never Forget Miss Eunice Bourg 192
A Snake Infestation 195
I Remember Mama in the Tater Patch 197
I Guess Running Into that Skunk Did It 199
Those Tyler County Rattlesnakes 201
Gar-Fishing in Block's Bayou 203
Will Block, Sr.'s 12-Gauge Shotgun 205
Boxing Old Sawtooth 211
Demise of Reptilian 'Big Tooth' Drew Crowds 213
The Big Bell on the Blocks' Back Porch 216
My Dad and I Once Got Stuck in Suckersville 219
The River Rat Boys 221
Index 231
Table of Figures
Figure 1 - W. T. Block Day 5
Figure 2 - Thomas F. McKinney 37
Figure 3 - Simon Wiess 42
Figure 4 - Napoleon Bonaparte Wiess 46
Figure 5 - W. T. (Will) Block, Sr. 105
Figure 6 - Will Block Farm 107
Figure 7 - Dora Koelemay and Will Block 108
Figure 8 - Envelope to Will Block 110
Figure 9 - Land Grant Award 111
Figure 10 - General Land Office Patent 112
Figure 11 - Block-Smith Reunion 114
Figure 12 - Original Block Home 116
Figure 13 - Seven Block Sisters 117
Figure 14 - Albert Block and Family 119
Figure 15 - Sarah Jane Sweeney 121
Figure 16 - Sarah Jane and Will Block 122
Figure 17 - Will Block Holding Son W. T. 127
Figure 18 - W. T. and Big Tooth 134
Figure 19 - Ghosts in the Cemetery 137
Figure 20 - Sarah Jane Sweeney Staffen Block 144
Figure 21 - Sarah Jane and Sweeny Siblings 146
Figure 22 - Sarah Jane and First Husband Robert L. Staffen 151
Figure 23 - Sarah Jane Block, Everett Staffen, and Alta Gray Block 152
Figure 24 - W. T. (Will) Block, Sr. 155
Figure 25 - Sarah Jane Block Holding Son W. T. 157
Figure 26 - W. T, Brother Otis, and Cousin Lila 161
Figure 27 - Sarah Jane and Will Block Driving 164
Figure 28 - Everett A. Staffen USAF 172
Figure 29 - Laurence Otis Block, USN 173
Figure 30 - Staff Sgt. W. T. Block, Jr. 173
Figure 31 - Original Block Home 206
Figure 32 - W. T. and Big Tooth 214
Allardyce, Capt. S. C. 31
Anthony, Rev. Wilton 97
Austin, Stephen F. 35, 37
Austin, Steven Fred 48
Avant, Ben 49
Bailey, Beetle 199
Baird, C. O. 11, 93, 95
Bass, Mrs. C. P. 168
Baxter, Carl 27
Behlke, Wilhelmina 80
Belknap, Major 52
Benglsen, Otto 168
Bengston, Otto 174
Benton, Don F. 49
Berenger, Jean 22
Bibb, D. A. 93, 211
Bibb, Dandridge A. 14
Bibb, Mildred 95
Bigelow, A. C. 93
Bland, Jasper Monroe 99
Block III, William T. 6
Block Sr., Will 15, 55, 106, 221
Block, Albert 8, 13, 62, 74, 75, 76, 81, 87, 119, 142
Block, Albert Bernhard 216
Block, Albert Joachim Bernhard 105
Block, Alta Gray 152
Block, Alton 160
Block, Anna 119
Block, Charlotte 81
Block, Clara 119
Block, Dora 117, 118
Block, Dora Dieuwertje Koelemay 117
Block, Dora Koelemay 109
Block, Earnest 62, 63, 140
Block, Emma 160
Block, F. 62, 76
Block, F. W. 76
Block, Frederick William 160
Block, Friedrich W. 76, 77
Block, Fuller 127
Block, G. F. 75, 81
Block, George 9, 106, 160
Block, George F. 33, 75, 81
Block, George Frederick 75
Block, George Lewis 113
Block, Jane 144, 145, 158, 166, 168
Block, Jane Sweeney 144
Block, Jr., W. T. 6, 173, 221
Block, Karl Charles 76
Block, Kate 147
Block, Katie 77
Block, L. Otis 121
Block, Laurence Otis 173
Block, Leopold 81
Block, Lillian 175
Block, Lorna 81
Block, Louisa 81
Block, Margarethe 81
Block, Martin 63, 120
Block, Mary Flora 77
Block, Mrs. Albert 113
Block, Mrs. Jane Staffen 64
Block, Mrs. Will 147
Block, Nancy 81
Block, Sarah Jane 152, 198
Block, Sarah Jane Sweeney Staffen 144
Block, Sr., Will 63, 76, 91, 105, 106, 113, 118, 122, 125, 139, 144, 147,
205, 210
Block, Sr., William Theodore Joseph Block Will 105
Block, Uncle Abbie 112
Block, Uncle Joe 216, 224
Block, Uncle Martin 105, 120
Block, Ursula 81, 106, 109, 113
Block, W. T. 1, 5, 6, 15, 50, 51, 84, 99, 109, 118, 132, 173, 221
Block, Will 15, 26, 55, 57, 63, 76, 80, 90, 91, 93, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
110, 113, 115, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 138,
139, 144, 147, 155, 156, 158, 162, 164, 166, 167, 168, 170, 192, 205, 210,
Borromeo, St. Charles 193
Bourg, Eunice 193
Bourg, Miss Eunice 192, 194
Brewer, Caroline 26
Brewer, Caroline Hillebrand 64
Brewer, Caroline Hillebrandt 59
Brewer, Elisha 64
Brewer, Elisha O. 59
Briggs, Jacob L. 40
Bromley, Capt. Carl 48
Bromley, Capt. Dan 48
Brookner, Isaac 169
Bryan, William 39
Bryant, Joe 96
Buckley, C. S. 186
Buford, Susan 53
Bumstead, Dora 47, 48
Bunn, Pearl 31
Burch, Ann M. 48
Burch, Charles 51
Burch, Charles Edward 49
Burch, Eleanor 48
Burch, Jr., Sherwood 49
Burch, Julia Marie 48
Burch, R. 51
Burch, Sherwood 49, 51
Burson, Alanson 14
Burton, J. C. 27
Callen, Dr. W. P. 57
Carr, Mary Holtz 83
Carroll, George W. 34
Caswell, C. C. 64
Caswell, Capt. Jack 20
Caswell, Columbus C. 59
Caswell, Jack 17
Cayard, Allie 14
Chiasson, Dr. John 58
Chiasson, Dr. John Leon 58
Chiasson, Dr. Mary Pauline 58
Christian, George 75
Clark, Capt. Ben 30
Clement, Rev. 96, 97
Clement, Rev. J. C. 96
Cline, Emeline Kline 81
Cline, John 62
Combs, Joe 162
Conner, H. N. 44, 50
Cook, William 166
Countians, Jefferson 186
Crain, Sally 147
Crain, Willie 149
Crenshaw, Rosa 116
Croom, Guy 190
Crump, Lillian 119
Crump, Wilma 125
Crusoe, Robinson 199, 200
Cummings, C. R. 70
Daniel, E. H. 14
Darwin, Pearl 58
Dearing, Iva 147
Deblanc, Martin 87
DeBlance, Hannah Staffen 85
DeJong, Antje Anna 117
DeJong, Jan 117
Delaney, Luther C. 14
Dengler, Dr. F. S. 67
Dengler, Dr. Felton S. 68
Dengler, Dr. Felton Samuel 68
Dengler, Frederick 69
Dengler, Jr., F. Sam 69
Dengler, Warren 69
Dews, Jerry 118, 128
Drawhorn, W. D. 95
Dyer, Joseph O. 22
Earnest, Uncle 106, 217
Edward, T. W. 171
Edwards, Ted 99
Elizabeth, St. 93, 182, 193
Ender, Charlotte 83
Esclavon, Celestine 217
Falvey, Mary 46
Feldman, Jim 12
Finn, Huck 88
Fletcher, Alta Block 198
Fletcher, Alta Grey 121
Fletcher, Alta Grey Block 144
Fletcher, William A. 33
Floyd, Mrs. Billy 147
Ford, Henry 219
Fortney, Rev. W. H. 95
Gallatin, Albert 44, 45
Gallier, Rufus 153
Garner, Sr., Bradley 48
Garner, Tom 127
Garrett, W. H. 132
Gentry, C. T. 95
Gentz, Charles 81, 83
Gentz, Charlotte 75, 81
Gentz, Christian 75, 80, 141
Gentz, Fred 55
Gentz, Frederike 81
Gentz, Ida 78
Gentz, Matilda 78
Goolsbee, Katie 116, 125
Goolsbee, Nealand 175
Goolsbee, Roscille 123
Goolsbee, Z. 93
Gore, A. L. 157
Graham, J. H. 216
Graham, J. L. 46
Graham, James L. 44, 45
Granger, E. E. 48
Gray, W. F. 7
Gray, William Fairfax 25
Grigsby, Joseph 7, 10, 16, 23, 26, 37, 39, 42, 54, 74, 79, 84
Groce, Jared 38
Haizlip, Dr. J. H. 15
Haizlip, William O. 15
Happe, Mary Plata 78
Hardy, Fr. Fred 92, 182, 193
Hardy, Fred 176, 179
Hassler, Mrs. Warner 159
Hausinger, Mary 78
Hawkins, C. C. 160, 208
Hayman, Miriam 69
Heisler, Henry 77, 147
Heisler, Sr., Henry 77
Hemmingway, Charles A. 13, 61
Higgins, Pattillo 34
Hillebrand, Lastie 10, 12, 62, 82
Hillebrand, Mary Ann Moseley 62
Hillebrand, Mary Moseley 82
Hillebrandt, Cassandra 11
Hillebrandt, Christian 59
Hillebrandt, Lastie 10, 12
Hillebrandt, Levi 10, 26
Hillebrandt, Mary Ann 10
Holmes, Ralph C. 66
Holst, Herman 77
Holtz, Oscar 83
Hooks, George W. 47
Hooks, George Washington 49
Hooks, Georgia 49
Hooks, Lou Seale 49
Hooks, Thelma Lorrain 49
Hooks, Thomas Wiess 49
Hooks, William Napoleon 49
Hoover, Herbert 178
Hopkins, John 68
Horn, A. Van 153
Hornsby, Capt. 119
Houston, Sam 30, 35, 38, 40
Howell, Bronson C. 14
Howell, Maude 32
Hughes, Louella 48
Janecka, Aline 49
Johnson, C. X. 15
Johnson, Charles X. 15
Johnson, Elizabeth 8, 10
Johnson, John T. 7, 9, 10, 11, 26, 27, 54
Johnson, Knute 106
June, William Simon Wiess 47
Kappas, Mary 81
Kawatz, B. 83
Keith, George 26, 216
Keith, Margaret 57, 61
Keith, Sr., Oliver 61
Keith, Tilda 147
Kellersberg, Julius 28
Kelly, J. C. 158
Kennedy, W. 84
Kennedy, William 17, 23
Khan, Genghis 103
Kilsdonk, Gerardus 14
King, Capt. Lewis 81
King, Clarence S. 14
King, Dr. Chaille 58
Kline, Bertha 55
Kline, Emeline 81
Kniffen, Fred 21
Knight, Anna 116
Knight, Bert 143, 175
Knight, Sr., Bert Jarvis 119
Knodell, Emile 81
Koelemay, Dieuwertje 76
Koelemay, Dora 107, 108, 109
Koelemay, Klaas 15, 108, 109, 114
Koelemay, Pieter 117
Koelemay, Sr., Maarten 117
Koorman, Klaasje 117
Kucher, Hannah Staffen 77
Kucher, Johan 64, 75, 76, 77, 78
Kucher, John 79
Kuhlmel, Charles 82, 83
Kutcher, Ellen 77
Kutcher, Laura 77
Lafitte, Jean 20, 228
Lambert, Dr. 97
Lambert, Dr. Roy A. 97
Landers, J. P. 50
Lang, B. B. 48
Levy, J. 93
Levy, Mr. 128
Levy, Mr. Julius 128
Lewis, George 27, 113
Logan, Jennie 149
Luckett, Eli 171
Lutewilder, J. E. 95
Maas, Charlotte Gentz 81
Macha, Frank 128
Mahfouz, Rev. David 97
Martin, Uncle 105, 106, 120, 147, 207, 210, 217
McConica, Mary 132
McCormack, Emelia 14
McDaniel, James 75
McDonald, H. L. 86
McGaffey, Flavilla 48
McGaffey, J. W. 48
McGaffey, Sarah 48
McKinney, F. 38
McKinney, T. F. 16, 35, 40, 74, 75
McKinney, Thomas 40
McKinney, Thomas F. 19, 35, 37
McKinnon, Dr. John 48
Meeker, Will 93
Meinke, Wilhelmina 76
Menard, M. B. 37
Merriman, M. E. 93
Merriman, Marion 62
Merriman, Mrs. Will 147
Merriman, Otho 160, 208
Merriman, Walter 87
Merriman, Will 105, 147, 160, 208
Millard, Paul 108
Moffett, Johnnie Ella 49
Mora, Jose Maria 74
Morfi, Rev. Fr. Augustin 21
Mormon, J. O. 97
Morris, Robert 35
Moseley, Mary Ann 10, 12, 62
Moseley, Sarah 8, 9, 10, 11, 26, 54, 62
Moseley, W. N. 26
Moseley, W. S. 7, 8, 10, 54, 62
Mosley, W. S. 79
Mulkey, S. M. 96
Nall, Agnes 211
Nall, Angie 211
Nelson, Fred 155, 208
Nelson, Margaret 49
Nevis, Ben 72
Northrup, J. H. 48
Oglesbee, Frank 96
Padilla, Juan A. 24
Parsons, Mrs. Pearl M. 14
Parsons, Mrs. W. E. 93
Patrick, F. H. 49
Pattillo, George 9
Pattillo, George A. 54
Patton, Capt. Moses L. 52
Patton, M. L. 53
Patton, Moses 52, 53
Patton, R. S. 53
Patton, Robert S. 52
Pauline, Mary 58
Peveto, Flavia 147
Phillips, Charlie 119, 156, 158, 201
Phillips, Clara 116
Phillips, Mary Lou 49
Pipkin, John 56
Plack, Ed 12
Plata, Charles 77
Potter, James 45
Prejean, Mrs. Stella Meeker 218
Prescott, John 22
Rabb, Capt. W. P. 17
Rabb, Captain 20
Rabb, W. P. 17, 20
Rachford, Angie 9, 211
Rachford, H. 62
Rachford, James 9
Rachford, Jim 11, 106
Rachford, R. E. 9, 13
Rachford, Robert 211
Reese, George F. 27
Reese, James 27
Remley, Helen 8, 10, 11, 54, 62
Remley, Helen Mrs. Sam 62
Remley, Katie 54, 56, 105
Remley, Sam 7, 9, 11, 54, 211
Remley, Samuel 10, 13, 26, 62
Revia, Anna Schneider 81
Rexas, Charlotte 62, 80
Rexas, George Friedrich 80
Rexas, Jr., George 80
Rexas, Mary 80
Richey, Raymond T. 159
Riddle, Dr. Gaylon 97
Rienstra, George 109, 170
Roach, F. A. 15
Robertson, W. L. 95
Rogers, Capt. W. E. 46, 51
Rogers, Capt. William 216
Roosevelt, F. D. 178
Rosenbaum, H. F. C. 82
Ruff, Charles 82
Ruff, Otto 82
Ruff, Robert 76, 83
Rusk, T. J. 52, 53
Scanner, Rev. F. E. 96
Schleikel, Margarethe 81
Schmidt, Ursula Matilda Smith 105
Schneider, Agnes 80
Schram, Agnes 80
Schram, Heinrich 82
Schram, Mary 80, 147
Schupp, Franz 83
Sealy, John 165
Seamens, Uncle Tom 46
Sederholm, C. E. 56
Silvernail, L. B. 14
Simms, Mary 48
Simms, Mary M. 47
Singleton, Nell 116, 147
Smith, Bertha Staffen Mrs. Barton 167
Smith, Caroline Matilda Beadle 113
Smith, Charles A. 87
Smith, John 149
Smith, Lorne Jane 113
Smith, Lou Ellen 144
Smith, Louisa 113
Smith, Mamie 157
Smith, Oscar 103
Smith, Preston 150
Smith, Uncle Gus 124, 174
Smith, Vertis 156
Smyth, Jr., G. W. 75
Smyth, Sr., G. W. 75
Solomon, Haym 35
Sorelle, Cynthia Ann 43, 49
Spencer, Don 89, 127, 128, 130
Springmann, Friedrich 83
Spurlock, Henry 15
Spurlock, Uncle Henry 113
Staffen, Emma 78
Staffen, Everett 152, 170
Staffen, Everett Albert 152
Staffen, Flora 154
Staffen, Flora Block 77, 118, 152, 153, 167
Staffen, Hannah 77, 78, 85
Staffen, Henrietta 60, 76
Staffen, Jane 79, 121, 156
Staffen, Jane Sweeney 121
Staffen, Johan 76
Staffen, Johan Michel 152
Staffen, Johan Mikiel 76
Staffen, John 154, 167, 173
Staffen, Lola 166
Staffen, Michael 60
Staffen, Robert 152, 154, 159, 167
Staffen, Robert L. 79, 151
Staffen, Sarah Jane 118
Staffen, Uncle John 170
Stephenson, A. 219
Stephenson, Gilbert 25
Sterling, Roy 133, 135, 137, 142, 156, 158, 166, 205, 213, 217, 218
Stewart, B. 78
Stewart, Mrs. Alvina Gentz 81
Stewart, O. 95
Stratton, Florence 17
Sweeney, Austin 130, 146
Sweeney, Ellen 149
Sweeney, James Hill 144, 147
Sweeney, Jane 121, 144, 145, 147, 152
Sweeney, Jennie 149
Sweeney, Lizzie 164
Sweeney, Lou Ellen 145
Sweeney, Miller 148
Sweeney, Rosabelle 48
Sweeney, Sarah Jane 79, 144
Sweeney, Uncle Austin 129
Sweeney, Uncle Bump 150
Sweeney, Virginia 147
Taylor, Homer 87
Tevis, Dean 104
Tevis, Nancy 35
Theobald, Charles 80, 81, 83
Theobald, Mary 80
Theriot, Isaac 169
Theriot, Mr. Isaac 175
Thomas, George 58, 93
Timmerman, William M. 55
Trahan, Saul 163
Trasher, W. R. 13
Trussell, Margaret Mrs. J. E. 95
Tullos, Mary Lou 116
Turner, Dr. S. B. 49
Turner, Maria 60, 74
Turner, Mrs. Janearle 99
Turner, Mrs. Janearle Bland 99
Vaughn, Luther 164
Vertrees, J. H. 49
Wahl, Alexander 76, 77
Wahl, Luisa Wiltz 83
Waldrop, Lemuel 47
Walker, John W. K. 49
Walmer, Maurice 96
Wardell, Mary 54, 62
Wardell, Mrs. Mary 8
Ware, John R. 15
Ware, Rev. Mr. 95
Waterman, Dieuwertje 117
Watkins, Jabez 104
Webb, Rev. Lonnie 96
Weeks, Joseph H. 15
Welch, Asa C. 48
Welch, Dr. John Gober 57
Welch, Kathleen 48
Welch, Rebecca Ramsey 57
Wells, Artie 104
Wendling, Ellen Kutcher 77
Wendling, Frederike 77
Wendling, Heinrich 64, 76, 77, 79
Wendling, Rudolph 77
Wendt, Frederike 64, 79
Wendt, Heinrich 77
Whelply, Kenneth 15
White, Carl 128
Wiess, Amy Lea 47, 48
Wiess, Bessie Belle 49
Wiess, Capt. Edward Sorelle 47, 48
Wiess, Capt. N. 46
Wiess, Capt. Napoleon 45, 46
Wiess, Cynthia 48
Wiess, Cynthia Ann 47
Wiess, Dora Bumstead 47
Wiess, Floyd 48
Wiess, Harold 49
Wiess, Jennie Vivian 48
Wiess, Jessie 48
Wiess, Jr., Napoleon B. 47
Wiess, Margaret 48
Wiess, Margaret Isabell Maggie 49
Wiess, Margaret Sturrock 42
Wiess, Mark 43, 45
Wiess, Martha Mattie 48
Wiess, Mattie Lee 49
Wiess, Napoleon 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49
Wiess, Napoleon Bonaparte 42, 50
Wiess, Richard 48
Wiess, Simon 42, 43, 44, 49
Wiess, Thomas Edward 48
Wiess, W. S. 47
Wiess, Walter Wingate 47, 49
Wiess, William 43, 44, 50
Wiess, William Napoleon Bud 48
Wiess, William S. 47, 48
Wiess, William Simon 47, 48
Wilhelm, Friedrich 83
Williams, C. C. 129
Williams, D. J. 33
Williams, Sam 39, 40
Williams, Samuel M. 38
Williams, Samuel May 37
Wiltz, Christina 64, 77, 79
Wiltz, Johan 76
Wiltz, Luisa 77, 83
Wiltz, Mary 77
Wiltz, Wilhelmina 78
Winberg, Billie 125
Winberg, Travis 139, 175
Winberg, Willie Mae 116
Woodyard, Rusty 127, 129, 130
Wright, Capt. Isaac 52
Yentzen, George 192
Young, W. W. 95
Youngblood, Rev. D. A. 96
Youngblood, Rev. W. W. 95
